Strong smell of discharge after childbirth. Discharge after childbirth: duration, color and smell

After giving birth to a baby, many mothers are faced with the phenomenon of unpleasant vaginal odor. And in most cases, this is accompanied by some kind of discharge, which gives the woman reasonable fears about her own health. Why does this happen and is it worth worrying at all? important questions, which worries many. But complete answers can only be obtained from a doctor.


IN postpartum period the woman’s genitals gradually return to the morphofunctional features that they had before pregnancy. Full recovery happens in 6 weeks. Immediately after childbirth, the uterus contracts, and its mucous membrane begins to heal, and first this occurs due to the basal layer of the endometrium - up to 10 days.

Discharge after childbirth is called lochia. For the first 2-3 days they are profusely bloody and include clots, and by the end of the week they become more scanty and acquire a brownish tint. And over time, the color of the lochia changes to yellowish or almost transparent, since they contain only mucus. But under the influence of certain factors, the intensity of discharge may increase: after physical activity, straining, coughing, sexual intercourse. Complete involution of the uterus with the formation of a new functional layer of the endometrium ends in the sixth week. Then the discharge stops completely.

Reasons for deviations

If the discharge takes on a character that differs from the norm, then you should always look for the cause. This condition may indicate the addition of some complications. An unpleasant odor coming from the vagina after childbirth often indicates an inflammatory process:

  • Endometritis.
  • Specific infections.

These are the most common reasons why the nature of the discharge changes. But other factors may also be present. For example, the appearance of urine odor should alert you to the possibility of the following conditions:

  • Bladder atony.
  • Vaginal fistulas.
  • Trauma to the urethra during childbirth (ruptures or application of obstetric forceps).

Therefore, to identify the cause, it is necessary to carefully examine the patient and take into account all risk factors: protracted labor, use of auxiliary manipulations, complications. In addition, it is important to know whether a woman has extragenital diseases, for example, diabetes or other systemic pathology that has an adverse effect on the course of the postpartum period.

There are not so many reasons for unpleasant odor from the genital tract. They mainly relate to inflammatory processes or mechanical damage after childbirth.


Only one symptom - vaginal discharge- a lot can be said about probable cause violations. Therefore, during a gynecological examination or retrospectively (based on complaints and anamnesis), the doctor assesses their nature:

  • Type: bloody, mucous, purulent.
  • Volume: abundant or scanty.
  • Color: reddish, whitish, yellow-green.
  • Consistency: liquid, creamy, “curdled”.
  • Smell: blood or dampness, urine, purulent, rotten or putrid, sour, fishy.

Discharge may increase after physical activity or sexual intercourse, and in some cases it does not depend on the external factors. But the symptoms don’t end there, because pathological conditions accompanied by other manifestations. Based on the totality of symptoms, it is possible to form a preliminary diagnosis.


After the birth of a child, the uterus is a large wound surface into which microorganisms can penetrate under inadequate hygienic and anti-epidemic conditions. Then we talk about endometritis - the most common form postpartum infections. In 75% of cases it occurs in mild form. Symptoms develop on days 5–12:

  • Pain in the lateral abdomen.
  • Bloody-purulent discharge with an odor.
  • Increase in body temperature to 38–38.5 degrees.

But general state the mother in labor still remains satisfactory, which cannot be said about severe cases, when already on the 2nd–3rd day a severe fever and general weakness occur, the pulse quickens, and headache. Most often, such endometritis occurs after caesarean section and in women with extragenital pathology.

Specific infections

Infections such as trichomoniasis, chlamydia, candidiasis, gardnerellosis, and gonorrhea are common causes of inflammation of the genital tract. Even after childbirth, discharge from unpleasant smell may be caused by specific pathogens. In this case, colpitis (vaginitis) most often occurs, but nothing prevents the pathological process from spreading higher, which is facilitated by late treatment medical care.

By appearance secretions and their organoleptic characteristics can suggest a probable infectious agent:

  • Gonorrhea is yellow-green in color and thick, with a corresponding “purulent” odor.
  • Trichomoniasis - greenish, liquid and foamy, with the smell of rotten fish.
  • Candidiasis - white, cheesy consistency, with a sour smell.

But among the subjective signs, such conditions have much in common, since they are characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the vagina and vulva, and often urethra. Therefore, women will experience following symptoms:

  • Burning and itching in the vagina.
  • Discomfort and pain during sexual intercourse.
  • Pain while urinating.
  • Redness of the external genitalia.

If such signs were observed even before birth, then it is likely that the child who passed through the infected pathways could even become infected.

Discharge with an unpleasant odor after childbirth may indicate a specific nature of the infection.

Vaginal fistulas

If the discharge smells like urine, then the cause may be hidden in the fistulous tract connecting the vagina with the urethra or bladder. Most often they form after mechanical damage tissues during childbirth. Therefore, even in physiological secretions there will be an admixture of urine, and its amount depends on the size of the fistula. There will be other symptoms:

  • Pain in the vaginal and bladder areas.
  • Increased urination.
  • Cutting and burning.

Of course, this situation is extremely unpleasant, and with large fistulas it becomes an obstacle to sexual life and even social contacts. And despite the fact that minor defects can heal on their own, they need to be eliminated as soon as possible.

Additional diagnostics

The cause of unpleasant odor after childbirth can only be determined by comprehensive examination patients. Taking into account the preliminary conclusion of the doctor, additional laboratory and instrumental methods will be required, including:

  • General blood and urine tests.
  • Blood biochemistry (indicators of inflammation, antibodies to infections).
  • Analysis of secretions (clinical, bacteriological, sensitivity to antibiotics).
  • Colposcopy.
  • Cystography.
  • Tomography.

In addition to an examination by a gynecologist, a consultation with a urologist may be required, for example, in case of a vesico-vaginal fistula. And after receiving all necessary information the doctor decides which specific treatment methods should be taken: enough conservative therapy or you will have to resort to surgical correction.

Pregnancy over, in my arms small miracle and the young mother’s body needs time to recover reproductive functions and the usual functioning of the organs of the genitourinary system.

Women, especially those who have become mothers for the first time, are concerned with the question: how long does the discharge last after childbirth and what should it be like normally?

Duration of postpartum lochia

The duration of postpartum discharge in a young mother is on average about 6-8 weeks; in obstetrics they are called lochia.

The recovery period for each postpartum woman is different: for one woman it can take about 1 month, for another – up to 2 months.

It depends a lot on your history labor activity, intervals between births, lactation period in the past, condition immune system women.

Lochia 3 months after birth is usually mucous, not abundant, whitish or colored yellowish color- this is normal and indicates that the uterus has returned to its physiological state.

What should postpartum discharge be like?

On the first day after delivery, from the genital tract of the mother in childbirth large quantities blood is released, which may contain large clots.

In the second and third days after birth, the lochia becomes light red with an admixture of mucus, still copious.

By the end of the first week, the discharge resembles brown mucus with the presence of blood streaks and small clots. When straining, lifting heavy objects, or physical strain, they can intensify.

By the end of the second week after the birth of the baby, the mucous discharge changes to watery and acquires a yellow or brownish tint.

This will continue for about another month.

Apart from the duration recovery period uterus and reproductive functions, women often ask the doctor the question - what should be postpartum discharge?

Normally, lochia should not have an unpleasant odor, admixture of pus, and should not be accompanied by pain and elevated temperature bodies.

A month after birth, the discharge is normally transparent, yellowish or brownish in color, and there should be no more blood.

Yellow postpartum discharge

Dangerous symptoms

Yellow postpartum discharge appears in a young mother approximately 6-8 days after the delivery of the placenta, and before that, quite abundant and intense bloody discharge is observed, which becomes paler every day.

The appearance of yellow lochia is due to the presence of a large number of white ones in them. blood cells(leukocytes) and indicates that the healing process of the uterine cavity meets the norms.

At first, lochia is abundant, but every day there are fewer and fewer of them and by the end of 2 months after delivery they completely disappear.

Sometimes the appearance of discharge yellow color signals a pathological process occurring in the uterus, and the woman should immediately seek gynecological help.

Dangerous symptoms are:

  • Bloody discharge a month after birth, which replaced yellow discharge;
  • Pain in the lower abdomen radiating to the lower back of a cramping nature;
  • Increase in body temperature to 39-40 degrees;
  • An admixture of pus in the discharge;
  • Nausea, vomiting, increasing weakness;
  • Unpleasant smell of rot.

Such signs indicate the development of infectious inflammatory process in the uterus, which requires immediate examination and adequate therapy, otherwise the postpartum woman may develop blood poisoning.

Unpleasant discharge after birth indicate accession bacterial infection, development of endometritis or incomplete discharge children's place.

Bloody postpartum discharge

After the birth of a child, the uterus begins to contract intensively, as a result of which the baby's place (placenta) leaves; this organ has fulfilled its function and is no longer needed in the body.

When the placenta comes out, it ruptures blood vessels connecting it to the wall of the uterus. At the moment of rupture of the vessels, the blood from them pours into the uterine cavity, which is accompanied by further bloody discharge from the genital tract.

Normally, blood is released only on the first day after birth, and its volume usually does not exceed 250 ml; on the second day, a large amount of bloody-mucous discharge, in which large clots are present, leaves the uterus.

As the uterus involutes, they will lighten, shrink, and become watery daily.

If the discharge stops and starts red again, you need to contact a gynecologist for examination.

Brown postpartum discharge is usually very scary for new mothers, but there is no need to worry - this is normal.

Coloring in Brown color caused by the admixture of dead endometrial particles, clots with coagulated blood, and products of the involutionary process in the uterus.

Most often, the brown color of lochia is observed in the second week after birth, but it is possible that spotting brown streaks may appear by the end of the first month, which is not a pathology if the young mother feels well.

Discharge after childbirth with an odor is a reason to be wary

The smell of lochia cannot be called unpleasant; rather, it resembles the smell of dampness or menstrual flow. Appearance unpleasant putrid smell should alert a woman and become a reason for immediate consultation with a gynecologist.

A similar smell may indicate that a piece of the placenta remains in the uterus, and the processes of tissue decomposition have begun. As a rule, severe pain in the lower abdomen quickly joins the clinical picture, heat body (over 39 degrees) and an admixture of pus in the discharge.

IN in rare cases the appearance of an unpleasant odor from postpartum lochia can occur if a woman does not promptly change disposable sanitary pads or poorly follows the rules of personal intimate hygiene.

Such an attitude towards one’s health after childbirth threatens the development of serious inflammatory diseases the uterus and its appendages as a result of penetration of pathogenic microorganisms.

Ovulation, conception, pregnancy, childbirth - all these are necessary stages of the process, which in human society is usually called procreation. The final link in this chain is the postpartum period: the woman’s body must recover to a certain level in order to gain the ability to repeat the reproductive cycle - from the quality recovery processes Not only the possibility of re-conception or pregnancy depends, but sometimes the woman’s life as well. Therefore, it is so important for her to constantly monitor her physical and physiological state during this period, paying attention to the slightest signs"failure" in the body. Vaginal discharge that has an unpleasant odor or an unusual color is one of the the most important signs similar pathology.

The concept of normal discharge

The postpartum period is a fairly long recovery process. Having gotten rid of the fetus in the womb, the body, like an exemplary housewife after the guests leave, puts its “house” in order: the pelvic bones are replaced, the configuration of the spine changes, the walls of the vagina narrow, the abdominal muscles tighten and skin, but especially important processes occur in the uterus.

Regardless of how the baby is born (by natural birth or by cesarean section), the uterus begins to contract, decreasing in size to its normal state, immediately after separation from its inner surface placenta. Naturally, the wound surface remaining on its inner membrane bleeds quite heavily, and it is not surprising that intense contraction of the uterus is accompanied by profuse bleeding (lochia) - this period lasts up to 2-3 days.

Over time, lochia, which has the smell of normal menstrual discharge (or does not have a pronounced odor at all), changes its intensity, color and consistency - therefore, the nature of such changes should be given especially close attention, even if they do not particularly bother the young mother. As a rule, 6–7 days after birth, the discharge turns brown and becomes less abundant. True, lochia tends to slightly increase in intensity during breastfeeding, with physical activity, when coughing or laughing, but this is considered a normal manifestation of more active contraction of the uterus and abdominal muscles.

Every woman who has recently become a mother experiences a difficult period in the first weeks. Immediately after the baby is born, the uterine cavity is a large wound surface that contracts intensively. Contractions allow tissues to clear themselves of blood clots, particles of the fetal membrane and the remains of the placenta. This process is called lochia and in appearance resembles menstrual periods, only with greater intensity. This stage until natural cleansing lasts from 6 to 8 weeks.

The process of restoring a girl’s body takes quite a while. for a long time. At this point, it is important to monitor the nature of secretions from the vagina and how long they last after childbirth.

In the first two days, the separation of scarlet bloody fluid is considered normal. The wound surface is still injured during each uterine contraction. Such discharge after childbirth should not smell at all. Further, the lochia becomes less abundant, acquiring a brown tint. After a few days (usually 7-10), you may notice that the color has become yellowish or creamy. This stage of discharge after childbirth completely stops after certain time: from 40 to 60 days. Ideally, nothing should bother a woman during this period.

With intensive sports, frequent breastfeeding, and physical activity, the amount of secretion may increase slightly.

Itching, burning, irritation of the mucous membrane during lochia, changes in color and smell should alert you and become a good reason for visiting a doctor. It is important to monitor how long the discharge lasts after childbirth. If they ended much earlier due date, this is not a reason for joy and pride, in the hope of fast recovery. Such a signal is not simple and makes it clear that the placenta particles have not completely come out and further complications may arise. The extended period should also not be ignored. This a clear sign that there is something wrong with the body.

Cause of occurrence

If only characteristic of critical days smell and color (bright red), no need to worry. The excessive abundance of lochia should also not frighten you; it will subside over time. But there are other cases that are different from normal recovery work of the uterus.

Grey, white, green and yellow discharge with an unpleasant odor - this is a visible disorder that indicates a malfunction in the body.

Such signs should be very alarming to a young mother. If a woman notices that the structure, color has changed, or the vagina has begun to stink, she should urgently seek help from a doctor. This could be a signal serious illnesses and the cause of difficult complications. You can understand why this happens after consulting a doctor. Next step There will be a thorough examination, announcement of the exact diagnosis and subsequent treatment.

If lochia has an unpleasant odor, this can be caused by a number of factors:

  • incorrectly applied stitches;
  • long-term use of antibiotics or other drugs that have a strong effect on the body;
  • ignoring the rules of personal and intimate hygiene;
  • decreased immunity and lack of vitamins;
  • changes in vaginal microflora;
  • surgery performed under non-sterile conditions;
  • infection in the area of ​​an open wound.

The possibility of the following diseases should not be excluded:

  • thrush (if discharge white and curdled structure);
  • bacterial vaginosis (the aroma of fish or something sour is felt);
  • parametritis or endometritis (if it smells rotten).

If lochia has a very unpleasant odor after childbirth, and there is also an increase in body temperature, discharge of purulent masses from the vagina and sharp pain, this is a sign acute form illness and requires immediate medical attention.

If you ignore dangerous signals and not contacting a doctor in time, the disease can become chronic and cause a number of complications that are difficult to treat.

How to help yourself

About how to make your life easier and eliminate unpleasant symptoms, all women who are faced with this problem think. The smell that arises in lochia after childbirth brings considerable discomfort to the young mother and frightens her very much. Sometimes women look for a way out of this situation on their own, without consulting a doctor. Very often, young mothers, due to lack of time, use traditional methods, listen to the advice of friends or completely ignore the malaise.

It is important to remember that you should never self-medicate!

After the pregnancy period, this is strictly prohibited, as there is a possibility of irreparable complications and even death.

Here's how you can help yourself without harming your health:

  1. Follow the rules of hygiene (you need to wash yourself very often - after each visit to the toilet).
  2. To soothe irritated skin, you can use herbal decoctions (chamomile, calendula, string, sage).
  3. , only showers are allowed.
  4. You should not visit the bathhouse, sauna or swimming pool.
  5. Intense physical activity should be avoided.
  6. Training in the gym is strictly prohibited.
  7. during intimacy.
  8. Breastfeed your baby more often (regular latching will help the uterus contract faster).
  9. For better contraction of the abdominal muscles, it is recommended (during rest and sleep).
  10. Even if there is no urge, you need to visit the toilet regularly.

It is very important to monitor your health. The body is now very weakened and any infection or virus can easily penetrate it. To avoid this, you need to protect yourself: use condoms during sexual intercourse, take a complex of vitamins, eat plenty of vegetables and fruits, and monitor the level of iron in your blood.

Possible complications

It is important to understand that such symptoms do not just happen. There are a number dangerous diseases, which are worth paying attention to. Among them:

  1. Inflammation of the wound surfaces of the uterus, cervix or vagina. There is a possibility of spread to the entire body and the appearance of sepsis.
  2. Hypotonic bleeding. It is necessary to monitor blood volume to avoid such a diagnosis.
  3. Endometritis. It occurs as a result of direct infection of the uterine tissue, leading to infertility or, rarely, death.
  4. Uterine bleeding. Extremely dangerous, occurs within 3-5 days.
  5. Vaginosis. Able to quickly spread infection throughout the body. If left untreated, there is a possibility of difficulties during the next pregnancy or infertility.

When you can't do without a doctor's help

When lochia after childbirth has a sharp, rotten aroma and is accompanied by a serious deterioration in well-being, medical intervention is indispensable. A girl should be especially attentive if she notices several strange symptoms. Very often, deviations from the norm signal that the body has malfunctioned, inflammation or infection has begun.

You need to pay close attention to the following signs:

  • lochia ended ahead of schedule on whole month(clots may accumulate in the uterus and an inflammatory process may begin);
  • discharge is abundant and lasts a long time (leads to anemia);
  • present aching pain lower abdomen, as well as increased body temperature (a sign of the onset of serious complications).

In order to discover the cause of the disease, you should visit a qualified gynecologist. After a personal examination and examination, we can talk about the details of the necessary therapy.

The examination usually consists of:

  • blood, urine and vaginal smear tests;
  • ultrasound examination of internal organs;
  • inspection and conversation.

It is important to choose a doctor who examined you during pregnancy and knows the details of the birth process of the baby. It will be easier for the doctor to understand, taking into account all the subtleties and details of a particular case.


A young mother must understand that she is directly responsible not only for the health of the baby, but also for her own well-being. Starting a new life with a baby is always a difficult process that requires a lot of strength and patience. But you should never ignore discomfort while doing household chores and caring for your baby.

If you leave everything to chance, the situation will most likely turn out unexpectedly. Frequent cases of irreparable complications and even deaths. Worth calling ambulance, if the young mother is exhausted, loses energy, feels chills or fever, feels dizzy and nauseated.

After childbirth, were they carried out? naturally or a caesarean section was performed, the woman continues to have discharge from the genital tract for quite a long time. Full recovery of the body occurs only after 6 - 8 weeks.

At this time, the young mother is warned various types dangers associated with pathology of the genital organs. Therefore, it is important to know how long and what kind of discharge should be in the postpartum period. After all, identified in time pathological process– this is already half the success of his treatment. What to do if there is discharge after childbirth with an unpleasant odor?

Read in this article

Discharge after childbirth

Thus, any processes that violate contractility uterus, lead to excessive blood loss, a hematometra can form - an accumulation of blood clots in the cavity. Often this complication requires a blood transfusion, since blood loss can reach several liters.

So, the discharge in the first day or two is profuse, often with clots. But if in doubt, it is better to consult a doctor or midwife, since violations threaten the woman’s life.

In the first week

Gradually the amount of discharge decreases, they begin to resemble normal menstruation. Their color is still predominantly blood-red; there should be no clots, unless they are very small (a few mm each). The smell is specific, just like during menstruation. It should also be noted that at this time they begin to actively work sweat glands, including in the groin area, so a little more may appear Strong smell than usual.

In the following time

Over time, the bloody component becomes even smaller; mucus predominates in the lochia. At this time, the discharge is rather presented in the form of a small smudge. There should be no particular smell if all hygiene rules are followed and pads are regularly changed.

If there is no discharge for several days, and then spotting appears again, there is no need to worry, this is normal. But provided that it fits within the 40-day interval.

If you have yellow discharge with an unpleasant odor after childbirth, it is better to seek medical help to rule out inflammation.

Watch the video about lochia after childbirth:

Discharge after caesarean section

Immediately after surgery there is less discharge compared to natural childbirth, but their number is gradually increasing. It all depends on whether the cesarean section was planned or emergency, and whether the cervix was opened at all.

The smaller number of lochia in general is also due to the fact that there is always for preventive purposes drugs that contract the uterus are administered, and additional curettage of the cavity is often performed.

An admixture of mucus is allowed in the first days. The duration of any discharge after a cesarean section should not exceed 40 days. In all other respects, their character does not differ from natural childbirth.


Only a specialist can finally figure out whether it is normal or pathological. But the following symptoms should be a reason to see a doctor:

  • If the discharge in the first days after childbirth is excessively abundant and with clots. In addition to this, weakness, dizziness, and nausea may appear.
  • In the case when, a few days after birth, the discharge suddenly stopped. Parallel to this, there are nagging pain lower abdomen.
  • Also if the discharge increases sharply. For example, one spot has already been present for more than 3 - 5 days, and decent bloody lochia has appeared.
  • If after childbirth brown discharge with an unpleasant putrefactive odor, subject to all rules of personal hygiene.

Signs of inflammation

At any time after childbirth, a woman may develop vaginal symptoms. The likelihood is especially high when at the end of pregnancy she was bothered by some kind of sexually transmitted infections. Inflammation also often occurs when early start sexual activity, when the cervix is ​​not yet completely closed, and infections can easily penetrate. It is recommended to abstain from intimate relations for a period of up to 40 days while there is still some discharge.

In most cases it has a bright clinical picture. The infection can also be localized in the vagina and cervix. This is due to the immunodeficiency state of the woman at this moment. The main signs of inflammation of the genital organs:

  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen, which is slightly relieved by analgesics;
  • discharge with an unpleasant odor, putrid, purulent, etc.;
  • the color of the lochia changes to yellowish, greenish, dark brown, purulent, etc.;
  • body temperature rises to 38 - 39 degrees;
  • suffers general health: sweating, weakness, lethargy, apathy occur.

To determine inflammation in the genital organs, it is enough to carry out general analysis blood, gynecological examination and execute ultrasonography pelvic organs. Treatment must be started immediately to avoid possible complications.

Causes of pathology

Inflammation after childbirth can be localized in the vagina or spread to the uterine cavity. IN the latter case there is a clear threat to a woman’s health. The causes of the inflammatory process after childbirth may be the following:

  • Presence and its ignoring at the end of pregnancy. After childbirth pathogenic bacteria without proper treatment they will not go away.
  • Various manipulations during childbirth without prophylactic antibiotics. For example, manual separation of the placenta, massive blood loss, extensive, etc.
  • Concomitant immunodeficiency conditions in women. Such as HIV oncological pathology and others.
  • Lack of personal hygiene, use.
  • The presence of active infectious pathology, for example, exacerbation of chronic disease and the like.
  • Early onset of sexual activity without waiting 40 days, while refusing condoms.
  • Allergic reactions to suture material, if it was used.

The fact is that blood is the best nutrient medium for the growth and reproduction of most pathogens. This is why inflammation occurs so easily after childbirth.

When is it necessary to see a doctor?

You shouldn’t wait until you have discharge with an unpleasant odor for almost a month after giving birth.

At the first suspicion of inflammation or other pathology, you should consult a doctor.

This must be done urgently in the following situations:

  • when purulent discharge is detected,
  • when rising above 39 degrees,
  • at severe pain lower abdomen,
  • at severe dizziness, weakness, lethargy,
  • if the discharge is very heavy (several medium pads within an hour).

Diagnostic methods

It is necessary to pay careful attention to such conditions, as they are fraught with consequences and can cause significant harm to a woman’s health. If a young mother suspects some kind of infection, she should consult a doctor for examination and examination. The main methods used to diagnose the condition are:

  • general gynecological examination;
  • for flora, sowing the contents;
  • PCR and culture for major pathogenic microorganisms;
  • ultrasound examination of the uterine cavity;
  • general and biochemical analysis blood.

If necessary, the list can be expanded.

Treatment of discharge

The scope and invasiveness of treatment for inflammation of the genital organs after childbirth depends on the extent of the process, the severity of symptoms of intoxication, etc. Main areas include the following:

  • Antibacterial therapy. At mild degree You can get by with taking oral medications; in moderate and severe cases, it is better to give preference to injectable ones. You should also consider whether the woman is breastfeeding, as most antibacterial drugs not compatible with lactation. The most commonly used are cephalosporins, aminopenicillins (they can be used for breastfeeding) in combination with metronidazole. In more serious situations, preference is given to the group of lincosamides, carbapenems and others.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs, antispasmodics, painkillers for symptomatic therapy.
  • Lavage of the uterine cavity, in which liquid (often an antibiotic is added) enters through a catheter and “washes out” all pathogenic elements.
  • Sometimes it is enough to treat with suppositories if the inflammation is localized only in the vagina.
  • Additionally, immunostimulating agents can be used.

Unpleasant discharge after childbirth, accompanied by other symptoms (pain in the lower abdomen, fever, etc.), should always be addressed increased attention from the woman's side. Indeed, during this period, the body’s defenses are reduced so much that even conditional pathogens can cause diseases. Only a specialist after an examination can definitively say why there is discharge with an unpleasant odor after childbirth and how to carry out treatment most effectively.

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