Sensorineural hearing loss (auditory neuritis): symptoms, treatment, diagnosis, prognosis. Treatment of hearing loss with folk remedies: effective methods

- This is a phenomenon that is most often encountered by older people. Left untreated, it can lead to complete deafness and the inability to perceive human speech and other sounds. In medicine, the disease has its own name - hearing loss, the degrees of its manifestation vary accordingly and the severity too. Can be used for different methods, How traditional medicine, and folk. Moreover, the second is more popular especially among adults.

Hearing loss - degree and types

The disease manifests itself differently in each person, and first of all it depends on what degree it develops. There are 3 degrees of the disease:

  1. Mild degree or first - at a distance of three meters a person can still hear a whisper; as for ordinary speech, he hears it at a distance of four meters. The slightest noise and interference will interfere with normal speech perception.
  2. Average degree - at a distance of two meters a person hears a whisper, and normal loud speech at a distance of about three meters. Often the patient asks to repeat a word or an entire phrase.
  3. Severe - the patient hears ordinary speech from a distance of one and a half meters, practically does not perceive whispering, even if the interlocutor is nearby. Difficulties arise when communicating; patients require a hearing aid.

In addition to the degrees of manifestation, the disease can be divided into two types: neurosensory and conductive. In the first stage, the development of the disease provokes damage auditory nerve, as well as infections, stress, etc. A hard-of-hearing person feels uncomfortable and shy in society; he cannot fully communicate, listen to music, etc.

Traditional methods of treatment

Treatment of hearing loss folk remedies- this is patience and backbreaking work. Don't expect positive results to be noticeable after two or three days. In order to completely get rid of the problem using such means, it sometimes takes several months.

Medicine does not accept folk remedies very well; many doctors even believe that it can be dangerous. But as practice shows, to achieve positive result you can still, most importantly, use safe and proven methods for this.

Propolis against hearing loss

Improving hearing in case of hearing loss can be done using regular propolis. There are several treatment options in this case.

First: you will need forty grams of the plant, it must be rinsed with water. After it dries, chop it and place it in a glass jar. Add one hundred grams of vodka and close the lid, leave to steep for two weeks. Every day the contents of the container must be shaken.

After this time, filter the tincture, cotton swab Clean your ears, soak a swab in the resulting product and insert it into your ear for twelve hours. Such manipulations need to be repeated every day, the course of treatment is two weeks.

Second treatment option: if propolis is in pure form no, take a tincture based on it, as well as oil of corn, olives and sea ​​buckthorn oil, in a ratio of 1:4. Mix everything, you should get an emulsion-like consistency. Make a flagellum, then soak it in the medicine you made and insert it into the ear for three days. After this time, remove the flagellum, let it rest for a day and repeat the procedure again. Such manipulations must be performed within two months. The ear canals will be cleaned in this way.

Garlic for hearing loss

when treating with folk remedies, it involves the use of garlic. Prepare a clove of garlic in advance, as well as a press, use it to squeeze out the juice, then mix it with olive oil in a ratio of 1:3. The resulting product is instilled into the ears one drop at a time; do no more than two instillations per day. In order to achieve visible results You need to undergo treatment which lasts three weeks. After this, you need to take a break and then repeat the treatment again.

Another option for this treatment is the following: grate the garlic, take three drops of camphor oil for each clove of garlic. Place the resulting mixture on a piece of bandage, roll it into a flagellum and insert it into your ear overnight. The disease can be cured in two weeks of such procedures.

There is a third treatment option. You will need half a liter of alcohol, three hundred grams of chopped garlic, this needs to be combined in a container. The mixture is infused for three weeks, during which time it must be stirred. Thus, they treat the disease from the inside - drink 20 drops of the medicine every day, it is better to add it to one hundred milliliters of milk.

Onion treatment

Can the disease be treated with other means? If, in addition to deafness, you constantly have noise in your ears, then you can use a bow. The juice is squeezed out of a small head, after which it is instilled into the ears, three drops at a time. The course of treatment lasts three weeks.

Take one large onion, peel it, carefully make a hole in the middle, then add one small spoon of cumin. The onion needs to be baked in the oven; as soon as its color turns golden brown, remove it and then squeeze out the juice. Up to four times a day you need to bury it in sore ear, after a month of such procedures you will feel significant relief.

Treatment with pine nuts

How to treat hearing loss with nuts? There are also traditional method such treatment, that is, the ingredient is also used by doctors, or rather manufacturers, to make medications.

So, pour one hundred grams of nuts with one hundred milliliters of vodka and leave for forty minutes in a dark place. The resulting tincture should be filtered and drunk every day before breakfast, 10 drops. There is another option for this treatment - you will need a glass of nut shells, pour 220 ml of boiling water over them and leave for forty minutes. The finished decoction should be divided into two parts and drunk in two doses.

It is not difficult to treat hearing loss with folk remedies in this way. Besides this, it turns out positive impact for the entire body as a whole.

Treatment with rye bread

If you have hearing loss, treatment with folk remedies involves using rye bread. You will need 150 gr. rye flour, some juniper fruits, as well as 6 grams of caraway seeds. Combine all ingredients and bake a small cake.

There is no need to wait for the cake to cool; it should be used in this form. Carefully remove the crust, take the alcohol and pour it into the pulp. Place everything on your ear and lie in this position for a while. As soon as you feel the cake cooling down, remove it. Soak a cotton swab in almond oil and insert it into the ear canal.

Bay leaf treatment

Can be used for treatment Bay leaf. The disease is extremely serious and should not be left to chance. There are several treatment options using laurel.

You will need several bay leaves, they need to be chopped, you will need two tablespoons. Pour the leaves into a glass of boiling water and leave to steep for two hours. As soon as the time is up, the decoction must be filtered, and then three drops should be instilled into the sore ear several times a day. The course of such treatment is two weeks.

Another treatment option: finely chop five leaves and place them in a container. Pour in a spoonful of 9% vinegar, as well as 100 milliliters of vodka. Mix everything and pour into a glass container, everything should be infused for fourteen days. It is recommended to stir the tincture every day or simply shake it.

The resulting tincture is filtered and instilled two drops three times a day. On the eighth day, drip three drops, and so on until the fourteenth day. It is impossible to name the exact period of such treatment; it all depends on how advanced the disease is.

The third treatment option is to chop the bay leaf and separate three spoons, mix them with 15 ml sunflower oil. Wait a week, all this time the mixture should be infused. Lubricate your temples with the medicine several times a day, and also place two drops in each ear. If necessary, you can extend therapy, but not more than a week.

Depending on the form of the disease and its degree, folk remedies can achieve good results in treatment. However, you should not self-medicate if you have not been to the hospital and have not been examined by a doctor. If you don’t know the diagnosis, you may not improve your condition, but worsen it.

In addition to the main treatment, you need to monitor your lifestyle, eat right, and do not abuse bad habits, wear hats. After all, it is much easier to prevent the development of a disease than to fight it later.

Auditory dysfunction is a partial (hearing loss) or absolute (deafness) inability to perceive surrounding sounds. Can provoke the development of pathology inflammatory processes V auditory analyzer, common infections, barotrauma, prolonged exposure to noise, damage to the auditory nerve, etc.

The occurrence of a problem is indicated by distortion of sound signals and difficulty perceiving the speech of the interlocutor. Ignoring the signs leads to even greater hearing impairment and development complete deafness. Treatment of deafness with folk remedies allows you to eliminate inflammatory processes in the organ of hearing, which leads to partial or full restoration sound perception.


According to statistics, approximately 8% of all inhabitants on the planet suffer from hearing loss. At the same time, the development of sustainable hearing loss can be caused by a wide range of environmental and biological factors. The effectiveness of treatment of the pathology largely depends on the cause that provoked the decrease in hearing acuity. Experts include the main ones:

  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • Meniere's disease;
  • age-related changes;
  • lead or mercury poisoning;
  • ear pathologies (otitis, eustacheitis);
  • serious traumatic brain injuries;
  • uncontrolled use of antibiotics;
  • blockage of the ear canal with wax;
  • infectious diseases(flu, pharyngitis, sore throat).

It should be noted that hearing treatment with folk remedies will be effective only if there is no damage to the circuit auditory ossicles, ear labyrinth and eardrum.

If auditory dysfunction was caused by a serious injury, it will be possible to eliminate the problems only after undergoing surgical treatment.

How to improve your hearing at home? The cause of hearing impairment is very often the blockage of the external auditory canal by cerumen. If it completely blocks the ear canal, there is a feeling of stuffiness in the ears, as well as resonance own voice in the head (autophony).

The following types of folk remedies can be used to soften and eliminate wax plugs:

  1. almond oil: instill 5-6 drops of heated oil into the sore ear daily for 10-15 days;
  2. onion juice: grate 1 onion, then squeeze out the juice using gauze. Place 3-4 drops of juice into a stuffy ear for 2 weeks;
  3. hydrogen peroxide: slightly warm up a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, then drop 5-6 drops of the product into the ear canal.

After softening, the plug must be removed from the ear canal. To do this, the head is dipped into water so that the ears are under water. This creates conditions for rapid evacuation of the plug from the ear canal.

Treatment of deafness

Baked onions are one of the most effective means alternative medicine, allowing to eliminate hearing loss. The product contains substances that have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in cells, which accelerates the process of tissue regeneration. It is advisable to use baked onion juice in case of chronic inflammatory processes in the middle ear cavity.

For cooking medicine required:

  1. make a depression in one onion;
  2. put 1 tsp in the formed depression. dill seeds;
  3. bake the onion in the oven until a brown crust appears;
  4. chop the onion and squeeze the juice out of it.

To eliminate deafness, you need to instill 7-8 drops of juice into the sore ear every day for a month.

Important! Onion juice should not be used for treatment purulent inflammation at the stage of their exacerbation. Severe irritation ear mucosa will only accelerate the process of spread of purulent foci.

The development of hearing loss may be associated with impaired blood circulation in the ear, which negatively affects tissue trophism. To restore normal blood microcirculation, herbalists recommend using propolis tincture. She has a pronounced irritating effect, which promotes increased blood supply to the mucous membranes in the middle and outer ear.

Unlike synthetic drugs, folk remedies for deafness do not help reduce local and general immunity. Overuse of antibiotics often causes pathogenic flora in the ear cavity. For liquidation purulent processes that provoke hearing impairment, cedar tincture can be used.

Cedar tincture – natural antiseptic, which includes useful microelements, ascorbic acid, as well as vitamins B and E. To prepare the tincture, you need:

  1. pour 1 glass of pine nuts with alcohol or vodka;
  2. let the tincture brew in a dark place for 30 days;
  3. strain the prepared product.

How to restore hearing at home? To eliminate hearing loss caused by inflammation or damage to the auditory nerve, it is enough to drink 50 ml of water daily with 10 drops of tincture diluted in it. The average course of treatment is 1-2 months.

Calamus tincture

Calamus – unique product, which has antispasmodic, analgesic, decongestant and tonic effects. According to many herbalists, herbaceous plant accelerates the tissue healing process. His medicinal properties due to the presence in the composition of such useful substances like vitamin C, tannins, choline, essential oils, zinc, manganese, etc.

Regular use of the product allows you to restore normal blood circulation in the mucous epithelium that lines the surface of the ear cavity. The soothing and regenerating effect of the product leads to the elimination of hemorrhagic rashes that occur with other types of ear pathologies that provoke the development of deafness. How to restore hearing at home?

To prepare medicinal tincture, necessary:

  1. grind the washed calamus root;
  2. use gauze to squeeze out the juice;
  3. mix juice with 20% alcohol in a 1:1 ratio;
  4. leave the solution in a dark place for 2 weeks;
  5. drink 1 tsp. tinctures three times a day before meals.

Important! Alcohol tinctures should not be used by patients suffering from increased acidity stomach. Irritation of the stomach lining can cause ulcers.

When a person’s ability to fully listen decreases, great difficulties arise with communication, and in medicine this means Hard of hearing. Moreover, such changes can be diagnosed not only in older people, but even in young children. This picture is explained by various factors.

Hearing loss is incomplete hearing loss disease when a person has difficulty hearing and understanding sounds. The degree of this disease can vary from slight hearing loss to complete deafness. Moreover, the signs of the disease cannot be ignored, because its development occurs when a person cannot fully hear. Today, nearly 360 million people suffer from deafness due to various hearing impairments. Of these, 165 million are people over 65 years of age.

Hearing impairment occurs when a person experiences a deterioration in the perception of sounds that are perfectly perceived by other people. Most often, hearing loss is not a congenital, but an acquired disease, and it can be triggered by many factors:

  1. Viral infections. Complications on the ears can be caused by various infectious diseases, which include mumps, AIDS, HIV infection, tonsillitis, scarlet fever, and so on.
  2. Severe poisoning of the body with metals.
  3. Diseases that are inflammatory in the middle and inner ear. This is one of the most common reasons why hearing decreases.
  4. Presence of sulfur plugs.
  5. Deafness, which is associated with age-related changes.
  6. The presence of hypertension, various tumors, atherosclerosis, otitis externa, and so on.
  7. Reaction to taking certain medications. These include ototoxic drugs and antibiotics. They are prescribed only by the attending physician.
  8. Various injuries inner ear And eardrum.
  9. Development of oncology processes.
  10. Poor blood circulation in the vessels of the inner ear.
  11. Prolonged stay in places with high level noise. Therefore, most often residents of megacities, as well as those who live near airfields and industrial zones, suffer from hearing loss.
  12. Chlamydia. These microorganisms can cause hearing loss even in newborns, since infection occurs during childbirth.
  13. Hereditary factor. Genetic hearing loss is quite common.
  14. The presence of tumor-like age-related bone structures that have appeared in the ear.

Symptoms of hearing loss

The main symptom of the disease is a deterioration in the ability to hear and perceive various sounds. The less severe the disease, the more sounds a person can hear.

Symptoms of hearing loss 1 degree:

  1. The person has difficulty hearing the interlocutor.
  2. There is a feeling of fatigue.
  3. Constantly asks again and asks to repeat the sentence.
  4. When watching TV or listening to music, they ask you to turn up the volume.
  5. Exceeds the volume level during a call.
  6. There is noise in the ears.
  7. When talking on the phone, he hears only certain sounds.
  8. Decreased perception of children's and women's voices.

Since it is not possible to identify all these symptoms in a child, there are also symptoms in children:

  1. Lack of reaction of the child to loud sounds.
  2. The child does not turn towards the source of ringing sounds.
  3. Doesn't say words for almost a year.
  4. Doesn't react at all to his own name.

With grade 2 hearing loss, all these symptoms intensify. A person has difficulty hearing other people, cannot understand speech, and is forced to constantly listen to the interlocutor.

Types of hearing loss by level of damage

Doctors were able to classify the disease based on the level of involvement, the period of time during which the disorder develops, and the extent of the disease. And before you think about how to treat the disease, you need to find out what type of hearing loss is observed.

  1. Conductive hearing loss. This problem appears if there are defects in the middle and outer ear. These departments transmit sound vibrations, and due to certain factors their functions may be impaired. Thus, sound waves are inadequately carried to the inner ear. These reasons include the presence of fluid in the ear, for example, pus, malformations of the external auditory canal, the presence of cerumen, as well as various damages eardrum. All this can be easily overcome with conservative treatment or surgical intervention. In most cases, conductive hearing loss is temporary and goes away completely after recovery. But if it is impossible to get rid of the cause, then doctors recommend resorting to correction methods using implants.
  2. Sensorineural hearing loss. Occurs due to disorders that have appeared in the inner ear. The cells begin to die, and gradually cause deafness, preventing sound vibrations transform. This occurs due to a viral or bacterial infection, as well as reception various medications that can cause illness. Symptoms of this problem include painful sensations, as well as poor hearing. The causes of the disease can also include problems with the ear nerve. To get rid of hearing loss, you need to use Hearing Aids, or special implants.
  3. Mixed hearing loss. This type hearing loss combines the previous two. It occurs due to disorders in several parts of the ear at once. The most common symptoms of this problem include ringing in the ears, humming, squeaking, hissing, and poor speech perception in noisy environments. Used for treatment medications, and surgical intervention in the degree of damage.
  4. Chronic hearing loss. This is the most dangerous look a disease during which hearing loss occurs gradually, ranging from several months to years.
  5. Acute hearing loss. This is hearing loss that occurs over a short period of time, no more than one month. During the first few days, a person experiences a feeling of ear congestion and tinnitus, which gradually develops into hearing loss.
  6. Sudden deafness. The disease appears suddenly and develops within a few minutes, against the background of good general condition. It can appear at any time of the day, but most often in the morning upon awakening.

Degrees of hearing loss

Depending on the level of hearing in patients with hearing loss, it is customary to distinguish four stages of the disease.

1 degree. This is a hearing loss that results in a characteristic lack of sensitivity to sound. The patient has difficulty understanding quiet speech, as well as whispering at a distance. Whispers can be heard at a distance of up to three meters, normal conversational speech up to 6 m. And this is provided there is no extraneous sounds. But in a noisy environment, the ability to hear your interlocutors deteriorates.

2 degree. Gradually, the severity of the disease begins to decrease, but it is also normal to hear, in the absence of extraneous noise. Whispering cannot be heard at a distance of more than 500 m, and spoken speech is not heard at a distance of more than 3 m. In everyday life, a person has to constantly ask again in order to hear speech.

3 degree. The patient begins to experience difficulties with spoken speech, since it can be heard at a distance of only 500 m, while whispering can only be heard near the ear. Such a disease negatively affects communication with people and causes great difficulties; there is also a need to wear a special hearing aid.

4 Degree. It's practically total loss hearing At this stage, whispering is not heard at all, and loud speech is heard only at the ear.

Hearing loss in children

Childhood hearing loss is a hearing impairment that makes it difficult to perceive sounds. The main symptoms of the disease in children include:

  1. Mental development disorder.
  2. Speech development disorder.
  3. Absence of babbling and humming in babies.
  4. Lack of reaction to the sounds of toys, whispers, requests, mother's voice, and so on.

At the moment, medicine has not yet been able to accurately determine the causes that cause hearing loss in children. But despite this, several predisposing factors have been identified, which include:

  1. The mother's unhealthy lifestyle that she led during pregnancy.
  2. Negative influence external factors, during the intrauterine development of the child.
  3. Complications after various diseases. most often in children, hearing loss occurs after mumps, flu, rubella, herpes, syphilis, measles, and so on.
  4. Diabetes mellitus, nephritis and other somatic diseases in the mother.

To ensure that your child never encounters this disease, you must follow simple rules:

  1. Avoid exposure to loud sounds.
  2. Pay attention to your own health during pregnancy.
  3. Undergo qualified treatment and care for your child with middle ear infections.

Disability due to illness

Thanks to special techniques which restore hearing, it can be returned to people who suffer from hearing loss of degrees 1 and 2 as quickly as possible. If we talk about grade 2 hearing loss, then the recovery process is somewhat more complicated and longer. Patients of grades 3 and 4 wear a hearing aid.

Patients are assigned disability group 3 if they are diagnosed with grade 4 bilateral hearing loss. If a person is diagnosed with stage 3 disease, and hearing aids guarantee a high level of hearing, then disability is assigned.

Diagnosis of the disease

If the diagnosis is made in time and therapy is started early stage, then you can preserve your hearing without damaging it. Otherwise, deafness may develop, which can no longer be treated. When diagnosing, it is necessary to use a wide range of tools. An important role is given to identifying the causes that led to hearing loss. Doctors must clearly characterize the nature of its occurrence and course in order to correctly administer treatment.

For diagnostics, a tuning fork and many various instruments. With their help, you can determine the bone and air sound permeability of the human ear. Also, an instrument is used that produces sounds of varying intensity. In addition, the doctor must conduct visual inspection, with which you can see injuries, pathologies, the presence of sulfur plugs, and so on.

In order to find out the presence of the disease, you need to contact an otolaryngologist.

Treatment of hearing loss

Treatment of this disease may vary depending on stages of hearing loss. Also, do not forget that the disease is prone to progression, so it is very important to start diagnosis on time, after which treatment is prescribed. correct treatment. Treatment for hearing loss will vary depending on its form. For example, for conductive hearing loss, the doctor may prescribe surgery. To date, a huge number of various techniques to restore hearing, sometimes this is possible even with complete deafness.

Treatment of conductive hearing loss. If the disease is associated with an inflammatory process, it is necessary to first cure otitis media, after which hearing should recover on its own. To treat otitis media, drops containing an antibiotic are most often prescribed. These include Candibiotic and Otofa. Also, anti-inflammatory tablets and suspensions are often used. If the inflammation cannot be treated for a long time, then physiotherapy is added.

Treatment of sensorineural hearing loss. With this disease, nervous tissue is affected, which means treatment should be aimed at restoring it. Most often, drugs are prescribed that improve blood circulation in the auditory analyzer and head. The ideal solution would be B vitamins, which will restore total damage. This type of hearing loss is given conservative treatment, also use physical therapy.

Drug treatment for hearing loss includes the following drugs:

  1. Decongestants and antihistamines. This includes Furosemide, Suprastin, and so on. With their help, inflammatory processes are reduced and swelling is eliminated.
  2. B vitamins. They improve nerve patency.
  3. Antibiotics and NSAIDs. These include Ibuklin, Nurofen, Suprax, Cefexime, Ketonal, Amoxiclav and so on. Most often, these drugs are prescribed when hearing loss occurs due to purulent otitis or inflammation of the middle ear.
  4. Nootropics. Namely: Pentoxifylline, Vinpocetine, Piracetam, Glycine and so on. These drugs restore ear cells and also improve blood supply to the brain.

Treatment of hearing loss with folk remedies

Despite the development of medicine, many people prefer treating the disease with the help of folk remedies. In parallel with medications, they provide amazing efficiency. But before you use folk recipes, you should definitely consult your doctor.

  1. A piece onions you need to heat it, wrap it in gauze, and insert it into your ear overnight.
  2. Three drops of natural almond oil should be dripped into the ear every day. The course of treatment should last for a month.
  3. A dessert spoon of dried calamus roots should be steamed in half a liter of boiling water. This infusion must steep for 3 hours. Next, it needs to be filtered and taken 60 liters every day 30 minutes before meals.
  4. Grate a small clove of garlic and add a few drops of camphor oil to it. Mix all this and twist the mixture into bandage flagella, which need to be placed in the ear canal for 6 hours.

Surgical intervention

Today, there are several types of operations that are used during treatment:

  1. For example, if hearing loss occurs due to a malfunction of the auditory ossicles, then by performing an operation, the process is established, changing to synthetic analogues. Ultimately, the bones become mobile, and the person’s hearing is restored.
  2. If hearing loss occurs due to a violation of the integrity of the eardrum, then doctors give preference to myringoplasty, during which the eardrum is replaced with a synthetic one.

Prevention of hearing loss

In order to forget about the disease once and for all, and never encounter it again, you need to radically change your lifestyle and follow the recommendations of your doctor. Basic preventive measures include the following items:

  1. It is necessary to identify in a timely manner various diseases respiratory tract, and treat them on time.
  2. Constantly visit an ENT doctor.
  3. If any disease is detected, it is strictly forbidden to self-medicate.
  4. Taking medications should only be done under the supervision of a specialist to avoid complications.
  5. Watch your lifestyle by giving up smoking and alcohol.
  6. Avoid visiting places with high noise levels.
  7. Working together, where there is a lot of noise, you need to dress special means protection.


Regardless of the stage of development of hearing loss, the prognosis for treatment is almost always positive. If you use modern equipment, high-quality hearing aids and techniques, you can quickly get rid of the problem. At timely treatment Soon all symptoms will be a thing of the past.

If you or your relatives have begun to worry about hearing impairment, and you have already found out that this is so-called hearing loss, the problem is not as terrible as it seems. It is not necessary to undergo surgery right away. It’s worth first trying the treatment of sensorineural hearing loss with folk remedies - perhaps this method will give quick and effective results. In this article we will tell you in detail what hearing loss is, talk about its varieties, traditional and folk methods treatment, and much more.

What is hearing loss?

Sensorineural hearing loss is a partial or, conversely, complete hearing loss that occurs only when the so-called hair cells die or the main structures of the patient’s inner ear are damaged. central departments(in the brainstem and, of course, the auditory cortex) or cochlear nerve. This type of hearing loss is also called “nervous deafness.” Its forms are: moderate, light, deep and heavy. In this case, partial hearing loss is the inability to process high frequencies. It damages the hair cells only in the lower part of the cochlea, which are responsible for high tones.

Types of disease

Hearing loss can be congenital (hereditary) or acquired. The first form of the disease is formed in the womb for many reasons, the second is a consequence of any acoustic or mechanical trauma, taking ototoxic drugs (antibiotics), industrial intoxication, otitis media, vascular disorders, viral infections etc. You can get rid of the problem with the help of certain therapy. Complex forms of the disease require qualified medical assistance. At the same time, treatment of hearing loss of the 1st degree with folk remedies is quite real method therapy.

Traditional method of treating hearing loss

Previously, only hearing aids were used to correct hearing. Nowadays, a popular treatment method is stimulating the auditory nerve. Brainstem implantation is also sometimes performed, but this method is not yet developed and is therefore used extremely rarely.

In some cases, the patient is prescribed the drug “Idebenone” alone or taken together with vitamin E. It has been established that this method stops the development of hearing loss and even completely cures it.

The next method is the use of steroids. It was also invented recently. It is believed that the method can treat severe sensorineural hearing loss caused by exposure to noise above 140 dB. But treatment should begin no later than 24 hours after the injury. Perhaps we will soon be offered treatment for hearing loss. Unfortunately, this method is more fantasy than reality. While scientists and doctors are working in this area, it is worth paying attention to the treatment of hearing loss with folk remedies. Ready?

Features of therapy

I would like to immediately warn you: treating hearing loss with folk remedies requires patience, since one course lasts at least two weeks. Sometimes it takes several months to completely get rid of the problem.

You should remember that in this method, regularity is half the success. If you carefully follow all the recommendations, are not lazy and do not shy away from taking medications, the effect will be amazing.

Propolis + oil

This product is very good. To make it you will need:

  • alcohol tincture of propolis 30%;
  • olive or corn oil;
  • medical gauze.

This is the most common method of combating hearing loss. For treatment you need propolis not in its pure form, but 30% of it (in severe cases take 40%) solution. Mix with propolis tincture olive oil. For 1 part alcohol solution use 3 parts butter. Shake the resulting liquid until an oil-alcohol emulsion forms. Soak the turundas that you make from gauze in the medicine and carefully insert into the ear canal. Don't damage the eardrum; you shouldn't tampon too hard either.

Wear for 36 hours, then take a break for 1 day (24 hours). Repeat the procedure. It will take at least 14 sessions, after which you will no longer be bothered. Treatment with folk remedies will last approximately three weeks, so it is recommended to start therapy at the first symptoms of the disease. If a child (at least 5 years old) suffers from hearing loss, then it is worth wearing turundas for 12 hours (you can wear them for the whole night), and not 24.

You can also use pure propolis. You need to make some kind of tourniquets out of it and insert them into your ears. Do this as carefully as possible so that when removing the propolis particles do not remain in the ear canal. During treatment, it is also recommended to do exercises for the ears: rub them intensively clockwise, pressing the shells to the head, then remove your hands, then insert your finger into the ear canal and sharply pull it out. Do it 15 times a day.

Please know that treatment of hearing loss with folk remedies cannot be practiced in cases of various polypous growths, as well as granulations of the eardrum. Before the procedures, you must consult a doctor so that he can give you an accurate diagnosis.

Treatment with garlic

To carry out therapy you need to prepare the following ingredients:

Course of treatment: 2 times for 21 days. The second stage begins a week after the end of the first. There are two ways to treat with garlic:

  1. With the help of juice. It needs to be squeezed out and diluted with olive or corn oil in a ratio of 1:3. Shake the resulting liquid and place 2 drops in your ears every day.
  2. Use a whole head of garlic. It must be ground, then add camphor oil. Use 3 drops per 1 clove. Wrap the resulting mixture in cheesecloth, then make turundas. Stick it in your ears.

If you or someone you know has a disease such as hearing loss, treatment with folk remedies, reviews of which are very positive, should definitely help.


Another powerful tool traditional medicine. To make the medicine you will need:

  • large onion;
  • dill or caraway seeds - 1 tsp;
  • gauze;
  • onion juice.

The course of treatment lasts a month. Therapy involves two methods:

  1. Make a hole in the onion and add caraway seeds there. Place the head in the oven, bake at low temperature until she becomes Brown. Squeeze the onion by placing it in cheesecloth. Place this mixture warm into the sore ear four times a day, 10 drops. Store in the refrigerator and reheat before use. After use, dirt and wax will come out of your ears. Don't be alarmed, you will immediately feel better.
  2. Heat the onions in the oven. Put small piece in gauze. After making a compress, insert it into the ear canal. Make sure that the edge of the gauze sticks out from your ear and can be easily reached. Apply a compress at night.

At the same time, drop the onion mixture into your nose. It's easy to prepare! Boiled water mix with onion juice in a 1:1 ratio. Place two drops into each passage once a day.

Bread compresses

They also alleviate the condition of a sick person. To make a compress, buy the following components:

  • cumin - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • juniper fruits - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • rye flour - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • almond/rut oil (optional);
  • cotton wool

After mixing the required amount of cumin, juniper and rye flour, bake the bread. While the loaf is hot, cut it into slices, remove the crust, and soak the pulp in alcohol. Place it on and around your ears. After cooling the bread, moisten cotton wool with almond or rue oil and insert it into your ears. When changing ear plugs every day, change the type of oil. The procedures help restore hearing.

Method "Lavrushka"

Already from the name of the method it is clear which ingredient will be the main one. There are several options for such treatment:

  • In the first case, you will need a bay leaf and a glass of boiling water. Course of treatment: 2 weeks. First, chop the bay leaf: you will need two tablespoons of dry mass. Pour a glass of boiling water over it. Let it brew for 2 hours. Place this mixture in your ears 2 times a day. Rinse your ears when pus comes out.
  • The second method involves the presence of a bay leaf, one tablespoon of vinegar and 100 ml of vodka. Course of treatment: 3 weeks + 14 days to prepare the solution. You need to pour 4 finely crushed bay leaves with a tablespoon of vinegar and vodka. The mixture should be infused dark place 14 days. The first week you need to instill 2 drops four times a day, the second - 3 drops, the third - 4. After completing the course, your hearing should improve.
  • The third method is no less effective. You will need a bay leaf and one tablespoon of sunflower oil. Course of treatment: until visible improvements. Mix 4 tablespoons of chopped leaf and oil. Let the mixture sit for a week, then strain. Rub into temples 3 times a day.

Under the pressure of these simple methods, sensorineural hearing loss recedes. Treatment with folk remedies, reviews of which are only positive, helps restore health. A person feels better after just a few procedures. Patients note the effectiveness and low cost of these methods.

Sensorineural hearing loss (treatment with folk remedies): reviews

Therapy, including the use of tinctures, compresses and ointments, is famous for its ability to restore health to a person. She heals many diseases. ethnoscience makes a great addition drug treatment or acts as a separate therapy.

Is hearing loss really that bad? Treatment with folk remedies can give stunning results. And don’t be afraid to test this out on your own. Nowadays, few people trust herbal treatment, preferring to leave themselves in the hands of specialists. But it’s still worth trying to do something on your own. If you decide to take care of your health at home, read the reviews of people who have already completed the appropriate course. They claim that treating hearing loss with folk remedies is really effective. Try it yourself, don't be afraid. After all, medical specialists often also recognize the benefits of homeopathic remedies.


In this article we answered the question of what hearing loss is. Treatment with folk remedies, reviews that people leave - all this was also analyzed in detail. We hope that the above tips will be useful.

Are you ready to overcome the disease on your own for the first time? There is no particular problem with this. You will succeed!

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