Nosebleeds in a 10 year old child. A doctor's consultation will be required if the patient is young. Two types of nosebleeds

Nose bleed does not carry anything good. Especially if it happened in a child. In this case, most parents begin to panic instead of helping the child. This happens due to ignorance of the nature of epistaxis, its causes and the algorithm of actions.

Why does a child's nose bleed?

Nosebleeds are divided into two types:

  • Front.
  • Rear.

They differ in that arterial blood with posterior bleeding, it moves along the wall of the nasopharynx and throat directly to the esophagus. Doctors encounter this type of bleeding very rarely, unlike the anterior one, which goes through the nose.

But, despite the presence of blood flowing in a small stream or dripping from the nose, the reasons for its appearance may be different:

Consequences of injuries.

Since the capillaries in the nasal cavity are very thin and located close to the mucous membrane, they are easily injured by any physical impact. At the same time, do not forget about bad habit children picking their nose. Since at the same time they also injure the walls of blood vessels and can provoke bleeding.

Chronic diseases.

Diseases such as chronic rhinitis, sinusitis and adenoids can provoke a local increase in pressure. In this case, it will be difficult for the walls of the vessels to contain the blood in the channel.
Pathological conditions mucous membrane.

Any deviations in the condition of the mucosa affect the walls of blood vessels, which can become depleted and brittle. Also, the presence of nosebleeds in a child can be influenced by a curved nasal septum, which is not the norm of development. In this case, the development of capillaries is hampered, and blood leaks.


The most common tumors leading to bleeding are: malignancy, angioma, granuloma.

Chemical substances.

The nasal mucosa is extremely sensitive to any external influences. At the same time, the child’s mucous membrane is even more sensitive to aggressive chemicals and can destroy thin blood vessels.


Lack of vitamins is a direct cause of fragile blood vessels in children. Vitamin C is responsible for the elasticity of the walls, but overuse of vitamins can have the opposite effect.
Violation of sanitary and hygienic standards of the premises.

Prolonged stay of children in a room with dry air dries out the wall and the capillaries located in it.


Most nasal sprays, despite their healing effect injure the vessel wall, leading to bleeding.

However, any cause of bleeding is accompanied by the same symptoms that accompany the onset of the process. These symptoms are: ear congestion, dizziness, weakness. Therefore, knowing that a child suffers from frequent nosebleeds, you can warn him about previous symptoms.

Nose bleeds in the morning

Epistaxis is not only chaotic in nature, but can also be strictly predictable. People, most of them children and adolescents, suffer from bleeding from the nasal cavity strictly in morning hours, in other words, after sleep.

There are a great many reasons for this phenomenon, from those already mentioned above to strictly specific ones. An example of such specific bleeding would be age-related changes. A young, growing organism can develop very quickly and some of its individual parts may not keep up with its growth. IN in this case such a part is its capillaries. The amount of blood driven through them increases, and the walls do not yet have time to gain the required strength. For the reason described above, they burst.

Tissue growths in the nasal mucosa and, as a result, compression of blood vessels can affect the appearance of bleeding. Not the least important factor is failure or change hormonal levels body. Appearance various changes hormonal problems in combination with nasal hemorrhages often serve as a direct symptom of hormonal changes.

However, this example is purely individual and the cause of morning epistaxis is any congenital or acquired disease of both the nose and its structure, and respiratory tract. Therefore, in the absence visible reasons For such bleeding, you need to seek help from a specialist. Only a doctor can determine the exact cause of nosebleeds in the morning.

How to stop bleeding? First aid

Having studied the reasons for the appearance of scarlet liquid from the nose and understanding that they are not fatal, any person will be able to competently provide first, emergency aid for burst vessels in the nasal wall not only to an adult, but also to a child.

Of course, most people get confused at the sight of blood, and it takes some practice to provide first aid without panic. In addition, bleeding may be different strengths, from mild to severe, in which a person loses blood in a matter of minutes. The task is complicated by the fact that you cannot apply a tourniquet to the vessels of the head or stop the bleeding by pressing the vessel. In this case, only tamponade or stitching helps.

But, since we are talking about nosebleeds, only the parietal capillaries can be injured here, the blood from which stops itself in a matter of minutes. Therefore, the measures taken to stop it are extremely simple. Take a sterile swab (tightly rolled cotton wool) and insert it into the bleeding nostril. In this case, it is necessary to plug the nostril completely along the entire length of the nasal passage. It is advisable to plug the second one so that blood does not flow through it.

Also no less important is the position of the head during this entire process. You need to keep it on outstretched neck in front of you, raising your head slightly. It is worth paying attention that you should never tilt your head back, as blood from the nose will flow down the larynx and into the digestive system, which may cause vomiting or illness. The child may also choke on blood while inhaling.

Nose bleeds in infants

Any mother will protect her infant like the apple of his eye, and will worry about his slightest illness. Likewise, she will not be able to sit quietly knowing that her child had a nosebleed, even if it was a one-time occurrence. Moreover, in most cases, panic is unnecessary, and nosebleeds are not a consequence of painful or pathological phenomena.

All of the above causes of bleeding apply to infants, but the most common of them is dry indoor air during the heating season. This happens because the baby’s blood vessels in the nasal cavity are still too fragile and cannot withstand external irritants. The first sign of this is dry mucous membranes. By noticing such a warning sign in time, you can prevent destruction weak blood vessels, humidifying the air in the room.

There are several ways to humidify the air:

The simplest one is to place 1-2 containers of water in the child’s room. More expensive is to buy a sprayer that will humidify the room at certain intervals.

However, there are cases when you should immediately consult a doctor after bleeding:
After an injury, a blow to the nose or head, blood began to flow.

It is possible that the vessels have burst not only on the nasal mucosa, so it is better to go to the hospital immediately.

Profuse nosebleeds.

Do not forget that children have much less blood, so you need to soberly assess blood loss and, in case of large hemorrhage, consult a specialist.

After taking medications there's blood coming out.

Some drugs in individually may cause nosebleeds. If this happens, you need to contact your doctor and change the course of treatment, as well as undergo a course of rehabilitation.

Against the background of epistaxis, the child’s gums bleed and bruises form.

This is the first sign complex problem body and hematopoietic organs in particular. It can develop both against the background of vitamin deficiency, and more dangerous diseases. Such calls should not be ignored; you should immediately contact a doctor.

Measures to prevent bleeding are similar as in previous situations with older children. However, do not forget that the baby may get scared when pressing the wings of the nose with a napkin. At this time, you need to distract his attention with a toy so that he instinctively breathes through his mouth. At the same time, you need to hold his head, not allowing it to throw back. Also, you should not let your child take it. horizontal position so that blood does not enter the stomach and cause vomiting.

When is a doctor needed?

Most young mothers ask this question. They are interested in where the line is between one-time harmless bleeding and systematic bleeding that threatens the child’s health.

First of all, it must be said that an examination by a doctor will never be superfluous. In addition, such an examination will be able to identify diseases located at initial stage of its development.

But such trivial cases as minor physical injuries that result in bleeding and do not cause dizziness or nausea may go unnoticed by the doctor. Adults also experience dryness in the room. Therefore, having solved the problem with air humidification, you can avoid going to the doctor, especially since he will advise you to solve this particular problem first.

But there are also cases when seeing a doctor is necessary. All of them are described above and require the intervention of specialists, since only they can make the correct diagnosis with the appropriate equipment and skills.

Treatment of nosebleeds in children

Treatment of nosebleeds is no less important than its prevention. The bleeding itself is capillary and goes away on its own in a few minutes, but in order to preserve the vessels it is necessary to take some measures.
Sit the child upright and position the head, raising the head slightly in front. You cannot throw your head back so that the child does not choke on blood or it does not flow into the stomach and cause an attack of vomiting. Insert a tampon throughout the entire nasal passage, preferably moistened with hydrogen peroxide or a vasoconstrictor spray. With ongoing long time bleeding (more than 8-10 minutes) you need to call an ambulance.

Ambulance provides more effective and more radical measures to stop bleeding. An ambulance should also be called if there is a foreign object or head injury in the nasal cavity. Please note that you cannot take out foreign object independently, as it can block access to air.

Both hospital and emergency doctors use drugs for coagulation (cauterization of blood vessels). IN in some cases Hospitalization and placement in an inpatient facility under close supervision may be required. Also, in the absence of positive dynamics, laser coagulation may be prescribed. With more serious injuries blood vessels are produced surgery, during which the vessels are ligated.

During inpatient treatment, drugs are used that increase blood clotting, as well as vitamins that strengthen the walls of blood vessels. A hemostatic tube is used for the nasal cavity, which also stops the bleeding.

Prevention and treatment

The best treatment is prevention, so it is important to prevent any causes of bleeding.

First of all, for this you need:

  • Accept special drugs, which strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  • Eat rationally.

This rule will help not only strengthen blood vessels, but also improve blood counts due to the balanced entry of micro and macro elements into the body, as well as vitamins and minerals.
Regular ventilation of rooms and humidification of the air can prevent drying of the nasal mucosa and fragility of blood vessels. This is especially true for infants, this has already been written above.

Preventing injuries.

Injuries are the direct cause of bleeding, and while infants can and should be protected from any injuries, this is not so easy to do with running and frolicking children. However minor injury will not cause significant damage to health, unlike more serious and severe ones.

Protection of mucous membranes during colds and allergies.

In most cases, a prolonged runny nose caused by colds or allergies also tightens the nasal wall, which becomes vulnerable to blood loss.

Parents themselves also need to know all preventive measures, periodically see an ENT doctor, and know and be able to provide first aid.

For more serious and prolonged bleeding, call ambulance. Further treatment will be prescribed by the attending physician in accordance with the current situation on an individual basis. Basic methods inpatient treatment were described above, they apply in any case.


There are also traditional methods stopping bleeding, as well as stopping regular bleeding. They can also be used at home to prevent hemorrhages:
Dilute a third of a tablespoon of alum and rinse your nose with the solution during bleeding, this way not only will the bleeding stop, but the hemorrhages will also stop over time. In case of bleeding, it is necessary to eat a leaf (2 cm long) of aloe vera for two weeks before eating. The action will be similar to washing with alum solution. In this case, it is necessary to raise the same hand during hemorrhage and pinch the nostrils with the opposite one. During frequent epistaxis, take a small iron key and tie a woolen thread to it, then hang it around your neck. It is important to use a woolen thread and put the key on so that it is on the back between the shoulder blades. Traditional medicine also recommends inserting cotton wool moistened with nettle juice (the juice should be fresh) into the nasal passages for 10-15 minutes and repeating the procedure the next day after bleeding. If the bleeding is very severe, you can pour half a bucket of water on the patient’s head and the remaining half a bucket on the back, this will also stop the bleeding. It helps to apply cotton wool soaked in alcohol to the bridge of the nose for 10 minutes. After this procedure, bleeding usually goes away. Here you should be careful and close your eyes so that alcohol does not get into your eye and burn it.

Bleeding from a child's nose always frightens parents. There are many reasons for this phenomenon, and, of course, in such a situation the baby needs help. In order for parents to be able to provide it to their child, they need to familiarize themselves with the relevant information about the types, features and methods of treating such pathologies.

Causes of nosebleeds in children

There are a lot of blood vessels in the nasal cavity. Nosebleeds (epistaxis) from one or both nostrils are much more common in children than in adults. It can occur at any age (both in one-year-olds and in preschool and younger children school age up to 10 years) and less often in adolescents. Thus, almost every child personal experience knows what nosebleeds are.

Why is this happening? Let's list the main reasons:

  1. nasal injuries;
  2. diseases of the ENT organs;
  3. pathology internal organs and systems;
  4. frequent nasal tamponade;
  5. external factors.

Nose injury

Toddlers love to play with small objects. Parents cannot always keep track of them, and the child can easily stick some small toy (for example, a construction piece) up his nose. This is typical for children 3-4 years old. As a result, the baby injures the nasal mucosa and bleeding begins. A similar injury can be caused by simply picking your nose with your finger. If possible, it is necessary to wean the child from such habits.

ENT diseases

During the cool season, children often suffer from colds (we recommend reading:). This happens because the immune system is not yet formed. Frequent discharge of liquid secretion from the nose causes the vessels in it to become inflamed. When a child sneezes or coughs, weak and sore blood vessels They may begin to bleed from tension.

Diseases of other organs and systems

Bleeding is also explained by the presence of pathologies, which are characterized by impaired hemocoagulation (blood clotting). With such diseases, blood vessels become very vulnerable, and even mild bleeding is difficult to stop. TO similar diseases relate:

  • hepatitis;
  • anemia;
  • leukemia, etc.

Teenagers often experience nosebleeds during hormonal changes. This is not a pathology, but simply age-related features.

Use of nasal medications

During colds Parents often instill vasoconstrictor drugs into their child’s nose. In some cases, their use is necessary, because they alleviate the course of the disease, but too long use makes the vessels vulnerable, the mucous membrane becomes thinner and vulnerable, which provokes the occurrence of bleeding.

Too much long-term use vasoconstrictor drops may be complicated by vasospasm and bloody discharge

Frequent nasal tamponade

If your baby has nosebleeds - common occurrence, then cotton swabs are inserted into his nasal passages (they look like flagella about 3 cm long and no more than 1 cm thick). Such tampons block blood flow and, with frequent use, cause atrophy of the nasal mucosa. Because of this, the problem is not solved, but only worsened.

External factors

Sometimes nosebleeds result from exposure to external factors. For example, if the baby overheats in the sun and gets sunstroke or heatstroke (more details in the article:). Dry air impairs the elasticity of the blood vessels in the nose, making them fragile and brittle. This air can be used both outdoors in cold or hot weather, and indoors.

Types of nosebleeds

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To make a diagnosis, it matters what time of day the bleeding from the nose occurs, whether it happens periodically or happened once. Most often, bleeding occurs at night, in the morning or with rhinitis.

At night

Nosebleeds at night cause the greatest fear and anxiety among parents. The most unexpected factors can provoke the phenomenon.

If the parents are sure that the baby did not have any injuries to the nose, then the bleeding may have been caused by:

  • long-term or uncontrolled treatment vasoconstrictor drops;
  • severe drying of the baby’s nasal mucosa - this is especially true during the heating season, when the air in the apartment is dry;
  • allergy to dust, household chemicals, pets, etc.;
  • increased intracranial pressure.

In the morning

If your baby has bleeding in the morning, it may be due to the following factors:

  • in a dream, the child lay on his side or stomach all night, which could put pressure on the blood vessels and cause bleeding;
  • the presence of polyps in the nose also leads to blood loss in the morning;
  • as in the case of nighttime phenomena, morning ones can be caused by too dry air in the room;
  • increased emotional and physical stress (characteristic of school age from 8 to 11 years), lack of sleep for proper rest, and much more. etc.

Bleeding from the nose may occur due to overexcitement and anxiety.

Rhinitis with blood

It happens that slight bleeding from the nose is accompanied by rhinitis. This is especially noticeable when blowing your nose. What could be the reason for this phenomenon:

  • The child, due to inability, blows his nose too actively, therefore injuring the mucous membrane and promoting the appearance of blood (we recommend reading:);
  • trying to pick off dried crusts, the baby scratches the delicate mucous membrane;
  • affects frequent use vasoconstrictor drugs;
  • complications after diseases of the ENT organs.

These are just a few of the possible reasons the occurrence of blood in the nasal cavity. To accurately establish the nature of the pathology, consultation with a specialist is necessary. This is most relevant for regular bleeding.

How to stop nosebleeds?

You can stop a nosebleed quite easily simple actions. Of course, the cause of the pathology plays a significant role. If the flow of blood does not stop for more than 15-25 minutes, then you should urgently call an ambulance. It is also necessary to intervene with specialists if there has been a head injury, vomiting is present, the child loses consciousness or suffers from poor blood clotting (hemophilia).

Providing first aid to a child

At home, it is important to provide timely first aid to the baby. It should be not only physical, but also psychological.

This way the injured part is compressed and the bleeding stops.

Children themselves are very scared sudden bleeding, so it is necessary to immediately calm the child. Simple steps will help ease your baby’s condition:

  1. Place your baby in a chair and tilt his head forward.
  2. Pinch your nostrils and apply ice to the bridge of your nose. After 6-7 minutes, you can carefully insert cotton swabs soaked in vasoconstrictor drugs(Vibrocil, Naphthyzin).
  3. After 5 minutes, carefully remove the flagella and lubricate the mucous membrane with Vaseline or Neomycin ointment, which accelerate healing and soothe inflammation.

The most common mistakes that are easy to avoid

Many parents, trying to help their child, unknowingly can harm him. Incorrect first aid measures can lead to increased bleeding and other unpleasant symptoms. In order to prevent mistakes and not aggravate the situation, you need to know what things you absolutely cannot do:

  1. During bleeding, place the baby in bed and elevate his legs. This will increase blood loss.
  2. Throw your head back, because this disrupts the outflow of blood through the neck veins and increases blood flow. In addition, it numbs the throat, causing spasms and vomiting.
  3. Immediately after the bleeding stops, give the child drinks and food, especially hot ones. Heat causes vasodilation and resumption of bleeding.

Also, after stopping the flow of blood, the child should be protected from sports and heavy physical activity. This may trigger a relapse.

When is it necessary to contact a specialist?

You should contact an ENT doctor after the bleeding has stopped. Consultation with a specialist is needed to establish the cause and prevent recurrences. The doctor examines the sinuses using special mirrors (this method is called rhinoscopy). If necessary, damaged vessels are cauterized. Consultations with other specialists (endocrinologist, hematologist, etc.) may also be prescribed and tests may be performed.

Treatment of nosebleeds

With a single nosebleed, no specific treatment is not required because relapse is unlikely and parents have nothing to worry about. It will be enough to follow basic preventive measures. Systematic bleeding, as well as those caused by severe injuries, kidney disease, and impaired blood clotting, are subject to treatment. If relapses occur, the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment.


Therapy medicines is aimed primarily at reducing the fragility and permeability of capillaries. Here are used:

Ascorbic acid reduces permeability vascular wall

Additionally, for the prevention and acceleration of bleeding control, the following is prescribed:

  • Vikasol;
  • Dicynone;
  • intravenously: Calcium chloride, Aminocaproic acid (we recommend reading:).

For bleeding caused by injuries, your doctor may prescribe:

  • Trasylol;
  • Contrikal.

Traditional medicine

Among folk recipes there are quite a few effective means. Their additional advantages are accessibility, environmental friendliness and budget. Among these remedies there are both local and those taken orally:

  • Teas with sea buckthorn, plantain, and chamomile improve blood clotting well;
  • a piece of aloe leaf, eaten on an empty stomach, can help with frequent bleeding;
  • To quickly stop bleeding, you can soak a cotton swab in the juice of fresh nettle or plantain and insert it into the sore nostril.

If a child has nosebleeds, it is recommended to drink chamomile teas

These recommendations can be useful, but parents should not get carried away with self-medication, especially if the cause of the bleeding is not clearly established. Before using the products traditional medicine You should also consult your doctor.

Preventive measures

To prevent nosebleeds, parents need to follow some rules. They consist of close attention to the health of your baby, avoiding injuries, providing useful and balanced nutrition. The following measures will help strengthen the baby’s blood vessels:

  1. Regular ventilation of the room and humidification of the air in the apartment during the heating season.
  2. Taking vitamin and mineral complexes for children, especially in the off-season, when the child’s immunity is weakened.
  3. Use fresh vegetables, citrus fruits, fish, dairy products.

A nosebleed is not in itself dangerous phenomenon, but it is better to prevent this pathology in order to maintain peace in the family and not expose the child to unnecessary stress. Following simple precautions will help the baby be healthy and cheerful and delight his parents with his successes and good mood.

Blood from the nose in a child or medical language epistaxis is a non-standard situation that requires the attention of parents and determining the cause of this condition. If the phenomenon is isolated and you managed to stop it yourself, then the help of a doctor is not required. If bleeding begins to appear regularly, the child needs to be examined.

If your child often has nosebleeds, a doctor's examination is necessary.

Why does a child's nose bleed?

Bleeding from the nose may be a sign pathological process in the nasal sinuses, of a neurological nature, and as a consequence of violation of hygiene standards.

Causes of nosebleeds:

  1. “Playful hands” - the child often touches his nose with his hands, sticks his fingers into the nasal passages. With such actions, the inner shell of hollow organs communicating with external environment is injured and bleeding may begin.
  2. Violation of hygiene standards - dry and warm air in the room. The mucous membrane dries out, the capillaries become fragile, and bleeding begins. Scarlet blood most often appears in the morning, as the baby is indoors during the night.
  3. When blowing his nose, a vessel can burst - when a child blows his nose sharply with force and injures the mucous membrane.
  4. Diseases of the inflammatory genesis of the system maxillary sinuses– sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, sinusitis of various etiologies, polyposis
  5. Nose injuries.
  6. Lack of vitamins and microelements.
  7. Side effects of medications.
  8. Stomach bleeding - discharge resembles coffee grounds.
  9. Increased cranial pressure- most often observed in adolescence with hormonal changes.

A child may pick his nose until it bleeds due to negligence.

Which doctor should I contact?

Minor periodic bleeding does not cause concern to the child. But if there is blood goes with his nose often, long and strongly, black clots are present - the help of a specialist is needed.

Parents should contact doctors of the following specialties:

  1. – for examination of the nasal passages, examination of the maxillary sinus system.
  2. and – in the absence of visible pathologies in the nasal passages.
  3. – for exclusion neurological diseases, intracranial hypertension.
  4. or if there is an injury to the face, nose, upper jaw, possible concussion.

There are a number of symptoms that require urgent examination by a doctor.

These include:

  • the baby began to bleed;
  • the presence of clots during bleeding;
  • sudden episodes for no reason;
  • constant episodes with copious discharge blood;
  • does not stop for 10 minutes;
  • blood flows sharply, in jerks, inclusions of other tissues are observed;
  • accompanied by neurological symptoms - weakness, convulsions, dizziness, nausea and vomiting.

In the last 2 cases best choice will contact emergency services.

If your baby has a nose bleed, you need to see a doctor.


Diagnostic measures begin with visual inspection and conversations with parents or the patient.

Standard procedures for nosebleeds:

  1. Examination of the nose using mirrors.
  2. Pharyngoscopy - to assess the condition of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, identifying pathological formations.
  3. Rhinoscopy – using nasal and nasopharyngeal speculum. Allows you to exclude polyposis, sinusitis and sinusitis of various etiologies.

Rhinoscopy is used to examine the nasal cavity.

Next, measures are taken to stop the bleeding. If signs of nasopharyngeal pathology are not detected, then the additional symptoms. The patient is redirected to specialists of the appropriate specialization to determine the cause of the disease and its further treatment.

What to do if you have a nosebleed

If a child has a nosebleed, parents should consider whether they can stop it on their own or should consult a doctor.

First aid

The method of providing first aid for nosebleeds is described in WHO protocols.

What to do to stop epistaxis:

  1. Calm the baby, especially if the trouble happened at night.
  2. Sit the child in a comfortable position. Raise your head, but do not throw it back. Place a container to collect blood. This will allow you to determine the exact amount of blood loss.
  3. Pinch the wings of the nose in the area of ​​the septum with your fingers. This will clear the nasal passages of accumulated fluid. Apply any children's vasoconstrictor drops - Naphthyzin, Tizin, Farmazolin. For each nasal passage you will need 5 drops.
  4. After this, drop 10 drops of hydrogen peroxide into each nasal passage. The concentration of the drug is no more than 3%. Hydrogen peroxide has antiseptic effect and accelerates the formation of a blood clot.
  5. Apply cold to the bridge of your nose. This could be a heating pad with ice or a cold compress. Every 15 minutes, the cold object is removed for a few minutes.
  6. If possible, insert a cotton swab soaked in hydrogen peroxide into the nasal passage. After a few minutes, the turunda is carefully removed.

How to stop with folk remedies

Herbalists describe many recipes for stopping nosebleeds.

What should be done:

  1. Grind the green mass of yarrow in your fingers until the juice is released. Form a turunda and insert it into the nasal passage. If you manage to squeeze out the juice of the plant, then drop 5 drops into each nostril.
  2. Grind green nettles and squeeze out the juice. Apply the liquid to the turunda and insert into the nasal passage.
  3. Put it in your nose Fresh Juice lemon. 2 drops in each nostril is enough.

Nettle juice is good for stopping nosebleeds

There are extremely unconventional recipes to stop bleeding. For example, wearing a metal key around your neck. Or if there is blood, you need to apply it to a wooden sliver. Then bury the wood chips in the ground. According to the authors of the recipe, as long as the stick is underground, blood will not flow from the nose.

Preventing nosebleeds

  1. Compliance with hygiene standards - air humidity, temperature regime in room.
  2. Walking on the fresh air and reception vitamin complexes as prescribed by a doctor.
  3. High-quality treatment of colds and prevention of their complications.
  4. Watch out for little hands. If your baby is constantly picking at his nose, then conduct a home inspection. Maybe the child stuck a foreign object into the nasal passage.
  5. If blood flows regularly, its appearance does not depend on the time of day - morning, afternoon, evening, then the baby should be shown to specialists.

Nosebleeds can be a result of stress or poor hygiene, or a sign of severe pathology. Therefore, if this happens often and you can stop it, but with difficulty, then don’t delay it and seek help from a doctor!

The causes of nosebleeds in children can be very different, from banal overwork (overexertion) to with strong blows to the nose area. In some cases, the root cause of bleeding may be a number of quite dangerous illnesses and pathologies. In this case we are talking about low blood clotting, hypertension, liver, renal failure and so on. In reality there are many reasons. But before we find out why baby is coming blood from the nose, it makes sense to familiarize yourself with the characteristic symptoms of bleeding.


It is immediately worth noting that in children (2 years, 4 years or 5) characteristics bleeding will be slightly different than in slightly older children. Depending on the anatomical features In the nasal cavity, blood can come from the nose either immediately or after the appearance of itching in the nose, headache, dizziness, and other things. Most characteristic symptom– external bleeding, when the child has bleeding from the nose. In some cases, this process may be hidden. Then the blood will flow into the oropharynx.

Children 9, 11, 12 years old and slightly younger will have the following: characteristic features bleeding:

  • dizziness (especially for impressionable children);
  • uncharacteristic tinnitus;
  • pale skin;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • general fatigue in the body and so on.

Nosebleeds may occur in various degrees gravity. Take, for example, average degree. In this case, the flow of blood from one nostril (or from both), as a rule, is accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure and severe dizziness. In young children 5 years of age and younger, blue discoloration of the facial skin can often be observed.

Nosebleeds in children, the causes of which are not reliably known, can be intense. Even an adult in this case, in addition to severe discomfort, often experiences hemorrhagic shock(let alone talk about kids).

TO general symptoms lethargy and a decrease in blood pressure are added. If nosebleeds occur profusely in children, there is a high risk of loss of consciousness.

Causes of bleeding in infants

As mentioned above, the characteristic features of bleeding (as well as its causes) in at different ages will differ from each other. A baby or baby may experience bleeding more than once. In most cases, it is caused by excessive dry air in the room when parents neglect to control the air level.

Fearing that the newborn baby will catch a cold, they do not ventilate the room and additionally install portable heating devices. How As a result, excessively dry air irritates the delicate and not yet fully strengthened nasal mucosa and leads to bleeding. What should not be allowed is excessive dry air. It is this that can cause the destruction of blood vessels in the nose, leading to severe cough and other minor but unpleasant consequences.

If your nose bleeds every day, you should be wary and consult a doctor. He will appoint diagnostic examination to identify:

  • hemophilia;
  • low blood clotting;
  • pathologies of the vascular system;
  • neoplasms in the nasal cavity and so on.

In children under 3 years of age, you should not rinse and clean your nose too often (this is especially true for young and inexperienced parents). Otherwise, you can damage the mucous membrane or cause inflammation.

Completely avoid cotton swabs and swabs; their use is prohibited. Do not forget that frequent cleaning can lead to dryness of the nasal cavity and, as a result, bleeding.

In what cases does nosebleed occur in children aged 2 to 10 years?

This age is the most risky. The causes of nosebleeds should be sought in high physical activity children. In addition, nosebleeds in children can occur due to the following reasons:

Teenage years

If bleeding in children 6 years of age and younger is usually caused by dry air, then in adolescents the situation looks somewhat different. In this age active hormonal changes. It is the rapid development of the body that often becomes. Key reasons at this age the following:

  • Hormonal changes in children twelve or more years old may be accompanied by heavy nosebleeds. Most often girls suffer from them. Nosebleeds appear several times a week. Her main reason(for girls) – increase in quantity female hormones in organism. There is no need to worry, the bleeding will disappear as the hormonal levels normalize.
  • In some cases, the blood vessels cannot keep up with the increased growth and development of the entire body. They become thinner, more fragile, and nasal cavity at the same time it acquires some looseness. In addition, bleeding is often accompanied by joint problems.
  • Blood from the nose in a child - the reasons may be related to vegetative-vascular dystonia. We are talking about malfunctions in the sympathetic as well as parasympathetic systems. Most often, this pathology occurs during active puberty. In addition to nosebleeds, teenagers are worried about frequent headaches, intense sweating, general weakness and increased heart rate.

Urgent Care

if you have one year old baby or a child 6, 10 years old or more, and you notice he has nosebleeds, do not panic. Just follow these simple guidelines.

It is best to prepare in advance for such problems and collect a first aid kit with necessary means to stop bleeding. To do this, consult your doctor. And most importantly, don’t panic, because nosebleeds are not fatal.

A child's nose may bleed suddenly. Nosebleeds may recur regularly, with varying intensity, with or without other symptoms. It is important to identify the cause of bleeding, be able to provide emergency assistance and, if necessary, consult a doctor in a timely manner.

The nasal mucosa is penetrated by a network of thin blood vessels. Why are there so many of them in the nose? They provide good blood supply, which allows the inhaled air to be warmed. In addition, saturation of tissues with blood helps to moisturize the mucous membrane, creates unfavorable environment for the development of viruses, bacteria, microbes. In children, the blood vessels in the nose are even thinner and are often damaged. Therefore, nosebleeds in children are more common and local in nature.

Two types of nosebleeds

It is important to understand what type of bleeding your child is experiencing. By what signs can it be identified before providing medical assistance?

  • From the anterior sections of the nose. In most cases, children experience this type of bleeding. Just a vessel on the septum burst and blood began to flow. In the lower part of the nasal septum there are many branched vessels (in medicine this area is called the Kisselbach plexus), they are close to the surface. Main sign such bleeding - blood flows from one nostril.
  • From the back and upper sections nose This type is less common, but much more serious because large arteries are damaged and you can lose a lot of blood. The causes of nosebleeds in children in this case can be different: high arterial pressure, burst vessel, hit foreign body inside, severe trauma, diseases of the liver, stomach, heart, lungs, poor clotting blood. The main symptom: blood flows profusely from both nostrils.

Other Possible Causes

Nosebleeds are a symptom of many diseases. Some of them can only be identified after a series of examinations.

  • Viral infections: influenza, ARVI, measles, whooping cough, rubella. Viruses release toxins that loosen the walls of blood vessels in the nose.
  • Allergic diseases. Allergic rhinitis can lead to drying out and swelling of the nasal mucosa.
  • Deformation of the structure of the nose. Most common reasons- curvature of the nasal septum.
  • Hereditary and acquired diseases of the circulatory system. These include hemophilia, lupus, vasculitis, leukemia, anemia and others.
  • Tumors in the nasal cavity. TO benign formations include polyps, papillomas, angiomas.
  • Vegetovascular dystonia and intracranial pressure. Pressure surges can lead to rupture of blood vessels in the nose.
  • Hormonal levels in girls when established menstrual cycle. In medicine, this phenomenon is called “replacement bleeding.” In girls, blood rushes not only to the genitals, but also to the tissues in the nose. After normalization of the menstrual cycle, nosebleeds do not resume.
  • Overwork and heavy physical exertion. Stress, stress at school, and worries can trigger bleeding.
  • Overheating in the sun. As a result of thermal and sunstroke The child may have a nosebleed.

Often, nosebleeds in children occur suddenly at night. Why is this happening? Firstly, blood pressure rises at night, which can cause a vessel in the nose to burst. Secondly, during sleep the mucous membrane dries out greatly (add to this the dry and warm air in the room during the heating season), which leads to bleeding from anterior section nose

Preventive measures

Prevention of nosebleeds involves simple rules, which, unfortunately, are not always observed.

And don't let children pick their noses. This should be done not only for aesthetic reasons, but also from a health safety point of view.

Emergency care: 3 common mistakes

When providing emergency care adults often make the same mistakes. That's why it's so important to know what not to do when you have nosebleeds.

  1. You can't throw your head back. This causes blood to begin to flow down the back wall throats. First, the child may swallow it, which will lead to nausea and vomiting. Secondly, it will not be visible whether the bleeding has stopped or not. Thirdly, its intensity will be unknown.
  2. There is no need to take a lying, reclining or sitting position, leaning back. They help ensure that blood flows not from the nostrils, but along the back wall of the throat.
  3. Do not put cotton swabs in your nose. The cotton wool is saturated with blood, the latter coagulates and dries to the delicate mucous membrane. If you remove the tampons after some time, you can injure the mucous membrane and provoke bleeding again.

First aid for a child with nosebleeds.

Emergency care: 7 important rules

How to properly help a child?

When bleeding, you should not talk, stand up, twitch, scream, cry, blow your nose or cough. If the child is an adult, you can negotiate with him. If this is a baby, he needs to be distracted somehow: show cartoons, play music, read a book, etc.

When do you need a doctor?

It is important not to panic if you cannot stop a nosebleed at home. In what cases should you call a doctor or go to the hospital yourself?

  • If 20 minutes have passed and the bleeding has not been stopped by squeezing the wings of the nose.
  • If blood flows profusely from both nostrils.
  • If bleeding recurs over several days.
  • If there is bleeding from other places: ears, mouth, eyes, genital tract.
  • If your child shows signs of loss of consciousness: paleness, dizziness, weakness and rapid pulse, cold sweat.

When providing emergency care, the doctor performs anterior or posterior nasal tamponade. A hemostatic agent is applied to the tampons. If necessary, the doctor will recommend hospitalization of the patient.

What is the examination?

If nosebleeds recur frequently, the child should definitely be seen by a doctor. How is the diagnosis done?

  • Examination of the nasal cavity by an otolaryngologist. If the doctor finds dilated vessels formed by erosion after dry rhinitis, then the problem is most likely in the anterior part of the nasal cavity.
  • Clinical blood test. It will show the level of platelets and make it possible to determine blood clotting.
  • Coagulogram. This is the name of an extended blood clotting test.
  • Ultrasound of the nasal cavity. To identify tumors of various natures.

Examination does not always reveal the cause of bleeding. If the otolaryngologist does not see any problems in the nose, you need to contact other specialists. You will need to consult an immunologist, surgeon, neurologist, hematologist, endocrinologist, cardiologist. They will appoint additional examinations.

What is the treatment

Incorrect diagnosis entails incorrect treatment. It is important to find a good specialist.

  • Cauterization of blood vessels. If there is frequent bleeding from the anterior part of the nose, the otolaryngologist may prescribe cauterization, most often with a solution of silver nitrate. Also applicable modern methods laser cauterization, liquid nitrogen, electricity.
  • Surgical intervention. IN in rare cases in case of large and frequent blood losses, surgery is indicated when large arteries and vessels are ligated.
  • Hidden disease. If a nosebleed is just additional symptom, that is, the problem is not in the nose, then the disease itself needs to be treated, and not to stop the bleeding every time.

Often on forums you can find stories of mothers who have been “treated” for nosebleeds for years and nothing helps. Then the child “outgrows” it, and everything ends.

Why does my child have nosebleeds? Sometimes the answer to this question cannot be found immediately. Nosebleeds may not be such a harmless symptom. Additional examinations are required to identify the real reason and start treatment.


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