Vitamins complivit classic. I regularly buy Complivit. The shape of the tablets has always been biconvex and round. The next time I made a purchase, I found oblong tablets inside the jar instead of round ones. Has the form of the tablets changed or have I encountered a counterfeit?

The drug Complivit is a balanced multivitamin complex, containing a set minerals and vitamins necessary for the full functioning of the human body. According to the instructions from the manufacturer, it can be taken to strengthen the immune system, eliminate conditions of vitamin deficiency or hypovitaminosis, within complex treatment various diseases.

Composition of vitamins Complivit

Instructions for use of Complivit contain data on the composition of the poly vitamin complex. The medicine contains 11 vitamins different groups and 8 essential microelements. The drug is produced in the form of round, biconvex white tablets with a specific odor, packaged either in polymer jars of 30 or 60 pieces, or in contour blisters of 10 pieces. Full composition medicine:

Component Content, mcg
Vitamin A (retinol acetate) 1,135
Vitamin B1 (thiamine hydrochloride) 10
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin mononucleotide) 1,27
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) 5
Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) 12,5
Vitamin B ( folic acid) 100
Vitamin B5 (calcium pantothenate) 5
Vitamin PP (nicotinamide) 7,5
Vitamin P (rutoside) 25
Vitamin E (a-tocopherol acetate) 10
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 50
Lipoic acid 2
Phosphorus (magnesium hydrogen phosphate trihydrate/calcium hydrogen phosphate trihydrate) 60
Iron 5
Zinc 2
Manganese 2,5
Copper 750
Magnesium 16,4
Calcium 50,5
Cobalt 100

In addition to the main active compounds The drug contains auxiliary components that promote better absorption of minerals and the drug itself. According to the instructions for use, these are the following components:

  • magnesium carbonate;
  • starch;
  • methylcellulose;
  • talc;
  • pigment titanium dioxide;
  • calcium stearate;
  • povidone;
  • sucrose;
  • gelatin.

Types of Complivita

For different forms deficiency of vitamins and microelements, taking into account the age, gender of patients, special health conditions (for example, for adolescents, pregnant women) have been developed different types drug. There are the following types of this medicine:

  • Mom is complimentary;
  • Complements the trimester;
  • Complet for women 45 plus;
  • Complements radiance (for skin, nails and hair);
  • Complivit calcium D3 (forte) for bones and teeth;
  • Complements selenium;
  • Complivit magnesium;
  • Complements iron;
  • Complivit multivitamins + iodine;
  • Complivit Superenergy with ginseng;
  • Complivit asset for children and teenagers;
  • Complivit active chewable;
  • Complements healthy eyes for children (for vision)
  • Calcium Complivit for babies D3 (powder for suspension, syrup, drops)

pharmachologic effect

Complivit multivitamins are designed taking into account the daily needs of the human body for vital microelements. The components of the drug are combined in optimal proportions, enhancing pharmacological actions each other. The elements of the complex have the following therapeutic effects:

  • Retinol acetate normalizes the functioning of the organs of vision, improves the condition of the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Thiamine normalizes work nervous system and participates in carbohydrate metabolism as a coenzyme.
  • Riboflavin is an essential catalyst for cellular respiration.
  • Pyridoxine hydrochloride is involved in protein metabolism and in the synthesis of neurotransmitters.
  • Cyanocobalomin is necessary element folic acid metabolism, participates in the processes of hematopoiesis, the synthesis of myelin and nucleotides.
  • Nicotinamide is involved in fat and carbohydrate metabolism, tissue respiration.
  • Vitamin C is necessary for the full formation of red blood cells and is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin and collagen. Affects bone structure cartilage tissue and teeth.
  • Rutoside is involved in the tissue deposition of vitamin C, most oxidative and reduction reactions, and is an antioxidant.
  • Calcium pantothenate is involved in the regeneration of the epithelium and endothelium, oxidation processes, acetylation (as a component of coenzyme A).
  • Vitamin B takes part in the synthesis of nucleotides, amino acids and nucleic acids, erythropoiesis.
  • Lipoic acid regulates fat and carbohydrate metabolism, reduces total cholesterol levels, and affects liver function.
  • Iron is responsible for the production of hemoglobin and the transport of oxygen to tissues.
  • Copper strengthens the walls of blood vessels, prevents anemia, osteoporosis, and tissue hypoxia.
  • Calcium ensures the conduction of impulses along the neuromuscular pathways, participates in the formation bone tissue, stabilizes myocardial function.
  • Manganese is involved in anti-inflammatory processes and prevents osteoarthritis.
  • Magnesium stimulates the production of calcitonin and parathyroid hormone, stabilizes blood pressure, and normalizes the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Phosphorus enhances mineralization processes, strengthens bones, dental tissue.
  • Zinc is involved in the process of hair growth, promotes the absorption of vitamin A, and is an immunostimulant.
  • Cobalt takes part in the regulation of metabolic processes and promotes the growth of natural immunity.

Indications for use

The vitamin complex Complivit is prescribed for conditions of vitamin deficiency or hypovitaminosis during diets, during spring and winter periods of weakening of the body. According to the instructions, the drug can be taken when following states:

  • mineral deficiency;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • hyperlipidemia;
  • after suffering infectious diseases;
  • during complex therapy diseases associated with vitamin deficiency.

How to take Complivit

According to the instructions for use from the manufacturer, Complivit for adults should be taken once a day, after meals. If there is an increased deficiency of minerals and vitamins, the daily dose can be increased to 2 tablets per day. The duration of use depends on lifestyle, age, daily need for the compounds included in the drug, and therefore is selected individually, in consultation with the attending physician.

special instructions

At joint use with other multivitamin complexes, the development of hypervitaminosis is possible. A safe side effect of taking these vitamins is a change in the color of urine to a specific amber hue, since the product contains riboflavin. There is no need to stop taking the drug.

During pregnancy

At the stage of planning pregnancy or carrying a baby, a woman often experiences an increased need for vitamins and microelements. Multivitamin complex manufacturers have developed four special drugs (separately for each trimester and for postpartum period), which, if necessary, are prescribed to a woman by a pregnancy specialist.

In childhood

Special complexes have been developed for children, designed for different ages and purposes of application. Chewable forms with different flavors are available, as well as suspensions for babies with increased content calcium, multivitamins to improve vision with a special formula of retinol acetate. Before using them, you should consult your pediatrician.

Drug interactions

The presence of iron and calcium derivatives in the composition of the drug causes a slowdown in the absorption of fluoroquinolone antibiotics and Tetracycline, so when used together, their dosages may need to be adjusted. When taking thiazide diuretics in parallel, the risk of developing hypercalcemia increases. During a course of treatment using short-acting sulfa drugs Vitamin C intake may cause crystalluria. Taking cholestyramine and antacids slows down the absorption of iron.

Side effects of Complivit

In case of individual intolerance to one or more active or auxiliary components the drug may develop allergic reaction(hives, skin rash accompanied by itching). The appearance of other negative side effects usually indicates an overdose. If such phenomena occur, taking the drug must be stopped.


Symptoms of overdose, according to the instructions from the manufacturer, are manifestations of hypervitaminosis ( skin rashes, cracked lips, nausea, weakness, joint or muscle pain, increased fragility nail plates). In case of accidental one-time use of large doses (for example, by a small child) after gastric lavage, detoxification of the body by taking enterosorbents is recommended.


Multivitamin complexes do not have general contraindications. According to the manufacturer's instructions, patients with individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to one or more components of the drug should refrain from taking Complivit. If an allergic response of the body develops, the use of the drug should be interrupted.

Terms of sale and storage

The product is sold in pharmacies and is an over-the-counter drug. According to the instructions, the drug can be stored for two years from the date of release (indicated on the packaging), at temperatures up to 25°C.


On pharmaceutical market presented wide range vitamin complexes that differ in composition, therapeutic effects and price. Doctors consider the following drugs to be analogues of Complivit multivitamins:

  • Centrum is a multivitamin complex based on 11 vitamins of groups A, B and C and 18 microelements. Prescribed for deficiency of vitamins and minerals.
  • Supradin is a preparation based on vitamins of groups A, B, C, E, H, D and 9 active microelements, indicated for use in cases of vitamin deficiency.
  • Neuromultivitis is a complex of B vitamins, prescribed to stimulate the metabolic processes of the central nervous system and the regeneration of nerve tissue.
  • Berocca Plus is a multivitamin complex of group B with ascorbic acid, prescribed for diets and increased physical activity.
  • Tablets No. 30 125-160 Tablets No. 60 148-224

The human body needs a certain amount of vitamins and minerals every day. However, the unstable environmental situation, constant stress at work and in personal life, work in hazardous manufacturing enterprises significantly undermines human health and reduces their number in the body. In such situations, it is recommended to take “Complivit 11 vitamins, 8 minerals,” which replenishes the balance of valuable particles.

The manufacturer of the biological product is OJSC PHARMSTANDARD - UfaVita (Russia). The people developing the complex made sure that all the components contained in it not only replenish their daily norm content, but also combined with each other as effectively as possible. This approach makes the drug truly useful for the human body, allows you to get rid of many health problems and prevent the development of diseases of a certain group.

Release form

“Complivit 11 vitamins, 8 minerals” is offered to the consumer in tablet form. The dragee has a biconvex shape, a whitish tint and a specific odor, characteristic of such biological products. When the tablets are broken, their core is distinguished by a gray-yellow hue with small inclusions of other shades. The drug is available in polymer jars, as well as in cardboard packages. The jar container contains thirty or sixty dragees. Packaging in the form of contour cells offers ten tablets, and cardboard packs contain one, two or three blisters. In addition to the pills, each container contains instructions.


The composition of the biological product includes not only valuable vitamin elements, but also mineral ones. They interact with each other as much as possible, which makes the complex effective. The instructions indicate the division of mineral-type components into micro- and macroelements.

Vitamin substances

The vitamins in the dietary supplement “Complivit 11 vitamins, 8 minerals” are:

Fat-soluble particles:

  • A – helps improve the skin, the condition of the retina, the synthesis of protein substances, and the metabolism of lipid elements;
  • E – improves the condition of muscle and bone tissue, slows down the aging process;

Water-soluble substances:

  • B1 – improves the condition of the digestive organs;
  • B2 – takes part in respiratory processes cells and tissues, ensures normal functioning internal organs and their systems;
  • B5 – takes part in exchange processes;
  • B6 – helps normalize the metabolism of amino acid particles;
  • B9 – normalizes the processes of growth and comprehensive development;
  • B12 – takes part in hematopoietic processes, improves the functioning of the nervous system;
  • C – improves the functioning of defenses, helps increase stress resistance;
  • P – acts as an antioxidant particle;
  • PP - acts as a catalyst for reactions that have an oxidative nature.

The dosage of these particles in combination allows you to replenish daily requirement people in them. This has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire body as a whole.


The composition of the biological product “Complivit 11 vitamins, 8 minerals” includes such macroelements as:

  • calcium – participates in the process of strengthening bone and muscle tissue, takes care of normalizing the process of coagulation of genetic material;
  • magnesium – takes care of stabilization of indicators blood pressure;
  • phosphorus – helps strengthen tooth enamel.

One dragee contains the daily norm of macronutrient particles, necessary for the body. It is important that he will not feel a lack of calcium and phosphorus salts.


The bulk of the minerals in the tablets are microelement particles. They are presented:

  • iron – promotes the supply of oxygen to the tissue and cellular components of organs and their systems;
  • manganese – helps normalize metabolic processes;
  • copper – improves, strengthens vascular walls elements of the hematopoietic system;
  • zinc – promotes restoration and stimulation of defenses.
  • cobalt – participates in metabolic processes.

Their dosage in the biological product “Complivit 11 vitamins, 8 minerals” replenishes the body’s need for them.

Indications for use

Taking Complivit is necessary for people who:

  • suffer from vitamin deficiency, a lack of mineral and vitamin components in the body;
  • constantly face increased stress, both mentally and physically;
  • are in the process of recovery after suffering from infectious and colds, accompanied by complications;
  • need complex antibacterial treatment that helps prevent various complications in certain ailments.

The dosage is determined by a specialist or found out after reading the instructions.

Impact on the body

Take Complivit and not notice its effect on human body almost impossible. The main strengths of using a multivitamin are:

  • improvement of metabolic processes;
  • strengthening vital important organs and their systems, maintaining their functioning;
  • reducing the risk of pathologies arising from insufficiency of fat metabolic processes;
  • recovery normal indicators hemoglobin in human genetic material.

In order for the drug to really have an effective effect, you need to clearly know how and in what quantity you should take multivitamins “Complivit 11 vitamins, 8 minerals.”

Directions for use

When wondering how to take a dietary supplement, few know that it does not require a break in use, since it does not cause hypervitaminosis. But still, medical workers When asked how and in what quantities to take a biological product, they recommend taking breaks between courses equal to a month, three months or six months.

The preventive method of using the “Complivit” multivitamin, which includes 11 vitamins and 8 minerals, involves taking one tablet tablet per day. If a person is diagnosed with vitamin deficiency, the number of tablets used reaches two. One course of treatment lasts no more than thirty days. The main recommendation indicates that the complex is taken half an hour before meals, washed down with a sufficient volume of liquid, preferably water.


Before you start taking Complivit, you should consult your doctor about any contraindications to the drug. These include:

  • children under twelve years of age;
  • individual intolerance to the components that are the main components of the complex.

During pregnancy and lactation, it is recommended to first consult with an obstetrician-gynecologist or therapist to determine the degree to which the body needs this drug. It may be better to start taking specialized dietary supplements designed for women in an “interesting” position.

Side effects

If you do not figure out how to properly drink Complivit, which contains 11 vitamins and 8 minerals, you may encounter certain side effects. They are:

  • indigestion;
  • dermatitis accompanied by severe itching.

If any negative reaction If your body reacts to a biological product, you should stop using it and consult a therapist for advice. It may be necessary to replace these multivitamins with other complexes.

These are one of the most famous and proven vitamin complexes in our country, primarily because they developed it back in the Soviet Union and many remember it even then. Since then, the Complivit line has seriously expanded (in Soviet time there was only one version of the vitamin complex) and covered many areas of human health.

Vitamins Complivit - features:

  • they were developed taking into account nutritional characteristics and food basket in Russia
  • vitamins and minerals are given in smaller doses so that you can take them long time without any consequences (hypervitaminosis)
  • each vitamin and mineral is in its own separate granule, so they can be together in one tablet and not affect each other
  • reduced sugar content

Brief instructions

First of all, what indications for use:

for the prevention of hypovitaminosis of vitamins and other minerals, vitamin deficiency, with large physical activity or mental, under stress and strong feelings, while following a special diet or unbalanced (incomplete) nutrition, after long period treatment ( infectious diseases, flu, antibiotic treatment, etc.).

In addition, people suffering from diseases gastrointestinal tract, reduced absorption of substances in the stomach, it is necessary to take double or even triple vitamin norms (consultation with a doctor is required).

When taking vitamin complexes, remember that here, as in many places, you should observe moderation and not drink vitamins in large doses- an overdose can happen very quickly and the consequences will not keep you waiting!

How to use:

First of all, it should be taken after meals.

For prevention: one tablet once a day.

For hypovitaminosis, avitaminosis and other conditions where more high doses vitamin and minerals: one tablet twice a day (morning and evening). The course of treatment can last a month. This option must be agreed with your doctor.

For people with diabetes, it should be noted that the sugar content in one tablet is 67.62 mg.

Such Complivit vitamins as Trimester 1, 2, 3, Diabetes, Calcium D3 (including children's) are suitable for use only on the recommendation of a doctor (especially vitamins for pregnant women) or for relevant diseases.


  • allergy or sensitivity to the components of the vitamin complex;
  • hypervitaminosis;
  • children under 12 years of age (except for vitamins intended specifically for children).

Vitamins Complivit: composition

Vitamins - 12 and minerals - 8. This is the classic (basic) option. Vitamins for children or for women over 45 will differ in composition.

One tablet contains:

Vitamins Minerals
A (retinol acetate) 1.135 mg
(3300 IU)
Phosphorus 60.00 mg
E (α-tocopherol acetate) 10.00 mg Calcium 50.50 mg
B1 (thiamine hydrochloride) 1.00 mg Iron 5.00 mg
B2 (riboflavin mononucleotide) 1.27 mg Manganese 2.50 mg
B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) 5.00 mg Copper 0.75 mg
C (ascorbic acid) 50.00 mg Zinc 2.00 mg
PP (nicotinamide) 7.50 mg Magnesium 16.40 mg
B9 (folic acid) 100 mcg Cobalt 0.10 mg
Rutoside (rutin) 25.00 mg
B5 (calcium pantothenate) 5.00 mg
B12 (cyanocobalamin) 12.50 mcg
Thioctic acid ( lipoic acid) 2.00 mg

Vitamins Complivit for women and men

Complivit “Classic” (basic)

A universal drug for adults and adolescents (from 12 years old) which includes all essential vitamins and minerals. Designed to prevent vitamin deficiency (hypovitaminosis), replenish useful elements(if this has already happened), with an unbalanced diet or special diet, under heavy loads and stress. 11 vitamins, 8 minerals.

Complivit Chondro

The drug is for adults over 18 years of age (not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women). Enriched with chondroitin and glucosamine. Supports joint health, stimulates the restoration of cartilage tissue, controls proper calcium deposition in bones and renewal synovial fluid. Reduces the development of destructive processes in joints. Improves the functioning of the spine and joint mobility. Vitamins 2, minerals 0.

Complement for women 45+

The drug is for women over 45. Enriched with cohosh and motherwort extracts, carnitine. Designed to support a woman’s body during hormonal age-related changes (adjustment or even removal of most unpleasant symptoms premenopausal state). Also acts as prophylactic from cardiovascular diseases, nervous tension and irritation, malfunction of all organs due to lack of female hormones, improving metabolism. Vitamins 11, minerals 2.

Complivit Oftalmo

A universal drug for adults over 18 years of age. Enriched with carotenoids - lutein, zeaxanthin. Supports the organs of vision during stress and prolonged stress, supports pigment function macular spot, helps maintain and even improve vision. Relieves eye pain due to fatigue. 9 vitamins, 3 minerals.

Vitamins for children

Complivit Active 7+

Designed for children from 7 to 12 years old. Essential for proper physical and mental development child, to strengthen the immune system, to increase stress resistance, to adapt to educational process and its loads, to replenish the necessary microelements in case of an unbalanced diet or in poor environmental conditions. 12 vitamins, 10 minerals.

Complivit Active 3+

Designed for children from 3 to 10 years old. Presented in the form of fruit-flavored chewing candies. Helps restore the body's strength after past diseases and increase resistance, increases the stability of the nervous system under stress (mental and physical). 11 vitamins, 3 minerals.

Complivit Active 3+ and 7+ can be used with caution in children with urolithiasis. Cannot be used for hypervitaminosis, high levels of calcium and iron, fructose intolerance, malabsorption. Admission is possible only after consultation with a doctor.

Complement for children Active bears

Designed for children from 3 to 14 years old. Enriched with carotenoids - lutein, zeaxanthin. Presented in the form of fruit-flavored gummy bears. Supports immunity and increases the child’s body’s resistance to infections. Necessary for the proper physical and mental development of the child. 8 vitamins, 1 minerals.

Complement for children Healthy eyes

Designed for children from 3 to 14 years old. Contains the necessary doses of zinc and copper. Presented in the form of lozenges. Supports the organs of vision during stress and other negative factors, reduces the risk of decline twilight vision and color perception, helps maintain and even improve vision. Vitamins 1, minerals 2.

Complivit Frutovit

A universal drug for children and adults over 14 years old. Made in the form of lozenges with fruit flavor. Strengthening the immune system and general health(all systems and organs). 8 vitamins, 1 minerals.

Vitamins for hair, nails and skin

Complivit Radiance

A drug female beauty. Enriched with lipoic acid and catechins (green tea extract). Designed to improve the condition of skin, nails and hair, especially in poor environmental conditions or negative influence urban environment. To slow down cell aging, to improve collagen synthesis, promotes faster tissue restoration, improves hair and nail growth. 11 vitamins, 8 minerals.

Complivit Radiance antioxidants of youth

A preparation of female beauty and youth. Contains hydroxytyrosol (green olives), lycopene (tomatoes), resveratrol (red grapes). Designed primarily to protect the skin from premature aging(slowing down these processes and reducing manifestations). To protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, to regulate pigmentation. Delays the appearance of wrinkles and maintains skin elasticity and smoothness longer. Protects against bad influences environment. Vitamins 0, minerals 0.

Complivit Hair Growth Formula

A universal drug for adults over 18 years of age. Enriched with palmetto extract and inositol. Designed to prevent hair loss and stimulate new growth. To prevent hair fragility and split ends, to restore hair structure. For improvement appearance strands: shine, elasticity, smoothness. Helps normalize work sebaceous glands. 6 vitamins, 3 minerals.

Vitamins for diabetes and fatigue

Complivit Diabetes

Medicine for patients diabetes mellitus and those prone to it. Additionally enriched with lipoic acid and ginkgo biloba extract. Does not contain sugar. The main purpose of the drug is the prevention of hypovitaminosis and vitamin deficiency in people suffering from this disease. Also intended to improve metabolism and blood circulation (cerebral and peripheral). 12 vitamins, 4 minerals.

Complivit Antistress

A universal drug for adults over 18 years of age. Enriched with motherwort and ginkgo biloba extracts. Ensures normal operation nerve cells, increases stress resistance, relieves anxiety, irritability, insomnia, tic and other nervous system disorders. Increases the resistance of the NS to emotional stress. 10 vitamins, 4 minerals.

Complivit Superenergy

A universal drug for adults over 18 years of age. Enriched with ginseng root extract and carnitine. Increases performance (physical and mental) and stress resistance, reduces the likelihood of developing chronic fatigue. More fast recovery strength after prolonged exercise. Strengthening immunity and general health. 9 vitamins, 3 minerals.

This drug should not be taken if you have hypertension, sleep disorders, nervous excitability or pregnancy.

Vitamins Complivit for pregnant women

Complivit Trimester 1, 2 and 3

For pregnant and lactating women. Enriched with rutin, lipoic acid and lutein. Designed to provide normal course pregnancy (removing symptoms of toxicosis), to reduce the risk of losing a child, serious pathologies the baby (providing proper development circulatory and especially nervous systems), complications associated with pregnancy, to preserve the mother’s own health (in particular skin, teeth, hair). The main difference between all three drugs is the difference in the dosage of vitamins and minerals (Trimester 1 - lower dosages, Trimester 2 - higher, and Trimester 3 - the highest). 11 vitamins, 8 minerals.

1. Trimester 1: taken before conception and up to the 13th week of pregnancy.

2. Trimester 2: taken from 12 to 27 weeks.

3. Trimester 3: taken from 27 weeks until delivery.

Vitamins Complivit with calcium

Complivit Calcium D3
The drug is for everyone (exception: children under 3 years of age). Contains 500 mg calcium and vitamin D3 (200 IU). Designed to provide the body with the right amount of calcium and enriched with vitamin D3 for better absorption calcium. Ca and D3 are necessary primarily for children during the growth period and women during pregnancy, as well as those who have low-calorie diets and a diet devoid of dairy products, in addition to maintaining the musculoskeletal system (bones and joints) and for the prevention of osteoporosis. Vitamin 1, mineral 1.

Complivit Calcium D3 Forte

The drug is for everyone (exception: children under 3 years of age). Contains 500 mg calcium and vitamin D3 (400 IU). Calcium D3 differs from Complivit in its increased content of vitamin D3, thereby ensuring even better absorption of calcium in the intestine. Vitamin 1, mineral 1.

Before taking calcium supplements, be sure to check with your doctor if you have the following diseases: hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria, nephrolithiasis, decalcifying tumors, active form tuberculosis. Such drugs are contraindicated for them.

Complivit Calcium D3 for babies

Designed for children from 0 years old. Presented in the form of a suspension. Without preservatives and dyes. Contains 500 mg calcium and vitamin D3 (200 IU). Designed to provide the body with the right amount of calcium and enriched with vitamin D3 for better absorption of calcium. Helps the child’s bones and teeth form correctly, also for the full development of the muscular and nervous systems. Regulates the exchange of calcium and phosphorus in the body. Vitamin 1, mineral 1.

Vitamins Complivit with additional components

Complivit Selenium

A universal drug for adults over 18 years of age. Contains 100% daily dose of selenium. Reduces the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases, oncology, slows down age-related changes body, aging of organs and systems occurs more slowly. Allows you to avoid some diseases and consequences that come with old age. Protects the body from destructive effects heavy metals. 10 vitamins, 4 minerals.

Complivit Magnesium

A universal drug for adults over 18 years of age. Contains 100% daily dose of magnesium. Relieves anxiety, irritability, sleep disorders, muscle weakness, fatigue. Regulates the work of the heart (smooth muscles) and normalizes its rhythm. Supports normal protein, carbohydrate, phosphorus metabolism and the entire metabolism in general. 10 vitamins, 3 minerals.

Complivit Iron

A universal drug for adults over 18 years of age. Contains 100% daily dose of iron (ferrous fumarate). It is used primarily in people suffering iron deficiency anemia. Helps correct formation bones, normal operation endocrine, nervous and digestive systems, strengthens the immune system. Provides complete tissue respiration (part of hemoglobin). 10 vitamins, 3 minerals.

Vitamins Complivit reviews

Mostly the reviews on Complivit vitamins are positive, but there are also a fair number of negative, even negative ones. Some note that they experience a rash, itching, and pimples. Meanwhile, others experience more serious side effects: nausea, flatulence, bad feeling. This often happens because people do not read the instructions and consider vitamins to be absolutely harmless, but at the same time they have many limitations. Moreover, there may sometimes be more of them than some drugs.

There is also dissatisfaction with the fact that there is no effect or it is insignificant. You probably need to read the instructions again to find out what each specific type of vitamin is for. Women want improved health of hair, nails and skin and at the same time take a simple general strengthening basic Complivit. If you need to improve the health of your hair, then you need to take Complivit Shine or Complivit for hair growth. If you have bone problems or musculoskeletal system, then you need to take Complivit Calcium D3. There is no need to expect a certain effect where there will be none (or it will be insignificant).

In general, the general impression of consumers from Complivit vitamins is quite positive - inexpensive and in moderation effective drug, based on the characteristics of nutrition and lifestyle in Russia.

  • "Complivit 11 vitamins 8 minerals" - modern biologically active additive domestically produced, designed to prevent deficiency in the body nutrients necessary to maintain health, as well as to combat existing symptoms. The complex has received high marks among doctors and is in demand among patients.

    Balanced composition The product allows vitamins and minerals to be fully absorbed. Used in the production of the drug modern technologies, thanks to which all components in the tablet are equally stable and “do not interfere” with each other. Content useful components does not exceed acceptable standards. Therefore, if you follow the recommended dosage instructions, long-term use The drug is not dangerous and does not lead to signs of hypervitaminosis.

    What is included in the complex

    Multivitamins include 11 vitamins:

    • WITH() is a vitamin that ensures the normal course of all metabolic processes in the body. Its deficiency leads to decreased collagen production, pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, and decreased skin tone. This element helps improve immunity and promotes proper hematopoiesis.
    • (nicotinamide) is a substance necessary for proper carbohydrate metabolism in the body.
    • AT 5() - regulates the functioning of the nervous system, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, metabolism.
    • (pyridoxine) - participates in metabolic processes, regulates the functioning of the nervous system.
    • (retinol) - “vitamin of vision”. Its deficiency leads to impaired color perception and twilight vision. In addition, retinol is “responsible” for bone growth, health skin and mucous membranes.
    • AT 2() - helps saturate cells with oxygen, necessary to maintain eye health.
    • (routine) - promotes complete absorption ascorbic acid. It is an antioxidant and participates in all redox reactions occurring in the body.
    • (thiamine) - supports the health of the nervous system, provides correct exchange substances.
    • AT 9() - regulates blood clotting, helps the body synthesize the amino acids it needs, normalizes liver function, and promotes proper cell division.
    • AT 12() - necessary for the full growth and development of a person, normalizes blood composition.
    • (tocopherol) - as a powerful antioxidant, helps maintain the beauty and health of the skin, protects cells from premature aging, and supports the health of the reproductive system.

    Separately indicated on the packaging - component responsible for liver health and normal level"bad" cholesterol in the blood.

    8 minerals:

    • Iron- for healthy hair, nails, oxygen saturation of all tissues.
    • Calcium- to ensure the strength of bone tissue and normal blood clotting.
    • Copper- for strong vessels.
    • Cobalt and manganese - for the normal course of metabolic processes in the body.
    • Zinc- for healthy hair, nails, normal immunity.
    • Magnesium- for complete absorption of calcium, heart health, normal blood pressure, strong bones and teeth.
    • Phosphorus- for proper cell division, bone health, energy synthesis.

    The above components must be supplied to the body daily to maintain it normal condition. The balanced composition explains the effectiveness of Complivit in replenishing nutritional deficiencies.

    Indications for taking the drug

    The instructions contain the following instructions for the use of “Complivita 11 vitamins and 8 minerals”.

    The drug is prescribed to treat symptoms and prevent nutritional deficiencies in the human body. The complex is indicated for speedy rehabilitation after severe infectious and viral diseases.

    The additive is used as a source of nutrients:

    • at long-term treatment antibiotics ;
    • increased physical and mental stress X;
    • the need to follow a diet or the impossibility of organizing a balanced diet .

    How does the complex affect the body?

    The rich composition of the drug allows you to provide the human body with everything necessary useful substances that support its healthy functioning. The components of the supplement normalize metabolic processes, prevent various pathologies associated with metabolic disorders. In the case of diagnosing vitamin deficiency, “Complivit 11 vitamins” allows you to minimize the manifestations of pathology.

    How to take the supplement?

    The instructions for the drug require taking 1 tablet daily. Preferred time reception - morning hours when the absorption of nutrients by the body is maximum.

    The method of using the supplement is standard and coincides with the recommendations for taking other Complivit multivitamins. The tablets are taken during meals or immediately after breakfast. The duration of the course is determined by the attending physician individually.

    A characteristic feature of this supplement is that it can be taken for a long time (up to 12 months) without the risk of hypervitaminosis. The standard duration of treatment is usually a month. If necessary, vitamins can be taken again after a short break. Based on the diagnosis and the condition of the body, the doctor will individually determine how to take the drug so that the absorption of its components is effective.

    Contraindications, side effects of the supplement

    The instructions for use of the complex contain the following contraindications for its use:

    • children's age up to 12 years ;
    • individual sensitivity to elements included in the supplement .

    IN in rare cases the complex can cause unwanted reactions. The most common side effect is an allergy to the components of the drug. A reaction from the digestive system is also possible - vomiting, nausea, bloating, bowel dysfunction. Such manifestations disappear after Complivit is discontinued. IN severe cases Symptomatic therapy may be required.

    Interaction with other medications

    The complex is incompatible or poorly compatible with the following drugs:

    • with tetracycline and drugs containing it - the absorption of the antibiotic slows down;
    • sulfonamides - the likelihood of developing crystalluria increases;
    • antacids- iron absorption deteriorates;
    • with thiazide diuretics - increases the risk of hypercalcemia.

    "Complivit 11 vitamins with lipoic acid" - safe and effective complex. But it is necessary to observe the timing of its intake and not exceed the dosage prescribed by the doctor. If you do not violate these rules, then the likelihood of side effects is minimal.

    Complivit 11 vitamins 8 minerals + lipoic acid is a complex vitamin and mineral preparation indicated for use as a pharmaceutical to combat vitamin deficiencies.

    Composition and release form

    The active substances of the vitamin complex will be as follows: folic acid, cyanocobalamin, riboflavin, a nicotinic acid, zinc, copper, iron, tocopherol acetate, cobalt, manganese, ascorbic acid, thioctic acid, rutoside, calcium, magnesium, pyridoxine, calcium pantothenate, nicotinamide, thiamine, lipoic acid.

    Excipients: sucrose, flour, methylcellulose, calcium stearate, magnesium carbonate, starch, gelatin, pigment titanium dioxide, povidone, in addition, wax, as well as talc.

    The drug is available in the form of white, smooth tablets, they are biconvex in shape with a slight specific odor. The product is supplied in polymer jars of 30 and 60 pieces and in blisters of 10 pieces. The vitamin complex is sold without a prescription.

    pharmachologic effect

    The composition of the multivitamin preparation was developed taking into account the daily needs of an adult for essential vitamins and minerals. Taking one tablet a day replenishes lost minerals, normalizes the content of essential vitamins, improves functional state body.

    Ascorbic acid

    Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is involved in many complex biochemical processes occurring in the human body. This substance is absolutely necessary for the normal course of most processes of hematopoiesis and hemoglobin synthesis - chemical compound, carrying oxygen from the lungs to the tissues.

    One cannot ignore the protective function of ascorbic acid, which significantly enhances the body’s ability to resist the invasion of foreign agents that cause dangerous diseases.

    B vitamins

    Representatives of this group of substances are absolutely necessary to maintain protective properties skin and mucous membranes, since they participate in the processes of restoration and regeneration of old cells.

    Mention should also be made of the ability of these compounds to stimulate the processes of formation and transmission nerve impulse. If there is a shortage of representatives of group B, a situation arises that promotes the development serious illnesses nervous system.

    Lipoic acid

    This compound is directly involved in the processes of regulation of carbohydrate and fat metabolism. Under the influence of lipoic acid, cholesterol levels are normalized and fatty acids, the processes of glucose utilization are stimulated, and the activity of the main chemical laboratory of the human body - the liver - returns to normal.

    Phosphorus and calcium

    These are the two most valuable macroelements for humans, participating in the processes of formation and renewal of bone tissue. It is known that with age, the body’s ability to absorb these valuable components decreases significantly, which can lead to Negative consequences. In addition, you should know that these chemical substances are able to be most completely absorbed from the intestine only in the presence of vitamin D.

    Vitamin D

    From the above it follows that vitamin D takes an indirect part in the processes of growth and restoration of bone tissue. In addition, it is necessary to mention the ability of this substance to regulate cell division processes, take part in the reactions of hormone synthesis, and so on.

    Indications for use

    Taking a vitamin-mineral complex is indicated in the presence of the conditions listed below:

    Hypovitaminosis or vitamin deficiency;
    The need to stick strict diet;
    If it is impossible to eat a balanced diet.

    In addition, the drug is prescribed after serious illnesses.

    Contraindications for use

    There is only one condition that limits the use of the drug. We're talking about increased sensitivity to any component of the vitamin-mineral complex.

    Application and dosage

    It is possible to carry out repeated courses of taking the drug, usually after a break of several months. If you have any questions, please contact your doctor.

    Drug overdose

    Overdose symptoms are highly variable and depend on many factors. In any case, symptomatic therapy should be carried out; it is recommended to take activated carbon and monitoring the patient's condition.

    Side effects

    In rare cases, it may appear dyspeptic disorders and minor allergic manifestations.

    special instructions

    The simultaneous use of several vitamin preparations, especially those containing fat-soluble substances, is strictly prohibited. The reason for this limitation is the possibility of overdose. The intake of such complexes should be separated by a significant time interval. Editorial team www.! After reading these instructions for use, also carefully study the official paper leaflet accompanying the drug. It may contain additions at the time of release.


    Multivitamin complex can be replaced the following drugs: Berocca Plus, Revalid, Centrum, Neuromultivit.


    We talked about the drug Complivit 11 vitamins 8 minerals + lipoic acid, we reviewed the instructions for use, application, indications, contraindications, action, side effects, analogues, dosage, as well as the composition of the product. Taking vitamin supplements can be very effective technique, restoring the vitality of the body, improving digestion, normalizing nervous activity, stimulating the body's defenses.

    Be healthy!


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