How to cure the middle ear. Key symptoms of the disease. Therapy for inflammation of the outer ear

Otitis is an inflammation of one of the parts of the ear, affecting hearing and many vital processes. According to statistics, the disease occurs much less frequently in adults than in children.

But if signs of the disease are detected in any age group It is necessary to urgently begin therapy to avoid dangerous consequences and a significant reduction in the patient’s quality of life.

Classification of otitis media

According to the nature of the disease, the following forms are distinguished:

  • Spicy. The disease occurs suddenly and has severe symptoms.
  • Chronic. The inflammatory process continues long time, has periods of exacerbation.

Based on localization, there are three forms:

  • . Damage to the external auditory canals. The causative agents of this form of otitis are Pseudomonas aeruginosa and staphylococcus. For and Aspergillus external auditory canal – beautiful place for breeding - it is dark and humid there after swimming.
  • . The Eustachian tube and tympanic cavity are affected. The causative agents of otitis media and internal otitis are usually pathogenic bacteria(Haemophilus influenzae, pneumococci, moraxella) and viruses.
  • . Most dangerous form. The inflammatory process develops in the labyrinth located in the temporal bone. It contains special receptor cells that transmit sounds to the corresponding part of the brain

According to the ways in which otitis manifests itself there are: following forms:

  • . There is an accumulation of pus behind the eardrum.
  • . There is swelling and redness of the tissues, there is no liquid or purulent discharge.
  • . Fluid (blood or lymph) accumulates in the middle ear, which is an excellent breeding ground for microorganisms.

Photo different types otitis


Otolaryngologists identify the following factors that can lead to the development of otitis media:

  • Ingress of contaminated water. If there are microtraumas and cracks in the outer ear, inflammation may develop upon contact with infectious agents in water.
  • Complicated sinusitis, ARVI. IN in this case the pathogen enters the middle ear through the rhinotubal route, that is, through the eustachian tube, which connects the ear and nasal cavity. If inflammation of the middle ear is not stopped in time, then the infection penetrates into the inner ear.
  • , diabetes, infectious diseases, hypothermia due to decreased reactivity immune system may increase the risk of developing otitis media.
  • Improper nose cleansing (blowing nose through both nostrils at the same time), coughing and sneezing lead to increased pressure in the nasopharynx. This in turn can cause infected mucus to enter the middle ear.
  • Mechanical removal from the outer ear, which protects the hearing organ from infection and damage.
  • Foreign bodies entering the ear.
  • Immunodeficiency state, including HIV infection.

The picture shows the area of ​​inflammation of otitis media

Symptoms in adults

Clinical manifestations of the disease are associated with the localization of the inflammatory process. You can suspect the presence of otitis media in adulthood based on classic symptoms:

  • Shooting pain.
  • Feeling stuffed up.
  • Discomfort.
  • Temperature increase.
  • Slight hearing loss may occur.
  • Sleep disturbance.
  • With the development of otitis media, perforation is possible eardrum, the appearance of purulent discharge mixed with blood.

Has the following characteristics:

  • Hearing loss.
  • Periodic purulent discharge from the ear.
  • Dizziness or.
  • Pain appears only during periods of exacerbation of the disease.
  • Possible increase in temperature.

Signs of inflammation inner ear:

  • Frequent dizziness.
  • Nausea and vomiting are possible.
  • Hearing impairment.
  • Noise in ears.

How to treat

The basis is ear drops. If the patient does not have immunodeficiency conditions (HIV infection, diabetes), taking antibacterial drugs is not necessary. The course of therapy usually does not exceed 5-7 days.

The doctor may prescribe the use of drops with one active ingredient, an antibiotic, or combination drug(antibacterial and anti-inflammatory components).

Often used to treat inflammation:

  • Antibiotics (ciprofloxacin hydrochloride, norfloxacin, rifamycin).
  • Corticosteroids and antibiotics (sofradex, candibiotic).
  • Antiseptics - miramistin with a spray, which also has an antifungal effect.
  • Antifungal ointments (clotrimazole, natamycin), if the causative agent of otitis media is a fungus. Mupirocin ointment is also widely prescribed, which normalizes the microflora in the outer ear.

During the treatment of inflammation of the middle and inner ear, antibacterial drugs are the main ones. The drugs are prescribed 2-3 days after the first signs of otitis media appear.

Therapy should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. Do not forget that every year about 28 thousand patients die in the world due to improper treatment of otitis media.

Basic antibiotics for therapy:

  • Amoxicillin (Flemoxin, Ospamox, Amosin).
  • Cefuroxime (Cefurus, Zinnat).
  • Amoxicillin with clavulanic acid (Flemoklav, Augmentin).

Antibacterial drugs should be taken for at least 7 days.

Ear drops are also widely used to treat otitis media. In the absence of perforation, painkillers are used: Otinum, Otipax. The use of antibiotic drops at this stage is not advisable, because the inflammatory process occurs behind the eardrum.

When perforation occurs, the patient stops feeling pain. In this case, using drops with an anesthetic effect is contraindicated - you can damage the receptors located in the cochlea.

In this case, antibiotics are used. However, ototoxic drugs (gentamicin, framycetin, neomycin) that can lead to hearing loss, drugs with phenazone, and alcohol are contraindicated. At this stage, the following drops are widely prescribed: “Normax”, “Tsipropharm”, “Miramistin”.

In some cases, slight surgical intervention. This operation is called paracentesis of the eardrum. It is carried out if there is no improvement while taking antibiotics.

During manipulation use local anesthesia. A puncture is made in the eardrum using a special needle, through which the pus is removed. The incision heals on its own after the discharge of pus stops.

Therapy for inflammation of the inner ear is carried out only in a hospital under the constant supervision of an otolaryngologist.

It includes the use of antibiotics, agents to improve microcirculation inside the labyrinth, as well as neuroprotective drugs to protect nerve cells from damage.

Physiotherapy Often enough drug therapy

  • combined with physiotherapy: UHF. Treatment consists of exposing the body to high-frequency electromagnetic field
  • with a certain frequency. It should be prescribed with caution because it can lead to the formation of fluid in the middle ear.
  • Electrophoresis. The method allows drugs to be administered through the skin using an electrical current.

Ultraviolet radiation. The procedure allows you to effectively relieve inflammation. The eardrum and external auditory canal are irradiated. The duration should not exceed 10-15 minutes.

Folk remedies If you are a follower traditional medicine

  • , then the following recipes are widely used for the treatment of otitis: Dry heat. For acute inflammation, just cover your ear with a dry towel and apply a bottle of hot water
  • or salt heated in a frying pan, wrapped in a bag. onion juice. Cut off the top of the onion and sprinkle 1 tablespoon of cumin inside. Cover the onion “pot” with a cut “lid” and bake in the oven for 30 minutes. After this, squeeze out the juice and drip 3-4 drops overnight.
  • Using birch bud tincture. The product has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Birch buds and vodka are mixed in a ratio of 1:10 and left for 2 weeks. The resulting tincture needs to be heated, dripped onto cotton wool and placed in the ear in the form of a turunda. It is necessary to repeat the procedure 14 times.
  • Application of 10% calendula tincture. Pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture into 200 ml of vodka and leave for 7 days. Strain the mixture and drop 3-4 drops into sore ear up to 8 times a day.

How to properly treat otitis media in adults, watch our video:


With absence effective therapy Ear inflammation can lead to serious consequences:

  • The infection spreads to lower jaw, salivary glands. Often in such cases, patients become disabled.
  • Disruption gastrointestinal tract. Ears and organs abdominal cavity connected by one nerve. As a result, with ear inflammation, bloating, vomiting, and constipation are possible.
  • Otoanthritis is the penetration of infection into the area behind the ear. Externally, the ears protrude, swelling occurs, and the temperature rises.
  • and other intracranial complications (

Inflammation of the middle ear (otitis) occurs acute form or chronic. The acute form of the disease usually occurs as a consequence of colds, flu, and frequent exacerbations of tonsillitis.

Chronic otitis is a manifestation of a complication of the acute form. In this case, partial or complete destruction eardrum. As a result, pathogenic microorganisms penetrate the tympanic cavity, the inner ear and cause purulent inflammation.

Today we will talk about the symptoms, causes of the disease and how to treat inflammation of the middle ear.

Causes of inflammation of the middle ear

This disease most often affects children, especially infants and early preschoolers. Infection can enter the tympanic cavity as a result of infectious diseases (measles, scarlet fever, influenza), as well as acute rhinitis, adenoids. These inflammatory processes significantly weaken the body's resistance, as they reduce its immunity, and, as a result, otitis media occurs.

Symptoms of inflammation of the middle ear

With inflammation of the middle ear, a sharp, throbbing pain appears, which gradually intensifies. There is a feeling of stuffiness, noise in the ear, hearing is significantly reduced, and body temperature rises. In small children it can reach 40 degrees. Subsequently, the eardrum may be perforated, releasing purulent contents. After this, the temperature gradually decreases and the symptoms of the disease disappear.

If the treatment of acute purulent otitis was not carried out correctly, or assistance was not provided in a timely manner, inflammation of the middle ear can cause complications or become chronic form. In this case, a partial or complete perforation of the eardrum occurs, during which the discharge of pus periodically resumes, and hearing decreases.

How to treat inflammation of the middle ear?

At the first symptoms of the disease, you should seek help from a doctor who will prescribe necessary treatment. Most often it involves using sulfa drugs, antibiotics in tablet form. For purulent manifestations, a weekly course of injections is prescribed, especially for young children under 2 years of age.

In addition, drugs are prescribed to narrow blood vessels ( vasoconstrictor drops into the nose). They maintain the patency of the auditory canal.

In acute cases of the disease, dry thermal procedures are used to activate blood and lymph circulation. In these cases, heating with a blue lamp is very effective, alcohol compresses, dry heat, turundas with ear drops, application disinfectant solutions, for example, 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.

Thermal physiotherapy procedures are prescribed as additional treatment measures: mud therapy, laser, UHF,. During illness, you must follow bed rest.

Inflammation of the middle ear can be treated traditionally, or using traditional medicine. I want to offer you some of the most effective ones. They can be used as additional funds treatment, to alleviate the patient’s condition and to speed up the healing process.

Folk remedies for the treatment of otitis

Grind the seeds in a mortar or coffee grinder to a powder. Fill a quarter of a small dark glass bottle with them, add rosehip oil up to the shoulders. Remove to dark place for 21 days, shake every evening. Then, strain, drop 2-3 drops into the sore ear every evening, preferably before bed.

At purulent discharge, assemble the package fresh leaves, rinse thoroughly, pour boiling water over it. Dry from any remaining water, grind through a meat grinder, or grind in a mixer. Transfer the mixture to cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice. Place 3 drops of it daily into the inflamed ear.

Leftover juice can be stored in the refrigerator, covered, for several days. Be sure to warm to room temperature before use.

Dissolve in half a glass warm water 2 g mummy. Then moisten a cotton swab and place it in the auricle. Repeat the procedure for 3-5 days, 2 times a day.

For inflammation or throbbing pain, heat a spoonful of liquid in a water bath to room temperature. Take 2-3 drops before bed.

Mix pharmacy tincture and liquid honey equally. Shake well, drop 3 drops daily at night for inflammation and pus discharge. If there is no honey, you can drip 2-3 drops of propolis tincture, but with honey healing effect more pronounced.

Pour into an empty bottle of penicillin or other similar antibiotic boric alcohol. Place a piece of mummy the size of a small pea there. Let it dissolve, then shake, drop 3-4 drops in the morning and evening at severe inflammation middle ear.

The following can tell you how to cure inflammation of the middle ear: old recipe:

For severe ear discharge or hearing impairment, take a medium-sized, fresh one. Cut a cube in it with a sharp knife, deepen it, and widen the hole. Pour 1 tsp into the cavity. seeds, close the hole with a cut cube. Bake the onion, then squeeze the juice out of the still hot onion using a gauze pad. Place warm juice in the ear canal and place a cotton pad on top. Drip 3 times a day until recovery.

Be healthy!


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Otitis is a term that refers to any infectious processes in our organ of hearing.

Otitis is common; approximately 10% of the total population suffers from otitis.

Every year, 700 million new cases of the disease are registered worldwide.

Moreover, the greater half falls on children under 5 years of age. But adults can also get it.

We will talk about the causes of the disease and the rules for its treatment below.

Otitis: symptoms and causes

The symptoms by which otitis media can be recognized are as follows: sensation severe pain in the ear, increased body temperature, after a few days a discharge similar to pus appears. After it begins to be released, the patient feels relief, and the pain gradually goes away.

Pus begins to be released from the gust, namely through the eardrum. This is a positive outcome of the disease; if the treatment was chosen correctly, the hole that appeared in the eardrum will begin to heal, and there will be no effect on the decrease in hearing acuity.

If the development of the disease is unfavorable, then the pus will not be able to find a way out; this is quite dangerous, since the infection can go further and get inside the skull. This type of otitis media can develop into meningitis, as well as into a brain abscess.

There are three forms of the disease:




Otitis externa Swimmers get sick quite often. Inflammation occurs as a result of mechanical trauma to the external ear canal and mechanical injuries of the ears. Protective cover becomes damaged, pathogenic microorganisms begin to enter the ear, which actively develop and multiply.

If treatment is not started on time, then otitis externa will transform into another form. This type of disease is accompanied by swelling in the ear area, severe aching pain and increased body temperature.

With otitis media, inflammation spreads to the air cavities of the middle ear, which are located immediately after the eardrum. This form almost always passes from catarrhal to purulent.

Acute otitis media occurs due to complications of diseases such as acute respiratory viral infections or acute respiratory infections. In the early stages of the disease, hearing levels may decrease. If you ignore the symptoms of this condition, you will experience shooting pain in the ear, which will spread to the throat and teeth. It is impossible to cure this condition on your own.

Launched form catarrhal otitis - This is acute purulent otitis media. There is a rupture of the eardrum followed by leakage of pus. Moreover, the pus cannot always come out on its own. If the patient has a strong eardrum, then an operation is performed to puncture it. This procedure is painless, since specialists will first give you an anesthetic injection.

Acute otitis media should always be treated completely, as the pus will begin to spread into the skull. As a result, internal otitis will develop, which will begin to affect the entire vestibular apparatus.

Any ENT disease is accompanied by the formation and increase in the amount of mucus. In the cells of the tympanic cavity, inflammatory fluid is secreted. In addition to blocking the lumen in the Eustachian tube, inflammation of the ear mucosa begins.

The main causes of otitis media are the following:

1. Complications of concomitant diseases, penetration of infections into the ear.

2. Diseases of the nose and nasopharynx. This may include a skewed nasal septum and adenoids.

3. Injuries in the ears.

4. The main factor in purulent otitis is hypothermia.

Otitis treatment at home: medications

Treatment of otitis should be comprehensive. First of all, it is important to provide the patient with rest and bed rest.

The drug Otinum, which can significantly reduce pain within a few minutes, has proven itself well. In addition to the anti-inflammatory effect, it has antimicrobial and antifungal effect, having a direct effect on the root cause of the disease.

If swelling occurs, it is necessary to apply vasoconstrictor drops, you need to bury them in the nose. These may be Sanorin, Nazivin, Naphthyzin. In some cases, swelling can be reduced only after taking antihistamines— Erius, tavegil, Telfast.

The development of purulent otitis is prevented by drops containing antibacterial components - Polydex, Normax.

Otitis: treatment at home involves following all the rules and instructions prescribed by the doctor.

The patient’s condition does not always improve after this; in this case, the specialist must administer systemic antibiotic therapy. But in no case should you take such drugs on your own, without a doctor’s prescription.

If after all medicines If you purchase them yourself, without a doctor’s recommendation, be sure to read the instructions before use.

Otitis treatment at home: folk remedies

Otitis: treatment at home involves the use not only medicines, but also folk remedies. If the disease is in the early stages of development and no complications have arisen yet, you can try to cope with it yourself. Below are best ways traditional medicine, each of them has been tested and used more than once:

1. Plantain leaves. You can apply plantain leaves to small, beginning pustules. Before this, they need to be thoroughly washed and crushed.

2. Bay leaf. The decoction of bay leaf good properties. Take a small bowl, put five leaves in it, then pour a glass of water, put it on the fire and bring to a boil. After the water boils, remove the pan from the heat and wrap it with something, for example, a towel. When the broth has cooled, strain it and drink two tablespoons, three times a day. You can also instill 10 drops into the sore ear.

3. Onions. Good remedy in the fight against otitis media is onion with cumin. To prepare it, take an onion and bake it in the oven, then cut it top part and make a small hole inside. After this, take a teaspoon of cumin seeds and pour it into the hole in the onion. Cover it again with the cut part and put it in the oven. Keep there for no more than 30 minutes. Squeeze the juice from the cooled onion and drop three drops into the sore ear. The course of treatment is 10 days.

4. Garlic oil. This is not the most well-known folk remedy for otitis: treatment at home, but despite this, it is effective. Garlic oil not only relieves pain, but also eliminates inflammation. It won't be difficult to prepare it. Boil 4 cloves of garlic in a small amount of oil (vegetable or olive), put in a dark place, let it brew for one week. The product can be made and stored in the refrigerator just in case. Before use, the oil should be warmed to room temperature and 5 drops should be instilled into the ear.

5. Herbal collection . Internal otitis is considered the most dangerous. If, for example, you have not completely treated otitis media, the infection will spread further, reach the brain, and affect hearing acuity. That is why to get rid of this disease you need to drink the following tincture. Take calendula flowers and a series of 4 parts. Yarrow and licorice in two parts. Eucalyptus leaves - three parts. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Pour boiling water into a glass and add 1 tablespoon of your mixture. Everything should infuse for 30 minutes. The tincture should be drunk throughout the day, in small portions.

6. Raspberry roots. This recipe is good for chronic otitis media with purulent discharge. Chop the raspberry roots and brew in one liter of water. The mixture should sit for 12 hours, then strain it. For one month, take it twice a day, half a glass.

In order to cure such serious illness, like otitis, you need to use only proven methods. After all, if it is not treated to the end, other, more serious problems may arise. serious complications.

Otitis media treatment at home: can it be heated?

Applying dry heat to the ear and warming compresses are popular methods often used for otitis media: home treatment. But is it really all that effective and safe?

Under the influence of heat, blood vessels dilate in the tissues of the organ. The healing process begins to proceed much faster.

But on the other hand, in warm conditions bacteria multiply much better. Thermal treatments They will only help if the inflammatory process has practically subsided.

In what cases is heat not contraindicated?

From what is written above, we can conclude that heat can only be used at the recovery stage. But under no circumstances prescribe such procedures to yourself. Because without an examination, you cannot determine what is happening in your ear.

Carefully monitor your body and if something happens, immediately go to the doctor.

Not everyone knows what otitis media is. This is a disease that affects the human ear. It consists of acute inflammation of the tissues that make up this important organ feelings. Thousands of people get sick with otitis media every year. different ages. And it is well known that otitis media cannot be called a harmless disease.

What is otitis media

To understand the principle of the occurrence of otitis, you need to remember what it is - the ear, what it is needed for and how it works. In fact, the ear is far from just the pinna, as some might think. The ear has a hidden inside complex system on transformation sound waves in a form that is easy to understand human brain. However, capturing sounds is not single function ears. They also perform vestibular function and serves as an organ that allows a person to maintain balance.

The three main sections of the ear are the middle, outer and inner. The outer ear is the pinna itself, as well as the auditory canal leading to the eardrum. Behind the eardrum is an air-filled tympanic cavity containing three auditory ossicles, the purpose of which is to transmit and amplify sound vibrations. This area makes up the middle ear. From the middle ear, vibrations enter a special area located in the temporal bone and called the labyrinth. It contains the organ of Corti - a cluster of nerve receptors that convert vibrations into nerve impulses. This area is called the inner ear. Also worth noting eustachian tube, the entrance of which is located behind palatine tonsils and which leads into the tympanic cavity. Its purpose is to ventilate the tympanic cavity, as well as to bring the pressure in the tympanic cavity into line with atmospheric pressure. The Eustachian tube is usually referred to as the middle ear.

It should be noted that otitis media can affect all three ear sections. Accordingly, if the disease affects the outer ear, then we talk about external otitis, if it is middle, then about otitis media, if the inner ear, then about internal. As a rule, we are talking only about one-sided lesions, however, with otitis media caused by infections of the upper respiratory tract, the disease can develop on both sides of the head.

Ear otitis is also divided into three types depending on the cause - viral, bacterial or traumatic. External otitis can also be fungal. The most common bacterial form of the disease occurs.

How does the ear work?

Otitis externa - symptoms, treatment

Otitis externa occurs as a result of infection of the surface of the skin of the ear with bacteria or fungi. According to statistics, approximately 10% of the world's population has suffered from external otitis at least once in their lives.

Factors contributing to otitis in adults are:

  • hypothermia of the auricle, for example, during walks in the cold;
  • mechanical damage to the auricle;
  • removal of wax from the ear canal;
  • entry of water, especially dirty water, into the ear canal.

Bacteria and fungi “love” the ear canal because it is damp, dark and quite humid. It provides an ideal place for their breeding. And, probably, everyone would have otitis externa, if not this protective feature body, such as the formation of earwax. Yes, earwax- this is not at all a useless substance that clogs the ear canal, as many people think. It performs important bactericidal functions, and therefore its removal from the ear canal can lead to otitis media. The only exception is when too much sulfur is released and it affects the perception of sounds.

Inflammation of the external auditory canal usually refers to a type skin diseases– dermatitis, candidiasis, furunculosis. Accordingly, the disease is caused by bacteria, streptococci and staphylococci, fungi of the genus Candida. In the case of furunculosis, inflammation occurs sebaceous glands. The main symptom of external otitis is, as a rule, pain, especially aggravated by pressure. Elevated temperature with external otitis it usually does not occur. Hearing loss rarely occurs with external otitis, except in cases where the process affects the eardrum or the ear canal is completely closed with pus. However, after recovery from otitis media, hearing is completely restored.

Diagnosis of external otitis in adults is quite simple. As a rule, it is enough visual inspection doctor. A more detailed method of diagnosing otitis involves the use of an otoscope, a device that allows you to see the far end of the ear canal and the eardrum. Treatment of otitis media consists of eliminating the cause of ear inflammation. When treating otitis externa in adults, antibiotics or antifungal drugs. The type of antibacterial therapy should be determined by the doctor. Typically, ear drops are used for otitis externa rather than tablets. When external tissues of the auricle not located in the area of ​​the auditory canal are affected, ointments are used. Frequent complication external otitis – the transition of the inflammatory process to the middle ear through the eardrum.

Otitis media

Otitis media is an inflammation of the middle part of the hearing organ. This kind of ear inflammation is one of the most common diseases on Earth. Hundreds of millions of people suffer from ear infections every year. According to various data, from 25% to 60% of people have suffered from otitis media at least once in their lives.


In most cases, the inflammatory process of the middle ear is not primary disease. As a rule, it is a complication of external otitis or infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract - tonsillitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, as well as acute viral diseases- flu, scarlet fever.

How does an infection from the respiratory tract get into the ear? The fact is that she has a direct path there - this is the Eustachian tube. With such respiratory symptoms Like a sneeze or cough, particles of mucus or phlegm can be thrown through the tube into the ear. In this case, both inflammation of the Eustachian tube itself (eustachitis) and inflammation of the middle ear can occur. When the Eustachian tube is blocked in the tympanic cavity, which is deprived of ventilation, stagnation processes can occur and fluid can accumulate, which leads to the proliferation of bacteria and the occurrence of disease.

Mastoiditis can also be the cause of otitis media, allergic reactions, causing swelling mucous membranes.

Otitis ear has several varieties. First of all, a distinction is made between chronic and acute otitis media. According to the degree of development, otitis of the middle ear is divided into exudative, purulent and catarrhal. Exudative otitis media is characterized by the accumulation of fluid in the tympanic cavity. At purulent otitis The appearance of pus and its accumulation is noted in the middle ear.

Otitis media, symptoms in adults

Symptoms in adults include primarily painful sensations in the ear. Pain with otitis media can be acute or shooting. Sometimes pain can be felt in the temple or crown area, it can pulsate, subside or intensify. With exudative otitis media, there may be a sensation of water splashing in the ear. Sometimes there is ear congestion, as well as a feeling of hearing own voice(autophony) or just a vague noise in the ear. Tissue swelling, hearing loss, fever, and headaches are often observed. However, an increase in temperature is often not a symptom of otitis media, but only a symptom of the infectious disease that caused it - acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections or influenza.

The most complex course is observed with purulent form otitis media. In this case, the main symptom of otitis media is the discharge of pus. The tympanic cavity is filled with pus, and the body temperature rises to +38-39ºС. Pus can thin the surface of the eardrum and form a hole in it through which it leaks out. However, this process is generally beneficial, since the pressure in the cavity drops, and as a result the pain becomes less acute. The process of draining pus takes about a week. From this moment, the temperature drops to subfebrile levels and wound healing begins. The total duration of the disease is 2-3 weeks with proper and timely treatment.

The chronic form of the disease is characterized by sluggish infectious process, in which there are seasonal surges, during which the disease becomes acute.


If you have suspicious symptoms, you should consult a doctor. Diagnosis is carried out by an otolaryngologist. The following diagnostic sign can be used for this. If an otolaryngologist’s patient puffs out his cheeks, then the immobility of the membrane indicates that air does not enter the tympanic cavity from the nasopharynx and, therefore, the Eustachian tube is blocked. The eardrum is examined using optical device– an otoscope also helps to identify some characteristic features, for example, protrusion of the eardrum and its redness. A blood test can also be used for diagnosis, CT scan, radiography.


How to treat the disease? Treatment of otitis media is quite complex compared to treatment of external otitis. However, in most cases it applies conservative treatment. First of all, in case of acute otitis media, it makes no sense to instill ear drops with antibacterial drugs, since they will not enter the site of inflammation. However, for inflammation of the middle ear, the focus of which is directly adjacent to the eardrum, anti-inflammatory and analgesic drops can be instilled into the ear. They can be absorbed by the eardrum, and the substance will enter the region of the middle part of the organ of hearing, into the tympanic cavity.

Antibiotics are the main method of treating otitis media in adults and children. Typically, medications are taken in tablet form. However, if the eardrum has ruptured, antibiotic ear drops can also be used. A course of antibiotics must be prescribed by a doctor. He also chooses the type of antibiotics, since many of them have an ototoxic effect. Their use can cause irreversible hearing loss.

The greatest effectiveness for otitis media of the middle ear was demonstrated by a course of treatment with antibiotics penicillin series, amoxicillins, as well as cephalosporins or macrolides. However, cephalosporin has an ototoxic effect, so it is not recommended to inject it directly into the ear through a catheter or instill it into the ear canal in case of damage to the eardrum. Can be used for therapy antiseptics, such as miramistin.

When treating otitis media, it is often necessary to use painkillers. To remove pain syndrome for diseases of the middle part of the hearing organ, drops with painkillers, for example, lidocaine, are used.

In case of membrane perforation, scar stimulants are used to speed up its healing. These include ordinary iodine solution and silver nitrate 40%.

Glucocorticoids (prednisolone, dexomethasone), as well as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, can be used as anti-inflammatory drugs and agents that can relieve swelling. In the presence of allergic processes or with exudative otitis, they are used antihistamines, for example, suparastin or tavegil.

Also, for exudative otitis media, medications are taken to thin the exudate, for example, carbocisteine. There are also complex preparations, having several types of action, for example, Otipax, Otinum, Otofa, Sofradex. In case of purulent discharge, you should regularly clean the ear canal of pus and rinse it with a weak stream of water.

Is it possible to warm your ear? It depends on the type of disease. In some cases, heat can speed up healing, while in others, on the contrary, it can aggravate the disease. In the purulent form of middle ear disease, heat is contraindicated, and in the catarrhal stage, heat promotes blood flow to the affected area and speeds up the patient’s recovery. Also, warmth is one of the effective ways reducing pain from otitis media. However, only a doctor can give permission to use heat; self-medication is unacceptable. If heat is contraindicated, it can be replaced with physiotherapeutic procedures (UHF, electrophoresis).

Often resort to surgical method treatment of the middle ear, especially in the case of a purulent variant of the disease and its rapid development, threatening severe complications. This operation is called paracentesis and is aimed at removing pus from the tympanic cavity. For mastoiditis, surgery can also be performed to drain the internal areas of the mastoid process.

Special catheters are also used to blow and clean the Eustachian tube. Medicines can also be administered through them.

Folk remedies for the treatment of middle ear inflammation in adults can only be used in relatively mild forms of the disease and with the permission of the attending physician. Here are some recipes suitable for treating otitis media.

Cotton wool is moistened with propolis infusion and inserted into the area of ​​the external auditory canal. This composition has wound healing and antimicrobial properties. The tampon must be changed several times a day. Plantain juice, instilled into the ear in the amount of 2-3 drops per day, has a similar effect. To get rid of infections of the nasopharynx and larynx, which provoke middle ear infections, you can use rinses based on chamomile, sage, and St. John's wort.


With proper therapy, otitis media can go away without leaving any long-term consequences. However, inflammation of the middle ear can cause several types of complications. First of all, the infection can spread to the inner ear and cause internal otitis media - labyrinthitis. It can also cause permanent or transient hearing loss or complete deafness in one ear.

Perforation of the eardrum also leads to hearing loss. Although, contrary to popular belief, the membrane can become overgrown, even after it is overgrown, hearing sensitivity will be permanently reduced.

Mastoiditis is accompanied acute pain in the parotid space. It is also dangerous due to its complications - the breakthrough of pus on the membranes of the brain with the appearance of meningitis or in the neck area.


Labyrinthitis is an inflammation of the inner ear. Labyrinthitis is the most dangerous of all types of otitis. For inflammation of the inner ear typical symptoms include hearing loss, vestibular disorders and pain. Treatment of internal otitis is carried out only with antibiotics, no folk remedies in this case will not help.

Labyrinthitis is dangerous due to hearing loss as a result of the death of the auditory nerve. Also when internal otitis complications such as brain abscess are possible, which can be fatal.

Otitis ear in children

Otitis media in adults is much less common than this disease in children. This is due, firstly, to more weak immunity child's body. Therefore, children are more likely to have infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract. In addition, the structural features of the auditory tube in children contribute to stagnant processes in it. It has a straight profile, and the expanded lumen at its entrance facilitates the entry of mucus and even pieces of food or vomit (in infants).

Thorough treatment of otitis media childhood very important. If carried out incorrect treatment, then the disease can become chronic and make itself felt already in adulthood with chronic outbreaks. In addition, if otitis media is not cured infancy, then this may threaten partial hearing loss, and this, in turn, leads to a delay mental development child.

Prevention of otitis media

Prevention includes preventing situations such as hypothermia of the body, primarily the ear area, and dirty water getting into the ear canal area. Needs timely treatment inflammatory diseases upper respiratory tract, such as sinusitis, sinusitis, and pharyngitis. It is recommended to use a cap while swimming, and after being in the water, you should completely clear the ear canal of water. During the cold and damp seasons, it is recommended to wear a hat when going outside.

An unpleasant pain in the ear makes it difficult to concentrate, a headache begins, all thoughts are about only one thing: to calm these terrible symptoms. After confirming the diagnosis of otitis, complex therapy is necessary. The specialist prescribes all medications depending on the type and severity of the pathology, individual characteristics patient. Before you use any traditional methods, you need to ask your doctor how to treat otitis media at home. Illiterate therapy in adults, as well as in children, can lead to severe consequences, including hearing loss.

Causes and main symptoms of the disease

Otitis is usually called a disease accompanied by inflammation of the ear. The condition can be triggered by the flu, runny nose, sore throat, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, exacerbation of sinusitis, heredity, and weak immunity. Injury to the auricle and water getting inside the ear can also lead to inflammation.

Signs of pathology vary depending on the type of otitis media. It can be internal, middle, external. Typically the disease manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • swelling;
  • hearing impairment;
  • ear pain of various types;
  • The thermometer readings are above 39 °C;
  • discharge from the ear canal;
  • chills;
  • congestion of the hearing organ;
  • headache.

Dizziness with otitis media of the inner ear is accompanied by loss of balance and nausea. Acute inflammation often becomes chronic, which is much more difficult to treat. Inflammation of the eustachian tube is otitis media without pain. Therefore, it is not always possible to identify the presence of the disease on your own. Lack of therapy can lead to the development of meningitis, sepsis, and persistent hearing loss.

Effective treatments

It is necessary to begin treatment for otitis of the ears by going to the doctor. An ENT doctor deals with such inflammations.


Often otitis media in adults is the result of an infection. Pathogenic microorganisms can enter the hearing organ through the blood, mucous membrane or Eustachian tube. Therefore, along with various physiotherapy procedures and analgesics, antibacterial drugs are often prescribed.

The type of antibiotic depends on the type of inflammation and the severity of the pathology. The products are available in tablets, local ointments, and drops. In advanced cases, several antimicrobial drugs are used, which are administered intravenously or intramuscularly.

The duration of the course of treatment, dosage and type of drug are prescribed according to individually, based on the degree and type of disease, the patient’s health status and his susceptibility to the components of the medication. It is too early to prescribe antibiotics at the first signs of inflammation. They are prescribed if other remedies cannot relieve the symptoms. However, the patient does not get better Ear ache, hearing decreases. Antibiotic therapy may be prescribed to prevent complications in patients with low immunity.

The doctor should take an analysis of the discharge from the ear due to otitis media. This is necessary to determine their sensitivity to antibiotic substances. If this is not possible, medication is prescribed wide range actions. These include Cefuroxime, Ceftriaxone, and Levomycetin. In acute cases of the disease, Rovamycin, Doxycycline, and Amoxiclav are prescribed.

Amoxicillin is considered one of the widely used drugs. The drug has antibacterial and antiseptic effects. It is often used at any stage of pathology if the patient is not allergic to the constituent substances. The medication is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Minin's lamp

To treat ENT diseases, you can use a Minin lamp. The device with a blue glow should be placed at a distance of 30–50 cm from the diseased organ. It is necessary to warm up the ear for 5–10 minutes. The course of therapy is 6 days.

When using a blue lamp, you need to remember the following safety precautions:

  1. More than 5 sessions cannot be performed per day.
  2. It is forbidden to look into the light of the lamp to avoid damaging the retina.
  3. You cannot use a Minin lamp at elevated temperatures.

Correct use of the device allows you to reduce painful sensations, relieve inflammation.

Alcohol and oil compresses

Warming compresses have proven themselves well. It is necessary to moisten a regular bandage with vodka or alcohol and apply it to the ear. A hole is left for the ear canal; it is not covered. You need to put polyethylene on top and cover it with cotton wool. Each new layer should be thicker than the previous one. Then the resulting structure is fixed with a scarf or bandage and worn for 3–4 hours. You can't leave it overnight.

You can use camphor, vegetable, lavender oil, which is preheated to 38 degrees. The heat lasts for 6–8 hours, after which you need to remove the bandage and wipe your face with a napkin.


Turunda is a spiral-shaped gauze soaked in medicine. You can make it yourself from a bandage. As medicinal solution honey, calendula tincture are suitable, boric acid, nut oil, Levomekol ointment, Triderm cream. Using pharmaceutical drugs It is important to pay attention to contraindications.

Insert the turunda deep into the ear, pushing cotton swab. It should be in contact with the inflamed area as closely as possible. This speeds up the penetration process useful substances in fabric.

The turunda is kept in the ear until completely dry, changed 3-4 times every 5-6 hours, and then once every 8-10 hours for 1-2 days. In order to correctly insert the turunda and not damage the eardrum, it is advised to consult an ENT specialist for advice.


Drops prescribed by a doctor should be used after preheating. To do this, you can simply hold the bottle of medicine under the stream. hot water. Typically, experts prescribe Otofa, Otipax, Sofradex. They must be used according to the attached instructions.

In some cases, the use of drops may lead to complete deafness or hearing loss, for example if the medication affects auditory nerve in case of perforating damage to the eardrum. Therefore, it is prohibited to prescribe drops for yourself. It is better to use turundas. They are much safer.

Traditional methods of treatment

Treatment with home remedies can be carried out using: complex therapy and after the doctor's permission. It is better to fight a disease such as otitis media together with a qualified specialist.


At the pharmacy you can buy propolis tincture, which relieves ear pain and relieves inflammation. It is necessary to warm up the product and drop 2-3 drops into the ear canal. Then it is covered with cotton wool and taken to a horizontal position on the opposite side. You need to lie like this for 15 minutes. When bilateral inflammation The procedure is performed alternately with each ear.

You can moisten a cotton swab with propolis and leave it in your ear overnight. It is useful to mix the substance with olive oil in a ratio of 1 to 3 and insert turundas soaked in this composition into the ears for a day.

Herbal infusions

You can eliminate otitis media in adults using fees medicinal herbs. It is necessary to prepare in equal proportions:

  • St. John's wort;
  • celandine;
  • calendula;
  • succession.

Then 1 tablespoon of the mixture is poured into 70 ml of boiling water and left for 8 hours in a dark place. 30 ml of 70% alcohol is added to the resulting tincture. This composition is instilled into the sore ear.

It is useful to use sweet clover herb and chamomile flowers for warming up. You need to mix the plants in equal portions and take 2 tablespoons of the mixture. They are poured with 1 glass of boiling water and left for half an hour. Then the fabric is filtered and moistened in the resulting composition. After squeezing a little, apply the material to the sore spot.

Using a bow

Onion drops will help you quickly get rid of ear inflammation. Vegetable juice is rich in vitamins and microelements. These substances have a beneficial effect on the condition of cells and tissues, relieve inflammation, and destroy bacteria and microbes.

You need to grate half a small head and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. Then you should mix it with the same amount of water and drop a few drops into your ear.

When fighting otitis media, it is important to follow a diet excluding fatty, hot, spicy foods, and alcohol. You need to control your fluid intake and clean your ears whenever necessary. It is important to remember about preventive measures, which include timely elimination of infectious diseases of the nasopharynx, emptying the ear canal of liquid after bathing, taking multivitamin preparations, and hardening procedures. In combination with these events, folk and pharmaceutical products will help you get rid of otitis media at home forever.

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