Low back pain (lower back pain) - causes, treatment, symptoms. Sharp pain in the lower back: causes of their occurrence and treatment features

Lower back pain is a symptom that every person has experienced at least once in their life. Medical statistics are that throughout your life painful sensations in this area were manifested in about 80% of residents European countries. At this time, doctors are beginning to sound the alarm, as this symptom has become “younger”. If previously pain in the lower back on the right or left, which may or may not radiate to the leg, was the prerogative of only older people, now average age its primary manifestation is from 35 to 45 years. It is often diagnosed even in teenagers. This all suggests that every person should know the answer to the question - why does the lower back hurt, since no one is immune from the appearance of such painful sensations.

In fact, the reasons for the progression of such pathological condition enough. Often pain syndrome in the lumbar region accompanies lumbago, various pathologies lumbosacral region. It is important to understand that if this symptom, then it should under no circumstances be ignored. Of course, it can be provoked and quite physiological reasons, such as increased physical activity or hypothermia. But pain in this area can also become the first sign of the progression of serious pathologies in the human body. It is important to immediately see a qualified doctor who can determine the real reason such a condition and prescribe the correct treatment.


Depending on your location:

  • local. In this case, the pain syndrome manifests itself in one specific place in the lumbar region. In some cases, the pain radiates to the leg. Often there is pain in the back below the waist;
  • generalized. In this case, the pain syndrome covers not only the lumbar region, but also the entire back.

Depending on the duration of the pain syndrome, there are:

  • periodic pain;
  • permanent.

Periodic pain

This symptom got its name because it disappears after the source of pain is eliminated and the person recovers completely. More often discomfort of this type manifest themselves as a result of abnormal physical activity or physiological characteristics of the human body. But often pathologies become the cause of periodic pain. internal organs acute in nature. It is worth noting that pain caused by vital illnesses important organs, can be of two types:

  • irradiating;
  • reflected.

Constant pain

Typically, the causes of this type of pain are:

  • inflammation in bone and cartilage structures;
  • processes of degeneration and destruction in bones and cartilage;
  • disorders of blood circulation in the vessels of the legs.

Much less often, the cause of constant pain in the lumbar region is a lesion muscle structures or internal organs. The progression of this type of pain syndrome is said to occur if it is practically impossible to eliminate the pathological focus, since the mechanism of bone and cartilage degeneration has already been launched. The whole point here is that in medicine now there are practically no means that could completely eliminate dystrophic or degenerative processes in the human body.

The main causes of constant pain:

  • damage to the nerve fibers that exit the vertebrae lumbar region;
  • damage to nerve nodes localized near spinal column in the area of ​​the sacral region, as well as the lumbar region.

Ailments the course of which is accompanied by the appearance of constant pain in the lumbar region:

  • intervertebral osteochondrosis;
  • radiculitis of the lower back (pain often radiates to the leg);
  • . Feature - strong pain, radiating to the affected leg. It is also often observed severe inflammation around the damaged blood vessel;
  • 3 or 4 degrees;
  • ankylosing spondylitis;
  • different leg lengths.

Pain syndrome in women

Often the question of why the lower back hurts is asked by representatives of the fair half of humanity. Lower back pain on the right or left may be one of the first signs of progression of dangerous gynecological diseases.

Causes of lower back pain on the right and left in women:

  • . Mostly painful sensations are localized in the lower abdomen, but also often radiate to the lower back and even to the leg;
  • torsion of ovarian cyst;
  • pregnancy.

Painful sensations in the lower back in men

Representatives of the stronger sex often experience lower back pain on the left or right due to the characteristics of their professional activities. But they can also signal the progression of the following pathologies:

  • . The main location of pain is groin area. But it can also hit the lower back and leg.

Common causes of pain

Lower back pain on the left or right manifests itself due to the progression of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, and ailments of vital organs that are infectious in nature. This symptom may also be a sign of growth cancerous tumor or surgical complication, a consequence of metabolic disorders.

The causes of lower back pain on the left and right may be as follows:

  • . In this case, the main location of pain is the right iliac region, but it can radiate to the lower back. Typically, pain occurs in the lower back on the right side;
  • . Pain most often manifests itself in the right hypochondrium and radiates to the lower back. There is a manifestation of pain in the lower back on the right (due to the location of the affected gallbladder);
  • adhesions after surgical intervention;
  • kidney pathologies. In this case, it may occur as It's a dull pain in the lower back, and acute. Depending on which kidney is affected by the pathological process, lower back pain will appear on the right or left. Painful sensations accompany, and so on. Acute lower back pain often occurs against the background when the formed conglomerate passes through the urinary tract;
  • 4 degrees. Aching pain in the lower back appears as a result of increased load on this area;
  • . Sharp pain in the lower back with such pathologies usually appears after severe hypothermia;
  • infectious processes that occur in bone tissue. For of this state characterized by acute pain in the lower back;
  • tumors. In the first stages there may be no pain. Acute lower back pain manifests itself at stages 3–4 of the development of a cancerous tumor.

Therapeutic measures

Usually patients are concerned not only with the question of why the lower back hurts, but they are also wondering what to do in such a situation? The course of action may vary depending on whether the cause of the pain is known or not.

If the patient has no idea what triggered the acute pain in the lower back, then the first thing he needs to do is measure his body temperature. If it is increased, then there is a high probability that the pain is caused by the progression of infectious or inflammatory processes. It is not recommended to do anything on your own - it is better to immediately call a doctor or go to medical institution for consultation and diagnosis.

If the pain is caused by a sprain muscle fibers or bruise, then in this case you can start doing the following:

  • take anti-inflammatory drugs. This treatment measure will help relieve pain and reduce the intensity of inflammation;
  • You can take a diuretic for treatment yourself;
  • fixing the muscles and bones of the lower back with a towel.

What not to do.

Article publication date: 02/12/2013

Article updated date: 12/01/2018

Suddenly my knee hurt. Why? How serious is this? Many of us ask ourselves these questions sooner or later. According to statistics, over 50% of humanity faces joint diseases, and all kinds of knee damage are among the most common problems. If you are worried about pain in the knee joint, the causes of its occurrence must be determined first.

Treatment of knee pain is one of the most important areas in arthrology*

*Arthrology is a branch of medicine that studies joints and their diseases.

Main causes of knee pain

As a rule, pain is a symptom of damage to the joints themselves, but this is not always the case. Here are the main reasons why pain often occurs:

  • Arthrosis knee joint(gonarthrosis) is a degenerative process of destruction of articular tissues, which, over a long period of time, causes deformation and deprives the joint of mobility.
  • Arthritis of the knee joint (gonarthritis, drives) – inflammatory disease. It can be either an independent pathology or a symptom or complication of other diseases.
  • Meniscopathy – . Appears as sharp pain, which arose after an injury (sometimes very minor - one awkward movement). If left untreated, the problem becomes chronic and can become a cause.
  • Vascular pain– are not articular pathologies, but up to 10% of patients see orthopedists with such a problem. Discomfort occurs due to poor circulation in the joints and can accompany a person throughout his life.
  • (periarthritis) – manifested by discomfort in the area inside knee pain that worsens when going up and down stairs. Most often, women over 40 years of age who are overweight are affected.
  • “Referred” pain in (coxarthrosis). IN in this case the knees themselves do not suffer, the range of movements in them does not decrease, x-rays no changes are visible. Similar symptoms develop in 3–4% of patients suffering from coxarthrosis.

The causes of pain can be guessed by their nature. Dull, chronic pain that occurs during movements and intensifies in the morning after waking up are signs of arthrosis.

If there is swelling in the sore spot and a local increase in temperature (the knee feels hot to the touch), this is most likely arthritis.

Constant or frequent (especially at night) aching pain may be a sign of thrombosis of the leg veins. This is a quite serious and even life-threatening pathology. Therefore, with such a symptom, consult a doctor immediately!

If severe pain occurs abruptly and unexpectedly - damage to the meniscus is possible.

Symmetrical severe pain can occur with rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis and others common diseases body.

How to get rid of pain

Without treating the underlying disease, it will not be possible to get rid of discomfort. Therefore, a visit to the doctor is a top priority.

After the diagnosis is established, the patient is prescribed therapy appropriate to his disease, and, if necessary, painkillers are prescribed.

  • There are cases when immediate consultation with a doctor is required:
  • unexpected sharp pain in the knee joint, up to the inability to step on the leg;
  • pain arising after injury, which is accompanied by knee deformation;

discomfort in the knee with a simultaneous increase in body temperature.

    Warming ointments and compresses that you can prepare at home have a good pain-relieving effect. Here are some proven recipes:

    Mix a teaspoon of salt with a teaspoon of baking soda. Add 7 drops of iodine to this mixture. Steam your knees and apply the resulting mixture to them. Wrap your feet for 15 minutes, then rinse the mixture with water and lubricate the affected areas with vitamin cream. You will feel the positive effect after 5 – 6 procedures. Mix 100 grams of dry mustard and 100 grams camphor oil . Whip 2 egg whites

    and add them to the mixture. At night, apply the resulting mixture and wrap your knees with a woolen cloth. Use until the pain subsides.

    Tincture of bitter pepper. Cut the pods and place in a container, filling half of its volume. Next, fill the container completely with alcohol or vodka and leave for a week. After this, use it as a rub.

    You can prepare golden mustache tincture yourself or buy it at a pharmacy. Use as a rub at night. Applying it to the knee joints has some analgesic effect. fresh leaves

birch, horseradish and burdock. Use several times a day.

Depending on the disease and its stage, the doctor will prescribe a complex physical therapy. During classes, there is no need to strive to break records - a gradual and small increase in load will bring more benefit. The exercises are performed smoothly and slowly: they are aimed at working the muscles near the knee, causing them to relax, improving blood circulation, which helps reduce pain.

It is equally important to follow a diet - eating plant-based, rich in vitamins food, fish dishes and seafood helps restore articular cartilage. And, of course, when the pain can be overcome, we must try to make sure that it does not return: lead healthy image life, strengthen the body and not subject it to excessive stress.

Owner and responsible for the site and content: Afinogenov Alexey.

Acute back pain can be caused by various reasons. It can be provoked by problems with muscles or ligaments: sprains, spasms, excessive strain after you lifted something heavy, turned unsuccessfully, or were in an uncomfortable, forced position for a long time.

Another common cause is problems with the spine: osteochondrosis, intervertebral disc herniation, arthrosis of the facet joints. A change in the natural “geometry” of the spine can lead to pinching of the nerve roots and severe pain.

First aid

What to do if you have acute back pain?

First of all, lie in bed, on a hard or semi-hard mattress, on your back. This position provides rest to the back muscles and intervertebral discs, due to which the muscles relax, the spasm decreases somewhat and the pain subsides.

Apply ointment to the affected area with an anesthetic or warming effect.

If the pain does not decrease after this, take. Such drugs provide a quick pain-relieving effect. However, remember: take them in large quantities you can't - they have a lot side effects. Before consulting a doctor, you can use such medications only as needed, when the pain becomes difficult to bear.

Muscle relaxants - drugs that relax muscles - can also relieve pain. But their use is possible only under the supervision of a doctor.

To the doctor!

Most often, back pain goes away within 10-14 days. But, even if you already feel well, you need to consult a doctor and find out the cause of its occurrence. The tricky thing about back pain is that if the trigger is not eliminated, it comes back. According to statistics, within a year after the first attack, 50% of patients experience a second one, and for many, the pain becomes chronic.

In addition, back pain due to osteochondrosis or muscle spasm is, although unpleasant, not the most dangerous option. The back may hurt due to a vertebral fracture, tumors, inflammatory lesions intervertebral discs, due to impaired renal function. Therefore, consultation with a specialist is necessary.


For a long time, doctors acute pain in the back it was recommended to adhere to strict bed rest within a few days. Today the approach is different: on the first day you really need to lie down, but then lack of movement is harmful, if possible you need to get up. And also - perform gymnastics, which improves blood supply to the back muscles and allows you to maintain a toned muscle corset.

The exercises should be performed lying on your back, with a small amplitude, without tension and sudden movements. Each - 8-10 times.

Bend left leg in the knee. Bend and straighten your right leg at the knee, sliding your heel along the bed. Switch legs.

The starting position is the same. Now, without bending, you need to move your right leg to the side. Do the same with your left leg.

Lying on your back, bend both knees and place your feet flat on the bed. Alternately move your knees to the sides.

Starting position - as in the previous exercise. If possible, tighten the right bent leg to the stomach, then to the left.

Place a soft cushion or a wide, not too soft pillow under your feet. Lying like this, alternately raise your arms up and then to your head.

With a bolster under your feet, without bending your knees, lift your legs one at a time as far as possible.

Hello, Elena! My back suddenly started to hurt, although I had never had back pain before. I'm guessing the pain may have come from lifting a heavy bag (approx. 10kg). And now, this is the second day of back pain. I really don’t know what to do. I work in an office, so I have more sedentary image life. Please recommend what should I do? Which doctor should I go to?

Olga, Moscow, 29 years old

Orthopedist's answer:

Hello Olga.

When a person does not take care of his spine, does not strengthen it with a muscular corset, does not maintain joint mobility and elasticity of ligaments, and, in addition, leads a sedentary lifestyle, then someday the spine begins to hurt, and a heavy bag simply provokes the manifestation of an existing problem... You did not write in which department your back hurts, most often it is the lower back, but in principle, this does not matter, if a problem arises in one department, then later the neighboring one will also begin to hurt, because the spine is a single system. I advise you not to go to doctors, but to correct your mistake. Think about how a doctor can help you? temporarily relieves pain and relieves inflammation soft tissues medications... but the problem will not go away, because... the muscles that perform the function of supporting and protecting the spine from drugs will not become strong; they need to be trained regularly and correctly. Now that you already have pain, but it’s not too advanced yet, I advise you, by regularly doing therapeutic exercises, to form a natural muscle corset, strong muscles will straighten the spine, eliminate pinched nerve roots, and your spine will begin to recover. You just need to know how to do it correctly and not aggravate the problem. I suggest you start practicing strength exercises lying down, displayed on my website in the “trainings” section (click on my photo), which are aimed at forming a natural muscular corset for the spine. Start consciously taking care of your own spine, because only the person himself can make his own muscles work.

Sincerely, Pluzhnik Elena.

Pain is one of the types of protective reactions of the body in response to the influence of any pathogenic factor. In addition to mobilizing various functional systems, it serves as a kind of signal for the person himself about the negative changes taking place in the body. Among the many different areas of localization of discomfort, lower back pain is the most common.

It is known that more than 80% of people have encountered such clinical symptoms at least once in their lives. As a rule, such a symptom appears in adulthood - at 35-55 years old, although sometimes lower back pain appears in teenagers.

For a long time, such discomfort was considered solely as a manifestation of sciatica, so patients were sent for consultation with a neurologist.

However, it was later proven that this disease is diagnosed only in 8% of cases when low back pain occurs. Therefore, at present, the only correct hypothesis is recognized that such symptoms can be associated both with orthopedic, rheumatological, traumatological problems, and with various lesions of internal organs located at the level of the sacrum and lumbar.

According to duration, pain is divided into acute and chronic. About acute form a similar syndrome is said if such clinical manifestations last no more than 3 months. This is how long it takes to restore and heal tissue damage. If lower back pain lasts longer, it is a chronic form diseases. In accordance with the recommendations of the World Health Organization, a subacute form, which lasts several weeks, is included in a separate group.

Therapeutic classification of pathology

Clinically, there are several types of this syndrome:

  • local;
  • projection;
  • reflected;
  • radicular (or radicular);
  • appearing with muscle spasm.

Local pain in the lumbar spine is constant, its intensity can vary depending on the position of the body, and it also intensifies with movement. In this case, the patient can accurately identify the location of painful areas, and pressing on them is accompanied by severe discomfort. Often, against the background of this form of pain syndrome, the mobility of the legs and torso is limited.

Projection pain in the lower back is of neurological origin. It can be diffuse or concentrated at any one point. Occurs when nerve fibers that transmit pain impulses to the corresponding part of the brain are damaged or pinched. In this case, unpleasant sensations can spread along the nerve. Discomfort intensifies when turning the body, and becomes pulsating during exercises and movements associated with direct pressure (axial) load on the spine.

Radicular pain in the lower back has all the symptoms of a lumbago, that is, it occurs suddenly, for no apparent reason. At rest she wears a blunt aching character, however, any movement is accompanied by excruciating sharp shooting pain impulses. Almost always, this form of discomfort in the lower back occurs with irradiation of unpleasant sensations in the right or left leg, usually below the knee joint. Bends, turning on the side, raising straight legs lead to displacement of the roots and increase pain in the lower back.

Referred pain syndrome occurs when internal organs are damaged. The occurrence of discomfort is due to the fact that the tissues near the source of pathology and a certain area of ​​the spinal column are connected to each other by the same nerve. With this type of pain syndrome, a vague feeling of discomfort occurs that spreads from inside the body to the outer surface of the back. Moreover, the intensity of the unpleasant sensations practically does not change with movement and palpation of the spinal region.

Another classification is characterized by the separation of primary and secondary low back pain. Main reason primary syndrome serve mechanical damage ridge associated with dysfunction of muscles and ligaments, osteochondrosis, herniated intervertebral discs. Secondary low back pain is a consequence of other diseases that do not directly affect the bone and cartilage tissue spine.

Classification according to the pathogenetic mechanism of occurrence

In accordance with the pathogenesis of the appearance of pain syndrome can be:

  • Nociceptive. Appears when specific pain receptors (they are called naciceptors) are irritated as a result of tissue damage due to injury, sprain, bruise, inflammation, etc. This pain in the lower back is acute, its intensity depends on the severity and duration pathological process. However, if the disease affects bone or muscle tissue, the pain becomes dull and aching. It intensifies with movement and practically disappears at rest, and has a clear localization.
  • Neuropathic. As a rule, it occurs when the vertebral roots are damaged as a result of intervertebral hernia. Such pain radiating to the lower extremities is chronic and is accompanied by impaired skin sensitivity and movement disorders.
  • Psychogenic. Low back pain of this origin occurs extremely rarely. Usually similar diagnosis placed if, over the course of six months, doctors have not been able to identify the exact cause of discomfort in the spine.

But this classification is very conditional, since in patients with chronic pain in the lumbar region, all pathophysiological mechanisms take part in the formation of symptoms.

The occurrence of such a clinical picture is not an independent disease. This is just a symptom of some pathological process. Therefore, to designate it, doctors use terms that define localization and intensity. Acute pulsating, cramping pain in the lower back is called lumbago, and dull, aching, chronic pain is called lumbodynia or lumboischialgia.

Etiological factors

Experts believe that the most common cause of lower back pain is muscle strain.

So, in the absence of appropriate training or excessively intense physical activity fiber tearing occurs connective tissue, especially at the muscle attachment site, which causes lower back pain.

However, not always the reasons similar symptoms can be so “harmless”. The following diseases are dangerous in terms of further prognosis:

  • Tumor. Diagnosed in less than 1% of patients with low back pain. Risk factors include the presence oncological diseases in the anamnesis, sudden loss weight for no apparent reason, age over 50 years, pain impulses during sleep or at rest.
  • Infection. This diagnosis is supported by increased body temperature, chronic bacterial lesions epidermis, genitourinary, respiratory system, immunodeficiency states, taking corticosteroids. As a rule, if pain in the lower back is caused by an infection, then the back “aches” even at rest, in addition, discomfort appears in the abdomen, behind the chest, etc.
  • Cauda equina syndrome. The disease is associated with pinching of a large nerve fiber in the lumbosacral region. In this case, the pain is moving in nature, radiating to the buttocks area and back surface legs At severe defeat a person loses sensitivity lower limbs and the ability to fully extend them.
  • Compression fracture of the spine. In the vast majority of cases, it is preceded by severe trauma, and sometimes it can develop into a combination of old age (over 70 years) and osteochondrosis.
  • Acute abdominal aneurysm. Often such pathology is asymptomatic, and its only clinical manifestation serves as lower back pain. This diagnosis is suggested in case of concomitant atherosclerotic formations in the vessels, in elderly patients, in the presence of stabbing pain at rest or at night.
  • Hernia intervertebral disc . Accompanied sudden pain, sensations as if the back was “stiffened” in the lumbar region, muscle weakness in the legs.

In addition, constraining, sharp or, on the contrary, aching, stabbing pain in the lower back may be a consequence congenital anomalies spinal structures (for example, spondylolisthesis), protrusion or damage to intervertebral discs, various lesions joints with arthritis (juvenile, reactive), ankylosing spondylitis. In some cases, lower back pain is caused by metabolic disorders (Paget's disease), osteoporosis, neurological disorders ( a shining example serves as pinching or inflammation (sciatica) of the sciatic nerve).

Projection pain syndrome occurs with ulcers or tumors back wall stomach, pancreatitis, inflammatory processes and diverticulitis of the colon. In women, such symptoms are sometimes a consequence of gynecological diseases, and in men - tumors prostate gland or prostatitis.

If the patient consults a doctor with complaints of lower back pain, diagnostic tactics and further treatment is as follows:

  1. Examination of a person, collection of anamnesis, and Special attention pay attention to symptoms indicating life-threatening conditions (specific signs of a tumor, aneurysm, etc.).
  2. If manifestations serious illnesses are absent, analgesic therapy is prescribed in acute period, therapeutic exercises, massage.
  3. Identifying symptoms dangerous pathologies requires further diagnosis using laboratory and instrumental methods.
  4. Once the diagnosis is made, certain medications are prescribed, and sometimes surgery is necessary.

If the examination of the patient does not provide any information, and the effects of tablets and injections do not bring results within six months, a consultation with a specialized specialist is recommended to exclude or confirm the psychogenic origin of the disease.

Back pain in the lumbar region: specific symptoms, when to see a doctor, diagnostic methods

As a rule, chronic discomfort in the lower back is caused by certain factors related to the patient's lifestyle and the presence of concomitant diseases.

Some are completely amenable to non-drug correction, others can only be corrected with the help of medicines, physiotherapy or surgical intervention.

If you have chronic back pain in the lumbar region, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • too much stress on the spine associated with professional activities, long stay in an awkward position both in the workplace and at home;
  • lack of regular physical exercise, either too abrupt start training;
  • significant physical activity without appropriate muscle preparation;
  • postural disorders (scoliosis, kyphoscoliosis, stoop);
  • obesity;
  • frequent colds;
  • defeat digestive tract;
  • smoking, abuse of caffeine-containing drinks.

Chronic pain usually occurs both after regression of acute pain and independently of it in the form of primary symptom. Most common reasons its appearance is caused by instability of the spinal column due to osteochondrosis, myofascial syndrome (discomfort associated with improper distribution of load or excessive overstrain of the back muscles), arthrosis of the facet joints of the spine. Typically, discomfort increases when walking, moving, turning or bending the body.

Acute pain in the lumbar region is usually associated with injuries to the bone, connective or muscle tissue ridge, fall. The sudden appearance of such sensations may indicate the release of a stone from the kidney and its downward movement along the urinary tract. Quite often, women complain that their back hurts in the lumbar region after childbirth due to the heavy load on both the pelvis and sacral region spine.

Every person experiences similar symptoms, but not everyone goes to the doctor. So when should you book a consultation?

Indications for examination if your back hurts in the lumbar region are the following risk factors:

  • elderly age;
  • Availability chronic diseases musculoskeletal system;
  • concomitant infectious pathologies;
  • increased body temperature, the appearance of symptoms of general intoxication of the body, loss of appetite and weight loss;
  • the presence of blood in the urine, tachycardia, abdominal pain and other signs indicating damage to internal organs.

Usually, if there is back pain in the lumbar region, a person begins self-treatment. Patients use a variety of anti-inflammatory and warming ointments, which are available in a wide range in every pharmacy. However, if the condition does not improve within 7-10 days, this is a reason to visit a surgeon, orthopedist or traumatologist.

To determine the cause of pain in the lower back, doctors use following methods diagnostics:

  • Radiography. Prescribed in the vast majority of cases, it serves as the main way to detect vertebral fractures. From the image you can determine the height of the gap between the vertebrae, the deformation of the intervertebral disc, degenerative changes ridge, tumor. In some cases, conventional x-rays are not enough; the procedure is repeated with loads (bending forward or to the sides, etc.).
  • Electromyography. Helps determine excitability and functional conductivity nerve endings. Prescribed for radiculopathy, unknown cause, if the back hurts in the lumbar region, before surgery.
  • Densitometry(procedure for determining bone density). Prescribed to identify osteoporosis and its severity.
  • Computed and magnetic resonance imaging(CT or MRI). Are a more informative alternative x-ray examination. Allows you to take a picture in several projections during one procedure and determine the presence of a tumor in the area spinal cord or pathology of the myelin sheath. In addition, CT and MRI have lower radiation exposure.
  • Scintigraphy. The study is carried out using contrasting radioactive isotopes. Mainly prescribed for the diagnosis of malignant neoplasms.
  • Myelography. The procedure is similar to scintigraphy, but in this case a contrast solution is injected directly into the affected area. This study allows you to accurately determine the contours and location of the intervertebral hernia if your back hurts in the lumbar region.

Also prescribed general analysis blood (the level of ESR and leukocytes is important when diagnosing infectious process), studies to determine the concentration of calcium, phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase. According to indications, tests are taken to identify rheumatoid factor and other specific markers of arthritis. If necessary, x-rays of organs are taken chest, Ultrasound of organs abdominal cavity and urinary system.

However, not all of the listed methods are prescribed to a particular patient. They are only needed for differential diagnosis life-threatening conditions (such situations account for less than 10%). As a rule, if your back hurts in the lumbar region, to determine the exact cause, you are referred for an X-ray, CT scan, MRI, or some laboratory tests.

Acute lower back pain: gender characteristics, discomfort during pregnancy

Constant discomfort in the lower back is usually a consequence of chronic degenerative processes in the connective tissue of the intervertebral discs, which is often accompanied by inflammation.

Such sensations can be of varying intensity - from acute burning and sharp pain in the background motor activity to dull aching at rest. But such a problem cannot be resolved on its own. Dystrophy of cartilage tissue can continue for years, and without appropriate treatment it can significantly worsen the quality of life and result in disability.

Periodically occurring acute pain in the lower back is usually explained by muscle spasm, weakening of the muscle frame around the ridge, pinched nerve endings (in this case, discomfort occurs suddenly and can radiate to the heel, thigh, perineum). Sometimes a few days of regular use of pain-relieving ointments is enough to eliminate such symptoms. In some cases, lumbago requires the use of serious analgesics in the form of injections or tablets. But with regular injuries to muscle or connective tissue, the risk of developing chronic spinal diseases increases significantly.

In women, severe lower back pain often occurs due to gynecological diseases (tumors and inflammatory processes in the uterus and appendages). Often a similar syndrome is observed during menstruation.

Women often complain of discomfort in the lower back during pregnancy. Similar clinical picture due to several factors. First of all, this is an increase in body weight and its uneven distribution. The main weight of the fetus falls on the lumbar region, which leads to increased stress on the muscles and joints of the spine.

In addition, closer to childbirth, increased synthesis of biologically active substances begins, “responsible” for the divergence of the pelvic bones to facilitate labor activity. Therefore, severe lower back pain often occurs precisely because of these physiological changes. IN postpartum period similar discomfort may be caused by a consequence of epidural anesthesia.

In men, acute lower back pain may be associated with diseases of the prostate gland or an inflammatory process in the testicles. But in most patients, such disorders are accompanied by other symptoms (deterioration of potency, urination, pulling or shooting pain in the perineum).

What to do if your lower back hurts: therapeutic measures, folk remedies

Treatment regimens for unpleasant sensations in the lower back vary significantly depending on their intensity.

So for acute lumbodynia the following are indicated:

  • Bed rest with limited physical activity for a period of 2 to 5 days.
  • Cold or heat compresses are used during the first days for 10 - 20 minutes every 2 hours.
  • Wearing a bandage. Is very frequent recommendation what to do if your lower back hurts. The corset is designed to fix the ridge physiologically correct position and restrictions on physical activity. But in Lately the effectiveness of such measures is questionable, since constant use of the bandage contributes to the weakening of the muscle frame.
  • Use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. This therapy begins from the first days of the disease. Treatment begins with safe drugs based on diclofenac, ibuprofen, ketoprofen in the lowest possible doses. Dosage form NSAIDs are selected according to severity clinical symptoms and individual patient preferences.
  • The use of muscle relaxants (Clonazepam or Sirdalud) is used for no longer than 14 days.
  • Local application of warming ointments.
  • According to indications - blockade with local anesthetics.

After the acute pain subsides, regular exercises from the course of exercise therapy and massage are indicated.

However, manual therapy It is strictly contraindicated for tumors and metastases in the spine, osteoporosis, spondylitis. For oncology, drug treatment will be prescribed, for example, Mekinist. Massage should be done with caution for hernias, congenital or acquired dysplasia of cartilage tissue.

During exacerbation chronic pain in the area of ​​the lumbar spine principles drug treatment remain the same.

However, during remission great attention should be given due physical activity to strengthen the muscle corset and improve microcirculation.

When deciding what to do if your lower back hurts, you can use recipes alternative medicine. For example:

  • Take 4-5 turnip roots, wash and chop in small pieces, pour a glass of boiling water and place in the oven for half an hour. Then grind to a puree-like consistency, cool and use for compresses. The duration of the procedure is up to half an hour.
  • rub fresh root horseradish and rub it sore spot once every two days.
  • In case of acute pain, you need to take several radish roots, wash them and mince them. Apply the paste to your back for 10-15 minutes.
  • Take 20 g of dried physalis fruits, grind in a coffee grinder and mix with 80 g of butter. Lubricate the lumbar area twice a day (morning and evening).
  • Grind a tablespoon of thyme herb into powder and mix with butter in a ratio of 1:3. Apply to the affected area twice a day.
  • It is also recommended to take baths. For cooking healing decoction A kilogram of oat straw is poured into 10 liters of water and boiled for 20 minutes. After this, the solution is poured into a pre-prepared bath. The duration of the procedure is up to 15 minutes. It can be carried out only with the permission of a doctor.
  • Pour two tablespoons of sweet clover herb and 4 tablespoons of chamomile with a glass of boiling water and simmer in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool, strain, squeeze medicinal raw materials and increase the volume of infusion boiled water up to 200 ml. Use warm as a rub.
  • Mix 10 g of chamomile and linden flowers each, pour into a glass hot water, bring to a boil, leave and take half a glass three times a day.

Discomfort in the lower back may occur due to various reasons. These include menstruation in women, prostate diseases in men, overexertion, more serious pathologies musculoskeletal system. However, it is up to the doctor to decide what to do if your lower back hurts. From independent methods treatment is allowed only local use anti-inflammatory and warming ointments for a maximum of 10 days.

Lydia 05/29/2018 10:57:50

This often happens to me because of chondrozae, sometimes I have to swallow handfuls of pills to make it at least a little easier. Now, however, I have become wiser, I took home both the Almag and the Relaxmat, I undergo regular treatment, plus I do physical therapy, fortunately, I found an inexpensive trainer. It’s scary to think what could have happened if I hadn’t started treatment on time.

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