Medicines to thin bile. When choleretic drugs can be dangerous. Folk remedies for diluting bile

Only combined measures, including special drugs, herbs, diet, physical activity.

The liver and gallbladder are the most important organs digestive system. Their health is of paramount importance for the process of digesting food, especially fatty foods. Thick bile in the gallbladder is a source of problems with digestion and well-being; this condition becomes a source of inflammation. Treatment of bile stagnation in the gallbladder must be started as early as possible - this will help prevent serious complications.

To understand why the bile in the gallbladder thickens and what to do in this condition, you need to briefly familiarize yourself with its causes. The liver is important body not only digestion - it neutralizes and removes decay products from the body, affects the status immune system, condition of the skin, hair, nails and general tone of the body.

A small muscular sac containing bile. This substance is necessary for the complete digestion of fats. It enters the main biliary duct, then into the duodenum. IN digestive tract its remains break down into substances that are excreted in urine and feces. They give color to these physiological secretions.

In order for the system to work normally and bile thickening does not occur, the following is necessary:

  • good condition of the gallbladder walls;
  • proper and regular nutrition;
  • consumption of foods containing low content fats;
  • normal weight;
  • sufficient physical activity;
  • absence of organ diseases gastrointestinal tract.

If all these factors are present, the bile in the bladder does not form clots and has a liquid consistency necessary for rapid release into the cavity duodenum. The reasons that cause thickening of bile secretion are as follows:

  • constant nervous overload;
  • the predominance of fatty, spicy, smoked and other foods in the diet, which leads to depletion of bile secretion;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • obesity;
  • natural weakness of the muscle wall of the bladder;
  • anatomical defects of the main bile duct or the bladder itself;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pathology of endocrine organs;
  • medications that cause thickening of bile.

Constant stress causes involuntary spasm of the smooth muscles of the bile duct. This leads to stagnation of the contents, loss of appetite, weight loss, and the appearance of other symptoms of a nervous system disorder. And it doesn’t just stop for a while normal discharge bile - clots begin to form in it, its consistency is more putty-like than liquid.

Without the proper range of movements, not only the tone of the body muscles decreases, but it also becomes sluggish, loses turgor and the gall bladder. The biliary secretion enters the common bile duct (the main bile duct) in insufficient quantities, part of it remains unclaimed, it does not have time to be released into the intestines.

Reasons for appearance and retention excess weight(obesity) is the consumption of a large number of foods containing a lot of fat and carbohydrates. Predominance in the diet fatty varieties meat, fish, mayonnaise, sweet and flour products in combination with low physical activity lead to stagnation of thick bile in the liver ducts and gallbladder.

In this condition, only combined measures, including special medications, herbs, diet, and physical activity, will help to liquefy the bile in the gallbladder.

Anatomical curvature of the duct, weakness of the muscular wall of the gallbladder lead to dyskinesia - improper contractile function, insufficient production and incomplete release of bile in the digestive process. Stagnation occurs, thickening of the bile secretion and symptoms of liver disorder appear. The combination of these factors with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract leads to significant digestive disorders. Gastritis, pancreatitis, duodenitis, colitis, esophagitis and other combined diseases of this body system can negatively affect the regularity and quality of bile excretion into the duodenum.

Pathology endocrine system widespread even in young patients, with women getting sick more often than men. Affected by diseases of the pancreas and thyroid gland, female genital organs. Diseases such as diabetes, thyrotoxicosis or hypothyroidism do not go away without leaving a trace on the liver. In women, diseases of the digestive system, including disorders of bile secretion, develop during periods of hormonal changes: during menopause, fluctuations caused by disruptions in the menstrual cycle.

Manifestations of pathological stagnation

Problems with the health of the liver system are manifested in sick people by the following symptoms:

  • soreness in the right hypochondrium;
  • a feeling of heaviness in this area;
  • strengthening discomfort after eating, especially fatty and fried foods;
  • bitterness in the mouth in the morning (on an empty stomach);
  • nausea;
  • vomiting of undigested food or bile;
  • heartburn;
  • bloating;
  • flatulence.

Besides listed symptoms, you need to pay attention to lack of appetite, deterioration general condition, drop in emotional status, worsening sleep, nervousness, anxiety and fussiness. Upon examination, you will notice that such patients have pale skin with a yellowish tint and dull sclera of the eyes.

It is necessary to consult a doctor for advice if you have such complaints - it is impossible to avoid complications without appropriate treatment at home. Bile liquefaction can be started after the patient has completed the recommended tests and during ultrasound examination abdominal cavity a change in the consistency of the contents in the gallbladder is confirmed. For this purpose, treatment with folk remedies, pills, correction of diet and lifestyle, and treatment of concomitant diseases are used.

It is not entirely correct to use exclusively folk remedies to dilute bile or try to remove the patient from this condition only with medications. This is not a simple condition - thick bile, and its treatment requires integrated approach. A timely consultation with a gastroenterologist helps answer the question of how to treat this problem.


Thick bile in the gallbladder and its treatment is proper nutrition, active image life. You need to get used to giving up fatty, fried or salty foods in favor of foods rich in fiber, vitamins, and protein. Eating should be frequent, every 2-3 hours, in small portions. Its temperature should be pleasant to the stomach: it is recommended to exclude very hot and cold dishes. You should take at least 1.5–2 liters of water during the day. With this drinking regime Metabolic products are well removed from the liver.

The patient must understand the importance of reasonable physical activity for the benefit of gallbladder activation, treatment and prevention of obesity and other diseases.

The use of choleretic agents will also help to thin the bile (this is done with mineral water): holosas, sorbitol, mannitol or mannitol, berberine-tommacord. At the same time, a course is assigned antibacterial agents for the treatment of inflammatory phenomena, as well as agents that enhance motor activity biliary tract, cholelytics (drugs that thin the consistency of bile). An appropriate diet and drinking enough water are mandatory.

Among folk remedies, food products containing vegetable oils, especially olive, peanut, sunflower, avocado oil. Eating foods with choleretic properties will prevent bile stagnation and thickening - it is recommended to add spinach, celery, tomatoes, carrots, cabbage, and bran to the diet. It is necessary to diversify the diet with juices of lingonberries, cabbage, and beets. In this case, it is better to precede meals with decoctions. medicinal herbs and plants: rose hips, peppermint, barberry, immortelle.

Thick bile in the gallbladder, treatment is often indicated in medical literature term "biliary sludge". This pathological change not only disrupts the digestion process, but is also regarded as a stage preceding. In 18% of cases, biliary sludge disappears irrevocably within 2 years after its appearance, but in 14% it ends in the formation gallstones. To understand how to liquefy bile, you should familiarize yourself with the mechanism of its thickening.

Bile is a suspension of bile acids and pigments, cholesterol, proteins, phospholipids, some ions and mucus. It becomes thick when the ratio of these components is violated. Most often this occurs due to a disorder contractile activity gallbladder.

The factors for the formation of biliary sludge are identical to the causes. The main ones:

Several risk factors can be combined with each other. Given the variety of causes of thick bile, it is better to entrust their search to a doctor.

Biliary sludge in children

Bile thickening syndrome in newborns deserves special consideration. Reasons why it may occur:

  • Hemolytic disease of newborns is the destruction of red blood cells due to incompatibility between the blood of mother and fetus. More often occurs against the background of Rh conflict. An increase in bile viscosity is associated with excess production of bilirubin due to the breakdown of red blood cells.
  • Complete parenteral nutrition(bypassing the gastrointestinal tract). Proper stimulation of biliary tract motility does not occur. An excess of bile leads to changes in the properties of parenteral solutions protein hydrolysates and fat emulsions.
  • Long-term use of diuretics. The risk group includes children with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (chronic lung damage) who are administered furosemide.

With proper therapy, thick bile syndrome in newborns can be corrected. It disappears without a trace if its main cause is timely eliminated. In complicated cases, pigment stones may form in the gallbladder.


Thickening of bile often occurs hidden and is an accidental diagnostic finding during ultrasound examination. As the pathology progresses, the following complaints may appear:

  • Feeling of heaviness, pain in the right hypochondrium.
  • Bitterness in the mouth;
  • Heartburn;
  • Nausea;
  • Vomiting bile (stomach contents become greenish-yellow);
  • Skin itching (with progression of bile stagnation);
  • Yellowness skin, sclera of the eyes;
  • Darkening of urine and discoloration of stool.

Non-specific complaints, but often accompanying biliary sludge, are flatulence and loss of appetite. The occurrence of at least one of the symptoms is grounds for visiting a gastroenterologist.


Helps detect pathology instrumental methods research. The main ones:

  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs. The most common ultrasound picture is a crescent-shaped layer of sediment in the lower part of the gallbladder.
  • Duodenal sounding. Allows you to evaluate the composition of bile and its quantity. A special probe is inserted into the duodenum area, through which the released bile is captured. The method helps to detect giardiasis.
  • MRI. X-ray method research to find anatomical features that interfere normal outflow bile. In particular, MRI can detect a tumor compressing the biliary tract.

Thickening of bile is not always accompanied by a sharp deviation laboratory parameters from the norm. Changes in the biochemical blood test often indicate a significant severity of the pathological process. Indicators worth paying attention to:

  • Bilirubin. The increase is mainly due to the direct fraction.
  • Cholesterol. High level does not necessarily indicate thick bile, but is a risk factor.
  • Transaminases (enzymes involved in intracellular metabolism). Increased ALT activity (in to a greater extent) and AST (to a lesser extent) indicates a possible inflammatory process in the liver.

Principles of therapy

Drug treatment

In case of insufficient muscle activity of the gallbladder, cholecystokinetics are used. They accelerate the excretion of bile by contracting the walls of the organ and reflex relaxation of the bile ducts. One of the medicinal representatives is Holosas based on rose hips. At spastic etiology For stagnation of bile, agents with a cholespasmolytic effect are used (Holagol, drotaverine).

The second therapeutic goal is to stimulate bile secretion. Choleretics (Allohol) are used. Bile dilution is achieved with the help of hydrocholeretics. This group includes mineral waters, for example, Essentuki and Izhevskaya.

Important! Choleretics can be used only after restoration of patency and normalization of motility of the biliary tract. Stimulation of bile production against the background of its poor outflow will lead to worsening congestion.

To prevent stone formation, agents are used that dissolve thick sediment in bile. One of the representatives is Ursosan. Ursodeoxycholic acid protects liver cells and has a choleretic effect.


The procedure involves emptying the gallbladder using simultaneous administration a choleretic agent and warming the liver area. There are two types: tube (a tube is inserted into the duodenum through which a choleretic drug is administered) and blind (the medicine is taken orally).

Probeless tubing can be performed at home, but only after the permission of the attending physician. Suitable as a stimulator of bile production mineral water(“Essentuki”, “Borjomi”). Mannitol and sorbitol can be used.


Prescribe single- and multi-component choleretic fees. Cholekinetics: yarrow, trefoil watch, dandelion. Stimulate the secretion of bile: corn silk, rose hips. Relaxes the muscles of the gallbladder: calendula, St. John's wort. Mint is both a choleretic and a cholespasmolytic.

Important! The use of choleretic teas and folk remedies (for example, olive oil) without examination by a doctor is not recommended. The selection of medication should take into account the type of motility disorder of the biliary tract, otherwise the pathology can be aggravated.


How to liquefy bile in the gallbladder besides taking medications? Proper nutrition has a significant impact. Principles:

  • Increase daily intake clean water. You should limit your consumption of carbonated drinks, coffee, and strong tea.
  • Fractionality. You need to eat small portions every 3 hours.
  • Limit intake of fatty, fried, spicy foods and confectionery products.
  • Temperature conditions. Food should not be too hot or cold, otherwise it will irritate the walls of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Preference for boiled and steamed foods.

Lifestyle correction

Choleretic drugs alone are not enough to get rid of the disorder forever. It is recommended to increase physical activity and normalize body weight. Stress should be avoided as much as possible, since any pronounced emotional stress is fraught with disorders of gallbladder motility.


Thick bile is a signal of the possible imminent occurrence of calculous cholecystitis. Biliary sludge requires not only proper treatment, but also compliance with measures secondary prevention. If you do not change your lifestyle after therapy, in 6 out of 10 cases it appears again. To properly eliminate the pathology, you need to contact a gastroenterologist. He will help you find out the cause of thick bile, select treatment, and indicate what individual risk factors you need to pay attention to so as not to encounter the problem again.

You will need

  • - tanacechol, berberine, sibektan, hofitol, hepabene;
  • - tansy, barberry, St. John's wort, milk thistle, smokeweed;
  • - sorbitol, xylitol, olive oil.


After establishing an accurate diagnosis based on all of the above tests, depending on the phase of the disease, treatment is prescribed under the supervision of a gastroenterologist.

During exacerbation chronic cholecystitis 3-5 days required bed rest, following a strict diet for 1-3 days, which includes daily intake of 5-6 glasses of warm, sweetish liquid (compote, tea, etc.) and several pieces of crackers. As the condition normalizes (day 2-3), the diet can be supplemented with porridge with water, low-fat cottage cheese, and boiled fish. Food should be taken slowly, in small portions.

After the patient recovers from the state of exacerbation of the disease, it is recommended to follow a diet that excludes fatty, fried, salty and spicy foods, fresh baked goods, alcoholic and carbonated drinks. Vegetable oils are recommended fresh vegetables and fruits with high content fiber, wholemeal bread. These products help to liquefy bile and normalize its outflow.

Further treatment is aimed at eliminating pain by taking analgesic and antispasmodic medications (No-shpy, Baralgina), antiemetics (cerukal), antibiotics to suppress the pathogenic microflora that is the cause of the disease (erythromycin), which are prescribed only by the attending physician.

Only after removal acute symptoms diseases are prescribed choleretic agents– choleretics, which facilitate the secretion of bile from the bile ducts and gallbladder, dilute it and promote the removal of excess bile acids and cholesterol from the body. These include tanacechol, berberine, sibektan, hepabene, etc.

To liquefy bile, medicinal herbs such as tansy, St. John's wort, milk thistle, barberry, and fume are widely used, which can be used either singly or in a collection of 3-5 herbs.

Tubage plays a special role in liquefying bile - this is the cleansing of the gallbladder with sorbitol, xylitol or olive oil.


Stagnation of bile, its thickening, untimely outflow - these are symptoms that will not disappear on their own. They need to be taken into account and carried out complex treatment. Otherwise, a meeting with a surgeon regarding the removal of stones, gallbladder perforation and others serious complications may turn out very soon.

Helpful advice

And of course it is recommended physiotherapy. When performing simple exercises - “bicycle”, bending, turning, “scissors”, walking and swinging arms and legs, there is an improvement in blood circulation and the functioning of the gallbladder, changes muscle tone, which promotes the timely outflow of bile.


  • how to expel bile

Excessive blood viscosity is a common problem among pregnant women that should not be ignored. From stable work circulatory system The health of not only the mother, but also the unborn child, who receives oxygen and nutrients along with the blood, depends. Too much thick blood may cause oxygen starvation fetus Anticoagulant products will help cope with this problem.


For increased viscosity, women are advised to adjust their daily diet. Starchy foods, fatty and fried foods, cholesterol-containing foods, smoked foods, pickles and marinades should be excluded from the diet. If there is no swelling, you need to drink clean water in a volume of up to 2 liters per day. Changing your diet can often help get your blood in order without taking medicines, many of which are undesirable for expectant mothers.

Tomatoes are extremely effective for thinning the blood. They reduce blood viscosity, reduce the risk of blood clots, and normalize work of cardio-vascular system. Blood viscosity is also reduced fresh berries(cherry, viburnum, sea buckthorn, raspberry, cranberry), onion and garlic, White cabbage, Bell pepper, artichokes. Your blood condition will improve if you include dried fruits and fresh fruits, rich in vitamin C. Doctors and nutritionists advise Special attention pay attention to red fruits and berries (pomegranates, black currants, grapefruits).

Dietary foods help quickly eliminate symptoms. Diet and correct image life will help you cope with this.

IN medical terminology Stagnation of bile in the liver bladder is called cholestasis. The production of such an important enzymatic juice occurs in hepatocytes, then it accumulates in the gallbladder and goes to the duodenal papilla to break down fats as needed. The reasons for stagnation may lie either in the bladder itself, which is poorly emptied, or in the liver cells, which accumulate bile secretion in themselves. Two variants of stagnation manifest themselves with the same symptoms in the form of pain in the right hypochondrium, icteric discoloration of the skin and sclera, severe fatigue and stool disorders. The latter are protracted and do not disappear with the use of antidiarrheal drugs.

If we analyze the reasons that are at the root of stagnation in the bubble, then there are also two of them - poor nutrition and unsystematic lifestyle and unhealthy diet. In case of stagnation, patients turn to doctors whose diet contains fatty food with an abundance of seasonings and spices. Fans of various dietary restrictions for the purpose of losing weight also come with complaints. Any diet causes changes in normal metabolism substances, to which the colloid balance in the gallbladder actively reacts.

Poor nutrition combined with bad habits– provocation of disruption of bile synthesis in the bladder.

Sedentary image life during stagnation is observed in all patients. Cranky nervous system due to stress - another way to metabolic disorders in the gallbladder. Hormonal imbalances in pregnant women often leave their mark on the hepato-duodenal system.

Stagnation of bile is usually preceded by inflammatory diseases digestive organs: gastritis and gastroduodenitis, peptic ulcer stomach. Lack of treatment for the underlying disease and accompanying disorders leads to systemic failure to absorb vitamins and impairment fat metabolism in organism.

On the background symptomatic treatment diseases, every doctor strongly recommends following a diet, the basic principles of which are: fractional meals and gentle processing of products.

Stagnation of bile juice for any etiology implies strict adherence to the diet. This is key point treatment of the disease and determines the recovery time of the patient.
The entire diet is based on the following principles:

Example menu

Patients with stagnation of bile begin to feel dizzy from the abundance of prohibitions dictated by the diet. In fact, it is quite possible to eat according to it, and many patients eat a varied and enjoyable diet. Everyday meals satiated with porridges, low-fat soups, steamed cutlets, light vegetable salads and fluffy protein omelettes, assorted fruits and fermented milk products.
The range of dietary ingredients is quite wide and fits into such a diverse sample menu:

  • Breakfast from oatmeal, easily replaced with jelly in addition to cheesecakes .
  • Lunch in the form of boiled rice with cabbage. As a drink - kefir.
  • A light lunch can be prepared in the form of beetroot soup, steamed cutlets washed down with juice.
  • You can have an afternoon snack fruit salad, seasoned with yogurt; apple and carrot puree.
  • During dinner, you can treat yourself to fish baked with vegetables, or fruit juice or compote as a drink.

Perhaps a diet with such a menu will please you too. healthy person. In case of obvious stagnation of bile, such components relieve the gastrointestinal tract, gently remove the symptoms of the disease and normalize general well-being.

In combination with a diet, light physical activity with dosed participation of the abdominal muscles is recommended.

Diet for many patients is not the only way eliminate congestion in the gallbladder. Traditional methods can also be included in a set of effective measures.

Changing the consistency of such an important component as bile for human body poses a serious danger. Thick bile in the gallbladder can cause such pathological conditions, in which the conductive channels become clogged with clots and bile sand. This leads to stagnation of bile and subsequently causes the formation of stones, getting rid of which is only possible surgically- removal of the gallbladder.

Such a situation is fraught with the fact that in the event of untimely treatment of the patient for medical assistance the bladder, overflowing with bile, bursts. Bile spreads throughout the body. IN best case scenario– peritonitis, long-term treatment in the hospital. At worst, death.

To avoid these serious consequences, you should become familiar with the causes, symptoms and possible options treatment of thickened bile.

Factors influencing pathological changes in the state of bile

The gallbladder, being a container for the accumulation of bile entering it from the liver, in turn ensures its full functioning. It's becoming important factor normal digestive process.

After food enters the stomach, the gallbladder contracts, causing bile to flow into the bile duct, then into the stomach, thereby facilitating the digestion of food and the removal of its residues. In addition, it leads to the breakdown of fatty food components, absorption essential minerals and microelements. This entire process is carried out if the consistency of the bile is normal and nothing prevents its entry into the stomach.

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There are a number of reasons that lead to thick bile, which adversely affects the functioning of the liver, stomach and the gallbladder itself. Among them, the following should be noted:

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas.
  • High cholesterol levels, caused by an unbalanced diet rich in fatty foods, spicy food, smoked meats, marinades.
  • Addiction to under-consumption diets necessary for the body nutrients, fasting.
  • Increased emotional excitability, stressful situations, contributing to the occurrence of spasms, as a result of which the ducts narrow. The flow of bile is stopped, which causes the formation of bile clots.
  • Prolonged and uncontrolled use medications without observing precautions and taking into account contraindications.
  • Lack of physical activity, which can lead to excess weight.

Thickening of bile is dangerous because it contributes to the formation of a dense sediment in the bladder, which is called biliary sludge. This pathology- the root cause of gallstone disease.

Remember: proper nutrition and healthy image life will be the key to successfully resisting the process that promotes stagnation of bile in the gallbladder.

Symptoms indicating thick bile

In order not to become a hostage to a situation when pathological changes accept chronic form, you should be more attentive to the state of your body. This will contribute to more early detection symptoms that cause difficulty in the outflow of bile.

The first signal may be uncomfortable feeling heaviness in the right hypochondrium. There are others, among which you need to pay attention to:

  • the appearance of anxiety at night, caused by unreasonable fears;
  • nausea and vomiting during a long break between meals,
  • feeling of heaviness in the stomach after eating, squeezing in the heart area;
  • bitter taste in the mouth;
  • pain in the throat, swelling of the neck;
  • increased excitability, turning into aggressiveness;
  • unhealthy sallow skin color;
  • hot soles between eleven and one o'clock in the afternoon.

All these symptoms together or the presence of some of them should alert you and become a reason for examination of the bile and gallbladder under the strict supervision of an endocrinologist.


The condition of bile is determined taking into account the patient’s complaints, physical examination, including palpation for pain. General and biochemical analysis blood, urine test. An important component diagnostics is an instrumental examination using ultrasound, CT, MRI.


Guided by a thorough examination of the patient, taking into account laboratory and instrumental diagnostic examination, the endocrinologist will determine the reason why the bile has become thick and prescribe an adequate course of treatment.

From medical supplies the most effective are Magnesium sulfate, Bisulfate, Ursodeoxycholic acid, which help normalize the outflow of bile. For the purpose of cupping pain symptoms antispasmodics are prescribed.

Sometimes it is necessary to consult a psychotherapist to relieve emotional stress and eliminating symptoms of anxiety and anxiety.

Diet is an important part of treatment

In addition to the use of medications, a large role is given to following a diet (table No. 5), which includes:

  • fractional and frequent meals– up to 4–5 times a day;
  • refusal of fatty, fried, spicy foods;
  • limited consumption of foods such as mushrooms, sour cream, butter;
  • exclusion from the diet of smoked meats, marinades, canned food;
  • eating only organic food without preservatives or flavor enhancers;
  • meat, fish and vegetable dishes, steamed, boiled.

If the passage of bile through the ducts is slow, it should be activated by increasing consumption plant products, eggs (no more than one per day), sour cream. If there is an increased outflow of bile, exclude chocolate, spices, and sorrel.

What does traditional medicine offer?

Therapeutic treatment in combination with diet does not exclude the use of traditional methods of treating thickened bile.

Skillful use of various medicinal herbs contributes to a significant improvement in the motility of the gallbladder and its ducts, which becomes possible due to the dilution of the bile itself.

Decoctions and infusions of Ginseng, Mint, Immortelle, Coriander, Yarrow and Calendula normalize the activity of the gallbladder in case of its hyperactivity.

An infusion prepared from the following components promotes increased activity: Mint, Rosehip, corn silk. To do this, take 1 tablespoon of raw material, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for two to three hours (preferably in a thermos). Strain and drink in small portions throughout the day.

Olive oil and beetroot decoction have a beneficial effect, helping to dilute bile.

To avoid making a mistake in choosing folk method, you should definitely consult your doctor about their use.

Preventive actions

An important factor preventing pathological processes, which lead to thick bile, becomes prevention.

What to do to prevent illness:

  • Do not panic, lead a healthy lifestyle that includes balanced diet, physical activity and giving up bad habits.
  • Eliminate all foods that contribute to the formation of excess bile.
  • Be careful when using any medications, as thickening of bile can be caused by their use. Reading the instructions is mandatory.
  • Bring your emotional state back to normal.

By following these simple rules, you can prevent the appearance of symptoms of pathological processes.

If they do appear, you should not delay your visit to the doctor, much less self-medicate. Only a qualified specialist will determine the cause of the disease and prescribe treatment that can prevent serious life-threatening complications.

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An effective treatment for the gallbladder exists. Follow the link and find out what doctors recommend!

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