Orange tablets for cystitis. We treat cystitis quickly and effectively at home

Cystitis is an infectious-inflammatory process that affects the mucous membrane Bladder. The disease causes severe pain and burning when urinating, and cramping in the lower abdomen. Properly prescribed medications for cystitis will help remove unpleasant symptoms and eliminate the very cause of the disease.

In the absence of timely medical care and non-compliance preventive measures the disease becomes chronic, which is much more difficult to get rid of.

Tablets for the treatment of cystitis should be prescribed by a doctor based on test results and patient complaints. Self-medication is unacceptable. Symptoms of cystitis are similar to other symptoms infectious diseases, and a person without medical education it will be difficult to perform a differential analysis. Therefore, when alarming symptoms The first step is to contact a specialist.

How to treat cystitis in women

Sometimes with cystitis, not only the bladder, but also other organs are involved in the pathological process: kidneys, intestines, genitals. For this reason, the treatment process includes a whole range of activities.

Treatment of cystitis in women includes the following mandatory elements: dietary food, herbal medicines, hygiene procedures, antibacterial agents. Most often prescribed:

  • – 3 mg once, 2 hours after a meal.
  • , 1 tablet 2 times, for 3 days.
  • Biseptol 2 tablets. 2 times – 3 days.

Considered a disease weak immunity, That's why curative therapy should also be aimed at strengthening the body's resistance.

How to treat cystitis in children

For the treatment of children, medications are selected individually. Depending on the severity pathological process and severity clinical symptoms an antibacterial agent is selected. In most cases, treatment is carried out in a hospital setting. Children over twelve years of age are usually treated at home.

Children are prescribed bed rest. Apply to the bladder area dry heat. This helps reduce pain and aches. Baths with chamomile and sage help reduce the severity of inflammatory process.

Drug therapy includes taking antispasmodics (Papaverine or No-shpa in the form of rectal suppositories), as well as uroseptics that fight cystitis pathogens.

The following antibiotics are prescribed to children:

  • Augmentin;
  • Co-trimoxazole;
  • Sumamed;
  • Azithromycin;

Effective tablets for cystitis

Herbal remedies for cystitis

Funds for plant based are applied either on initial stage process, or chronic form. Hyperthermia is a contraindication to herbal medicine. Herbal preparations They are not monotherapy; they are used in combination with other medications.

Let's highlight the most popular herbal remedies:

  • . This combination remedy, which has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. You should not expect quick results from Cyston. The drug should be taken for at least two weeks. During this time, the product will have time to withdraw pathogenic microflora and normalize urination;
  • . The product is popular due to its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and diuretic properties. Lingonberry leaves enhance the therapeutic effect antibacterial agents, and also strengthen the overall resistance of the body. Most often, for cystitis, lingonberry leaves are used in the form of tea, but it is better to drink it chilled;
  • . The product is a concentrated cranberry extract. Monurel has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. The product helps eliminate pathogenic microflora and strengthens the work immune system. The drug is used both in medicinal and for preventive purposes;
  • . The product contains plants such as centaury and rosemary. Available in the form of dragees. Canephron has immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. It is often prescribed in cases where cystitis is accompanied by severe pain;
  • . The composition of the drug includes vegetable oils and medicinal herbs. The product effectively relieves acute spasms during cystitis.

Antibacterial drugs for cystitis

Not assigned blindly. A bacteriological analysis of urine is required. Biological material is placed in nutrient medium. The study helps to identify the causative agent of the disease and determine its sensitivity to the drug.

The patient must complete the course of antibiotic therapy completely, this also applies to cases of improvement in health. It may only seem to you that the disease has subsided. After interrupting treatment, a relapse may occur soon.

The most common cause of cystitis is staphylococcal infection or coli. Symptomatic treatment Only short-term treatment will weaken the manifestation of the disease, but the cause will not be eliminated, which is why antibiotics are prescribed.

Let's highlight best antibiotics for cystitis:

  • Monural, from 370 rubles. The product has pronounced analgesic properties. After just three days, the patient’s condition improved significantly. Experts usually recommend taking Monural once a day before going to bed. This safe drug, which can even be taken during pregnancy and lactation. However, Monural is contraindicated for children under five years of age. The drug is well tolerated by patients, but in rare cases may lead to skin rash, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting;
  • Nolitsin, from 200 rubles. The tablets differ in their pronounced antimicrobial properties. The peculiarity of Nolitsin is that it does not linger in the tissues of the body, but is quickly excreted by the kidneys. The drug has practically no restrictions, the only thing is that it cannot be taken until the age of eighteen. Usually treated for three days, the medicine should be taken three times a day;
  • Palin, from 250 rubles. This is a fast-acting drug that nullifies the inflammatory reaction in the bladder. Palin is taken two capsules twice a day;
  • Furadonin. Price from 100 rubles. The principle of action of the drug is based on disruption of protein synthesis in the cell of a pathogenic microorganism. The product should be taken three times a day for ten days. Just a few days after starting to take the pills general state the patient is significantly normalized. As for the disadvantages, Furadonin can cause unwanted side effects in the form of allergies, dizziness, and dyspeptic disorders.

Other drugs for cystitis

Antibiotics and herbal medicines are not the only means prescribed for cystitis. Let's talk about these groups of drugs:

  • Antispasmodics. Such remedies help relieve pain and reduce the urge to urinate. Drotaverine is a prominent representative of antispasmodic drugs. It acts quickly and does not destroy the nervous system.
  • Anti-inflammatory. The drugs help reduce pain and normalize temperature. The tablets are well tolerated and have a gentle effect on the body. However, they negatively affect the functioning of the liver and kidneys. Ibuprofen reduces fever and eliminates pain, and Ibuclin contains paracetamol, which enhances the effectiveness of the drug.
  • Probiotics. The drugs prevent relapse of cystitis and help restore microflora. Acipol has virtually no side effects; it hinders the appearance of pathogenic microflora, which provokes the destruction of the mucous membrane.

Timely treatment of cystitis is the key get well soon. Since inflammation of the bladder is infectious in nature, for successful treatment antibiotics will be needed. First, the patient undergoes an examination and, after receiving the results, treatment is prescribed.

In order to completely forget about the problem, you must strictly follow medical recommendations and promptly take medications for cystitis prescribed by your doctor. Self-diagnosis will only seriously harm you. Remember, prescribing medications is a matter of medical competence only.

The success of treatment of acute and chronic cystitis depends not only on timely diagnosis, but also on correctly selected medications.

To choose the most effective remedy for cystitis, you need to know the principles of treatment, the criteria for choosing a drug and, of course, take into account individual characteristics patient.

Basic principles of treatment

Cystitis is a disease of the bladder, the cause of which in 90% of cases is microbes. Acute cystitis with delayed or ineffective treatment often becomes chronic.

In the treatment of any form of cystitis, an integrated approach is important.

This complex consists of:

  • etiotropic (antibacterial) therapy, which is aimed at destroying the pathogen;
  • symptomatic treatment, the purpose of which is to alleviate the patient’s condition;
  • auxiliary methods are regime and diet;
  • herbal medicine;
  • preventive measures used to reduce the risk repeated illness and relapses.

Antibacterial therapy for cystitis

A prerequisite for treating the disease is properly selected antimicrobial therapy. When choosing an antibiotic, the following criteria are taken into account:

  • effectiveness against the causative agent of cystitis;
  • frequency of administration - the lower it is, the higher the likelihood that the patient will take it;
  • individual intolerance to the drug;
  • possible side effects and the effect of the drug on concomitant diseases.

In modern medicine, several groups of effective antibacterial agents for cystitis are used, which can be divided into two groups - general and local antibiotics(miramistin).

General antibiotics

These drugs are available in the form of tablets or solutions, and are respectively taken orally or parenterally (intravenous and intramuscular injections).

Injections are used in a hospital setting; tablets are preferable for treatment at home.

General antibiotics can also be divided into two groups - broad-spectrum and narrow-spectrum.

Broad-spectrum drugs (Monural, Ciprofloxacin, Cephalosporins, Amoxicillin) act on most bacteria (especially E. coli, which causes cystitis in 90% of patients). Such drugs are preferable when the exact cause of cystitis is not known.

Narrowly targeted antibiotics (Macropen, Lincomycin) are used when pathogens sensitive to this drug are identified, usually these are nosocomial strains of microorganisms. Treatment with these drugs is carried out in a hospital.

The most effective antibiotic

In each case, everything is individual and depends on the cause of cystitis. However, at the moment, Monural is most effective in the treatment of cystitis.

This drug has a number of advantages:

  • wide spectrum of action – has activity against E. coli and most bacteria;
  • convenient form of application - available in the form of a sachet with granules for preparing a solution;
  • single dose of 3 g – one sachet;
  • safety of use in pregnant and lactating women;
  • low cost of treatment.

The disadvantages of the drug include:

  • contraindications – childhood up to 5 years and individual intolerance;
  • the need for two doses in case of recurrent infection.

Monural is an inexpensive, effective and safe drug that is convenient to take.

Herbal remedies

Herbal medicines (Monurel, Cystenium, Canephron) can be used for therapeutic and preventive purposes. They are quite effective, but at the same time safe for the body. All of these drugs relieve pain and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

One of the most effective of them is Cystenium.

Cystenium contains proanthocyanidins from large-fruited cranberries, arbutin from bearberry herb extract and vitamin C in “working” dosages.

The components of the drug complement and enhance the effect of each other, having a versatile effect on the bacteria that cause cystitis. It is important that bacteria do not develop addiction to plant components, so to use Cystenium there is no need to do bacterial culture or other tests.

Proanthocyanidins contained in cranberry extract, which is used to produce Cystenium, block reproduction pathogenic bacteria and do not allow them to attach to the walls of the bladder. Thanks to this, harmful microorganisms are quickly eliminated from the body during urination. 1 sachet of Cystenium contains 36 mg of cranberry proanthocyanidins, this is the dose that is effective for preventing cystitis according to the recommendations of the European Association of Urology.

Arbutin, found in bearberry leaves, has antimicrobial and antiseptic properties, prevents the proliferation of bacteria and removes them from the body.

Vitamin C helps create an acidic environment, which is unfavorable for bacteria. In addition, it reduces inflammation and helps restore the bladder mucosa.

Thus, the components of the drug:

  • do not allow harmful bacteria attach to the mucous membrane of the bladder and urinary tract,
  • prevent the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria,
  • allow you to remove them from the body as quickly as possible.

The drug is used in combination with antibacterial drugs in the treatment of acute cystitis, as well as for the prevention of exacerbations in chronic cystitis.

Have a good diuretic effect lingonberry leaf, rose hip.

The diet has no independent medicinal value. However, it is advisable to increase the volume of fluid during treatment, limit the consumption of salt and irritating foods (spices, canned food). Include potassium-rich foods, diuretic drinks and berries (cranberries, watermelon) in your diet.

Alternative drugs for the treatment of cystitis

In case of individual intolerance to Monural, you can choose one of the following antibiotics:

Ciprofloxacin (Tsiprolet, Tsifran) is an antimicrobial drug from the group of fluoroquinolones. It has a bactericidal effect and a large list of side effects. Not suitable for pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under 18 years of age, because inhibits the development of the osteoarticular system. The duration of treatment is at least 7 days.

Amoxiclav - film-coated tablets

Amoxicillin clavulanate (Augmentin, Flemoklav, Amoxiclav) – antibiotic penicillin series. Mainly used in children. Available in the form of tablets, granules, for the preparation of syrup, which has a pleasant taste. The course of treatment is at least 5 days.

Ineffective means

Antibacterial therapy for cystitis may be ineffective because microorganisms can develop resistance to drugs. Ineffective antimicrobial drugs include:

  • 1st generation cephalosporins (Cephalexin);
  • Ampicillin;
  • Biseptol;
  • Furagin (Furamag) – is prescribed only in case of bacterial sensitivity confirmed by culture.

The most reliable therapy for cystitis is prescribed only after full diagnostics. However, if symptoms are severe, doctors prescribe some medications immediately upon treatment. , review of effective products: Monural, Normax, Uro-Vaxom and others.

How to relieve pain when acute cystitis read .

Some foods can cause irritation of the bladder mucosa and even swelling, so it is better to avoid such foods if you have cystitis. This article details what you can and cannot eat if you have an inflammatory process in the bladder.

Symptomatic therapy

The use of these drugs is aimed at alleviating the condition of patients during exacerbations of cystitis.

Treatment consists of taking antispasmodics, NSAIDs, and diuretics.

Antispasmodics (No-shpa, Spazmalgan, Drotaverine) relax the smooth muscles of the bladder and urethra, facilitate pain syndrome during urination and prevent acute urinary retention.

NSAIDs (baralgin, ibuprofen) have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Strengthen the effectiveness of antibiotics.


The infection is washed out of the bladder with urine. Diuretics speed up this process and help speed up recovery.

Diuretics can be artificially synthesized or of plant origin.

Furosemide (Lasix) is the most popular and affordable synthetic diuretic. Has a rapid, pronounced effect. During treatment, it is recommended to increase the amount of fluid you drink. It should be remembered that these medications wash away potassium from the body, which is necessary for cardiovascular function. vascular system Therefore, potassium supplements (Asparkam) must be added.

Furosemide is a diuretic

Herbal medicines (Canephron, Monurel, diuretics and herbs) can be used for therapeutic and preventive purposes.

Lingonberry leaves and rose hips have a good diuretic effect. Canephron and Monurel relieve pain.

The effect of herbal medicines is less pronounced than that of furosemide. Prescribed at the end of treatment, during remission or when mild flow cystitis. Canephron and Monurel relieve pain and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Diet has no independent therapeutic value. However, it is advisable during treatment to increase the volume of fluid, limit the consumption of salt and irritating foods (legumes, spices, canned food). Include potassium-rich foods, diuretic drinks and berries (cranberries, watermelon) in your diet.

Cystitis after taking antibiotics

Antibacterial therapy can completely cure the disease. Cases of recurrent disease are associated with insufficient prevention of cystitis, non-compliance with hygiene rules, and disruption of the vaginal biocenosis.

The transition to a chronic form is associated with late diagnosis of the disease or incorrect antibacterial treatment if an insufficient dose of the drug was prescribed or an ineffective drug was selected. This often happens during self-medication.

If signs of illness appear, contact a specialist. Only a doctor can select an effective remedy for cystitis and prescribe a treatment regimen that will allow you to cope with the disease in the shortest possible time.

Remedies for cystitis are aimed at suppressing the activity of microbes; in addition, immunostimulating drugs are actively used. : antibiotics, antimycotics, analgesics and other groups of drugs, let’s look at how effective they are and which ones are best to use.

Read about the features of selecting drugs for the treatment of cystitis in women.

Video on the topic

    I didn’t suffer as a pregnant woman) Maybe, of course, because of the prevention. I took Cystenium for probably a year (with interruptions, of course). And before that I was treated with it; they prescribed it to me along with an antibiotic. Good remedy, better than Monurel and Canephron (they weren’t even very diuretic). I drank for two weeks, even when all the symptoms went away (quickly, by the way, in two days).

    I had cystitis during pregnancy. The doctor prescribed Furadonin. The instructions say that it should not be taken during pregnancy, but the doctor assured that nothing bad would happen. I drank it for a few days and everything went away. A very effective product and not expensive. I drank it for a few days and everything went away.

Experienced urologists are increasingly focusing their attention on the increased dependence of cystitis therapy on drugs that have antibacterial effect. Several decades ago, adequate treatment consisted of compliance strict diet and the use of herbal infusions.

Most important point modern diagnostics - carrying out laboratory research to determine the sensitivity of pathogenic microorganisms to antibiotics.

The main reason for the decline therapeutic effect the development of resistance of bladder inflammation pathogens to most drugs. This happened as a result of their free over-the-counter sale and uncontrolled use, which was often inappropriate.

Only the urologist, and not the patient, should choose pills for cystitis in women and men. The doctor also determines the duration of treatment, daily and single dosages.

Medical tactics

It takes several days to identify pathogenic microflora in urine samples. But patients are already complaining of cramps and pain when urinating. Considering that most of them turned to a urologist with a very advanced form of the disease, threatening to develop into chronic cystitis, the doctor is not waiting for test results.

In these cases, they are prescribed antibacterial tablets from inflammation of the bladder with a wide spectrum of action, to which most infectious agents are sensitive. What else makes it difficult to start therapy:

  • Bacteriological laboratories, whose specialists can determine the resistance of cystitis pathogens, are not available in many clinics;
  • Conventional diagnostics do not detect viruses that cause bladder inflammation, which can significantly complicate treatment.

If therapy is ineffective, then the urologist replaces cystitis pills for men and women, based on the obtained values ​​of laboratory urine tests. To speed up recovery, women and girls are recommended to take vaginal suppositories or tablets simultaneously with antibacterial agents.


Antibiotics have the ability to destroy bacteria and prevent their active reproduction. Effective tablets from cystitis - synthetic drugs the latest generation of various groups.

Most infectious agents have not yet developed resistance to them. Antibiotics accumulate in the organs of the urinary system, which makes it possible to create the maximum therapeutic concentration of the active substance in urine. Most often performed drug treatment cystitis with such drugs:


The most famous fluoroquinolone derivative is Norfloxacin. On pharmacy shelves it is represented by tablets for cystitis Norbactin, Normax, .

Pharmacological drug belongs to the reserve category, that is, it is used when penicillins, sulfonamides, and cephalosporin antibiotics are of low effectiveness. This group also includes:

  • Pefloxacin (Abaktal);
  • Ciprofloxacin;
  • Levofloxacin (Tavanic);
  • Ofloxacin.

The latter, unlike Norfloxacin, is able to suppress the proliferation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.


The antibiotic belongs to the semi-synthetic penicillins; the drug is most often used in the treatment of cystitis Flemoxin Solutab With active substance amoxicillin in soluble form. These cystitis tablets for women and men are acid-resistant, so they can be used even in the absence of food in the gastrointestinal tract.


In the treatment of bladder inflammation, second, third and fourth generation antibiotics are used: Suprax, Cefuroxime (Zinnat), Ceforal Solutab.

They are not able to suppress the growth and reproduction of staphylococci, but are active against other pathogens of cystitis. The main indication for taking these tablets for cystitis is uncomplicated inflammation of the urinary system.


Hydroxyquinolines often prescribed for cystitis include Nitroxoline and its analogue. The drugs quickly destroy both gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, mycobacterium tuberculosis, and yeast fungi.

The therapeutic concentration of Nitroxoline is detected only within two hours, so the drug is recommended for use with other antibiotics.


The most famous representative of antibacterial drugs of the quinolone group is. These tablets for cystitis are often used in combination with vaginal suppositories for women and with rectal suppositories for men.


Typical representative. It is quite gentle on the body, but at the same time quite a strong antibacterial drug. Dispensed by prescription.

Antibacterial drugs

In addition to antibiotics, the following medications can destroy cystitis pathogens:

Sulfonamides - Sulfodimethoxine, Urosulfan.

The active ingredients of the drugs block the production of vitamin B 9, which leads to disruption of the enzyme systems necessary for life. Daily dose medicine- 1 tablet, since the maximum therapeutic dose is detected in the bloodstream within 24 hours.

Nitrofurans - Furazolidone, Furadonin, Furamag.

Taking these drugs leads to disruption of protein metabolism in the microbial cell, and this prevents their active reproduction. The studies revealed a gradual decrease in the bacteriostatic effect of these cheap tablets and an increase in the resistance of cystitis pathogens to them.

Nalidixic acid - Nevigramon.

Antibacterial drug has little activity against streptococci and staphylococci, and also has serious contraindications for use.


Pain from cystitis can be so unbearable that urologists have to use solutions for parenteral administration. But in most cases, doctors prescribe drugs to patients in the form of tablets or capsules.

For cystitis, medications whose active ingredient is aspirin are strictly prohibited due to the high likelihood of bleeding. Most often, urologists recommend that patients take the following inexpensive and effective medications:

Isoquinoline antispasmodics.

Drotaverine and him imported analogue No-shpa. Yellow pills reduce spasmodic contractions smooth muscle fibers, effectively eliminate painful spasms, reduce the frequency of the urge to empty the bladder.


Nimesulide, Ibuprofen and their analogues. Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs have analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects. When using them, it is quite possible to do without antispasmodics.


Relatively inexpensive tablets from cystitis with plant composition used simultaneously with antibacterial and antimicrobials. They are easy to use, unlike infusions and decoctions. medicinal herbs. Such herbal remedies include:


The medicine contains about two dozen extracts medicinal plants, having antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. The diuretic properties of Cyston are used to remove sand and small stones from the urinary organs.


The drug reduces the severity of inflammation in the bladder, eliminates pain, cramping and burning. Manufacturers produce Canephron in the form of a solution and tablets for oral use.


A dietary supplement with cranberry extract exhibits diuretic, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial effects. Urologists prescribe Monurel for acute and chronic forms of cystitis. The only drawback of the dietary supplement is the long period of use.


Composition biologically active additive includes bear ears, horsetail, dried cranberry extract. A course of taking the drug helps flush out pathogenic microorganisms from the bladder.


Inexpensive and effective diuretic tablets are used to increase the number of times you urinate and the volume of urine produced. This allows for mechanical washing of the inflammatory focus. The most commonly prescribed diuretics include analogues:

  • Lasix;
  • Furosemide.
Medicines are not recommended for use by urologists if herbal medicines that have a diuretic effect are used in the treatment of cystitis.

Antifungal drugs

Cystitis, caused by the penetration of pathogenic yeast fungi into the bladder cavity, requires a special approach to treatment. To treat this type of disease, urologists prescribe:


Antifungal agent is active in relation to representatives Candida species. The drug has high bioavailability, despite absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. The dosage is determined by the doctor based on the results of laboratory tests.


The drug is active against most fungi that cause inflammation of the bladder. Fluconazole for cystitis can be used orally and parenterally to suppress the synthesis of fungal sterols. The drug retains its therapeutic concentration in the blood plasma for quite a long time.

In some cases, bacteriophages are used in the treatment of cystitis. Most often, urologists prescribe staphylococcal bacteriophages. The immunostimulating agent lyses staphylococci, which often cause cystitis.

Inflammation of the bladder or cystitis is a disease familiar to most women. Even doctors say that cystitis is a female ailment.

Anatomical features and increased health vulnerability compared to men place the fair sex at risk.

At the moment, the assortment of pharmacies offers us a wide selection of drugs for cystitis in women. Among them are powerful synthetic drugs and popular natural-based products.

What to choose? What medicine for cystitis in women will help cope with unpleasant symptoms and eliminate the cause of the disease?

The answer to these questions, of course, should be given by a doctor, but we will try to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the most popular drugs for cystitis.


The most common cause of cystitis is bacteria (Escherichia coli, streptococci, staphylococci). Therefore, they become the obvious choice for treatment.

Only after this the most suitable drug is selected and the order of its administration is determined so that the effect is only positive and as fast as possible.

The most popular antibiotics, used for cystitis:

  • Furagin,
  • Furabinin,
  • Palin,
  • Monural.

Benefits antibiotics in the treatment of cystitis is, of course, their high effectiveness and elimination of unpleasant symptoms already in the first days of treatment. In addition, timely treatment with the “correct” antibiotics significantly reduces the risk of cystitis becoming chronic.

However, there is also flaws. First of all, this is, of course, the serious effect of antibiotics on the body as a whole. As a rule, drugs in this group have an impressive list side effects.

In addition, some of them are addictive and do not give the desired effect when used repeatedly. And, of course, the danger is that an incorrectly selected antibiotic may not only not cure cystitis, but also cause damage to health.

Herbal remedies

The return to everything natural affected not only food, but also medicine. Herbal medicines are becoming increasingly popular. This is not surprising, because plant components have softer action and, with the exception of rare cases, do not harm the body.

Herbal medicines are also used in the treatment of cystitis. The medicinal power of plants was noted by our ancestors, and modern medicine uses these developments, offering us combinations of necessary plant components in an easy-to-use form. These are mainly products based on chamomile, cranberry, parsley, St. John's wort, which have anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects.

Advantage Such drugs are their harmlessness (contraindications and side effects, in addition to allergic reactions to certain components, are practically absent) and their gentle effect on the body.

However, it should be remembered that herbal remedies are effective as an element complex treatment cystitis and cannot always cope with the causes of the disease of an infectious nature.

Patients prone to allergies should choose herbal medicines with caution.

Let's look at the most popular herbal remedies.


Cystenium contains components with proven effectiveness - proanthocyanidins from cranberry extract, bearberry extract and vitamin C. They have a triple effect:

  • prevent bacteria from damaging the bladder
  • suppress their vital activity
  • and accelerate elimination from the body.

Main advantages:

  • Can be used both in complex therapy together with antibiotics to speed up recovery and reduce symptoms, and as an individual remedy.
  • Suitable for “quick” prevention (for example, after hypothermia).
  • Due to the form of administration (drink), it has high bioavailability.
  • Pleasant taste!

The disadvantage is that it is not available in all pharmacies.


Comprising more 10 herbal ingredients(seeds of rough strawflower, flowers of bicarp, heartleaf madder and others). This combination has both a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect.

In addition, the drug gives antispasmodic effect, and also helps to destroy certain groups of microbes.

But shortcomings the drug is increased risk allergic reaction (due to the large number of components) and the need long-term use before the desired effect occurs (the duration of treatment can be up to 6 weeks).


The composition is not so diverse (lovage, rose hips, rosemary and centaury). But it works The action of this remedy is similar to the action of Cyston.

Advantage Canephron is better tolerated by patients (lower likelihood of allergies), as well as the ability to choose more easy-to-use form: drops or tablets.

Disadvantages is

  • quite high price
  • weaker antimicrobial effect,
  • This drug is not suitable for pregnant women due to its composition.


A medicine based on cranberry extract. It has a predominantly anti-inflammatory effect.

This drug is unique in its composition and has no analogues. And patient reviews confirm its effectiveness.

However, it should be noted that it is more effective as prophylactic.

Advantage The drug is also safe and has a small number of side effects.


  • high price,
  • long course of treatment (up to a month),
  • unsafe for pregnant women.


This product is also rich herbal ingredients. It has an analgesic, disinfectant, and diuretic effect. Moreover, the antibacterial effect this drug quite pronounced.

TO benefits The affordable price of the product should also be included.

However, it has its own flaws. It is produced in the form of a paste, which has a specific taste, which does not always suit patients; in addition, the risk of allergies is quite high due to the abundance of plant components.

A drug contraindicated in some cases:

Lingonberry leaves

A time-tested remedy for cystitis. Has diuretic and antimicrobial effects. In addition, lingonberry leaves strengthen the immune system, which reduces the risk of recurrent cystitis.

Therefore, it is better not to be lazy and spend more time brewing; the efforts will definitely pay off in the retreat of the disease.


When treating cystitis in women, tablets such as antispasmodics are used. Antispasmodics are drugs that help relieve muscle spasms. internal organs, relaxing them and thereby reducing painful sensations.

Since cystitis is accompanied not only frequent urges to urination, but also painful sensations during this process, there is a need to use antispasmodics.

In addition to relieving spasms, drugs in this group makes the urge to urinate less frequent due to relaxation of the sphincter, and this also relieves the unpleasant symptoms of cystitis.

As a rule, for cystitis it is prescribed myotropic antispasmodics based on drotaverine.

Advantage drugs of this group are their fast action, painful sensations are removed quickly enough, which significantly improves the patient’s condition.

You can take antispasmodics only as prescribed by a doctor, strictly following the recommended dosage.

In addition, such drugs can cause drowsiness, lethargy, and dizziness, which negatively affects your ability to carry out your daily activities.

And now in more detail about the most commonly used antispasmodics for cystitis.

Drotaverine hydrochloride

Antispasmodic agent based on drotaverine ( 40 mg per tablet). Also available in solution form for injections and capsules.

Relieves spasm of smooth muscles of internal organs, therefore it is indicated for eliminating pain in various body systems, including the urinary system.

In addition to quick (within half an hour) spasm relief, the advantage of this drug is the absence negative impact its components on the nervous system.

Flaws: as with all drugs from the antispasmodic group. In addition, it should be noted that antispasmodics do not treat cystitis, but only eliminate painful manifestation illness.


This remedy also belongs to the group of myotropic antispasmodics. Active ingredient– drotaverine ( 40 mg per tablet). Reduces the tone of smooth muscles of organs, thereby relieving spasm.

Advantages and disadvantages similar to drotaverine hydrochloryl.


The basis of this drug is also drotaverine in the amount 40 mg per tablet. Therefore, the characteristics of No-shpa are similar to the antispasmodics described above.

The only difference is mainly price, this drug is more expensive than its analogues, but is also not very expensive (on average the price is about 60 rubles).

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

Another type of tablets for cystitis that are intended for women are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. NSAIDs relieve inflammation, provide pain relief and antipyretic effect.

As a rule, drugs of this group for cystitis are used as element of complex therapy in cases where the pain is strong enough.

Advantage This group of drugs has a milder effect on the body and good tolerability by patients.

Flaws: the use of drugs in this group can negatively affect the functioning of the liver and kidneys (therefore, NSAIDs are contraindicated in patients who already have dysfunction of these organs), and the gastrointestinal tract. NSAIDs are contraindicated in pregnant women.


The active component of the drug is ibuprofen ( 200 mg per tablet). This tool inhibits pain mediators, thereby providing both anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Also a drug lowers temperature.

Advantage Ibuprofen is his fast action(the maximum concentration of the drug in the blood is reached within 1-2 hours after administration). Reviews from patients indicate a high level of effectiveness of the product.

However, it should not be used by young children (under 6 years old) and pregnant women. In addition, the drug increases the risk of heart attack in patients suffering from heart problems, and can also negatively affect the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

There is a risk of overdose, so consult your doctor before use.


The active substance of the drug is also ibuprofen, however, in a higher concentration ( 400 mg per tablet).

Therefore, the action, advantages and disadvantages similar to Ibuprofen, only the dosage differs.


A drug, similar to Faspik, however cheaper.


Similar to Ibuprofen, however, the price of this product is higher.


In addition to ibuprofen, this product contains: paracetamol, which causes more high efficiency the drug, however, increases the number of contraindications and possible side effects.


Probiotics have the ability restore organ microflora, these include microorganisms beneficial to human health.

And since the likelihood of cystitis recurrence depends on the state of the microflora, and antibiotics taken during treatment can be harmful internal environment organs, probiotics are an effective means of preventing cystitis.

It is useful to use products containing lactobacilli.

Let's look at the most popular probiotics prescribed for cystitis.


The product contains polysaccharides kefir protein and live lactobacilli. Regulates the state of intestinal microflora and prevents the proliferation of harmful microorganisms, some of which can cause cystitis.

A drug has no contraindications or side effects.

Among shortcomings we can only note a fairly high cost (on average 350 rubles).

RioFlora Balance

It is a source of lacto- and bifidobacteria (9 varieties). It also normalizes the state of intestinal microflora.

A drug contraindicated during pregnancy, as well as for patients suffering from pancreatitis.

RioFlora Imuno

This product contains 8 types of beneficial microorganisms that can maintain the balance of intestinal microflora, preventing the appearance of harmful bacteria.

In addition, RioFlora Imuno strengthens the immune system, strengthening natural protection body from negative influence environment.

Thus, this remedy allows the body to become less vulnerable to various infections, including those that provoke the development of cystitis.


Bifiform capsules contain bifidobacteria and enterococci, which promote normalization intestinal microflora . And reviews of the use claim that the drug improves immunity in general.

However, this remedy is still more suitable for intestinal dysbiosis and has only indirect benefit in the prevention of cystitis.

Hilak Forte

The drug contains biosynthetic lactic acid and its buffer salts. Same as for everyone these probiotics, Hilak Forte improves the balance of intestinal microflora and helps improve immunity.

However, the use of this drug may have some side effects(disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, allergies).

Thus, we can conclude that there are currently many medications available for both treatment and prevention of cystitis.

Therefore, choosing those that are right for you will not be difficult.

The main thing is to entrust this choice to professionals in order to not only restore, but also maintain your health.

Selecting a cure for cystitis on your own is a big mistake. Unpleasant symptoms will most likely disappear, but the cause of the disease will not be eliminated. In the worst case, self-medication will cause the development serious complications or the disease becomes chronic.

Before prescribing a course of treatment, the doctor must conduct comprehensive examination starting with an examination of the patient. With cystitis, there are usually no external changes. When pressing on the lower abdomen, painful sensations are observed. To clarify the diagnosis, laboratory tests are carried out:

  • A general blood test can detect symptoms of nonspecific inflammation, high level leukocytes, a large number of immature forms of neurophils and increased speed erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR).
  • A general urine test helps detect protein, high performance presence of bacteria, red blood cells and leukocytes. If the level of leukocytes is exceeded, then a three-glass test and a urine test using the Nechiporenko method are additionally prescribed.
  • Bacteriological examination of urine is carried out to identify the pathogen. Determining the culprit of the disease will allow the course of therapy to be targeted and more effective, and the chances of a full recovery will increase significantly. Such a study makes it possible to conduct an antibiogram in order to establish the sensitivity of pathogenic bacteria to various groups antibiotics.
  • Cystoscopy is performed if cystitis has chronic course. At acute form In case of illness, the procedure is not prescribed, as it promotes the spread of infection and is painful.
  • Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) helps to detect stones in the bladder, determine the condition of the urinary tract and nearby organs. Allows you to exclude malignant and benign tumors.

Based on the examination results, the urologist prescribes antibiotics, herbal remedies and antispasmodics.

What medications are needed for complete treatment?

In order for the treatment to be complete, medications must have certain properties: eliminate the pathogen, relieve pain.

Antibacterial drugs

Antibiotics quickly destroy pathogenic microflora. It is important to take them for a certain period of time recommended by your doctor: 5, 7 or 10 days. If you do not follow this rule and stop taking medications ahead of schedule, then the causative agent of cystitis may develop resistance (addiction) to the action of the drug. Wherein pathogenic bacteria will not be completely destroyed.

The most popular and effective means in the fight against cystitis pathogens are antibiotics from the fosfomycin and fluoroquinol group. If the patient has individual intolerance similar drugs, then nitrofurans, chloramphenicol, and cephalosporins are prescribed.

Approximate treatment regimen for cystitis:

  • Norfloxacin – 400 mg twice a day. Course duration – 3 days.
  • Monural – 3 g once a day. Use for 3 days.
  • Ciprofloxacin – 250 mg twice a day. The duration of therapy is 3 days.

Self-treatment of cystitis in very rare cases leads to full recovery patient. To choose the right antibiotic, you need to undergo a comprehensive examination. During the treatment period, monitoring the dynamics of the patient's condition is required. In addition, many antibiotics have absolute contraindications for use.

Today, treatment with Furagin, Furadonin, Ampicillin, Biseptol, Cephalexin, Cefradin is considered ineffective, since the causative agents of the disease have developed resistance to them.

Inexpensive antibacterial drugs for cystitis:


It is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. Usually prescribed in cases where other means do not provide desired result during therapy.
Nolitsin is contraindicated for children under 18 years of age and is prescribed with caution to pregnant women and people suffering from epilepsy and vascular atherosclerosis. The use of Nolitsin in patients with liver disease and renal failure is undesirable.

The estimated cost of the medicine is 150–300 rubles.


It is an analogue of the drug 5 NOC. Nitroxoline treats pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis, epididymitis. The antibiotic is contraindicated for liver disease and kidney failure.

average cost drug 60–70 rubles.


The antibacterial agent belongs to the quinolone series. Used successfully in the treatment of urinary tract infections where the bacteria are susceptible to pipemidonic acid. Palin should not be taken if you are hypersensitive to the components of the drug or if you are pregnant or lactating. And also for children under 15 years of age.
The approximate price in Russian pharmacies is 250–280 rubles.

Monural - modern and safe medicine for cystitis, which can be used even in pregnant women.

It is one of the most inexpensive and most effective antibiotics used for the treatment of cystitis. The price is about 300 rubles. Monural is not prescribed to children under 5 years of age and to people allergic to the components of this medicine. Before use, the powder must be dissolved in water and consumed exclusively on an empty stomach once a day.

For people who have the opportunity to purchase antibiotics at a higher price, drugs such as Nevigramon and Rulid are recommended.

  • Nevigramon is nalidixic acid, which is characterized by high antibacterial activity. Excellently tolerated by patients. The cost ranges from 3200 to 4400 rubles.
  • Rulid is a semi-synthetic antibiotic with a wide spectrum of action. Refers to macrolides. Used exclusively as prescribed by a doctor. The average cost ranges from 1100 to 1200 rubles.


Eliminate spasms and pain, which is one of the main symptoms of cystitis. The inflammatory process spreads to the muscles, which causes pain when filling and sharp pain when emptying the bladder. Nosh-pa, Baralgin, Papaverine relieve muscle tension, thereby reducing painful sensations. The price ranges from 50 to 100 rubles.

Antispasmodics are available in various forms, such as tablets, water-soluble powder or suppositories. The effectiveness of a particular drug does not depend on the form of use.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

Similar agents (Nimesil, Diclofenac) are used to interrupt the chain of biochemical reactions that cause the inflammatory process. This reduces local swelling and plethora of the affected tissue, which relieves pain.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are also used in therapy: Ibuprofen, Ibuklin, Faspik, Nurofen, Mig. The drugs should be used if cystitis is accompanied by severe pain. The cost ranges from 30 to 100 rubles.

Herbal remedies

Such remedies give excellent results if cystitis occurs without an increase in body temperature and severe pain. Most often, herbal medicines are used as part of complex therapy with antibacterial agents.


It has a diuretic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. The drug contains more than 10 different plant extracts. Long-term use ensures the dissolution of kidney stones, enhances the effect antimicrobials, reduces inflammation. Available in tablet form. The average cost in the Russian Federation is 430 rubles.


The herbal medicine is made on the basis of cranberries and is a highly concentrated extract. Since ancient times it has been used to treat cystitis, as it has an antimicrobial and diuretic effect. Available in tablets long-term use which prevents relapse of the disease. The average price in Russian pharmacies is 450–500 rubles.

Lingonberry leaves

Lingonberry leaf is one of the best medicinal non-drug medicines against cystitis

Inexpensive product, destroys Staphylococcus aureus, has an astringent, anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect. The drug is indicated for use in pyelonephritis, gonorrhea, nephropathy, and cystitis. Helps improve immunity, ensures higher effectiveness of taking antibiotics. Filter bags containing lingonberries are less effective than regular dry leaves in packs. The cost in Russian pharmacies is 40–50 rubles.

Phytolysin paste

The product is made on the basis of 9 different herbs and represents them aqueous-alcohol solution. Has an anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect, eliminates spasms muscle tissue. Helps remove sand from the renal pelvis and ureters. The average cost in Russian pharmacies is 300–350 rubles.


The drug is available in the form of tablets and solution. Regular use of Canephron reduces pain during urination and the likelihood of relapses if cystitis is chronic. The product is made on the basis of medicinal herbs: centaury, lovage, rosemary. The price in Russian pharmacies is 350–400 rubles.


The occurrence of cystitis is directly dependent on the condition of the urinary tract, intestinal and vaginal microflora. For this reason, in addition to antibiotics and herbal remedies, you should undergo a course of treatment with pribiotics that restore the microflora: Hilak Forte, Bifiform, Acipol, RioFlora Immuno.

Features of the treatment of cystitis in women

As you know, women are most susceptible to cystitis; they account for 90% of all cases. An effective remedy, which is usually prescribed to the fairer sex: Monural, Ibuprofen, Palin. Along with antibiotics, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, herbal medicines are prescribed: Cyston, Monurel, Canephron.

Treatment of cystitis in women includes:

  1. Exclusion from the diet of spicy, pickled, smoked and salty foods.
  2. Use of immunostimulants.
  3. Physiotherapy.
  4. Douching with medicinal herbs.
  5. Application natural remedies that have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  6. Warm baths and compresses.

Incorrect treatment can lead to a rapid transition of cystitis from acute to chronic. In this case, the walls of the bladder lose their elasticity, a cyst forms, and the structures of the organ are destroyed. Due to the constantly present inflammatory process, the likelihood of tissue degeneration into malignancy increases significantly.

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