Aching pain in the mammary gland causes. One mammary gland hurts: what could be the reason?

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Pain in the mammary glands quite often worries women. It is accompanied by a feeling of heaviness, a feeling of fullness in the chest, swelling and strong sensitivity nipples Pain does not always indicate that a woman has a mammological or cancer. However, it is better to take care of your health and find out the cause of the pain.

Depending on the frequency of pain experienced, there are:

  • Cyclical pain.
  • Non-cyclical pain.
Cyclic pain most often occurs before menstruation and is a consequence of hormonal changes in the female body.
Non-cyclical pain associated with previously received injuries, bruises chest; as well as with intercostal neuralgia. Neuralgic pain radiates to the chest area, and therefore it seems to the woman that it is the chest that hurts.

The nature of the pain that occurs:

  • Spicy.
  • Dumb.
  • Shooting.
  • Cutting.
  • Stabbing.
  • Pulsating.
  • Burning.
  • Aching-pulling.
The most common complaints from women are acute, burning, stabbing and aching pain.

Acute pain in the mammary gland

Often, women in the reproductive period experience cyclical pain that is acute before menstruation. This condition is within physiological norm and is not a pathology.

If according to objective signs it's clear that sharp pain has nothing to do with menstruation ( in the case when the woman has already left reproductive period; or when pain occurs outside menstrual period ) – it is better to consult a mammologist for advice.

Burning pain in the mammary gland

Usually occurs at rest, occasionally during movement. It has a strong intensity and radiates to the back and neck area. When you touch the mammary glands, it intensifies.

Stitching pain in the mammary gland

It occurs in paroxysms and is localized in a part of the mammary gland. The intensity is constantly changing.

Aching pain in the mammary gland

Such pain is dangerous because its effect is constant and its intensity is not strong; You can get used to it and not attach importance to it. The habit of enduring such pain means that a woman will not go to the doctor or will not go to the doctor very soon. In cases where pain is a symptom of a certain disease, a late visit to a doctor always leads to difficulties in diagnosis and treatment.

Pain in the mammary glands, as a clinical symptom, can manifest itself in various diseases:

  • Intercostal neuralgia.
  • Fibroadenoma of the mammary glands.
  • Breast abscess.
  • Breast cancer.
Intercostal neuralgia not directly related to the mammary glands. Attacks of acute ( occasionally whining) pain in the mammary glands in in this case does not mean illness. Neuralgia ( Literally translated as "nerve pain") develops due to impaired sensitivity of some nerve fibers. The pain “spreads” along the trunk and branches of the nerve, and since nerve endings are found everywhere in the body, this explains the fact that with neuralgia, the back, lower back, and mammary glands can hurt.
Neuralgic pain in the area of ​​the mammary glands occurs in paroxysms, is very intense, intensifies when walking, deep inhalations and exhalations, and when pressing on the chest.

Mastopathy is a benign disease of the mammary glands. It is manifested by the proliferation of glandular tissue, chest pain, and discharge from the nipple. Mastopathy always affects both breasts. With mastopathy, pain in the mammary glands is usually dull aching character. There is a feeling of heaviness in the chest, in rare cases The lymph nodes of the armpit are enlarged. By the way, 15% of women with mastopathy have no pain. So, based on only one symptom - chest pain - you cannot draw conclusions and immediately diagnose “mastopathy”. Mastopathy in some cases can degenerate into a cancerous tumor.

Fibroadenoma of the breast - This is a tumor-like encapsulated formation with a clear contour. The breasts become firm and painful to the touch, and an unknown substance may be released from the nipples. For middle-aged and older women it is indicated surgical intervention to remove fibroadenoma. Since fibroadenoma is usually benign education, then it does not disrupt the entire structure of the breast tissue. In extremely rare cases, fibroadenoma can develop into sarcoma ( cancer).

Mastitis is an inflammation of the mammary glands. Develops during breastfeeding ( so-called lactation mastitis), if hygiene standards are not carefully followed. Cracks in the nipples serve as entry points for infection. Accompanied by pain during feeding. Expressing milk is also painful, but this procedure must be carried out, only in this case the milk will not stagnate in the ducts and cause further worsening of inflammation.

Sometimes mastitis is confused with mastopathy, in fact it is two various diseases. Mastitis is less dangerous compared to mastopathy - it is easier to diagnose and treat.

Breast abscess – a rather rare complication of mastitis, which develops into an independent form of the disease. With an abscess, pus accumulates in the cavities of the mammary gland. Accompanied by severe pain and inflammation. To cure a woman, surgical opening of cavities with pus is performed.

Which doctor should I contact for pain in the mammary glands?

The causes of chest pain in a woman are different, and therefore, when they appear, it is necessary to contact doctors of various specialties, whose competence includes the diagnosis and treatment of the disease suspected in a particular case. To understand which doctor you should contact in each case, you should evaluate associated pain symptoms, since it is their combination that allows one to suspect an existing disease. Let's consider which doctors should be consulted by women for chest pain.

If a woman is bothered periodic attacks severe intense pain, aggravated by walking, pressing on the chest or deep inhalation and exhalation, then intercostal neuralgia is suspected, and in this case it is necessary to contact neurologist (make an appointment).

If a woman is bothered by almost constant dull aching pain in both mammary glands, combined with discharge from the nipples, a feeling of heaviness in the chest and sometimes enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit, then mastopathy is suspected, and in this case the woman should contact gynecologist (make an appointment) or mammologist (make an appointment).

If a woman feels a dense, spherical, painless lump in the mammary gland, which provokes a feeling of fullness or pain in the chest before menstruation, and is also combined with the discharge of an unknown substance from the nipples, then fibroadenoma is suspected, and in this case it is necessary to contact oncologist (make an appointment) or a mammologist.

If a woman at any age develops severe pain, redness and swelling of the breasts in combination with purulent discharge from the nipple, high temperature body and chills, then a breast abscess is suspected, and in this case it is necessary to consult a surgeon. If a woman lives in big city, then you can also contact a mammologist-surgeon.

If a woman of any age develops chest pain of any nature and at the same time the shape of the mammary gland changes, the skin on it becomes wrinkled, the nipple is retracted, nodules and lumps are felt in the breast, there is discharge from the nipple, and axillary and supraclavicular The lymph nodes are enlarged, then breast cancer is suspected, and in this case it is necessary to contact a mammologist.

Women at risk for breast diseases include:

  • Those who have not given birth at all, or who have given birth to one child.
  • Having a history of maternal predisposition to cancer.
  • Not breastfeeding or breastfeeding short period time.
  • Repeatedly had an abortion.
  • Not having regular sexual intercourse.
  • Emotionally unstable, stressed, anxious.
  • Residents of environmentally disadvantaged areas.
  • Obese people; those suffering from diabetes mellitus, diseases of the liver, gallbladder and thyroid gland.
  • Drinking alcohol and smoking.
  • Suffered injuries to the mammary glands.
Use alcoholic drinks and smoking are not direct causes of the development of breast diseases, they are indirect factors. The same applies to unfavorable ecological environments.

What diagnostic methods are used?

Clinical examination the doctor begins by collecting the necessary data ( so-called anamnesis). For a comprehensive understanding of the situation, a mammologist needs the following information:
  • about past illnesses;
  • about the operations carried out;
  • about menarche ( that is, the time of the onset of the first menstrual bleeding), about the regularity of menstruation;
  • about the number of pregnancies and abortions;
  • about the number of births.
The clinical examination also includes examination and manual examination of the breast, which examines the degree of formation of the glands, the size of the glands, shape, condition skin and nipple, the presence of scars on the skin. The lymph nodes are palpated for swelling. If, upon examination, compacted nodular formations are detected in the gland tissue, then their density, mobility, and size must be determined.

X-ray mammography is one of the main methods for objectively assessing the condition of the mammary glands. X-ray can reveal the presence functional changes in the first stages of the disease. Many women are afraid of this procedure, believing that they are receiving a strong dose of radiation. In fact, it has been proven that the dose of X-ray radiation is very insignificant, so carrying out preventive mammography every two years does not pose any danger.

A non-palpable nodular formation can easily be identified after mammography, when the mammologist analyzes the resulting X-ray. This explains the value of mammography as an objective diagnostic method.
It is advisable to undergo mammography once every two years, or annually at older ages.

What tests and examinations can a doctor prescribe for pain in the mammary glands in various cases?

The section above lists instrumental examination methods that are used when pain in the mammary gland occurs in order to make a diagnosis. However, in addition to instrumental methods, laboratory tests are also used. In addition, in each specific case, not all diagnostic methods are prescribed and applied, but only some, those that are most informative for the suspected disease. This means that the doctor in each case selects and prescribes those examinations that will allow him to make the diagnosis most accurately and accurately. short term. The selection of the list of studies in each case is carried out depending on the totality of the symptoms the woman has, since they are the ones that allow one to suspect a particular disease. Let's consider what diagnostic methods a doctor can prescribe if he suspects a particular disease manifested by chest pain.

When chest pains are paroxysmal in nature, that is, they appear suddenly, from time to time, are present for some time, and then disappear, and they are very intense, intensified by walking, pressing on the chest or taking a deep breath - the doctor suspects intercostal neuralgia and prescribes the following tests and examinations:

  • General blood test (sign up);
  • X-ray of the spine (make an appointment) And chest (sign up);
  • Magnetic resonance imaging of the spine (make an appointment);
  • Spondylogram;
  • Electrocardiography (ECG) (sign up).
A general blood test is almost always prescribed, as it is necessary to evaluate general condition body. Also, to find out the cause of neuralgia, the doctor first of all always prescribes x-ray (sign up), and, if technically possible, tomography. Spondylography is rarely prescribed, only as a additional method examinations when there is suspicion of dystrophic changes in the spinal column. And an electrocardiogram is prescribed only if, in addition to chest pain, a woman is also bothered by pain in the heart area. In this case, an electrocardiogram is necessary in order to understand whether pain in the heart area is caused by neuralgia or is associated with the pathology of this vital organ.

When a woman almost constantly has dull aching pain in both breasts, combined with discharge from the nipples, a feeling of heaviness in the chest and sometimes enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit, the doctor suspects mastopathy and in this case, first of all, palpates the breasts. glands and prescribes mammography (make an appointment) in the first half of the menstrual cycle. Often prescribed in addition to mammography Ultrasound (sign up), since these two methods of instrumental examination make it possible to diagnose mastopathy in women with high information content and accuracy. If, according to the results of ultrasound or mammography, a nodular formation was detected, then biopsy (sign up) followed by histological examination to identify possible cancer. As a rule, other studies to confirm the diagnosis of mastopathy, in addition to ultrasound and mammography, are not prescribed, since in similar cases they give little additional information. But still, sometimes, more often for the purpose of studying pathology, the doctor may prescribe a tomography if mastopathy is detected by ultrasound and mammography and ductography (sign up).

After identifying mastopathy in order to clarify the causes of this disease the doctor prescribes colposcopy (make an appointment) to estimate the total hormonal levels, and determination of progesterone concentration in the blood (sign up), estrogens, follicle-stimulating, luteinizing hormones, hormones thyroid gland(sign up), thyroid-stimulating hormone(sign up), adrenal hormones (sign up). Also for condition assessment endocrine organs are appointed Ultrasound of the thyroid gland (sign up), adrenal glands (sign up), liver (sign up), pancreas (sign up), radiography of the sella turcica, computed tomography of the pituitary gland. To identify possible pathologies metabolism produce biochemical analysis blood (sign up) And immunogram (sign up).

When a dense spherical formation is felt in the mammary gland, not too painful, but combined with a feeling of fullness of the chest before menstruation, discharge of an unknown substance from the nipples, the doctor suspects a fibroadenoma, and in this case, palpates (feels) the breast and prescribes an ultrasound with a biopsy. A biopsy is necessary to exclude the malignant nature of the tumor. No other studies are prescribed for fibroadenoma, since ultrasound and palpation are quite sufficient to make a diagnosis.

When during breastfeeding a woman develops severe bursting pain in the chest, combined with swelling, hardening and redness of the mammary gland, fever and chills - mastitis is suspected. In this case, the doctor examines and prescribes an ultrasound. As a rule, these simple diagnostic methods quite enough to make a diagnosis. In rare cases, if ultrasound results are questionable, a tissue biopsy is taken for subsequent examination under a microscope. Mammography is not prescribed for suspected mastitis. However, after mastitis is detected, to determine the microbe that causes inflammation, bacteriological culture of milk from the affected gland is prescribed.

When a woman has severe pain in the breast combined with redness and swelling, purulent discharge from the nipple, high body temperature and chills, a breast abscess is suspected. In this case, the doctor prescribes the following tests and examinations:

  • General blood analysis;
  • General urine analysis ;
  • Bacteriological culture of nipple discharge;
  • Cytogram (sign up) discharge from the nipples;
  • Ultrasound of the breast (make an appointment);
  • Mammography;
  • Computed tomography of the breast;
First of all, to make a diagnosis, clarify the localization of the abscess, and determine the condition of the breast tissue, the doctor prescribes general analysis blood, general urine test, breast ultrasound and mammography. If the result of ultrasound and mammography is doubtful, then an additional tomography of the breast is prescribed. To identify the pathogen infectious process bacteriological culture of the discharge from the nipples of the mammary gland is prescribed and performed. In order to distinguish an abscess from tumors, hematomas, necrosis and other diseases of the mammary gland, a biopsy and a cytogram of discharge from the nipples may be prescribed. However, both a biopsy and a cytogram for an abscess are rarely prescribed, only when doubt remains that the woman still has an abscess in the breast tissue.

If, in addition to chest pain, a woman’s shape and size of the mammary gland changes, the skin on it wrinkles, the nipple is pulled inward, nodules and lumps are felt in the breast, there is discharge from the nipple, and the axillary and supraclavicular lymph nodes are enlarged, then a malignant tumor is suspected. In this case, the doctor prescribes the following tests and examinations:

  • Mammography;
  • Ultrasound of the breast with dopplerography (sign up);
  • Ductography;
  • Thermography;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging of the breast (make an appointment);
  • Biopsy with histological examination.
In practice, mammography, ultrasound with Dopplerography and biopsy are most often prescribed, and other studies are not carried out, since these three methods are quite capable of identifying a malignant tumor. However, if you medical institution If there is a technical possibility, then for a comprehensive assessment of the condition of the tissues, shape, size and location of the tumor, all of the above examinations are performed. Also before surgical intervention for subsequent monitoring of the effectiveness of chemotherapy and radiation therapy and can be prescribed blood tests to determine the concentration of tumor markers (sign up). The concentrations of CA 15-3 and TPA in the blood are mainly determined, since these are the tumor markers that are most specific for breast cancer. However, if technically possible, tests for tumor markers CEA, PC-M2, HE4, CA 72-4 and beta-2 microglobulin, which are considered additional in the diagnosis of breast cancer, can also be prescribed.

It is contraindicated to undergo examination:

  • Pregnant women.
  • Breastfeeding.
  • For teenagers.
Ultrasound diagnostics - the most popular diagnostic method. Ultrasound effectively detects neoplasms and metamorphoses in the tissues of the mammary glands. True, if tumor formation diameter less than 1 cm, then in this case the diagnostic efficiency is slightly reduced. Therefore, most often ultrasound is used not as the main technique, but as an additional one.

Ductography method allows you to identify changes in the milk ducts. The essence of this diagnostic method is that the contrast substance to which is added methylene blue, inserted with a thin needle into the dilated milk ducts. After this, mammography is performed in the lateral and anterior projections. Thanks to the entered contrast agent sector with pathological formations easier to visualize on the resulting x-ray image.

Punch biopsy method often used in the diagnosis of fibrocystic mastopathy. Cells are taken from the affected tissue for cytological examination. The biopsy method is highly accurate and is therefore often used in mammology.

Pneumocystography - a puncture of the cyst cavity is performed and the cavity fluid is removed, which is then examined under a microscope. Instead, air is introduced equal to the volume of liquid evacuated from the cavity. After which a mammogram is performed.
The whole procedure takes a few minutes and is also painless. Therapeutic effect the filling of cysts with air, combined with high information content, gives pneumocystography the status of a reliable and accurate diagnostic study.

Since the occurrence of benign and malignant processes in the mammary glands directly correlates with hormonal imbalance, then to choose tactics effective treatment it is necessary to determine the hormonal status, in particular, to determine the level of the hormone prolactin in the blood. Prolactin is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland; it stimulates the growth and development of the mammary glands, as well as milk production in nursing mothers. High level hormone indicates diffuse mastopathy and for some other diseases of the mammary glands.

Treatment of breast pain

If after diagnosis it turns out that the pain is not related to functional disorders in the mammary glands, it is carried out symptomatic treatment. For example, when prolactin levels are elevated, antiprolactin drugs are prescribed, which suppress the pituitary gland's secretion of this hormone. But since hormone therapy can interfere regular cycle menstruation and has strong side effects, it is rarely used.

Much more often, herbal medicine, vitamin therapy, nutritional supplements. A special diet, which involves reducing or completely eliminating the consumption of chocolates, Coca-Cola, coffee, and alcohol, well regulates the balance of steroid hormones.

Sometimes, for pain in the mammary glands, doctors advise taking pyridoxine (vitamin B6 ) And thiamine (B1 ). Some biologically active additives, For example evening primrose oil also help relieve pain symptoms.

If the diagnosis revealed in the mammary glands pathological changes, then treatment is conservative and/or surgical.

Conservative treatment implies appointment wide range medications:

  • Vitamin therapy ( the administration of vitamins is especially important E, A, C, B ).
  • Drugs that normalize the secretion of sex hormones.
  • Sedatives, anti-stress therapy.
  • Enzyme therapy ( treatment with enzymes that regulate metabolic processes).
Surgical treatment depends on the specifics of the particular disease. In the vast majority of cases, the affected areas are removed and tumor-like formations are excised. After surgery, painkillers, immunomodulatory, and antitumor drugs are prescribed.

Prevention of pain in the mammary glands

Strengthening the immune system is good prevention chest pain. It is also important to be able to protect your body from stress. You should visit a doctor annually and undergo a manual examination, because early detection diseases increases the effectiveness of treatment.

Prevention of breast diseases is considered to be regular sex with a regular partner; complete failure from abortion; carrying a pregnancy, breastfeeding a child.

And there is another simple way to reduce pain in the mammary glands - change your bra. You should not wear a tight, awkwardly shaped bra, because its main function is to support the mammary glands, and not to squeeze them and create compression.

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

The mammary gland (MG) hurts many times during a woman’s life, and there are different reasons for this. But the impetus for such a state is always a hormonal imbalance.

When swelling, cysts or tumors appear, pain in the mammary gland signals compression of the nerve roots by swollen tissue. This is not a disease, but a symptom of a disease or natural condition of the breast. The pathology can be cured, and the period of natural hormonal changes can be survived with the least pain. To do this, you need to consult a mammologist.

Classification of pain

Breast tenderness is called mastalgia. Pain is divided into 3 types depending on the cause of its occurrence.


Cyclic pain depends on menstrual cycle women. Before menstruation, both breasts swell and a feeling of fullness appears. After the onset of menstruation, such pain in the mammary gland disappears simultaneously in both glands. The condition, as a rule, does not require treatment, as it is accepted by doctors as normal.

If the discomfort is very severe, it is better for a woman to consult a doctor. For cyclical pain, medications are prescribed to prevent the accumulation of fluid in the breast, as well as sedatives. nervous system. If the doctor says that this condition goes away on its own and there is no need to treat it, you should go to another doctor.


Non-cyclical includes pain in the mammary gland associated with certain diseases. In this case, pain appears after the formation of a cyst, tumor, or inflammatory process. May be diffuse or local in nature. This means that pain, as a symptom, manifests itself, respectively, in one place of the breast or spreads over a large area of ​​the organ.

Non-breast related

Other reasons not related to breast pathology:

— osteochondrosis of the spine (thoracic region; pain irradiates to the breast area)

- inflammatory process or neuralgia without inflammation in muscle layer Breast tissue adjacent to the chest.

Factors that provoke mastalgia:

- lack of hormones produced by the ovaries

abrupt change climate, from cold to hot and vice versa

- disruptions in the menstrual cycle, frequent periods, extended cycles.

Pain due to mastitis

If inflammation of the mammary gland (mastitis) develops, the pain is first localized at the site of infection, and then can spread to the entire mammary gland. The following symptoms are observed:

- swelling

- redness of the skin

- feeling of heat in the breast

burning pain, especially upon palpation.

Mastitis most often affects nursing mothers, but it also occurs during other periods of life. At lactation mastitis swelling of the breast occurs rapidly, and the inflammatory process develops just as quickly. The cause of the lactation and simple forms of the disease is infection. This is the only disease that develops not due to hormones, but after infection. For example, through a crack in the nipple or due to a blocked duct.

Condition for emergency call

Any inflammation of the mammary gland is dangerous due to an increase in body temperature and the appearance of pus in the tissues of the organ. With this development of mastitis, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance, since the condition requires hospitalization.

Cysts and tumors as causes of breast pain

In addition to inflammation, soreness and swelling of the mammary gland cause various seals in the form of cysts and tumors. The reasons for their occurrence are explained by medicine only by hormonal imbalance, namely: lack of progesterone. The epithelium forms a cavity filled with fluid (this is how a capsule appears) or abnormal growth of glandular, connective tissue begins.

Symptoms of a cyst:

- painlessness

- a node under the skin, in a lobe, duct.

The large capsule puts pressure on the nerve roots, causing pain, which causes the woman to see a doctor. As a rule, such a neoplasm is palpable during examination.

If the cause of pain is papilloma

In addition to the cyst, a papilloma can form inside the duct. It is this lump in the mammary gland that is found in the nipple area. Women often find it on their own, since the papilloma can be easily felt and pain appears when pressing on it. Main symptom such a neoplasm is discharge from the nipples. They can be of any shade, from transparent to cloudy, and there is no swelling of the organ. From an oncological point of view, discharge mixed with blood poses a danger.

Papilloma, unlike a cyst, can only be removed surgically (resection of the neoplasm is performed). Papilloma can be distinguished using ultrasound. The examination will show a lump in the mammary gland, located in the duct, having a smooth surface. Such a surface and smooth contours distinguish papilloma, cyst and other benign neoplasms from malignant.

It should be noted that mammography shows intraductal papilloma with a size of 3 mm, and a cyst with a size of 2 mm. The risk of papilloma degenerating into a cancerous tumor is small, but exists. In this case, intraductal breast carcinoma is formed.

Fibroadenoma and breast tenderness

Another factor causing pain in the mammary gland is fibroadenoma. It is a nodular mastopathy and is treated surgically. The tumor itself is painless, but when it reaches large sizes(from 1.5 cm), pressure occurs on the nerve roots. This condition may present with the following symptoms:

- burning at rest

- twitching, sharp pain when walking, palpation.

Features of breast diseases that cause pain

Fibroadenoma, cyst, papilloma in most cases are benign seals. Degeneration into a malignant process almost never occurs in a cyst, and often in a leaf-shaped fibroadenoma.

For the appearance of fibroadenoma in the mammary gland, the reasons develop against the background hormonal imbalance. Actually, they are characteristic of all pathologies of the breast, because the health of this pair female organ depends on the production of hormones more than others. At the slightest imbalance, tissues react with abnormal cell development (tumor growth), formation of a capsule with fluid (cyst), swelling (not dangerous in a cyclical mode, even with pain).

What to do if there is prolonged swelling of the breast?

Swelling must be given attention Special attention when this condition does not go away for a long time. It should disappear on its own when following conditions:

- your period has passed

- the lactation period has ended, breastfeeding

— hormonal therapy was stopped (if any was carried out).

If persistent swelling, skin itching, or pain in the breast occurs, you should undergo diagnostics: palpation examination by a mammologist, mammography, ultrasound, puncture. This is necessary to exclude oncological process and establishing a diagnosis.

Mastopathy is a source of severe pain

It should be noted that cancer tumor does not cause pain in the mammary gland until it grows to a size that affects the nerve endings. This is why it is difficult to diagnose breast cancer (sarcoma) on early stage. And all types of mastopathy cause severe pain in the chest. The disease is classified in the following forms:

- nodular (nodes are formed from fibrosis and cysts)

- diffuse (growing connective tissue)

- glandular (characterized by compactions of glandular epithelium),

- cystic (accompanied by the appearance of cysts, often more than one)

— fibrocystic (fibrous areas form capsules with liquid).

The fibrocystic nature of mastopathy is considered a normal variant if it is not bothered by: pain, swelling, changes in the shape of the breast. In this case, diagnostics are carried out to exclude tissue malignancy (abnormal growth) and cancer development. If necessary, you must agree to take medication or surgery.

When the reason is not hormones

In addition to hormonal diseases, pain in the breast can be caused by the following situations:

— disruption of the natural balance of adipose tissue during sudden weight loss, metabolic disorders; this condition is treatable folk method- primrose oil

Breast pain is a fairly common problem in women with a normal menstrual cycle during their childbearing years.

They can arise from various reasons, writes "Country of Health".

1. Due to hormonal changes

One of the reasons may be hormonal changes. They can cause discomfort or increased sensitivity. Chest pain can occur a few days before your period - this is quite common. PMS symptom. Unpleasant sensations may also be due to the use of hormonal contraceptive pills.

On the background hormonal changes may arise cyst, it leads to enlargement of the mammary glands.

2. During pregnancy

During pregnancy the body begins to undergo restructuring, so at this time it feels increased sensitivity. The breasts may become enlarged and blue veins may be visible on them - this indicates increased blood flow.

A woman may experience breast pain during breastfeeding. Unpleasant sensations arise due to the influx of milk and the activity of hormones. If the skin on your breasts is cracked, a woman is at increased risk of developing an infection (and an abscess).

Chest pain: causes

3. Due to inflammatory processes

Due to blockage of the milk flow during breastfeeding, a woman may experience inflammatory diseasemastitis. It is caused by viruses, fungi or bacteria. With mastitis, the breast becomes red, body temperature rises, fatigue and malaise occur.

Pus may accumulate in the chest - abscess. It is easy to notice when palpating the mammary glands; pain may occur when touched.

4. For cancer

Painful sensations may occur when breast cancer. Chest pain is felt at an advanced stage of the disease.

Pain in women may occur due to fibrocystic disease , it is characterized by changes in the tissue of the mammary glands, in which the epithelial and connective tissue components are disrupted.

Other news regarding treatment various diseases, medicine in Ukraine, healthy image life and nutrition, pregnancy and childbirth, discoveries in the field of medicine and much more - read in the section.

Although most women are accustomed to the fact that once a month there are painful sensations, sometimes chest pain in women can cause concern: is it cancer? Such thoughts appear especially often among those over 40.

All women's pain in the chest (mastalgia) can be divided into two types: cyclic and non-cyclic. Having figured out what type of problem your problem is, you can understand how terrible it is. This also determines what methods should be used to “treat” it.

  • Cyclic pain is associated with the menstrual cycle. Their occurrence in its second half is natural phenomenon. A few days before the start of menstruation, they may intensify. For some women painful sensations so strong that they interfere with normal functioning and cause anxiety. In this case, it makes sense to consult a doctor who will recommend an adequate remedy for pain.
  • Non-cyclical pain has nothing to do with the menstrual cycle and, accordingly, is caused by other reasons: diseases, injuries or something else.

Pain in the mammary glands often occurs during PMS

In most cases (two out of three), pain in the mammary glands is explained by hormonal reasons and is caused by changes in the body during menstruation. Non-cyclical pain is quite rare, but how dangerous they are - read on.

Chest pain in women: causes

But first, let's dot the i's with menstrual pain. Here, the reasons are absolutely clear: hormones live by their own rules, and the fact that they cause inconvenience to us does not bother them. So what if discomfort have intensified, there is no need to worry - this is not a disease at all, but you just need to cope with it somehow. Fight the pain in the usual way– using paracetamol or ibuprofen. You can also use an ointment for external use with an analgesic effect.

If these over-the-counter remedies do not help, you should consult a doctor. He will recommend special drugs that reduce the level of estrogen (female sex hormone) in the blood - tamoxifen, danazol, bromocreptine or others. They need to be taken on an ongoing basis, and not just when pain occurs.

Reception oral contraceptives, antidepressants, or blood pressure-lowering medications may worsen chest pain before your period. A gynecologist will help regulate their effect on the body.

Pregnancy, according to doctors, is the most common cause of discomfort. Take the test before visiting the doctor!

But the causes of non-cyclic pain are more diverse, and with hormonal phenomena on the eve of menstruation are in no way connected. Most often women over 40 years old complain about them. They can be called:

Please note: the worst thing - breast cancer - is in last place on this list. Cases where it is accompanied by pain are very, very rare. It can appear in its later stages, but it begins generally painlessly.

As for mastopathy, it main feature– lumps in the chest, not pain. Sometimes overgrown tissue blocks the ducts in the mammary glands and disrupts lymph flow, which also causes mastalgia.

In any case, if the slightest concern appears, it is better not to think and guess, but to visit female doctor. After forty there are no options at all. The examination and examination will definitely show whether there is anything unnecessary in this part of the body.

At the doctor

When going to the doctor, be prepared for him to ask you the following questions:

  • When was your last menstruation?
  • Are there any cycle irregularities?
  • How long have you had chest pain?
  • Which area of ​​the chest hurts the most?
  • Does it hurt in one breast or both?
  • Is there any discharge from the nipples?
  • What medications are you currently taking?

After this, the gynecologist will conduct a manual examination of the mammary glands and lymph nodes in armpits. If nothing is found, it further actions depend on your age. He will send women over 40 years of age additionally for mammography. If it shows the presence of neoplasms, you will need to undergo a biopsy to determine the nature of the tumor - malignant or benign.

Manual examination - first and important method checks

Most reliable method diagnostics that will give accurate advice - mammography

Further treatment depends entirely on the cause of the pain. The doctor's prescription may only consist of a recommendation to wear a more comfortable bra, and not the one that caused your chest compression - and subsequent pain.

He will recommend eating less salt if excess fluid accumulates in your body. Taking vitamins E or B6 will help correct the neuro-emotional background - and thereby eliminate the consequences of the stress experienced when your chest took the blow.

It happens that pain appears only in the right or only in the left breast. This is not a symptom of some special, separate disease. For example, premenstrual mastalgia can manifest itself in this selective way - and this is normal. This may also be due to compression pectoral muscle a heavy bag that you always carry on your right (or left) shoulder.

Pain may occur only in a certain area of ​​the mammary glands

Stop doing this and everything will return to normal. And one of the mammary glands (as well as both at once) can become ill during breastfeeding. Bacteria from a child's mouth or environment enter through the nipple and cause inflammation - mastitis. It is accompanied by fever and redness of the skin.

If you have left and right breasts different sizes, perhaps the mastalgia is caused by the fact that one of them (the larger one) started a protest against discrimination by the bra. Her “partner” is in comfortable conditions, but he puts shameless pressure on her. Choose a bra that is a larger size or a different model (very good - with wide straps).

A visit to your doctor may also reveal (or confirm) that you are interesting position. And chest pain often appears during pregnancy (also due to hormones).

Not only treatment, but also prevention will help you forget about chest pain: active sex life, normal work and rest schedule, wearing comfortable underwear, constant monitoring of the condition of your body and regular monitoring by a gynecologist.

Breast pain (mastalgia) is common, mainly in women aged 30 to 50 years.

Pain most often occurs in the upper-outer part of the mammary glands, and can radiate to the armpits or arms. In most cases, the chest pain is moderate, less often the discomfort reaches medium or high intensity, deprives you of peace, and becomes a cause of anxiety and stress. This is largely due to the fear of serious illness. Although the pain itself in the left or right breast is not a symptom of breast cancer and does not increase the risk of developing it.

Depending on the time of occurrence, pain in the mammary gland can be:

  • cyclic when your breasts hurt before or during menstruation;
  • non-cyclical when pain is not associated with the menstrual cycle.

To determine why the mammary glands hurt, it is useful to keep a diary in which you can track all changes in the mammary glands throughout the menstrual cycle. In a diary or on a calendar, you need to mark the days when the pain appears and when it disappears, what its intensity is, and what it is associated with. If necessary, you can show this diary to your doctor, which will facilitate diagnosis.


Why does my chest hurt?

The cause of cyclic pain in the mammary glands is considered to be a change in a woman’s hormonal levels before the onset of her next period. The pain appears at about the same time every month, usually 1-3 days before the start of menstruation and goes away with its end. The intensity of the pain may vary. In postmenopausal women taking replacement therapy hormone therapy, cyclic pain in the mammary glands is also possible. Cyclic chest pain is not a symptom of illness.

The cause of non-cyclic pain in the mammary glands cannot always be determined. Pain in the left or right breast can occur with the following diseases:

  • mastitis - inflammation of the mammary gland, more common in breastfeeding women;
  • lumps in the mammary gland - exist Various types benign (non-cancerous) lumps, some of which may cause pain;
  • breast abscess - painful purulent formation in breast tissue.

Non-cyclic breast pain can also be caused by injury, such as a sprained chest muscle or a breast injury. In rare cases, mastalgia can be caused by medications, such as certain types of antifungals, antidepressants, or antipsychotics.

Breast pain: treatment

If your chest hurts before menstruation (cyclic mastalgia), non-drug treatment methods usually help relieve the condition, less often - painkillers medications. If your chest pain is more serious reasons, the doctor may prescribe special drug therapy.

In 30% of cases cyclical pain in the chest goes away on its own within 3 menstrual cycles. For some women, it periodically appears and disappears over several years. Knowing that discomfort in the mammary glands is not dangerous to health, it is easier to deal with them.

If it hurts breast cyclically, relief can be provided by wearing a comfortable bra that fits properly. It must be worn throughout the day. It is also recommended to wear underwear at night, but for sleeping you need to choose a bra with little support. During training and active pastime, it is advisable to use a sports bra.

If necessary, you can take a pain reliever such as ibuprofen or paracetamol. You can also use medications containing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), local action in the form of gels or ointments, for example: indomethacin ointment, diclofenac gel. Follow the manufacturer's directions to make sure the medicine is right for you. For example, topical NSAIDs should not be applied to broken skin.

Some experts believe that chest pain can be relieved by making lifestyle changes:

  • reduce caffeine consumption, which is found in tea, coffee and Coca-Cola;
  • reduce consumption of saturated fats, which are found in butter, chips and fried foods;
  • stop smoking (if you smoke).

Sometimes, to relieve cyclical chest pain, women resort to alternative medicine, for example, acupuncture or reflexology, but the effectiveness of these methods has not yet been scientifically proven. If the cause of mastalgia is mastitis, abscess or other infection, then the prescription of antibiotics and surgical treatment quickly bring relief.

Drug treatment for mastalgia

Drug treatment is more often required for non-cyclical pain in the mammary glands associated with various benign diseases, but is occasionally prescribed in cases where the breasts hurt before menstruation. For example, your doctor may prescribe danazol, tamoxifen, or goserelin.

These funds regulate hormonal balance in the body and can reduce discomfort in the mammary glands. However, in addition to the positive effect, they have significant side effects, for example, such as excessive growth of body hair and an irreversible decrease in the timbre of the voice. Some of these drugs are used in the treatment of breast tumors, but doctors sometimes recommend them to get rid of chest pain.

Danazol is a drug for treatment severe pain, caused by fibrocystic mastopathy, a disease in which benign (non-cancerous) lumps form in the mammary gland. Side effects:

  • rash;
  • weight gain;
  • decrease in voice timbre, sometimes irreversible;
  • hirsutism (excessive hair growth) - for example, on the face.

Tamoxifen is a drug to treat breast cancer, but may also be prescribed for breast pain. Side effects:

  • vaginal bleeding or discharge;
  • hot flashes;
  • increased risk of developing uterine cancer (endometrial cancer);
  • increased risk of thromboembolism - when blood clots form in the veins (thrombosis), which can lead to blockage of the vessel.

Goserelin is a drug to treat breast cancer, but may also be prescribed for chest pain. Side effects:

  • vaginal dryness;
  • hot flashes;
  • loss of sexual desire;

When to see a doctor for breast pain?

Contact your doctor if you notice any of the following breast changes:

  • the appearance of a lump or compaction in the mammary gland;
  • nipple discharge;
  • the appearance of a lump or swelling in the armpit;
  • change in the size or shape of one or both breasts;
  • the appearance of dimples or other breast deformation;
  • rash on or around the nipple;
  • change appearance the nipple, for example, becomes sunken;
  • chest or armpit pain not associated with menstruation;
  • any signs of infection in the breast, such as swelling, redness
    or chest heat or increased body temperature.

If breast pain is accompanied by other symptoms or does not go away throughout the menstrual cycle (not only during monthly bleeding), it may not be cyclical chest pain. To determine its cause, consult your doctor.

If your mammary gland hurts, find a good gynecologist who will diagnose and, if necessary, treat your condition. In difficult cases, for a more detailed examination, you may be referred to a mammologist, who can be found using the NaPopravka service.

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