What medications can irritate the bladder? Symptoms and treatment of irritable bladder syndrome. Basic treatment methods

Irritable syndrome Bladder is a pathology that is accompanied frequent urges to urination. With this syndrome, a person is unable to hold urine and this leads to an awkward feeling, and in some situations even causes stress.

If a person develops a disease such as irritable bladder syndrome, then this situation leads to involuntary contraction of the muscle membrane and uncontrolled release of urine, which is very often incommensurate with the strength of the urge.

Despite the fact that the disease is diagnosed in patients and treated for long period Until now, scientists have not identified the cause that would provoke the development of the disease. There are many different opinions on this matter, and all of them are true to one degree or another.

Currently there are following reasons that lead to the syndrome:

  • chronic infections genitourinary system;
  • autoimmune disorders;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • structural features of the bladder;
  • diabetes;
  • spinal injuries;
  • reception medicines having a diuretic effect;
  • systematic consumption of caffeine-rich drinks;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • increased urothelial permeability;
  • decline barrier functions urothelial mucus;
  • psychosomatic disorders;
  • circulatory disorders in the bladder;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • lack of estrogen in the blood of a postmenopausal woman.

There are many reasons that lead to the occurrence of the syndrome

In addition to all the reasons listed above, circumstances such as systematic stressful situations, as well as people suffering from memory and attention disorders, can lead to the occurrence of irritable bladder syndrome.

Actually this pathology does not pose a serious danger, but if the disease is not treated, then quite serious complications such as insomnia, pain syndrome, which may appear varying degrees severity, as well as cystitis.

In men, this pathology can also be caused by an adenoma prostate gland, since during the period of the disease the urethra is compressed by the nodes, resulting in a frequent urge to urinate.

Based on statistics, bladder irritation is much more often diagnosed in women than in men. The development of pathology occurs especially often during menopause. This is explained primarily by hormonal changes in the female body.

As for the symptoms of the syndrome, they are almost identical in both representatives of the stronger and weaker sex.

The main symptoms indicating irritable bladder syndrome include:

  • intermittent urination;
  • sluggish stream during urination;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • uncontrolled release of urine during sneezing, coughing, laughing or simply sudden movement;
  • constant feeling incomplete emptying Bladder;
  • long wait for emptying;
  • appearance ;
  • inability to hold urine on the way to the toilet;
  • inability to stop urination once it starts;
  • urine discharge may begin involuntarily at the sound of dripping water;
  • When urinating, a small amount of urine is released.

Frequent urge to urinate is one of the symptoms of the disease

Based on the symptoms listed above, you can even distinguish irritable bladder syndrome from irritable bladder syndrome even without examination. After all, cystitis is accompanied by strong and cutting painful sensations during the process of urination.

When the first symptoms of irritable bladder syndrome appear, you should immediately seek help from medical institution, in order to undergo research and find out an accurate diagnosis, as well as to prescribe effective treatment.

It is quite difficult to make an accurate diagnosis for this pathology, so the patient will have to undergo a series of surveys and various types of research.

To make a diagnosis, the doctor must first have a confidential conversation with his patient. During the conversation, he needs to find out exactly under what circumstances and when the frequency of the urge to urinate increases. In addition, the patient must explain to the attending physician what quality of liquid is released during the process, as well as how much liquid the patient drinks in one day. Using these indicators, the doctor will be able to determine the correspondence of the liquid drunk and the urine excreted, taking into account sweating and breathing.

The first symptoms of irritable bladder syndrome indicate an immediate visit to a specialist in a medical facility

But this will not be enough to make an accurate diagnosis. To confirm it, the doctor must observe the patient for five days, and in some cases for about one week. In addition to observation and the calculations listed above, the patient is prescribed a number of examinations that will help eliminate the possibility of developing an infection, as well as congenital anomalies urinary system. As for women undergoing such an examination, among other things, they are additionally sent to see a gynecologist, and men undergo a rectal examination of the prostate.

Note! In some cases, to make an accurate diagnosis, the patient is prescribed ultrasonography or performing a computed tomography scan.

Only after all the examinations will the doctor be able to determine the diagnosis and prescribe accordingly effective treatment, which is selected individually in each case.

Irritable bladder syndrome is in every sense not only a serious disease, but also poorly diagnosed and without certain standards of treatment. In order for the treatment to be effective, the doctor must rely on the symptoms and constantly monitor the patient’s condition. In this case, the most the best option therapy is A complex approach. Basically, the treatment of this pathology includes the following methods:

  • drug therapy is mandatory;
  • neuromodulation;
  • a complex of gymnastics aimed at the pelvic floor muscles is selected;
  • electrical stimulation;
  • behavior correction.

First of all, you need to reconsider your lifestyle and diet. You should completely stop eating table salt, fatty foods, smoked meats and spices. In addition, it is necessary to exclude all bad habits, such as smoking and drinking alcohol. Important role The correct drinking regime plays a major role on the road to recovery. To do this, you need to drink at least about two liters of purified or boiled water per day.

The specific treatment of pathology includes drug therapy

Visiting the toilet should also be given close attention. It is best to go to the toilet every two hours, regardless of whether you have the urge and desire to do so or not. In order to control the process, patients are recommended to set an alarm clock, so they won’t miss the next visit.

A set of Kegel exercises has an excellent effect on the body. It helps maintain the tone of the pelvic floor muscles.

Only all procedures and the use of medications in strict accordance with the doctor’s recommendations will be rewarded, and the patient will be able to get rid of the pathology.

Among other things, depending on the results of the study and the diagnosis made to the patients, the attending physician recommends consultations with specialized specialists, such as a gynecologist, neurologist, endocrinologist, nephrologist and neuropsychiatrist.

For irritable bladder syndrome as complementary therapy permitted use folk remedies

As for medications, anticholinergic drugs are recommended for use. medicines, as well as antihistamines, antispasmodics and anti-inflammatory drugs. After examination by specialized specialists, additional antidepressants and sedative medications may be included in the treatment complex.

For irritable bladder syndrome, the use of folk remedies is allowed as additional therapy. But in no case should you start taking them without first consulting with your doctor, as some of them can provoke the development of allergic reaction or reduce the effect of medications taken.

Prevention methods

As we all have known for a long time, any disease is much easier to prevent than to get rid of it later. This rule also applies to irritable bowel syndrome. Of course, most the best prevention is the annual completion of certain examinations. Thus, it becomes possible to diagnose pathology on initial stage and get rid of it in a short period of time without any adverse effects on the body.

If a person experiences the first symptoms indicating such a pathology, it is immediately recommended to completely eliminate from the diet all products that contain caffeine, as well as alcoholic beverages and citrus fruits. They are the ones who provide the most negative impact on the condition of the bladder mucosa.

In addition, you should try to avoid stressful situations, depression and neuroses. All these situations not only have an adverse impact on psycho-emotional state person, but also contribute to the development various pathologies. During such periods, a person becomes irritable, his nervous excitability increases, and his sleep is disturbed. In this state, a person involuntarily provokes the development of irritable bowel syndrome. Therefore, if stressful situations arise, it is recommended to immediately seek help from a neurologist.

When the functioning of the bladder is disrupted, the desire to empty it becomes so irresistible that in some cases this leads to urinary incontinence. In this case, a diagnosis of overactive bladder is made.

Causes of organ hyperactivity

The detrusor contracts involuntarily. The reasons causing disease, there may be organic diseases or idiopathic pathology.

In the first case, they talk about a neurogenic bladder, in the second – about an idiopathically overactive bladder or make a diagnosis of irritable bladder syndrome.

This disease occurs 22 times more often in women than in men.

The syndrome develops against the background of a long-lasting negative emotional environment and worsens in stressful situations. Additional conditions for the occurrence of SRMP - disorder and pathology nervous system, which arise at the central and peripheral levels, and are combined with other forms of vegetative-vascular dystonia - VSD.

Signs of SRMP

It is considered normal that a person empties the bladder 8-10 times a day, while releasing up to 2 liters of urine. At various diseases a deviation from the norm is detected.

For example, if you have kidney disease, you may produce less urine; infectious diseases due to expansion drinking regime To relieve intoxication in the body, more of it is released. With an overactive bladder, the body requires emptying it more often, but a small amount of urine is released - its production does not increase.

Hyperactivity develops because the conduction of impulses in the muscles surrounding the bladder sphincter increases sharply. Any irritation of the receptors causes contraction of the detrusor.

Symptoms of irritable bladder syndrome include the following:

  • urinating more than 8 times a day with a small amount of urine;
  • the urge to urinate is strong and requires immediate emptying;
  • tested when urinating painful sensations, radiating into the perineum;
  • at night they wake up “out of need” more than once;
  • feeling of incomplete emptying.

These symptoms may be caused by factors various types: neurogenic and non-neurogenic.

Neurogenic factors:

  • diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system;
  • consequences of diseases that disrupt the activity of the spinal cord or brain - meningitis and encephalitis;
  • Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • diabetic or alcoholic neuropathy;
  • spinal cord and brain injuries;
  • surgical interventions;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • defects spinal cord innate nature and structural dysfunctions lumbar region spine.

Causes of a non-neurogenic nature are diseases of the urinary system and anomalies of its structure, the age of the patient, hormonal disorders, atrophy of the bladder mucosa. In some cases - if the cause of overactivity is not identified - a diagnosis is made: idiopathic overactive bladder.

Manifestations are becoming more frequent increased activity bladder in patients showing a tendency to depression, with diseases associated with attention disorders. Fibromyalgia and irritable bowel syndrome are also unfavorable factors for the development of the disease.

When the above symptoms appear, treatment for irritable bladder syndrome is necessary, since in addition to emotional discomfort and depression that develop due to this unpleasant feature, urinary tract infections often occur.

Diagnosis of the disease

The diagnosis of irritable bladder syndrome is quite difficult to make.

The patient is questioned in detail:

  • when and under what circumstances does the frequency of urination increase;
  • what is the quality of the liquid and how much is drunk per day;
  • whether the amount of urine excreted corresponds to what you drink - taking into account sweating and breathing.

To confirm the diagnosis, follow-up is required for 5 days or even a week. Mandatory full examination to exclude infections and structural anomalies of the urinary system. Women are additionally sent for examination to a gynecologist, and men undergo a rectal examination of the prostate.

Treatment of the disease

Methods for eliminating irritable bladder syndrome include medication and
surgically, while great importance is given to non-drug methods that help change moral condition and patients' attitudes.

For drug treatment, they are prescribed sedatives, M-anticholinergics, botuloxin and some other drugs that restore impulse conduction. The therapeutic effect is exerted not only on the organs of the genitourinary system, but also medications are used general action, affecting the impulse activity of the brain.

One of the methods therapeutic effects– injection of botulinum toxin into the wall of the bladder muscle.

The procedure is technically simple and is quite easily tolerated by patients. Full anesthesia is not always required - it is enough to local anesthesia. Rehabilitation period reduced to a minimum.

Endoscopic intervention is carried out through the urethra. Using a cytoscope, a needle is used to pierce the mucous membrane and the medicine is injected into muscle layer organ through a puncture of the mucous membrane. The procedure does not provide a permanent effect - the disease can recur 8-19 months after surgery. But the effect of the drug already normalizes the condition 2 days after the injection. Final stabilization is achieved after 2 weeks.

TO surgical treatment They try not to resort to it, but sometimes they can’t do without it. In this case, the following techniques are used: the bladder is replaced with a fragment of the excised intestine - colon or small intestine, or delete surgically part of the muscles, as a result of which the volume of the bladder increases and its sensitivity decreases. The nerves innervating the sphincter of the bladder can also be excised, although this method is rarely used.

Surgical treatment is used only in extreme cases– the risk of complications arising is too great. The slightest mistake– and the patient will have to be catheterized for the rest of his life.

Non-drug therapy

The non-medicinal method of treatment includes complex measures.

It includes:

  • behavior change;
  • complex physical therapy, which includes training the bladder muscles and strengthening the pelvic floor muscles;
  • physiotherapy – electrical stimulation of the pelvic muscles and exposure of the brain to currents and radiation of various frequencies.

How dangerous is irritable bladder syndrome? This syndrome is one of the most serious illnesses both in children and adults. This is a disease in which the bladder muscles contract spontaneously, that is, involuntarily. The causes of this pathology may lie in long-term psychological trauma, organic diseases (neurogenic bladder), sometimes the disease develops without visible pathology (idiopathic overactive bladder). Irritable bladder syndrome is often associated with vegetative-vascular dystonia and emotional distress.

Symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  • frequent urination (more than 8 times a day), with a very small amount of urine;
  • strong urge to urinate, which is almost impossible to resist;
  • pain when urinating;
  • pain in the perineum and abdomen;
  • frequent emptying of the bladder at night;
  • feeling of incomplete emptying;
  • Urinary incontinence occurs without first wanting to go to the toilet.

You should immediately consult a doctor if you experience sharp pain in the lower back, which is impossible to tolerate, at the same time numbness of the perineum and problems with urination appeared.


To begin treatment, you need to conduct a preliminary thorough diagnosis and rule out organic diseases eg prostatitis, prostate tumor, tumor or inflammatory diseases bladder and its accompanying system, neurological and somatic diseases, head and spinal cord injuries. A blood and urine test is taken, an ultrasound of the pelvic organs is performed, and observation is also carried out for 4 days in order to find out the frequency and amount of urination.

Treatment of the syndrome can be done with drugs, without drugs, and through surgery. Treatment with drugs occurs through the prescription of special medications (sedatives, M-anticholinergics, antispasmodics). The dosage of drugs is always prescribed individually, and treatment lasts up to 3 months. If drug treatment does not help, botulinum toxin injections are prescribed directly into the bladder. Besides drug treatment Doctors recommend contacting a psychologist, since pathology refers to psychosomatic diseases.

Surgery is usually used only as a last resort, in which a mesh is installed to support the bladder and nearby organs. Mostly this type of surgery is performed on women.

For treatment without drugs, a number of complex procedures are prescribed. The patient is limited in the amount of liquids he drinks and is advised to consume fiber large quantities. To control the functioning of the bladder, the patient visits the toilet on a schedule, and the presence or absence of urge does not matter. Sometimes irritable bladder syndrome is accompanied by constipation, so a diet is also prescribed. Kegel exercises are used to strengthen the pelvic muscles. These exercises help pregnant women prepare for childbirth, they are suitable for strengthening muscles after childbirth and preventing pelvic organ prolapse. You need to do exercises at least 5 times a day.

A set of useful exercises

  1. Slowly contract your muscles as if you want to stop urinating. Hold for 5 seconds, then relax. Repeat 10 times.
  2. Quickly squeeze and unclench your muscles for 10 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds. The exercise should be done in 3 approaches.
  3. Gradual muscle tension. First, tense your muscles a little and relax, then a little stronger and relax again. Do the exercise until maximum muscle tension. Then rest and do the exercise in reverse order.

A full set of exercises is prescribed by the attending physician based on the stage of the disease.

Experts advise stopping drinking soda and coffee, and stopping drinking liquids 2 hours before bedtime. In case of frequent and involuntary urination You can wear a diaper at night. To treat irritable bladder syndrome, you should consult a neurologist and urologist.

For irritable bladder syndrome, symptoms and treatment for this unpleasant illness, unfortunately, are relevant for many people - both adults and adults. Only some patients immediately turn to the doctor for medical care, and others long time They try to cure the disease on their own, often without success. This problem is very delicate, but it should be discussed with a doctor, since there are actually many more reasons for its occurrence than it seems. Without finding out the cause of the pathology and without taking effective measures, you can aggravate the condition and bring the disease to an advanced form.

The essence of the problem

This disease causes an overactive bladder. As you know, this is a hollow organ, the walls of which contain muscles that contract voluntarily in adults when visiting the toilet.

Under the influence of various factors, such contractions of muscle cells become uncontrolled, obsessive, a person almost constantly experiences the urge to urinate or even begins to urinate involuntarily ().

Cause of the syndrome What happens in the body What is the negative impact?
Age-related changes Shift hormonal levels, lack of certain biologically active substances Pathological age-related changes ligaments, muscles, circulatory system in the pelvic organs
Excessive stress due to heavy work, or active sports, or obesity The anatomical structure of the urinary system organs changes Disorders of blood circulation and innervation of the walls of the bladder, its shape and position
Surgical treatment of diseases of the pelvic organs Changes in the anatomy of the operated organ Violation normal functioning urinary system, its innervation
Inflammatory pathological processes V lower parts spinal cord, Parkinson's disease, encephalitis, spinal injury Deviations in nervous regulation pelvic organs Muscular hyperactivity due to impaired transmission of nerve impulses
Infectious diseases of the genitourinary area Development of infection Stormy inflammatory process caused by infectious agents
Endocrine disruptions Imbalance of hormones in the body Violation humoral regulation urinary processes
Benign and malignant tumors, prostate adenoma (in men) Violation normal position pelvic organs Compression of the walls of the bladder, loss of elasticity of its walls

In some cases this syndrome called congenital pathologies development and is not acquired.

Symptoms of the disease

People who suffer from this disease experience both symptoms directly related to the functioning of the urinary system and manifestations indicating concomitant pathologies:

  • , more than 10 times a day, and they occur suddenly and are very intense, accompanied by itching, pain in the urethra;
  • the urge may occur with an extraneous irritant, for example, the sound of pouring, dripping water or during laughter;
  • urinary incontinence, inability to hold the act of urination, the stream is sluggish and uneven;

  • the amount of urine during one act of urination is reduced, and after visiting the toilet there is no feeling of complete relief;
  • irritability, tendency to depression;
  • insomnia;
  • irritable bowel syndrome (digestive disorders, cramps, pain);
  • attention disorders.

If such signs are present, the patient has to change his usual lifestyle, he becomes dependent on the need to frequently visit the toilet, tries to leave the house less and visit crowded places less often.

Incontinence requires the use of diapers.

If a patient consults a doctor, he will refer him for tests that help reveal full picture diseases and indicate internal manifestations illness:

  • general blood and urine analysis - to identify the inflammatory process;
  • examination for the presence of sexually transmitted infections - their presence in the body can provoke bladder dysfunction due to inflammatory infectious process in the neighboring reproductive system;
  • cytological examinations for the presence of neoplasms in the body - make it possible to diagnose tumors;
  • cystometry - checking the hydrostatic pressure in the bladder to analyze its tone and contractility muscle cells;

  • uroflowmetry - examination of urination rate;
  • Ultrasound - helps to determine the amount of urine that remains after visiting the toilet, and the presence of tumors in the pelvic organs;
  • computed tomography – for research anatomical features urinary system.

If a malfunction of the body's regulatory systems is suspected, the attending doctor will refer the patient for a consultation with an endocrinologist and neurologist.

Very important information for a doctor - the ratio of the amount of fluid consumed and excreted. Measurements are carried out for 4 consecutive days.

It is possible that the patient will have to slightly reduce the consumption of drinks and liquid foods during treatment.

Principles of treatment

For irritable bladder syndrome, treatment depends on the etiology of the disease. This ailment may itself be a separate disease or only part of the manifestations of another pathology. In the first case, deviations arise due to imperfect nervous regulation of muscles, so special training is necessary. It consists in the fact that the patient tries to normalize the frequency of visits to the toilet for a long time, arbitrarily holding back urination. To do this, you need to keep a diary and record the time of each act of emptying there.

In addition, there are special exercises based on training the muscles associated with the urinary and reproductive systems. They last for several weeks. During exercise, the patient must periodically tense and relax his muscles - as if he wants to urinate or delay this process.

It is better to start these exercises after consulting a doctor, who will analyze whether there are any contraindications for performing them in a particular case.

If the doctor approves this method of treatment, then classes should be carried out regularly, up to 5 times a day, performing up to 30 repetitions during each session. Activities with others physical exercise, sports can also improve the patient’s condition.

Has a beneficial effect on the bladder special diet, which excludes alcohol, smoking, spices and salt in large quantities. At the same time, foods containing fiber are considered beneficial ( cereal crops, bakery products with bran).

Other therapeutic measures are also used:

  • electromagnetic stimulation;
  • drug therapy - in case of urge incontinence with muscle weakness: includes sedatives and antidepressants;
  • M-anticholinergics to reduce muscle stimulation;
  • Botox injections into the walls of the bladder - normalize its tone;
  • hormonal therapy using vasopressin analogues - to reduce the intensity of urine formation and its time shift to the night hours; older women may be prescribed estrogen-containing medications;
  • at infectious diseases antibacterial, antifungal or antiviral therapy(only after identifying the infectious agent);
  • psychological support – when the patient’s nervous balance worsens.

Surgical intervention

This syndrome can be cured with surgery, but this method is used only in the most extreme cases. There are several approaches to solving the problem. In the first, the affected organ is replaced with a fragment of intestine. The second method involves excision of muscles associated with the urinary system. In the third case surgical intervention affects the nerves that provide innervation.

Such radical changes in the body can lead to complications and unpleasant consequences. But in some cases there is no other choice, since this disease can significantly ruin the patient’s life and affect his psychological state.

Such a disease is not a death sentence; you can get rid of it, but only if qualified medical care is provided in a timely manner.

Therefore, when symptoms appear, you should put aside embarrassment and describe your condition in detail to your doctor. An accurate diagnosis, correctly prescribed treatment, careful adherence to instructions and self-control will help eliminate this trouble.

Irritable bladder syndrome occurs in humans of different ages and is accompanied by discomfort in the lower abdomen.

The disease leads to a deterioration in the quality of life, feeling unwell in the absence of treatment.

What is it - symptoms

Irritable bladder syndrome is psychosomatic disorder urination processes, accompanied by frequent urge to empty the bladder.

A person cannot hold urine, which is why awkward situations, stress. This becomes a huge problem, since a person is forced to adjust his life to this disease.

The syndrome usually occurs By psychological reasons . Having gotten rid of stress, the syndrome gradually disappears and the urination process is restored.

Symptoms of the syndrome vary depending on the gender and age of the person.

Among women

TO symptoms of the disease irritations of the bladder mucosa include:

  • Soreness and itching in the external genital area.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Frequent urination: 10-12 times a day.
  • Nighttime urination: more than twice a night.
  • Small amount released at a time.
  • Inability to hold urine.
  • Redness of the external genitalia.

In men

Symptoms of the disease for men are:

  • Pain and itching in the genital area.
  • Painful and frequent urination: up to 12-14 times a day and up to 3 times at night.
  • Feeling of insufficient emptying of the bladder.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Urinary incontinence.
  • Insomnia.
  • Redness in the genital area.
  • Weakness.
  • Paleness of the skin.
  • Decreased erection.

In children

Occurs this disease and y. He appears in the following way:

  • The child complains of pain in the abdomen and genital area.
  • Redness and itching of the genitals.
  • Frequent urination: up to 12 times a day.
  • When urinating, too little fluid comes out.
  • Urinary incontinence.
  • At night, the child goes to the toilet at least three times.
  • Paleness of the skin.
  • Weakness, decreased performance.
  • Laughter can cause involuntary leakage of urine.


The disease arises and develops and for other reasons:

  • Regular weight lifting.
  • Nervous system dysfunction: stress, depression.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Ovarian cyst.
  • Congenital defects of the urinary tract.
  • Trauma to the urinary tract.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Nephritis.
  • Urethritis.
  • Parkinson's disease.
  • Alzheimer's disease.
  • The effects of drugs and alcoholic drinks on the functioning of the nervous system.

Diagnosis of the disease

It is not possible to determine the disease on your own; you need the help of specialists.

In the hospital to determine the syndrome diagnostic methods are used:

  1. Analysis of urine.
  2. Blood analysis.
  3. pelvic organs.
  4. Rectal examination of the prostate.
  5. Sonography.
  6. Cystometry.
  7. Uroflowmetry.

After diagnosis, doctors determine the cause of the problem and prescribe optimal treatment.

How to treat bladder irritation?

First of all, patients are prescribed medications:

  • Detrol.
  • Novopassit.
  • Sedavit.

These funds reduce bladder activity, normalize the process of urination.

The dosage and duration of medication are determined by the doctor.

In the hospital, patients are prescribed course of botulinum toxin injections. Injections are administered into the walls of the bladder, due to which its muscles relax and the functioning of the urinary channels is normalized. The course of injections is prescribed by a specialist and usually lasts several months.

Physiotherapy is carried out in a hospital setting, in which electrical stimulation of the pelvic muscles. For this, special devices are used. The duration of the course depends on the stage of the disease and the characteristics of the patient’s body.

Vegetables and fruits must be present in the patient’s diet. You should refrain from sweet carbonated and alcoholic drinks.

Healthy food will help normalize functioning urethra.

Helps you recover too folk remedies.

Usually prepared infusion of St. John's wort and. Take 3 tablespoons of each plant and mix with a liter of boiling water. The solution is infused for two hours, after which it is filtered. It is consumed 1/3 glass 2-3 times a day in between meals.

It is also effective infusion of thyme and elecampane. You need to mix one tablespoon of thyme, two tablespoons of elecampane and a liter of boiling water. The solution is infused for three hours, after which it is filtered. Take two tablespoons three times a day between meals.

Plantain infusion will help normalize the functioning of the urethra. To do this, mix one tablespoon of the plant and 500 ml of boiling water. The solution must be infused for at least 30 minutes, then filtered. Drink the prepared infusion 1/3 cup twice a day after meals.

If the above methods do not lead to recovery, apply surgical method . With its help, part of the bladder muscles is removed, and its sensitivity is reduced. This leads to recovery and normalization of the urinary canals.

There is another surgical method in which part of an organ is replaced with a fragment of the large or small intestine.

The bladder also becomes larger, increased ability to retain urine. The person stops suffering from the disease and recovers.

Optimal surgical method selected by the doctor individually. Such methods are used very rarely. Usually the patient recovers after taking medications and medicinal infusions.

Irritable bladder syndrome is serious illness, which must be treated when the first appears. The sooner measures are taken, the faster you can recover.

Learn interesting facts about the bladder from this popular science video:

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