What is mixed gastritis and how to treat stomach disease. Description of mixed gastritis and useful treatment recommendations

IN medical practice There are cases when mixed gastritis is diagnosed. If we talk about this pathology in general, then everyone knows about it, but almost no one knows that there are any varieties.

So, mixed gastritis - what is it? Surely everyone who encountered such a concept for the first time asked a similar question. A condition in which a patient has several forms of gastritis at once is called mixed gastritis in medicine. The problem with diagnosing and treating this disease is that it is often very difficult to identify. This is due to the fact that the combination of hemorrhagic, hypertrophic, erosive and superficial gastritis does not allow us to see the exact clinical picture of the disease.

Causes of pathology

This form of the disease almost always occurs and progresses due to infection of the mucous membranes digestive organ bacterium Helicobacter pylory. When the walls of an organ are damaged, this bacterium contributes to the development of a superficial form of pathology. However, due to the fact that the symptoms of this disease are less pronounced, the pathological process continues to progress and the activity of pathogenic microorganisms increases. This is how minor erosions appear on the walls of the organ, as a result of which gastritis takes on an erosive form. Very often in practice the patient's condition worsens due to the presence of bad habits, leading an unhealthy lifestyle and inattention to one’s own health.

After small erosions occur in certain areas of the walls of the digestive organ, the blood vessels in those areas weaken and become more brittle over time.

As a result, areas of bleeding occur, the number of which directly depends on the patient’s lifestyle and the activity of harmful bacteria.

In the last stages of development of chronic mixed gastritis changes in the structures of the walls of the organ are observed, the formation of cysts, polyps, adenomas and warts in them, which is a serious cause for concern.

Besides negative influence Helicobacter bacteria, some chemicals can provoke the development of gastritis. Examples of such substances are alkalis, alcohols, acids, etc. The catalyst for the development of pathology can be the abuse of alcoholic beverages. Vinegar can also have a negative effect on stomach tissue.

However, taking certain medications can also lead to the development of a pathological process. These are the drugs that affect the gastric mucosa.

Not the last role in in this case is also given to the diet. The problem here may be the thermal effect on the organ mucosa from excessively hot or cold food. Can lead to the development of the disease mechanical damage caused by hasty eating or improper chewing of consumed foods.

Signs of the disease

With mixed gastritis of the stomach, the signs of pathology will depend on what forms of the disease have developed in the patient. Most often, the patient exhibits the following signs of the disease:

  • feeling of discomfort and painful sensations in the area between the costal arches;
  • with mixed gastritis of the stomach, quite often there is a feeling of overcrowding in the digestive system;
  • a sharp decline appetite;
  • belching and heartburn are constant companions for gastritis of the stomach in a mixed form;
  • emergence pain syndrome, which radiates to the back area or left hypochondrium;
  • with gastritis of the stomach of mixed type, nausea appears, which can result in vomiting, sometimes with admixtures of blood in the vomit.

If the course of therapy for mixed gastritis is not started in a timely manner, the symptoms may become more pronounced and manifest themselves in the form of:

  • intestinal disorders, which are often followed by constipation;
  • difficulties with digesting the food consumed, resulting in stagnant processes in the intestines and stomach;
  • weakness, loss of appetite, nausea, which leads to weight loss.

Treatment of stomach disease

For mixed gastritis, treatment begins with taking antibiotics. In this case, patients are most often prescribed drugs such as Klabax or Klacid.

With mixed gastritis, drug treatment can also be aimed at eliminating the painful sensations that arise. For this purpose, the patient may be prescribed the following medicines, like No-shpa or Buscopan.

A course of treatment for mixed gastritis is never complete without the prescription of antacid medications by the attending physician. This group of medications has enveloping properties and protects the mucous membrane of the digestive organ affected by the inflammatory process from negative impact acids Erosive wounds can be treated with astringent medications, including drugs such as Vikair and De-nol.

In addition to the use of medicines, you can fight the disease through prescriptions traditional medicine. To combat mixed gastritis, an excellent remedy is a mixture of honey and aloe juice. To do this, you need to mix both ingredients in equal proportions and add a little butter.

The resulting product should be taken before meals, 1 tbsp. l.

No less effective means traditional medicine to eliminate mixed gastritis is potato juice, which is endowed with an enveloping property, allows you to normalize production of hydrochloric acid and get rid of the inflammatory process. To obtain juice, you need to make a cake from fresh potato tubers, from which you then squeeze the juice. You need to take 2 tbsp of juice. l. before eating.

Diet food

Diet for mixed gastritis plays no less important role than drug treatment. In this case, the essence of dietary nutrition is to exclude from the patient’s menu those foods that irritate the gastric mucosa. The consumption of sour, salty and spicy foods, as well as tobacco products And alcoholic drinks. At the same time, the dietary regime involves the consumption of boiled and steamed foods. It is also necessary to completely eliminate smoked, fried, fatty, cold or excessively hot dishes from the patient’s menu.

Thus, the diet of a patient suffering from mixed gastritis should not include:

  • fatty or fried meat;
  • Rye bread and pastry products;
  • beans, pearl barley, lentils, barley and millet porridge;
  • horseradish, mustard, sauces and seasonings;
  • black and red pepper;
  • sweets and chocolate products;
  • strong tea and coffee drinks.

When drawing up a menu for a patient with mixed gastritis, preference is given to foods that are rich in vitamins and proteins.

A deficiency of the former prevents the rapid restoration of the functioning of the digestive organ, and proteins are thereby building material for stomach cells.

  • poultry, veal and boiled fish;
  • soy and sunflower oil;
  • oatmeal and buckwheat porridge;
  • dairy products;
  • soft-boiled eggs;
  • beets, tomatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, carrots and spinach;
  • rose hips, strawberries, apples and other fruits.

The pathology in question is a complex pathological condition of the stomach. The main culprits in this case are the patients themselves, namely their negligent attitude towards their own health.

Despite this, with a competent approach to therapy, it is still possible to cope with the disease. And dietary nutrition and healthy image life will eliminate the possibility of recurrence of the disease.

Diseases digestive tract are very diverse. Gastritis is divided into many various types occurring with varying degrees of severity. A situation may arise when a person develops several various forms inflammation of the stomach. Then he is diagnosed with mixed gastritis. Treatment of this type of disease is possible with both medications and traditional methods.

Features of the disease

Gastritis is a disorder of the stomach caused by an inflammatory process. Usually, it develops gradually. First, the superficial stage of the disease occurs, in which inflammation affects only the surface of the epithelium, without penetrating deep into the tissue. Then, the disease progresses and takes different shapes.

The main cause of gastritis, including mixed forms, is considered to be infection of the stomach by the Helicobacter bacterium. When the body is exposed to various negative factors, the bacterium becomes active in the body and begins destructive work, affecting the gastric mucosa. Usually, starting in the lower part of the digestive organ, inflammation grows and covers the entire surface of the stomach, as well as the intestines.

Wherein inflammatory process can accept different types. If on mucous layer erosive formations appear, the disease develops into an erosive-ulcerative form. In case of malfunction blood vessels hemorrhagic gastritis develops in the mucous membrane. In this case, internal bleeding occurs in the stomach area.

As a result pathological processes occurring in the mucous layer, epithelial cells cannot function normally. They start to secrete a large number of mucus in which polyps and cysts form. This form of gastritis is called hypertrophic and is characterized by complete atrophy of the mucous layer.

Diagnostic methods

Mixed gastritis can be diagnosed only after detailed comprehensive survey. It can be quite difficult to identify which forms of the disease a patient has.

Only fibrogastroduodenoendoscopy can provide an accurate clinical picture. With this examination, the doctor can visually track changes that have occurred in the gastric mucosa. Additionally, tissues of the digestive organ are collected for the purpose of biopsy examination.

X-rays may be prescribed to examine internal organs and ultrasonography. The patient also undergoes a test for Helicobacter pylori. Based on these tests, a diagnosis is made. The outcome of treatment may depend on its exact setting, since different ones are treated differently. If a patient has mixed gastritis, treatment is prescribed depending on what forms of inflammation are present and predominant.

Features of treatment

Mixed gastritis can only be treated comprehensively, taking into account all the nuances of the course of various pathologies. The treatment process includes a diet, a special diet and drug therapy. In order to completely cure this complex disease, the patient must use all methods. Failure to diet can aggravate the course of the disease and further complicate the situation.

Treatment of gastritis may be used as an additional measure folk remedies. This is also a fairly effective method that is often used at home. Before starting treatment with folk ways, you should consult your doctor.

For medicinal effects on the body for gastritis, they are prescribed the following groups drugs:

  • Antibiotics. These drugs are used to destroy the main cause of gastritis - Helicobacter bacteria. Antibiotics wide range actions effectively suppress the activity of harmful microorganisms. Additionally, they reduce the risk re-infection organism with a bacterium of this type.
  • Antacids. Used to neutralize the effect of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
  • Enzymes. Necessary for restoring the digestive process. Helps normalize gastric microflora.
  • Preparations with an enveloping and astringent effect protect the walls of the digestive organ from external influences. Helps heal erosions and wounds in the mucous layer.
  • Prokinetics. Restore motor functions stomach and intestines, improve peristalsis.
  • Analgesics and antispasmodics relieve pain and spasms of the smooth muscles of internal organs.

In addition to the above medications, they may be prescribed vitamin complexes And restoratives. If necessary, the doctor prescribes immunomodulatory drugs.

The doctor prescribes appropriate medications, depending on the type of disease developing in a person. If the Helicobacter bacterium is found in the stomach, antibiotic therapy is used, since the harmful microorganism can only be eliminated with the help of these agents. Appointed simultaneous administration two antibiotics, with the addition of an antibacterial substance.

For example, for the treatment of mixed forms of gastritis, Amoxicillin and Metronidazole, with the participation of De-nol, can be used. The doctor prescribes the medication regimen. If this effect does not help and re-analysis reveals traces of Helicobacter bacteria, other antibiotics are prescribed and second-line therapy is carried out.

If, during the initial examination, Helicobacter is not detected in the body, antibiotic exposure is not used, since in this case there is no scope for their application. Then, the disease is treated with the help of other groups of drugs.

For mixed atrophic gastritis, gastric juice therapy can be used to restore the mucous membrane. If, with gastritis of the stomach, there is a disruption of the biliary tract, choleretic drugs. In case of severe dehydration, the patient is given saline solutions to restore water-salt balance in organism.

Very important part treatment is a diet for mixed gastritis. Diet food helps restore the gastric mucosa and speeds up the healing process. The menu for gastritis includes those products that do not harm its inflamed surface, are easily digestible and contain nutrients. The following components are allowed to be used:

  • fermented milk and dairy products;
  • meat, low-fat fish;
  • cereals, pasta;
  • pates, cooked sausages;
  • vegetables and fruits (with increased acidity sour fruits are removed);
  • berries without seeds and with a soft shell.
Diet for mixed gastritis involves eating soft foods that will not irritate the walls of the stomach. Therefore, all solid products are ground or crushed.

Meat, fish and vegetables must be boiled or steamed as fried food removed from the menu. For baked goods, day-old white bread and biscuits are allowed.

For exacerbations of mixed type gastritis or its severe course, semi-liquid dishes such as viscous soups are indicated, liquid porridge, light purees. Eggs can be eaten as an omelet or soft-boiled. Cheese, pasta, and cereals made from large fractions of cereals must be grated before use. Recommended drinks include jelly, fruit drinks, compotes, green tea, and herbal decoctions.

It is necessary to exclude spicy, salty, fatty foods and smoked meats. You can't eat flour and confectionery, chocolate. Various canned foods and marinades, as well as sauces, should be removed from the menu. Alcohol and carbonated drinks are absolutely not allowed.

In addition, you need to follow the correct diet. You need to eat often, in small portions (5-6 times a day). Food should be at the optimal temperature, neither hot nor cold, so as not to damage the walls of the stomach. Food needs to be chewed well. The diet is followed throughout the entire treatment and 1–2 months after it.

Folk remedies

Traditional methods are effective and available means for the treatment of mixed gastritis. Various medicinal herbs are used to relieve symptoms and restore the gastric mucosa. Many of them produce a bactericidal, wound-healing, regenerating effect on the mucous membrane. An infusion or decoction of herbs is very easy to prepare, and a remedy such as chamomile or plantain can be found in any pharmacy.

An excellent remedy with anti-inflammatory, analgesic and bactericidal properties is honey. It can be consumed separately or added to infusions of medicinal plants.

To prepare decoction, you need to take 10 grams of crushed St. John's wort, wormwood, calendula and plantain leaves and mix in a glass container. Pour 500 ml of boiling water over the plants. Cook the mixture for about 15 minutes over low heat, then cool and strain.

You need to drink a third of a glass of the decoction half an hour before meals. The composition should be consumed warm. Decoctions and infusions are used immediately after preparation. They cannot be stored in the refrigerator.

Honey is useful to take in pure form, one teaspoon before meals. You can also dilute a small amount of this product in warm water. You need to drink honey water 20–30 minutes before meals. Honey neutralizes acidity and has a positive effect on the mucous membrane, helping it to recover.

An effective remedy that is often used in the treatment of gastritis of all types is potato juice. It reduces acidity and eliminates symptoms such as heartburn and nausea. To prepare juice you need to take fresh young fruits. The potatoes are grated and squeezed through cheesecloth. The juice should be drunk immediately after preparation; it cannot be stored. You need to drink potato juice 20–30 minutes before meals.

If you have been diagnosed with mixed gastritis, you should take this disease seriously. For get well soon use the whole complex therapeutic measures, including diet and nutrition.

This type of pathology is insidious due to the difficulty of diagnosis; it often includes an erosive, superficial, hypertrophic and hemorrhagic type of disease. Mixed gastritis is a combination of a number of varieties of the disease. Its onset is provoked by the Helicobacter bacterium.

Once in the body, Helicobacter infection has a detrimental effect on the walls and mucous membrane of the stomach. The process of defeat and development begins immediately. At the beginning, the disease does not manifest itself in any way.

The erosive form occurs when small bleeding erosion wounds form on areas of the mucous membrane affected by infection. If the fight is not started in time, the disease will transform into chronic mixed gastritis.

As a result of the influence of harmful bacteria, the blood vessels become thinner and begin to bleed. If the disease has entered the described phase, it means that a hemorrhagic form has developed. This serious disorder, requiring constant medical supervision.

When the hypertrophic variety arises, the walls of the stomach are deformed and benign formations appear, cysts or polyps are formed. If there is a lack of treatment, degeneration can occur.

The modern rhythm of life favors the formation of the disease. Lack of time and quick snacks on the run, fast food and overeating before bed - these factors negatively affect work digestive system, in particular the stomach. There are many causes of the disease. Mixed gastritis may appear due to exposure to chemical elements, for example, alcohols, acids, alkalis. Vinegar has a negative effect. The use of a number of medications opens the beginning of the onset of the disease.


The mixed form of gastritis lasts a long time, with regular manifestations of symptoms and damage to the patient’s health. The pH of gastric juice is normal, decreases in a hypoacid state and increases in a hyperacid state.

Symptoms of mixed gastritis appear as:

  • Pain in the area solar plexus.
  • Increased gas formation.
  • Nausea.
  • Heaviness in the stomach.
  • Poor appetite.


Making a diagnosis of a disease takes place in a number of stages. There are several reasons for changes in the structure of the mucous membrane; the following types of examinations are required:

  • Clinical. At this stage, an anamnesis is collected, the patient’s complaints are listened to, and an initial examination is performed. Based on the collected information, an intermediate diagnosis is made.
  • Laboratory. General analysis urine and biochemical blood tests to check for the presence of antibodies to selected infections.
  • Fibrogastroduodenoscopy. During the procedure it is examined inner surface esophagus and stomach.
  • Probing. Taking a scraping from the gastric mucosa, collecting gastric juice to identify the causative agent of the pathology

Treatment options

Symptoms and treatment of the disease depend on the incoming forms. If you immediately contact a doctor and prescribe medical therapy, the disease can be minimized in two to three days. Severe forms require a long time to recover.


It is appropriate to treat all signs of the disease; a comprehensive approach is chosen. The following are used in wrestling:

  • Antacids - normalize the acidity of gastric juice (Phosphalugel, Maalox, Rennie). Usually prescribed in the presence of erosions.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs help destroy inflammation (Ibuprofen, Diclofenac).
  • Antispasmodics – relieve pain (No-shpa, Papaverine).
  • Enzyme preparations - taken to control the level of enzyme formation (Creon).

In many cases, antibiotics are prescribed.

Important: you should not prescribe treatment for yourself or choose medications without consulting a doctor. This will lead to undesirable consequences, even death.

Traditional methods

Treatment with “grandmother’s” remedies shows good results. It is advisable to combine them with medicines under the supervision of the attending physician.

As an additional therapy, infusions of yarrow herbs, calendula and shepherd's purse, decoctions of angelica, nettle and plantain. Propolis and sea buckthorn oil are used as a healing agent.

Treatment with potato juice

Juice from chopped potatoes is considered cheap and easy to prepare. The drink has a beneficial effect on the mucous surface of the organ, normalizing the acidity of the stomach contents, helping to eliminate the taste of bitterness in the mouth and involuntary contractions of the stomach walls, and slightly increases the pepsin content.

To prepare the medicine, you should take a large potato, wash it thoroughly, and scrape off the skin. Grind on a plastic grater and squeeze through a clean piece of gauze. The volume will yield 60-70 milliliters of juice. Add a teaspoon of starch to it and mix. Drinking the mixture is prescribed twice a day. If acidity is high, 10-15 minutes before meals; if acidity is low, the interval should be 30-40 minutes. The period of use lasts up to ten to fourteen days. For prevention, resume taking it after a month. This mixture has the effect of a mild laxative. Taking “grandmother’s” medicine is completely harmless, does not threaten unexpected consequences and helps digestion.

Fresh cabbage juice exhibits similar properties. Before taking it, it should stand for three hours at a temperature of 18-22 degrees.

Healing with honey

Honey in combination with softened butter and aloe juice has an effective effect. To mix, take 200 g of all ingredients. Aloe juice is squeezed out when the leaves are kept in a dry place without access sunlight for several days. It is better to place them in the refrigerator, after wrapping them in thick paper, and keep them for the required time at a temperature near 0 degrees.

The mixture is prescribed to be taken at a dose of 30 milligrams 20 minutes before starting a meal. Keep in the cold, warming up the required amount before taking.

If acidity is high, honey is taken one and a half hours before meals in the amount of two teaspoons. For greater effect, it is advisable to add an equal amount of softened butter. Add one or two drops of lemon juice to the main ingredient.

Treatment of mixed gastritis using traditional medicine methods offers various mixtures based on honey. For example, a honey cocktail with milk and mumiyo shows good results with high acidity. Stir twenty-five grams of honey in a glass of heated milk, and after cooling, add 0.2 g of mumiyo. Drink 200 g in the morning and before bed for four weeks.

Collection of medicinal herbs in the fight against illness

To prepare the decoction you will need three parts of St. John's wort and 1 part each of wormwood, calendula, immortelle and plantain. Pour 70 g of dry mixture with 300 milligrams of heated water and keep in a steam bath for 20 minutes. It is recommended to drink the infusion at a dose of 60 milliliters, three to four times a day, 40 minutes before meals.

Propolis tincture

IN finished form It is possible to buy at a pharmacy, preferably self-cooking. 50 g of propolis is poured with half a liter of diluted alcohol and left at a temperature of 18-22 degrees for a week, shaking the bottle with the mixture from time to time. It should be taken an hour before meals, adding ten drops of tincture to 100 g of water.

The infusion works well as an enveloping agent. oatmeal on the water.

It is forbidden to buy ready-made tinctures by hand. For production, sets of herbs are taken, purchased at a pharmacy, with proven quality ingredients.

If, treatment is productive only if you follow the instructions of the attending physician and follow the rules of therapeutic nutrition.

Therapeutic diet

The diet for mixed gastritis consists of pureed and steamed foods. You should avoid cold and overheated foods, and remove fatty, fried and spicy foods from the menu. Alcohol and smoking are also prohibited. It is harmful to eat excess food at once; it is advisable to split the daily amount of food into six equal meals.

During the recovery period, you are allowed to eat vegetables and fruits unchanged, brown bread and milk. You should eat food in a favorable environment, slowly and chew thoroughly. This helps digestion and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire body system.

Depending on the pH level of gastric juice therapeutic diet has two varieties.

Diet rules for high acidity

The diet for hyperacidity must be thermally and chemically non-aggressive (table No. 1). The diet is chosen to be nutritious and balanced, with the exception of foods that are difficult to digest and corrode the mucous membrane. Dishes are steamed or boiled.

Salt consumption is kept to a minimum. At night it is recommended to drink 150 g of milk with honey. The diet includes Borjomi water, heated to 45 degrees. Drink mineral water an hour before meals, in large sips.

Exclude all types of sausages, legumes, mushrooms and fresh baked goods from the diet. As for vegetables, moderate your consumption of radishes and cabbage. Give preference to soups with vegetable broth, berry jelly, low-fat dairy products, well-cooked slimy porridges and minced meat dishes.

Nutrition for low acidity

The diet for the hypoacid type allows foods varying degrees grinding and cooking options. It is allowed to eat baked, fried without breading and containing fiber. Juices or decoctions from berries and non-acidic fruits are offered. Borjomi is appointed. You should drink chilled water 15 minutes before meals.

Prohibited: smoked meats, canned foods, seasonings and fatty varieties meat. Recommended: rabbit, chicken, boiled or fried white fish, soups with meat broth.

A properly selected individual diet by specialists will help you cope with the disease faster.

Preventive measures

The best way to get rid of a disease is to prevent it. This is an axiom that is often forgotten. Enough to follow simple rules to avoid the development of the disease.

  • Do not abuse alcohol.
  • Maintain hygiene and be careful about the food on the table.
  • Stick to proper diet nutrition: do not overeat and do not starve.
  • Avoid if possible nervous tension, walk more and do feasible physical exercises.
  • Undergo preventive examination on time, do not wait until it appears the slightest sign pathology.

What is mixed gastritis? Based on the name, it should be clear that this disease is a mixture of several forms of gastritis. Often, a person has a whole “bouquet” of types of gastritis - superficial, erosive, hemorrhagic, hypertrophic. Due to the development of several forms at once, the disease is difficult to diagnose.


Like any other gastritis, the mixed form is usually caused by bacterial infection Helicobacter pylori. Another reason could be a failure in immune system. On initial stage the walls of the stomach are damaged, leading to superficial gastritis. This form has almost no symptoms and therefore often develops into more complex forms of gastritis. For example, erosions occur on the mucous membrane. If the patient abuses bad habits and does not begin to treat the problem he has in a timely manner erosive gastritis, then the disease passes into the stage of chronic mixed gastritis.

Due to the activity of bacteria, the blood vessels become thinner and bleeding occurs. All this leads to the development of hemorrhagic gastritis. At this stage, you cannot do without the help of a specialist.

The resulting hypertrophic gastritis leads to deformation of the walls of the stomach and the formation benign tumors. If measures are not taken, these tumors can develop into malignant ones.

The main factors leading to the development of mixed gastritis:

  • abuse of bad habits;
  • poisoning;
  • injuries and burns in the abdominal area;
  • constant stress;
  • poor nutrition.


The symptoms of mixed gastritis are so extensive that they coincide with many other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The general symptoms for all forms of the disease are:

  • belching, nausea, heartburn, vomiting (sometimes with blood);
  • constipation, diarrhea, bloating;
  • heaviness or distension in the abdomen;
  • worsened appetite, leading to weight loss;
  • abdominal pain;
  • sucking in the pit of the stomach;
  • pain radiating to the back.

The list of symptoms may vary depending on the immediate set of forms of gastritis from which the mixed one was formed. In the case of hemorrhagic gastritis, blood is observed in the vomit and feces (with this form of the disease the blood vessels are weakened). At erosive form prolonged severe pain occurs.

Complex forms of mixed gastritis can lead to increased body temperature, pallor, and tremors of the extremities.


Diagnosing mixed gastritis is quite difficult, since you have to deal with several forms of gastritis at once. The doctor will need to conduct full examination patient in order to identify which forms of gastritis he has.

Besides laboratory research The doctor will collect anamnesis and make a tentative diagnosis.

An important procedure is fibrogastroduodenoscopy, which allows you to examine the walls of the stomach from the inside. You may also need to take samples of your stomach lining and juices to test for bacteria.

Sometimes it is necessary to undergo an x-ray or ultrasound of internal organs. To determine the presence of Helicobacter pylori infection, a Helicobacter pylori test is taken. The doctor should carefully review all the information obtained in the above steps. After all, from correct diagnosis depends on whether it will be appointed correct treatment— different forms of gastritis are treated differently.


It is necessary to treat mixed gastritis comprehensively - using a diet, medications And preventive actions. With mixed gastritis, it is necessary to eliminate all the causes that caused each form of the disease. If the patient refuses the diet, the effectiveness of treatment is greatly reduced (up to the point of treatment being useless).
As an addition to drug treatment and diet, treatment with traditional methods can be considered. This is most suitable for those who are treated at home. Extremely important before you start similar treatment consult a specialist.

Drug treatment

  • antibiotics are used to destroy pathogenic flora, as well as to reduce the risk of re-infection;
  • enzymes restore digestion and normalize microflora;
  • antacids neutralize hydrochloric acid;
  • enveloping preparations heal erosions and reduce the impact harmful factors on the mucous membrane;
  • prokinetics improve peristalsis and restore gastric function;
  • analgesics relieve spasms and pain.

In addition to the listed medications, vitamin complexes and other body-strengthening agents can be used. If particularly necessary, immunomodulatory medications may be prescribed.

Do not take these medications yourself without a doctor’s prescription - if treated incorrectly, death can occur!

The specialist prescribes certain medications based on the list of forms of gastritis found in the patient. In the presence of pathogenic microflora in the form of bacteria Helicobacter pylori, antibiotic therapy is prescribed, since it is impossible to destroy these microorganisms in any other way. Usually a couple of antibiotics and an antibacterial substance are prescribed at once.

In the treatment of mixed gastritis, drugs such as Metronidazole and Amoxicillin, De-Nol can be used. A specialist prescribes exactly how to use these medications. If there is no result in the form of complete elimination of the Helicobacter pylori bacterium, the doctor will prescribe other antibiotics.

If there are no indications for the use of antibiotics in the analysis, they are not used (since in the absence of Helicobacter pylori bacteria this is meaningless). In this case, all other treatment methods are used.

For mixed atrophic gastritis, gastric juice therapy is sometimes used, thus restoring the gastric mucosa. If, due to inflammation of the stomach, impaired functioning of the biliary tract is detected, the doctor prescribes choleretic medications. In cases of severe dehydration, the patient is given a saline solution to restore balance in the body.

Folk remedies

How additional treatment The use of folk remedies gives good results. Of course, you should ask your doctor whether you can use this or that treatment method so as not to harm yourself.

Such remedies can be infusions of shepherd's purse, yarrow, and calendula. In addition to them, nettle, plantain, and sea buckthorn oil are also used.

Potato juice

The simplest remedy is potato juice - to prepare it, just chop the potatoes. Potato juice normalizes stomach acidity, eliminates the taste of bitterness, and increases pepsin levels.

Take large fruit potatoes, rinse thoroughly and peel. Grind it on a grater and squeeze through cheesecloth. The output will be 50-70 ml of juice. Add a teaspoon of starch and stir. Drink the mixture twice a day. If you have high acidity, you should consume it 15 minutes before meals, and if you have low acidity, you should take it 40 minutes before meals.

You need to drink the juice for a couple of weeks. If necessary, repeat after a month. Potato juice has a laxative effect, but is completely harmless and will not lead to unexpected results.

Cabbage juice also has similar properties - before drinking it needs to be left for several hours at a temperature of 20 degrees.

A mixture of honey, aloe juice and butter gives a good effect in the treatment of gastritis. For preparation, it is better to take about 200 g of each ingredient. Aloe leaves need to be kept dry dark place several days and then squeeze the juice out of them. It’s even better to keep them in the refrigerator at 0 degrees.

It is better to take 20-30 mg 20 minutes before meals. Keep in the cold, warm up before use.

For high acidity, honey is used a couple of hours before meals - two teaspoons. It’s even better to add the same amount of butter to it. And when reduced level acidity honey is better with a couple of drops of lemon juice.

There is also the option of making cocktails with honey. Stir 25-30 g of honey into a glass of heated milk and wait until it cools down, add 0.1 g of mumiyo. Drink 200g in the morning and evening for a month.

Herbal infusions

Take three parts of St. John's wort and one part each of calendula, plantain and wormwood. Pour 75 g of dry mixture with 300 milligrams of heated water and steam for 20-25 minutes.

It is better to consume 50 ml 4 times a day half an hour before meals.

Propolis tincture

You can buy a ready-made tincture or prepare it yourself. Pour 60 g of propolis into 0.5 liters of diluted alcohol. Leave this mixture for a week at a temperature of 20 degrees, shaking the container periodically. Take 1 hour before meals, diluting 10 drops in a glass of water.


Without a properly selected diet, a cure for mixed gastritis is almost impossible, since all the efforts of doctors will be reduced to a minimum.

The following products are prohibited:

  • sauces and spices;
  • sour cream and cheese;
  • cocoa and chocolate;
  • coffee and alcohol;
  • legumes;
  • confectionery;
  • Rye bread;
  • some types of cereals;
  • fatty food.

All food should be steamed or boiled (not fried!). When consumed, food should be warm. With all this, food should not be poor in vitamins and minerals. The menu should include dietary meat, lean fish, eggs, milk and cottage cheese, pumpkins and zucchini.

Mixed type of gastritis is a disease affecting the inner lining of the stomach. Mixed this form called because it combines the symptoms of several types of gastritis. Most often, the mixed form includes symptoms of erosive, superficial, hypertrophic and hemorrhagic forms diseases.

The mixed type of gastritis can affect both adults and children, because the most common cause The disease is the bacterium Helicobacter pylory, which can enter the body of any person. It is this bacterium that provokes the most FAQ: what is mixed gastritis and what are its causes?


The bacterium Helicobacter pylory affects the mucous membrane of the stomach and the walls of the organ. The entry of this bacterium into the body does not imply the immediate appearance of strong, acute pain or other signs. At first, gastritis may progress slowly and practically asymptomatically. But even despite the absence of obvious pain, vomiting, or nausea, the process of damage to the stomach and transition to the superficial form of gastritis starts from the moment the bacteria enters the human body.

The erosive form occurs when bacteria attack the walls of the stomach and lead to the appearance of small, in some cases, bleeding erosions.

The chronic type of diagnosis of gastritis can be due to several reasons:

  • poor nutrition;
  • bad habits;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • eating fast food;
  • negligence in treatment.

Important: If you experience pain in the solar plexus, reflux, frequent belching or nausea, you should consult a doctor for diagnosis. Timely treatment will help avoid mixed gastritis, which is much more difficult to treat.

With prolonged mixed gastritis, the walls of the stomach begin to change significantly and undergo deformation. The following may appear on the internal walls of the organ:

  • polyps;
  • adenomas;
  • cysts;
  • other benign formations.

Despite the benign nature of the neoplasms, they are serious reason for examination and therapy, as they can lead to the most unexpected, harmful consequences for human health.

Also, the causes of the mixed form of gastritis include the following factors:

  1. Chemical burn to the stomach, intentionally or accidentally. TO chemicals hazardous to health include alkali, alcohol, vinegar, acids and alkalis.
  2. Taking specific medications. Gastritis can be triggered by anti-inflammatory drugs, hormones and antibiotics.
  3. Failure to comply with food culture. You need to eat fractionally and in small portions. Food should not be too hot or spicy. It is also worth remembering that too cold or too hot food can injure the gastric mucosa, and with constant consumption of such foods, a chronic subtype of the disease can develop.

Signs of illness

The initial stage of the disease, when mixed gastritis is just gaining momentum, is characterized as severe inflammation of the gastric epithelium. Also in 50% of cases, the stomach glands are damaged. Despite their damage, they do not die and continue to function actively.

One of the components of mixed gastritis (erosive, acute, catarrhal or chronic) usually functions more actively than others. Wherein general state The patient's health deteriorates sharply.

Important: Stomach acidity during the course of mixed gastritis, it can increase or decrease, respectively, entering a hyperacid or hypoacid state.

For patients suffering from of this disease The following signs of the disease are typical:

  • severe, obsessive bloating;
  • feeling like hunger;
  • nausea;
  • frequent vomiting that does not provide relief;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • pulling, sharp or Blunt pain, radiating to the right hypochondrium and navel;
  • stomach upset;
  • belching of air or unpleasant odor;
  • discomfort in the epigastric region.

Important: Vomiting may indicate internal erosion in the stomach. Symptoms of vomiting with blood clots require immediate medical attention. Blood can also stain stool. Their color in this case turns black and indicates complications. acute gastritis and the need for diagnostics. In case of bleeding, a mixed type of gastritis cannot be ruled out.

Diagnosis and treatment

Before starting treatment, doctors take all necessary steps diagnostic studies stomach, so as not to confuse chronic and other types of gastritis.

The first step to making a diagnosis is to identify the bacterium Helicobacter pilory. To do this, a blood test is performed for antibodies, as well as gastroscopy to identify the pathogen on the mucous membrane of the surface of the stomach.

Gastroscopy is also necessary to examine the gastric mucosa and the entire organ cavity, in order to identify neoplasms or open ulcers that can provoke internal bleeding. Using a special probe, it is also possible not only to perform an examination, but also to collect gastric juice.

A biopsy is necessary to identify malignant cells in the organ and obtain information about neoplasms, if they are found during examination of the stomach cavity.

Radiology is another way to obtain information about the condition of the patient’s stomach. It is much easier to prescribe treatment if the patient has previously been examined with an x-ray. For a complete construction clinical picture, the patient is examined in several positions and from different sides. So, the doctor can see the condition of the stomach walls, their tone and relief.

Treatment is carried out based on the analysis of all data obtained about the patient’s disease. When gastritis is diagnosed, hospitalization is required in cases of chemical poisoning or the presence of heavy bleeding. In this case, the patient is left in the hospital for at least a week and prescribed strict diet and drug therapy.

Treatment is also often carried out by removing factors that irritate the gastric mucosa. Pathogens can be poor diet, medication use, alcohol consumption or lack of a proper daily routine. Having eliminated or corrected these factors, treatment is considered complete and is rarely supplemented with numerous medications or hospitalization.

Traditional therapy

The best folk remedies for treating the diagnosis of “mixed type gastritis” are honey, potato juice and herbal teas.

Potato juice excellent remedy from increased stomach acidity. It soothes the inner lining of the organ, eliminates heartburn and its unpleasant consequences. Also, potato juice envelops the stomach and cleanses the esophagus of hydrochloric acid when it returns during heartburn.

Gastritis can be eliminated with herbal remedies. Decoctions of chamomile, rosehip and string - such an abundance of herbs perfectly calms internal organs, stomach and esophagus and is especially effective method in case of frequent heartburn and increased acidity in patients. Even doctors prescribe these fees as an alternative to pills and other drugs.

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