Acute enteritis symptoms and treatment in adults. Acute and chronic enteritis: causes, symptoms and treatment methods

Enteritis is inflammatory disease thin, in which dystrophic changes occur in the mucous membrane and the processes of absorption and digestion of food are disrupted.

Enteritis - what is it? Types of enteritis

Chronic enteritis is classified according to etiology, morphology, clinical and functional symptoms.

Based on anatomical and morphological changes, enteritis without serious violations mucous membrane, as well as with a moderate or subtotal degree of atrophy of epithelial cells and intestinal villi.

Clinically, the disease manifests itself in mild, moderate or severe form. Remission and exacerbation phases may occur. Since enteritis is an inflammatory disease, it is necessary to begin treatment at the first signs of pathology in order to maintain intestinal health.

Functional disorders are characterized specific symptoms- impaired absorption of nutrients in the intestine, changes in food hydrolysis, enteral insufficiency and exudative enteropathy.

Reasons for the development of the disease

There may be several reasons for the appearance of disorders in the small intestine:

Lack of proper treatment for chronic enteritis will contribute to dystrophic changes and inflammation in other parts digestive system(pancreas, gallbladder, stomach).

Clinical picture of enteritis

TO external manifestations diseases include any disturbances in the absorption and assimilation of food. These include:

  • sharp and rapid weight loss (a person loses up to 20 kg);
  • the appearance of insomnia, severe irritability;
  • decreased labor activity;
  • skin problems (thinning, dryness, flaking), hair loss, thickening nail plate and fragility;
  • tachycardia;
  • muscle pain, weakness, paresis and cramps.

Due to impaired absorption of vitamins, the development of concomitant diseases- hemeralopia, neuropathy, myopathy, cheilitis, glossitis, subcutaneous hemorrhages.

Intestinal symptoms of enteritis

Enteritis in humans is characterized by the manifestation of abdominal pain in the navel area, with palpation the pain intensifies. The syndrome appears 2-3 hours after eating. The pain can have a different character (dull, bursting, cramping).

This occurs due to impaired absorption of bile acids in the distal small intestine. As a result, acids enter the large intestine and provoke disruption of the absorption and digestion processes (diarrhea, bloating, flatulence, rumbling in the stomach appear). These are the signs that enteritis manifests itself.

What it is? If the ileocecal valve (separates the small and large intestines) is malfunctioning, hummus may enter the small intestine, causing it to become contaminated with harmful microorganisms.

Diagnosis of the disease

The primary diagnosis is made based on a survey and general examination patient, which includes palpation and percussion (tapping abdominal wall). The next step is to carry out a coprogram. Macroscopic examination determines the smell, consistency and color, and microscopic examination determines the presence of fats, muscle fibers or starch in the analysis.

To identify infectious microorganisms and dysbacteriosis in the intestines, it is necessary to conduct a bacteriological examination of feces for enteritis. What it is? With chronic enteritis in biochemical analysis blood, signs of insufficient absorption of nutrients in the small intestine (malabsorption syndrome) can be detected.

Examination of the small intestine causes many difficulties, since only a small part of it can be examined. During endoscopy, a biopsy of the mucous membrane is taken, which is necessary for histological analysis. In it, atrophy and degeneration of epithelial cells and intestinal villi are most often noted.

Allows you to identify tumors, ulcers, changes in the structure of the folds of the small intestine. Before the study, it is introduced into the body contrast agent, allowing to identify enteritis. Your doctor will tell you what it is. To differentiate the disease it is necessary comprehensive examination using modern diagnostic methods.

The symptoms of the disease have much in common with clinical manifestations other gastrointestinal pathologies. Therefore it is necessary differential diagnosis enteritis with gastritis, pancreatic problems and tumors.

Any disease of the small intestine requires a thorough examination, since many similar symptoms entails making an incorrect diagnosis and prescribing ineffective, in some cases even dangerous treatment, which can aggravate the condition of the small intestine.

Treatment of acute enteritis

Acute enteritis requires treatment in a hospital. Patients are prescribed a diet and plenty of fluids. Hydration therapy may be prescribed. Treatment is aimed at overall strengthening of the body and reducing the manifestations of unpleasant symptoms diseases.

If enteritis is accompanied by a severe form of dysbiosis, it is necessary to take medications, the action of which is aimed at eliminating diarrhea through the use of astringents. If a protein metabolism disorder occurs, it is necessary to introduce polypeptide solutions into the body.

On average, the duration of treatment is 7-10 days. During this time they stop acute symptoms diseases, and health is improved. Enteritis, the treatment of which lasts less, is not completely cured and provokes repeated manifestations of unpleasant and painful symptoms.

If the disease is toxic or infectious in nature, the patient must be hospitalized.

Treatment of chronic enteritis

For chronic enteritis, treatment is practically the same. The same diet and bed rest are required. In case of disruption of production digestive enzymes they are prescribed in the form of enzyme preparations (Festal, Pancreatin). It is also necessary to take medications to ensure absorption and recovery cell membranes intestinal epithelial cells.

Enteritis, which is treated in accordance with the doctor’s prescriptions, quickly ceases to bother you. However, the chronic form is characterized by frequent phases of exacerbations and remissions.

Concomitant dysbiosis must be treated with eubiotics and probiotics that restore beneficial microflora intestines. If the symptoms of enteritis occur against the background of the appearance of neoplasms in the small intestine (diverticula, polyps), then first of all it is necessary to surgical removal, and only after that can the manifestations of the disease be stopped.

Diet for enteritis

For enteritis, diet No. 4 is prescribed. It includes lean meat or fish that can be boiled, baked or fried. It is imperative to prepare soups using meat, fish, vegetable or mushroom broths. It is recommended to chop vegetables finely; in some cases, even cereals should be rubbed through a sieve.

Among dairy products, preference is given to kefir and yogurt. Such drinks allow you to quickly restore the intestines, improve its functioning and populate it with beneficial microorganisms.

Plant products are best consumed after heat treatment. Vegetables need to be boiled, baked or fried, and fruits can be made into compote, jelly or pureed with sugar. Tea with lemon, decoctions of rose hips, berries and bran will be very useful.

Prevention of enteritis

Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Measures to prevent intestinal enteritis include:

  • balanced diet;
  • eating only high-quality and fresh products;
  • absence of toxic substances in food (you cannot eat berries and mushrooms of unknown origin);
  • compliance with personal hygiene rules;
  • careful processing of food products;
  • reception medicines according to doctors' instructions;
  • timely visits to medical institutions to identify gastrointestinal diseases, as well as endocrine and metabolic processes in organism.

Subject to all preventive measures development can be prevented digestive diseases and disorders, and healthy image life will allow you to maintain your health at the highest level.

Enteritis in a puppy

In dogs, the disease appeared relatively recently, but its progression causes high mortality among puppies. The infection, which affects the intestines of animals, is not dangerous to humans, but quickly develops in the body of young dogs and causes serious structural and functional disorders.

Enteritis in a puppy is manifested by lethargy, increased temperature, and when stroking the sides or pressing on the stomach area, the dog will arch its back and tuck its tail, which indicates pain. With such symptoms, it is necessary to contact a veterinarian for an accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Enteritis is understood as an acute or chronic inflammatory process in the area of ​​the small intestine . This pathology leads to disruption of the main functions of the organ - breakdown and absorption useful substances. This disease causes a change in the structure of the mucosa, which provokes problems with the production of intestinal juice and the protective functions of the organ wall.

So what is enteritis? ? This term refers to progressive inflammation of the small intestine. In some cases, abnormal changes can provoke the appearance of erosions and necrotic process. It all depends on the stage of development of the pathology and the cause of the disease.

There are several classifications of this disorder - according to the characteristics of the course, the degree of intestinal damage, and the causes of development.

In medicine they distinguish following types pathologies:

  • Rotavirus;
  • granulomatous;
  • parvovirus;
  • coronavirus.

Not all of these species threaten humans. Parvovirus pathology is dangerous only for domestic animals. Is not contagious form. Therefore the development of suchenteritis in humansobserved extremely rarely. The coronavirus form of the disease is also typical for animals and does not pose a danger to people.

Company viral enteritis is an infectious pathology. It is usually diagnosed in children under 3 years of age and the elderly. Developmentgranulomatous enteritistypical exclusively for domestic animals. In people this type pathology is called Crohn's disease.

Follicular enteritischaracterized by the entry of pus into the structure of the intestinal mucosa. As the abnormal process progresses, the intestinal tract begins to fester. follicles . As a result, there is a risk of abscess formation.

Depending on the nature of the disease, there are 2 main forms of enteritis:

  1. Acute - it is characterized by pronounced symptoms . Usually a disease occurs in young children. With timely and correct therapy, it has a favorable prognosis.
  2. Chronic - develops if the acute form of the disease is not treated. Suchenteritis in adultsmay be a consequence of congenital or autoimmune pathologies, damage to the digestive organs.

Depending on the location of the abnormal process, the following types of pathology are distinguished:

  • Ileitis – represents a lesion ileum;
  • duodenitis – characterized by inflammation duodenum;
  • jeunitis - an inflammatory process that affects the jejunum.

It is also possible to developreflux enteritis. With this disease, an inflammatory lesion of the terminal fragment of the ileum is observed. This condition associated with cecoileal reflux.

Often the disease develops against the background of other inflammatory processes in the digestive organs. At gastroenteritis damage occurs to the stomach and small intestine. With inflammation of the large and small intestines, development is observedcolitis and enteritis. This condition is called enterocolitis. Gastroenterocolitis is an inflammation of the stomach, large and small intestines.

When pathology appears, functional disturbances in the functioning of the intestine may occur - changes in food digestion, problems with absorption, various enteropathies. With simultaneous inflammatory lesion colon in humans is diagnosedenteritis and colitis.

Each form of pathology has its own code according to ICD 10:

  1. Radiation non-infectious enteritisassociated with radiation. In the ICD 10 list it is listed under the code K52.0.
  2. The toxic form of the pathology is caused by food poisoning and toxic substances. It is encoded under the code K52.1.
  3. Allergic and nutritional types of enteritis are caused by the consumption of certain products. They are coded under the number K52.2.
  4. Other non-infectious enteritis. This category includeseosinophilic enteritis. In the list they appear under number K52.8.


Many people are interested inHow is enteritis transmitted?. You can only become infected with an infectious form of the disease. The main mechanism of transmission is fecal-oral. Infection can occur by contact, nutritional or waterborne means.

The reasons for the development of pathology may be different. The following factors can lead to acute enteritis:

  • Infection with pathogenic microorganisms - salmonella, staphylococcus, cholera bacillus;
  • infection with viruses – enteroviruses and rotaviruses are dangerous;
  • entry into the body of food and drug allergens;
  • influence chemical elements and heavy metals;
  • poisoning with toxic substances;
  • drinking alcohol;
  • dietary disorders - overuse fatty, hot, spicy foods.

The chronic form of pathology can develop for the following reasons:

  • Worm infestation;
  • intestinal giardiasis;
  • Availability bad habits– smoking, drinking alcohol;
  • improper diet;
  • harmful production conditions;
  • intestinal damage as a result of the use of certain drugs;
  • autoimmune pathologies;
  • surgical interventions in the intestines;
  • congenital forms of enteropathy and fermentopathy.

There are factors that significantly increase the risk of developing enteritis. These include bad habits, traumatic injuries belly, adhesions in the intestines, damage to the kidneys and circulatory system.

Clinical picture

This pathology is characterized by a typical clinical picture. Experts identify suchsymptoms of enteritis:

  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • loose stool – bowel movements occur more than 10 times a day;
  • dehydration;
  • flatulence;
  • pain in the navel area;
  • significant increase in temperature;
  • intoxication.

The feeling of dryness is especially pronounced in complex cases of pathology. This disorder can cause seizures and severe weight loss.

On a note. The acute form of the pathology is characterized by the development of tachycardia and a strong drop in pressure up to a state of shock. Loss of fluid leads to thickening of the blood, which can cause blood clots in the vessels.

The chronic form of the disease periodically recurs. Typically, exacerbations are a consequence of a violationdiets for enteritis. In this case, the following signs appear:

  • The urge to have a bowel movement after eating - liquid chair with undigested food;
  • the appearance of discomfort during bowel movements;
  • constant flatulence and rumbling in the stomach;
  • aching discomfort in the navel area;
  • the appearance of a whitish coating on the tongue;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • fragility bone tissue– due to calcium leaching;
  • weakness and dizziness – datasigns of enteritisassociated with iron deficiency.

The chronic form of the pathology leads to weakening immune system, which causes various diseases. Sometimes serious weight loss is observed, which entails the development of dystrophy.

Diagnostic methods

Treatment of enteritis in adultsare selected individually depending on the results of a medical examination and the clinical picture of the pathology. The specialist must prescribe whole line research.Diagnosis of enteritisincludes the following procedures:

  • Coprogram – stool sample analysis;
  • Ultrasound;
  • general blood analysis;
  • biochemistry;
  • radiography;
  • endoscopic examination of the small intestine.


How to treat pathology, the doctor must decide. Therapy should be aimed at eliminating the cause that caused the disease. It is also necessary to carry out symptomatictreatment of enteritiswhich helps alleviate the patient's condition.

Therapy for viral enteritis

Treat enteritis caused by a virus, it is necessary to infectious diseases department. In simple cases, therapy can be carried out at home. You definitely need to apply for medical care in such cases:

  • Temperature rises to 38 degrees;
  • chills;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • chair black or bloody more than 7 times a day;
  • intense abdominal pain.

First aid for this form of pathology consists of the use of various sorbents:

  1. Smecta – the use of 3-4 sachets per day is indicated. The product is mixed with a glass of water.
  2. Activated carbon - it is recommended to drink 10 tablets per 1 kg of weight. The specified volume must be distributed throughout the day.
  3. Attapulgite - 4 tablets are prescribed for adults. Then take 2 tablets after each bowel movement. You can drink no more than 14 pieces per day. The drug should not be used for more than 2 days in a row.

Therapy for bacterial enteritis

In this case, the principle of therapy is the same as for a viral disease. The exception is the need to use antibiotics.Bacterial enteritiscan be treated with the following drugs:

  • Metronidazole;
  • Norfloxacin;
  • Ofloxacin;
  • Ciprofloxacin.

Such medicines only prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication in in this case Absolutely forbidden.

Symptomatic therapy

To eliminate the symptoms of pathology and normalize general health, usedrug treatmentand folk remedies:

  1. Espumisan can be used to combat the symptoms of flatulence.Treatment of enteritis with folk remediesmay include herbal decoctions– dill seeds, oregano, valerian, chamomile.
  2. Loperamide is used to restore stool, Enterofuril, Imodium.
  3. To cope with signs of intoxication, you can use Polyphepan, Filtrum, Enterosorb.
  4. To normalize the digestive process enzyme preparations– Creon, Pancreatin, Mezim.
  5. To eliminate pain due to enteritis, No-shpu, Papaverine, Duspatalin are used.
  6. To restore intestinal microflora, you can use Linex, Lactobacterin, Zakofalk.

On a note. Important role compliance plays a role in the treatment of pathology drinking regime. Diarrhea results in the loss of large amounts of fluid. To prevent dehydration, you need to normalize water-salt balance. This can be done with the help of Regidron, Gidrovit and other medications.

Nutritional Features

Mandatory part effective therapy is gentlenutrition for enteritis. During the treatment of an acute form of the disease, you need to eat foods that help normalize the structure of the intestinal mucosa.

In the first 2-3 days, you should eat slimy soups and dishes that contain little fiber. These include white rice, baked potatoes, boiled vegetables and fruits. On the 4-5th day you can start eating lean meat and fish. Gradually coarser foods are included in the menu.

Diet for enteritisexcludes the following products:

  • Alcohol;
  • sweets;
  • spicy dishes;
  • fatty broths;
  • pickles;
  • milk;
  • smoked meats

The basis of the diet can be porridge with water, dairy products, tea without sugar. It is imperative to maintain a drinking regime.

Possible complications

With severe fluid loss consequences pathologies may include acute vascular insufficiency. In severe forms of the disease there is a risk of developing intestinal bleeding, necrotic changes or perforation of the affected organ.

With allergic or toxic pathology, there is a risk of damage to other organs. Thus, abnormal changes in the kidneys, liver, and heart may be observed.

Prognosis and prevention

With timely initiation of therapy, prognosisintestinal enteritisvery favorable. Recovery in this case occurs literally within a few days. If the acute process is protracted, there is a risk of complications.

In the chronic form of the disease, the prognosis is worse. In this case, remissions are replaced by exacerbations. In this case, the inflammation worsens, affecting new areas of tissue. If left untreated this form illness, everything can end fatal from exhaustion.

Prevention of enteritisimplies healthy eating, compliance with hygiene rules, good processing of products. It is very important to use only clean water, treat chronic diseases in a timely manner and exclude potentially dangerous foods from the diet.

Enteritis in humans occurs quite often and can cause dangerous consequences for good health. To prevent the development of complications and chronicity of the process, it is very important to start therapy in a timely manner. of this disease. To do this, you need to consult a doctor when the first signs of pathology appear.

is a change in the morphology and functional abilities of the small intestine of inflammatory and non-inflammatory origin. Acute illness, especially infectious origin, proceeds quickly and without serious consequences. Chronic damage to the small intestine leads to severe disorders of all types of metabolism (mineral, lipid, carbohydrate, protein) and significantly reduces the patient’s quality of life.

The classification of this disease is based on several principles:

  • preferential localization of the pathological process;
  • probable cause of the disease;
  • the nature of the ongoing morphological and functional changes;
  • the severity of the patient's condition;
  • phase of the disease (remission or exacerbation).

With the flow

  • acute enteritis (duration less than 3 months);
  • chronic enteritis(duration of clinical symptoms exceeds 6 months).

By localization

In some cases, it is possible to determine the predominant localization of the pathological process:

  • (damage to the duodenum);
  • (changes in the jejunum);
  • (pathology of the ileum).

For the reason that caused the disease

The most important component of the classification is the etiology of enteritis, that is, the reasons that provoked the development of clinical symptoms:

Often there is a combined lesion of the digestive canal, that is, damage not only to the small intestine, but also to the large intestine. In accordance with the localization of the pathological process, the following are distinguished:

  • (changes inside the stomach and intestines);
  • (combined damage to the small and large intestines).

Issues of enteritis classification are important, since in the treatment various types This disease requires strictly defined treatment tactics.


Clinical symptoms acute and chronic enteritis differs significantly not only in duration, but also in severity metabolic disorders.

Signs of acute enteritis

As a rule, acute enteritis has infectious etiology, therefore all typical ones are noted:

  • increased body temperature, sometimes up to 39 °C;
  • general weakness, drowsiness, lack of appetite;
  • painful nausea, episodes of repeated vomiting;
  • diffuse abdominal pain or around the navel;
  • spasmodic pain;
  • diarrhea is watery, the volume of feces is significant, pathological impurities (blood, pus, mucus), as a rule, are absent;
  • the development of symptoms of the disease is rapid and is associated with the consumption of poor quality food or violation of sanitary and hygienic rules.

Acute enteritis, with timely consultation with a doctor and adequate treatment, ends safely. Complications are most likely to develop in young children (first 3 years of life), patients with chronic heart disease and endocrine system. Sometimes a protracted course of the disease and the formation of intestinal dysbiosis are possible.

Signs of chronic enteritis

Chronic enteritis is characterized by periods of deterioration of the patient's condition (exacerbation) and improvement (remission). The clinical picture is dominated not by inflammatory processes, but by dystrophic processes (atrophy of the intestinal mucosa), disturbances in the processes of absorption () and digestion (), and deficiency of one or more enzymes.

Local signs (intestinal manifestations)

Clinical signs of chronic enteritis are appropriately divided into local and general. Among the local ones they note:

  • bowel disorders in the form of frequent watery diarrhea;
  • stool is liquid, yellow with areas of undigested muscle fibers or grayish with areas of fat;
  • increase in the number of bowel movements 4-20 per day;
  • almost constant flatulence, which intensifies in the afternoon, decreases after the passage of gas and bowel movements;
  • pain in the abdomen of moderate intensity associated with the accumulation of gases, damage to nerve endings;
  • (sweet, dairy, flour), which is manifested by worsening clinical symptoms.

General signs (extraintestinal manifestations)

Change general condition a patient with chronic enteritis is caused by severe disturbances in the absorption and digestion of nutrients. Clinical symptoms depend on the predominant damage to one or another type of metabolism.

Type of metabolism How does it manifest itself?
Protein metabolism disorder
  • loss of body weight due to a decrease in muscle tissue;
  • edema, which is caused by a decrease in proteins in the patient’s blood;
  • reduction in content total protein and its factions.
Lipid metabolism disorder
  • reduction in body weight due to subcutaneous fat;
  • steatorrhea - the presence of areas of undigested fat in the stool;
  • reduction in the blood levels of all components of lipid metabolism (triglycerides, cholesterol).
Carbohydrate metabolism disorder
  • bloating (the patient’s waist is tight, it’s hard to take a deep breath), rumbling, which is associated with increased fermentation processes in the intestines;
  • impaired glucose tolerance, tendency to low content blood sugar.
Mineral metabolism disorder
  • decrease in calcium content (convulsive contractions of the muscles of the arms and legs of an involuntary nature, osteoporosis);
  • iron deficiency ( Iron-deficiency anemia, dry and pale skin, catches in the corners of the mouth, brittle hair and nails).

All patients with moderate and severe chronic enteritis have several similar signs:

  • increasing weakness and fatigue;
  • decreased appetite;
  • irritability, memory impairment;
  • deterioration of the condition of the skin, hair, nails.

Causes and risk factors

The reasons for the development of acute or chronic enteritis are the presumed etiology of the disease, which is indicated in the classification (see above). It is advisable to dwell on possible predisposing factors that provoke the development of this disease. Among them the most significant:

In most cases, a combination of several provoking factors plays a role, especially when it comes to the formation of chronic enteritis.

Diagnostic methods

The doctor may suspect enteritis already during the examination and interview of the patient. During an objective examination of the patient, the following are observed:

To confirm or refute the diagnosis of enteritis, special laboratory and, less often, instrumental studies are required. In the complex diagnosis of acute enteritis, the following are used:

In the diagnosis of chronic enteritis, it is more important to assess the severity of metabolic disorders, as well as the motor-evacuation function of the intestine. For this we use:

Differential diagnosis is a difficult process, even for a doctor, of finding common and distinctive points for enteritis of various etiologies And , .


Therapy for acute and chronic enteritis is significantly different. At acute form diseases, it is necessary to replenish the loss of water-electrolyte balance and destroy the microbial agent. In chronic pathology, it is more important to compensate for the metabolic disturbances that occur.

Therapy of acute enteritis

Includes dietary nutrition and medication prescriptions. Treatment at home is allowed, preferably under the supervision of a doctor.

First aid

Consists of refusing to eat and going to bed. If a person has repeated vomiting and attempts to drink even a small amount of liquid lead to vomiting, then help is needed in a hospital setting - intravenous administration liquids. If there is no vomiting, then the patient should drink liquid (mineral water without gas, boiled water) in small sips every 10-15 minutes.

Diet food

On the first day you are supposed to be hungry. As the patient's condition improves, crackers, low-fat kefir, vegetable soup without meat, and porridge cooked in water are allowed. In the following days, a gradual expansion of the diet is allowed.


All medication prescriptions must be made by a doctor. In complex therapy of acute enteritis the following are used:

The duration of therapy for acute enteritis usually does not exceed 5-7 days.

Therapy of chronic enteritis

It is possible to cure chronic enteritis completely only in in rare cases. the main objective therapy - to achieve a long period of remission. The treatment is prescribed by the doctor, and the patient follows all his recommendations at home. Therapy in a hospital is required only in case of severe general condition of the patient and severe metabolic disorders.

Diet food

Dietary restrictions for a patient with chronic enteritis are constantly indicated, that is, it is necessary to completely reconsider your diet, since some foods must be completely excluded.

Not Recommended Products Recommended Products
  • any low-fat lactic acid products;
  • baked or boiled seasonal vegetables, in the form of stews or salads;
  • infrequently boiled eggs, in the form of an omelet\soufflé;
  • non-dairy porridges (buckwheat, semolina, rice);
  • vegetable soups cooked in low-fat broth;
  • low-fat dietary types of fish and meat, only in boiled, baked, stewed versions of preparation.


Medication prescriptions are determined by the severity of metabolic disorders. Can be assigned:

The duration of use of a particular drug is determined by the doctor.

Possible consequences and prevention

Poor digestion is the cause of metabolic disorders and deterioration in the patient’s quality of life. Only poses a threat to life chronic illness without adequate therapy. Acute enteritis without treatment, especially the severe version of the disease, can lead to death due to the development state of shock.

There are no universal remedies. Everything that is familiar to every person, such as a healthy lifestyle, can be considered as prevention of the development of acute and chronic enteritis.

Various diseases gastrointestinal tract lead to disruption of the digestive system and can cause serious complications. One of these diseases is intestinal enteritis, an inflammation that can occur in anyone at any age. Pathogenically affecting small intestine, enteritis occurs in different forms and may require urgent hospitalization patient and immediate drug therapy. In this article, the reader will learn how and why the intestines become inflamed, what symptoms and treatment methods exist.

Characteristics of the disease: forms and types of enteritis

There are two forms of the disease, differing in their symptoms, the nature of the course and the consequences that they can cause.

  • Acute enteritis

It occurs acutely and is characterized by vivid manifestations; it is more common in children in early age. With proper and timely drug therapy, the disease can be successfully treated.

  • Chronic enteritis

If the disease is not treated as required (insufficient or advanced). It is more common in adults as a consequence of acute enteritis. May also accompany various hereditary and autoimmune diseases, pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract.


This human organ consists of three intestines: jejunum, duodenum, ileum, according to which enteritis is called jeunitis, duodenitis, ileitis.

Most often, damage to the small intestine occurs together with other organs of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • gastroenteritis: inflammation develops in the intestines;
  • : inflammation also occurs in the large intestine;
  • gastroenterocolitis: both parts of the intestines and the stomach become inflamed.

Causes of the disease

Enteritis occurs rarely as an independent disease. Generally speaking, any form of intestinal inflammation can be triggered by problems with the body’s blood circulation, kidney disease, bad habits and insufficient physical activity.

More specifically, the acute form of the disease occurs for the following reasons:

  • infection with pathogenic bacteria;
  • virus infection;
  • reaction to food and drug allergens;
  • food poisoning;
  • alcohol addiction;
  • intoxication with chemicals;
  • radiation exposure;
  • prolonged consumption of fatty or spicy foods.

Chronic enteritis has the following causes:

Viral (infectious) and chronic enteritis: overview of the main pathogens

Viral enteritis occurs due to infection and development of pathogenic microorganisms in the human intestine.

  • Rotaviruses and enteroviruses. They provoke the occurrence acute infections. Enteritis is transmitted from a sick person through the use of general subjects personal hygiene (as a result of violations of hygiene standards), by airborne droplets, when consuming food and water containing the pathogen.

Attention! To minimize the likelihood of contamination, it is recommended to drink water after heat treatment, and wash food (vegetables, fruits) thoroughly before consumption.

Actively multiplying, the pathogen spreads throughout the body. Infectious enteritis damages the cells of the small intestinal mucosa and produces harmful toxins. Viral enteritis is manifested not only by intestinal disorders, but also by symptoms of ARVI.

  • Salmonellosis. Most often, Salmonella bacilli are transmitted and enter the body through eating food of animal origin or failing to comply with personal hygiene standards.

Once pathogenic bacilli enter the mucous membrane, they begin to multiply intensively and gradually enter the bloodstream, spreading throughout the body. They usually cause metabolic disorders, but with complications and damage to other organs, the disease occurs in a septic form.

  • Escherichiosis. This infection is common during travel and is caused by Escherichia. Bacteria can infect the body if a person fails to comply with simple sanitary and epidemiological standards of personal hygiene and eats insufficiently purified food products.

They produce toxins that disrupt intestinal function. They also cause inflammation and disrupt blood circulation in the intestines, leading to the formation of blood clots in blood vessels.

All of them have a destructive effect on the intestines and cause various adverse physiological, neurological and allergic reactions.

Chronic enteritis is considered a secondary disease that occurs as a consequence of an untreated acute form of inflammation.

  • . This is a gastrointestinal disorder in which intestinal motility is disrupted, a disruption in the normal production of intestinal juice and the ability to absorb nutrients. The intestines become sensitive to any infections, medications and nutrition.
  • Violation of the outflow of bile and its formation. The process is disrupted normal digestion, breakdown of nutrients. Impaired peristalsis prevents food from moving normally through the intestines. Leads to the formation and development of pathogenic microorganisms. The most well-known diseases in this area are,.

Signs of enteritis

is a gastrointestinal disorder in which intestinal motility is disrupted, the normal production of intestinal juice and the ability to absorb nutrients are disrupted

The following enteritis symptoms are distinguished:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • intensive – 10 or more times every 24 hours;
  • pain in the navel area;
  • the appearance of a whitish coating on the tongue;
  • intoxication;
  • significant increase in temperature.

Attention! (feeling of dryness) is especially pronounced when severe course illness and can lead to seizures and weight loss.

Acute enteritis is also characterized by a decrease in arterial blood pressure up to a state of shock. Due to the loss of fluid, the blood thickens, which can lead to the formation of blood clots in the blood vessels.

Chronic enteritis manifests itself during an exacerbation, which is the result of a violation of the prescribed diet. Has the following symptoms:

  • the urge to go to the toilet often occurs after eating food: loose stools with pieces of food;
  • the act of defecation is accompanied by unpleasant sensations;
  • bloating and rumbling in the abdomen are constant;
  • aching pain in the navel area;
  • a whitish coating forms on the tongue;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • bone tissue becomes brittle due to leaching;
  • frequent dizziness and weakness due to lack of iron.

Chronic enteritis can lead, for this reason, to the occurrence of various diseases. The body uses up its resources faster, which leads to early aging. There is weight loss up to dystrophy.

Diagnostics and therapy

Treatment of enteritis in adults is based on a medical examination and patient complaints. For getting complete information diagnostics are carried out:

  • coprogram - examination of a stool sample;
  • general blood analysis;
  • X-ray;
  • ultrasound examination (ultrasound);
  • endoscopy of the small intestine;

Based on the data obtained, the doctor determines the form of the disease, its characteristics and determines the course of treatment.

How to treat enteritis? Initially, you need to talk about the need to follow a diet. During treatment of the disease you should avoid:

  • fatty, spicy foods;
  • vegetable products containing coarse fiber;
  • fermented milk products;
  • black bread;
  • sweet;
  • alcohol.

The patient should eat frequently - at least 5 times a day in small portions. You need to drink up to 3 liters of water and fluids per day

  • Acute viral enteritis requires hospitalization of the patient and taking medications:
  1. antibiotics and other antimicrobial drugs;
  2. solutions with glucose and chloride;
  3. detoxification medications;
  4. vitamin therapy (vitamins C, B);
  5. antispasmodics.

Viral enteritis requires a long recovery period - at least two months; the person continues to follow a diet, takes vitamins, medications that strengthen and restore the intestinal microflora.

  • Chronic enteritis takes longer to treat; moreover, a person will have to follow a diet throughout his life.

To treat the disease the following are prescribed:

  1. medications to improve the digestion process, which include enzymes;
  2. drugs to improve intestinal motility;
  3. herbal preparations for elimination;
  4. probiotics to improve the condition of microflora;
  5. vitamin therapy.

Attention! Chronic enteritis can be cured only by giving up alcohol. Smoking cessation is recommended.

After enteritis, it is recommended to restore the intestines and the patient’s condition. Spa treatment in the area of ​​mineral springs (Essentuki, Pyatigorsk, etc.). It should also be emphasized that a patient with chronic enteritis should undergo an annual examination by a doctor.

Enteritis is a common disease in humans: in one way or another, almost every person has suffered from it throughout their entire life, but in modern conditions of low ecology, chronic enteritis is becoming more and more common. Modern medicine offers a sufficient range effective medicines for the healing and restoration of a person after enteritis. In this article, the reader received the main information that will help to recognize the disease in time and take a responsible approach to its treatment.

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What it is? Enteritis is a collective term for various pathological processes, causing inflammatory reactions in the intestinal walls. The mucous, muscular and serum membranes may be affected, but the mucous membrane of the small intestine is most often affected.

Inflammatory reactions provoke catarrhal or diphtheritic changes in the intestinal lining and can manifest themselves different character lesions - hyperemia and swelling of the mucous membrane, hemorrhagic, purulent and ulcerative processes.

The provoking factor for enteritis may be long-term use medicines, autoimmune and allergic processes, diseases and disorders in the enzymatic and gastrointestinal tract systems, genetically determined pathologies and much more.

Types of enteritis are classified:

Enteritis can manifest itself as an independent form (primary, idiopathic), or as a secondary, symptomatic form accompanying background pathologies (mainly kidney and liver diseases).

Chronic enteritis in adults

In the development of chronic enteritis in humans, the main role is played by several factors - inflammatory reactions in the intestines develop as a response to constant damaging factors affecting the intestinal walls (irritation, toxins). Such violations become a prerequisite for the development of dysbacteriosis.

  • Typically, the small intestine is sterile or contains scant bacterial flora in its cavity. Its population is noted mainly in the area of ​​the distal segment of the intestine.

Dysbacteriosis, in turn, provokes increased colonization of the intestinal cavity by microorganisms atypical for the intestine (flora and opportunistic organisms), their transformation occurs (their features and functions change), and aggression towards the intestinal tract increases. mucous membrane. The already disrupted digestive processes are aggravated. In the process of the toxic influence of the end products of microbial metabolism, constant damage to the intestinal walls occurs.

The formation of chronic enteritis is facilitated by immunological disorders caused by the development of food hypersensitivity reactions and autoallergy of the body to tissue decay products. With a prolonged illness, under the influence of toxins, the protein structure of the intestinal lining changes, which subsequently plays an antigenic role in the development of autoallergic manifestations.

An important component in the formation of enteritis in adults is weakened processes protective factors and deficiency of IgA immunoglobulin (secretory).

Under inflammatory influence, the processes of enzymatic secretion are disrupted, which leads to dysfunction in the cavity and parietal digestion, and the development of malabsorption syndrome in the small intestine.

Not least important in the causes of enteritis is the motor and tonic functions of the intestine, which are responsible for mixing foods with food secretions and moving intestinal contents through the gastrointestinal tract. With chronic enteritis in adults, secondary disorders are often detected in internal environment body - immune, endocrine and endocrine, nervous, etc.

Symptoms and signs of the disease are variable, and manifestations depend on the form and severity of the pathology. Despite the fact that enteritis manifests itself as an acute and chronic process, more often the initial diagnosis states chronic course.

This is due to the fact that it is bright severe symptoms Adults often try to treat acute enteritis on their own. And it was during this period of “successful” self-treatment symptoms of enteritis in adults, the disease, as a rule, enters its chronic phase.

  • At the same time, patients may exhibit extraintestinal and intestinal signs diseases.

Extraintestinal signs caused by malabsorption syndrome (impaired absorption functions in the intestine). Based on their manifestations, it is not difficult to suspect problems in the body that manifest themselves:

  • Rapid weight loss. In a couple of months, a person with a normal appetite can lose over 15 kg. body weight;
  • Chronic fatigue, characteristic of rapid weight loss;
  • Psychosomatic disorders - nighttime insomnia and daytime drowsiness, imbalance and incontinence;
  • Changes in appearance– dry and brittle hair, thinning and splitting of nails, gray tint of the skin;
  • If left untreated, tachycardia, hyporeflexia and muscle cramps may develop.
individually are rare, so inflammatory reactions most often develop in all parts of the gastrointestinal tract, manifesting themselves:
  • Impaired bowel movements (constipation or diarrhea);
  • Flatulence (flatulence) and tenesmus;
  • Periodic pain that occurs in the iliac and lower abdomen.

If the disease is accompanied by cholecystitis, patients experience xerostomia (), an unpleasant bitterness after eating. If the genesis of the disease is due to gastritis, signs of enteritis in a person will be manifested by heartburn, accompanied by an unpleasant odor of belching.

Development of enteritis in children, signs and symptoms

The genesis of the development of enteritis in children is due primarily to a decrease in immune defense child in the background infectious diseases, vitamin deficiency and intestinal dysbiosis, provocative effects of cold drinks and foods rich in fiber. Often, the first manifestations of symptoms of enteritis in children are preceded by gastritis and recent infections.

  • The main symptom of the development of enteritis in a child is diarrhea.

The stool may be yellow with many particles of undigested food and mucus included. Sometimes stool has a gray color with a characteristic clayey sheen and a fetid odor, which indicates a violation of the absorption of fats. If there is a fermentation process in the intestines, stool may have a foamy structure.

As additional signs speakers:

  • Pain during bowel movements;
  • Increased frequency of bowel movements (more than 15 times/day);
  • Flatulence and intestinal rumbling;
  • Cramping, dull, or bursting pain in the navel area;
  • Intoxication symptoms in the form of vomiting and nausea;
  • High temperatures.

Otherwise, the course of the disease in children is not much different from the manifestation in adults. Prescriptions of correct and adequate therapeutic procedures for the treatment of enteritis in children are carried out only by a doctor, after establishing the provocative factor and the severity of intestinal damage by inflammatory reactions.

Therapeutic therapy for enteritis is based on complex treatment medications together with a dietary diet. At the same time, the treatment process is not aimed at eliminating causative factor, but has a symptomatic orientation - elimination of symptoms.

Treatments for chronic enteritis include:

  1. Antisecretory agents that help relieve diarrhea are Imodium and its analogues, for example, Lopreamide.
  2. Antibacterial therapy with the drugs "Monomycin", "Erythromycin", "Levomecitin", "Rifampicin" and "Oleandomycin". After this, drugs are prescribed that restore intestinal microflora- “Bifidumbacterin”, “Lactobacterin”.
  3. Vitamin complexes that restore iron deficiency - “Maltofer”, “Ferocal”, “Ferum-leka”, “Aktiferin”.
  4. For disorders of absorption and digestion of food - the drug "Panangin", vitamin complexes, "Calcium gluconate", "Protein hydrolysates" and multivitamins.
  5. Signs of flatulence are eliminated by prescribing carminatives, for example Espumisan.
  6. In the form of replacement therapy, enzyme preparations are used - “Festala”, “Mezima”, “Creon”, etc.
  7. Complex therapy may include steroid hormone preparations that help reduce the severity of intestinal inflammation and improve absorption function.
  8. To restore body weight, drugs are prescribed that promote protein absorption - this is the intravenous administration of Intralipid or Lipofundin, which promotes rapid regeneration of the mucous coating of the intestinal walls.

The positive effect of drug therapy can be achieved only if certain nutritional rules are observed. Diet for enteritis is the main focus of therapy.

Diet time determines severity clinical symptoms and individual characteristics of the patient’s body. Diet dietary nutrition must be complete, balanced and nutritious. It is unacceptable to exaggerate the diet and “torment” the patient with hunger.

In addition to following the rules that provide for a gentle regime for the intestines (mechanical and chemical effects), the diet should be dominated by: protein food, primarily meat, which helps counteract fermentation processes in the intestines. Main direction in therapeutic diet– this is to restore as much as possible the impaired functions of the intestines and other organs affected by the pathological process.

By influence on intestinal functions, nutrients are divided into groups:

1) Those that affect the functions of intestinal emptying are kefir, fruit juices, black bread, mineral water, fats, fiber-rich foods, salt and cold foods.

2) Delaying bowel movements are foods containing tannins(tannins) - tinctures, juices or jelly from blueberries, cocoa, strong, tart tea, red wine, pureed food and warm drinks, soups with a mucous consistency.

3) Having indifferent properties - fish and meat products, prepared by chopped method, or in the form of pastes, well-baked bread, unleavened, fresh cottage cheese.

Based on these indicators, you can create an excellent menu for the patient. Usually, in a diet for enteritis, dietary (a, b and c) is recommended, for many, this does not mean anything. To put it simply, this means that in case of an acute course with signs of profuse diarrhea, a gentle diet containing normal amount protein foods with limited carbohydrates and no more than 10 grams. salt per day.

Dishes must be pureed or steamed. Total calories daily ration should not exceed 2100 kcal. This type of nutrition should be provided for the first five days. Then you can move on to option (b), for a period of one to two months.

This food option is complete diet with energy calorie content up to 3500 kcal. Products that stimulate gastric secretion and contain plant fiber are excluded. Preparation: boiled and steamed.

  • In the remission phase - (c) option is used when the pain is relieved and there are no dyspeptic signs.

A gradual expansion of the diet begins. Products are not wiped. It is possible to include in the diet soaked herring, lean ham, boiled vegetables in the form of salad, up to 200 grams per day, raw fruits and vegetables, juices, herbs (parsley, dill), jellied tongue and fish.


In the acute form of the disease, mild and moderate clinical symptoms of the disease quickly stop with proper therapy. Severe processes that are difficult to handle drug treatment, can provoke the development of various complications in the form of intestinal hemorrhages, perforation of the small intestine, necrotic areas or severe dehydration, which requires emergency medical interventions.

The chronic picture is due to periods of remission and exacerbations. Gradual progression worsens inflammatory processes, spreading the inflammatory reaction throughout the gastrointestinal tract and increasing intestinal malabsorption.

Lack of adequate treatment for a long course of the disease is dangerous for severe complications and infection. As a rule, the untreated chronic course of the disease ends in mortality from exhaustion and severe internal disorders.

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