Ulcerative stomatitis in children. Treatment of ulcerative necrotizing stomatitis. Diagnosis and treatment

Having discovered ulcerative stomatitis in the mouth, many people panic, since the symptoms of the disease can really be terrifying. The gums turn pale and become covered with blisters, and then may even die off if improperly or untimely treatment. The oral cavity begins to look unsightly, and a putrid stench appears from the mouth. If the ulcers spread to the tongue, it becomes painful to chew and swallow food.


The source of the disease is bacteria of the Borellia vincentii and Bacillus fusiformis varieties. At the same time, they do not enter the body from the outside, but live within it, but in small quantities and provoke ulcerative stomatitis only when they begin to multiply intensively. The habitat of bacteria is the gingival grooves and periodontal canals, as well as areas of the mouth affected by caries. If the rules are not followed oral hygiene, bacteria quickly spread from the affected microareas to healthy tissues, resulting in plaque, ulcers and, as a consequence, ulcerative necrotizing stomatitis. The impetus for the proliferation of bacteria can be not only a negligent attitude to hygiene, but also a decrease in immunity, as well as a number of other factors:

  • inadequate and monotonous diet;
  • avitaminosis;
  • constant nervous tension;
  • overwork and chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • beginning or ;
  • past acute viral diseases:
    • herpes;
    • ARVI;
    • pneumonia.

Manifestation and symptoms

According to the primary symptoms, ulcerative stomatitis is initial stage can be easily confused with other types of this disease, since the disease manifests itself with pain and a white-yellow coating, traditional for stomatitis. However, with an increase in the number of pathogenic bacteria, ulcerative necrotizing stomatitis manifests itself fully. Depending on the symptoms, there are 3 types of the disease:

  • Vincent's gingevitis. Painful sores appear on the gums.
  • Vincent's stomatitis. Ulcers appear on the tongue and oral mucosa.
  • Plauta-Vincent's angina. Aphthous-ulcerative formations appear on the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat.

Diagnostic methods

Diseases can be identified at home.

You can try to determine the disease yourself at home, based on own feelings, but it is better to consult a doctor, as only correct diagnosis using bacterioscopic tests will help identify the disease on early stage, pick up necessary medications and quickly heal wounds on the tongue and mouth before tissue necrosis begins.

Often an analysis is necessary to determine the disease. venous blood, because Vincent’s ulcerative-necrotizing stomatitis has similar symptoms with a number of other diseases - mercury poisoning, blood diseases, damage from heavy metals and even syphilis.

Treatment of ulcerative stomatitis in children and adults

Most often, acute ulcerative stomatitis is observed in adults with the following oral problems:

  • problematic teeth;
  • incorrectly placed dentures, braces;
  • fragments of teeth that injure the gum tissue from the side.

In such cases, the therapy is local in nature and gives the first results after just a few procedures. First, the traumatic factor is removed from the mouth, then the ulcers are treated antiseptic solutions and apply tampons with painkillers. If therapy is ineffective due to the neglect of the disease, quartzing of the oral cavity in the physiotherapy room and antibiotic injections are prescribed wide range:

  • "Erythromycin";
  • "Oletetrin."


Removal painful symptoms with stomatitis has important aspect, since pain interferes with normal eating and causes discomfort around the clock. Erosive stomatitis pain is relieved by local applications in the initial stage and injections of anesthetic drugs in advanced stages. Most often, drugs based on Lidocaine, Trimecaine or Pyromecaine are injected into the gums. The doctor may prescribe menthol-based lozenges with a “freezing” effect if the patient is allergic to anesthetics such as lidocaine.


Ulcerative stomatitis most often occurs in adults.

Ulcers with stomatitis are treated in 2 doses. First, the oral cavity should be cleaned of dead tissue, then disinfected. It is better to do cleansing in a clinic, because the appropriate enzymes are only available in dental offices. It is better to treat ulcers there, because the gums and oral cavity must be rinsed with a directed stream of water, but this is problematic to do at home. If purulent blisters have gone down the throat, only a doctor can effectively treat them, and self-medication can lead to injury.

What can you do at home?

For adults, treating necrotizing ulcerative stomatitis at home is not difficult. Doctors recommend treating the abscess with healing ointments 2-3 times a day, for example, using. The wound is also treated sea ​​buckthorn oil or rosehip oil. You can treat ulcers on the tongue and gums by rinsing at home using commonly used antiseptics:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • "Chlorhexidine";
  • herbal decoctions of chamomile, eucalyptus, oak bark, St. John's wort.

Treatment of stomatitis in children

Often, stomatitis wounds on the tongue in children appear due to a lack of vitamins, weak immunity, anemia and the infection that develops against this background. Sometimes one large ulcer appears on a child’s tongue, but there are cases when ulcers cover the entire oral cavity, causing discomfort and pain. The child refuses to eat and begins to act up. The doctor will provide first aid by removing dead tissue and cleaning the mouth. disinfectants. This is followed by treatment at home, including a set of drugs presented in the table:

Ulcerative stomatitis acute stage, accompanied by a rise in temperature to 38 degrees, requires an antibacterial course of treatment with Penicillin, Lincomycin, Amoxiclav, Ampiox. If the cause of the formation of ulcers was mechanical injuries from braces, they must be temporarily removed and the wounds treated by applying gauze swabs soaked in medicine, anesthetics and disinfecting solutions.

Sometimes the cause of a rash in the mouth in children is caries-affected or improperly grown baby teeth. In this case, the teeth must be removed, otherwise any therapy will be ineffective.

This pathology is known as Vincent's stomatitis, which manifests itself in the form of deep damage to the oral mucosa and is accompanied by persistent pain. For successful treatment The disease needs to be understood and its provoking factors taken into account.

What is ulcerative stomatitis?

Ulcerative stomatitis in most cases is independent inflammatory disease. It is characterized by the appearance of single or multiple painful and bleeding ulcers, covered with a gray-green coating, occurring against the background of severe inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane.

The inflammatory process, accompanied by deep destruction (necrosis) of the mucous membrane, is caused by spindle-shaped bacteria Bacillus fusiformis (fusiform bacillus) and Borellia vincentii (Vincent's spirochete). Therefore, the full name of the disease is defined as Vincent's ulcerative-necrotizing stomatitis.

The main features of this pathology:

  • inflammatory process occurs as a result of fusospirillary infection - the interaction of two main infectious agents that are found in the oral cavity of healthy people: in the interdental spaces, in the crypts of the tonsils, carious cavities and dental canals;
  • the disease in most cases occurs against the background of reduced immunological reactivity of the body (local or general) and/or in the presence of unfavorable conditions in the oral cavity;
  • Young men from 17 to 30 years old are more likely to get sick, children and the elderly are less likely to get sick;
  • in children, this pathology develops only if they have teeth; the disease most often occurs in children from 6 months to 3 years, which is associated with instability and immaturity immune system;
  • clarification of the diagnosis is carried out with the obligatory taking of scrapings of the mucous membrane and detection of pathogens infectious process.

Causes of ulcerative stomatitis

In healthy people, the oral mucosa is reliably protected from the introduction and reproduction of fusiform rods and spirochetes. Microorganisms are anaerobic saprophytes of the oral cavity and part of it normal microflora. In most cases, they are located deep in the gum pockets, between the teeth, in the crypts of the tonsils, and in carious cavities.

IN normal conditions These microorganisms are non-pathogenic or conditionally pathogenic, but under unfavorable or special conditions of the body, they can become more active and cause the development of the disease.

The activity of the inflammatory process and the degree of damage to the oral cavity depends on the number and rate of reproduction of these pathogenic bacteria.

Necrotizing ulcerative stomatitis develops only in the presence of certain predisposing and provoking factors.

When the general reactivity of the body weakens:

  • severe or prolonged somatic and infectious diseases;
  • diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • intoxication;
  • poor diet, long-term vitamin deficiency and vitamin deficiencies, especially with a pronounced lack of vitamin C, B complex and P;
  • stress;
  • mental or physical fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • hypothermia.

If there is a violation of the reactivity of the general or local immunity:

  • complicated course of catarrhal or herpetic stomatitis;
  • dysbacteriosis of the oral cavity;
  • smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • immaturity of the immune system in childhood.

If the integrity of the mucous membrane is damaged:

  • mechanical injuries during dental procedures, bruises, fractures of the jaw bones;
  • breakthrough of the epithelial barrier during periodontal disease;
  • difficult eruption of wisdom teeth;
  • trauma to the mucous membrane from the sharp edges of destroyed teeth or crowns;
  • incorrectly installed braces and fillings;
  • use in dental practice biologically incompatible materials.

If there is insufficient or improper hygiene mouth, which contributes to:

  • deposition of supra- and subgingival tartar;
  • lack of necessary sanitation of the oral cavity.

With neurotrophic changes in the mucosa:

  • strokes;
  • infringement of nerve trunks;
  • aneurysms;
  • thrombosis.

Also, ulcerative-necrotizing stomatitis can develop against the background oncological diseases, tuberculosis, syphilis, as well as in HIV-infected patients.

Most often, the development of pathology occurs in the presence of several factors: decreased immunity, hypothermia, poor sanitary and living conditions, Not good nutrition, long-term chronic diseases in combination with a violation of the integrity of the epithelium (mechanical injuries) or trophic changes in the mucous membrane.

Natalya Stagurskaya, dentist:“Spindle-shaped rods and Vincent’s spirochetes, the causative agents of ulcerative stomatitis, are present in the oral cavity even healthy person. To avoid their active reproduction, it is necessary to monitor general condition body. Increased attention deserves the state of the immune system. During periods of its weakening (autumn-spring period), cases of ulcerative stomatitis are especially frequent. Preventative intake helps replenish vitamin reserves and support the body. vitamin complexes, as well as eating citrus fruits, cabbage and other seasonal vegetables and fruits.”

Diagnosis and symptoms

The disease is usually diagnosed in autumn-spring period, which is associated with frequent respiratory infections, hypothermia, exacerbations of chronic diseases, hypovitaminosis and a decrease in the immunological reactivity of the body. There are acute and chronic stages of the disease.

Acute form of ulcerative necrotic stomatitis

The main symptoms of ulcerative stomatitis include the appearance of discomfort in the form of burning, redness and swelling in the gum area with the gradual spread of the inflammatory process to adjacent areas of the oral cavity. After 2 days, round, painful ulcers with a dirty gray coating appear on the affected areas.

As the infectious process progresses, the ulcers merge and the deep layers of the mucous membrane are affected, therefore this pathology in medicine is also called ulcerative membranous stomatitis. Marked bad smell from the mouth, secretion of foul saliva and bleeding gums.

Patients complain of persistent pain when eating, talking, opening the mouth, and even during rest, especially at night. There is marked weakness, drowsiness, an increase in temperature to subfebrile levels (37–37.6 ° C), enlargement and pain in regional lymph nodes.

Chronic ulcerative-necrotic stomatitis of Vincent

If treatment is delayed, ineffective or ignored, ulcerative stomatitis becomes chronic. Wherein sharp pain And general symptoms almost completely disappear.

Patients are concerned about constant discomfort in the oral cavity, persistent bleeding of the gums and bad breath. A visual examination reveals dead tissue in the spaces between the teeth, on the cheeks or in the area of ​​the hard palate (locations of ulcers). If the duration of the disease exceeds 8 months, almost complete destruction gums and changes in the jaw bones or hard palate.

Clarification of the diagnosis of ulcerative stomatitis is based on a thorough external examination of the lesions and bacterioscopic examination with the detection of the causative agents of this pathology.

To exclude sarcoma and other oncological diseases of the oral cavity, cytological and pathohistological examination of ulcers is carried out.

Treatment of ulcerative stomatitis

Therapy for this pathology consists of completely eliminating the factors that provoke ulcerative stomatitis: treating extensive periodontal disease, carious cavities, grinding sharp tooth fragments, removing crowns, dentures, braces and sanitation of the oral cavity.

In adult patients, relief is observed after the first sanitation of the oral cavity.

First, treatment is carried out with painkillers. Then there is a gradual elimination of the infectious-inflammatory process and removal of dead tissue:

  • all mechanical irritants are identified and eliminated;
  • The oral cavity is cleansed of dead tissue using special enzymes (chymotrypsin, lysoamidase);
  • ulcerative defects and inflamed areas the mucous membrane is treated disinfectant solutions(the procedure is carried out daily by the attending physician until full recovery and three times a day at home);
  • at severe course diseases, the oral cavity is treated with drugs based on metronidazole and/or antibiotics.

Additional treatment of ulcerative stomatitis in adults and children includes proper nutrition and the intake of vitamin and mineral complexes, immune system stimulants, adaptogens, sedatives and tonics.

How to prevent the disease?

TO preventive measures Ulcerative stomatitis include:

  • proper oral care;
  • regular visits to the dentist, sanitization of foci of infection, removal of tartar, timely treatment of periodontal disease;
  • normalization of the immune system and nervous systems, correction of metabolic disorders, hormonal imbalances.

In addition, it is necessary to avoid various microtraumas of the oral mucosa or other mechanical damage. An important role in the treatment and prevention of this pathology is taking measures to strengthen the local immunity of the oral cavity, taking vitamins and microelements, quitting smoking and alcohol, healthy image life.

Useful video: diagnosis and treatment of stomatitis in adults

At the moment, it is modern to accurately name the mechanisms and processes in the formation of ulcerative stomatitis. medical science I can't. Root causes vary and can be anything. Common causes of ulcerative stomatitis:

  • microorganisms that carry infection;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • illnesses of cardio-vascular system;
  • weakened immune system;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • impaired metabolism in the body;
  • nervous breakdowns;
  • malignant tumors;
  • unstable hormonal background, its violations;
  • anemia;
  • injuries to the oral mucosa (scratches, abrasions, etc.);
  • hereditary factor.

Less pronounced factors that can also provoke ulcerative stomatitis in their own way:

  • poor oral hygiene;
  • not everything is in order with the teeth (for example, caries);
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • low quality dentures;
  • allergies to any drugs;
  • nicotine and alcohol;
  • allergies to certain foods.

Symptoms of ulcerative stomatitis

How ulcerative stomatitis begins to manifest itself - first, redness appears in the mouth, which spreads to the entire mucous membrane. Then these redness begin to swell, and a burning sensation is more noticeable. When the patient did not notice this process in time and did not take action, small oval or round ulcers appear in their place. Their typical color is gray or white, with a visible red halo and film on top. The rest of the surface around them may look normal and natural. Observed strong pain from ulcers, it is difficult to eat. Typical places where ulcers appear in ulcerative stomatitis are the cheeks and lips (in the oral cavity), under the tongue. Light form Ulcerative stomatitis may be accompanied by one such ulcer. A severe form of ulcerative stomatitis is when the ulcers become large and deep. In this case, severe pain interferes with speech and eating. Often a lot of saliva is released, a coating appears on the tongue, all this is accompanied by a bright red color of the mouth, vomiting after eating.

The most obvious symptoms of ulcerative stomatitis are:

  • ulcers on the oral mucosa that cover gray plaque. Most often accompanied by discomfort and pain, especially while eating. Ulcers tend to overlap, forming huge, painful formations. If this disease spreads to jaw bone, then perhaps there will be additional disease– osteomyelitis of the jaw;
  • unpleasant odor in the mouth;
  • burning;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • weakness, headache.

Ulcerative stomatitis often appears in patients who have problems with gastrointestinal tract who have stomach ulcers and chronic enteritis. Diseases of the blood and cardiovascular system, infectious diseases, salt poisoning heavy metals can also become a prehistory of the symptoms of ulcerative stomatitis.

Ulcerative stomatitis in children

Ulcerative stomatitis is widespread in children. Very few children managed to avoid it. Children experience the same forms of ulcerative stomatitis as older ones. Children's body and immunity is weaker than an adult and therefore more susceptible to ulcerative stomatitis, which is why it is so important to follow measures to prevent ulcerative stomatitis in children.

Catarrhal stomatitis

Catarrhal stomatitis is one of the most common forms of stomatitis. Characterized by swelling of the oral mucosa, painful sensations, increased salivation, there is a white or yellow plaque, bleeding gums, and bad breath.

Ulcerative stomatitis

Ulcerative stomatitis is a more serious problem than the previous type described above. It occurs as an advanced form of catarrhal disease, but it also happens regardless of it. The entire oral mucosa is affected, the temperature rises to 37.5 degrees, accompanied by weakness, headache, enlarged lymph nodes and their pain. Eating is difficult and causes pain.

Aphthous ulcerative stomatitis

Aphthous ulcerative stomatitis – complex look of this disease. It is with this that ulcers, the so-called aphthae, appear. They are gray-white in color with a narrow red rim. Accompanied feeling unwell, fever and pain from ulcers. Happens acute form diseases, as well as chronic, in which periods of exacerbations and remissions are observed, which in medical practice called chronic relapsing aphthous stomatitis.

Candidal stomatitis

Candidal stomatitis is a fungal disease. His subjects are small children and elderly people. Candidal stomatitis is caused by a fungus (often Candida), the development of which is facilitated by weak immunity, long-term treatment with the help of strong antibacterial drugs, often appears with other chronic diseases. Burning in the mouth, larynx, accompanied by a white coating on the tongue and mucous membranes, hyperemia and bleeding of the surface of the mouth, bad aftertaste or no taste sensations. Candidal stomatitis is contagious and is transmitted through household and sexual contact.

Herpetic (cold sore) stomatitis

All ages are susceptible to herpetic or herpes stomatitis: from young to old. The disease can be acute or chronic and is caused by the herpes virus. At mild form disease, small blisters (several pieces) appear, similar to aphthae ulcers. IN severe case multiple rashes appear on the surface of the mucous membrane, accompanied by swelling and inflammation, increased salivation, general malaise, toxicosis, elevated temperature, enlarged lymph nodes, discomfort and pain when eating. Important Feature Herpes stomatitis, like any herpes-type disease, this virus cannot be eradicated, it remains with a person for life.

Diagnosis of ulcerative stomatitis

Modern doctors do not have ways to detect this disease. As a rule, a doctor can only “by eye” determine the presence of ulcerative stomatitis. Another difficult point in diagnosing ulcerative stomatitis is that this disease can be a symptom of more serious diseases.

Treatment of ulcerative stomatitis

To cure ulcerative stomatitis, first of all, have your teeth professionally cleaned, remove tartar and get rid of soft plaque. When tooth decay is present, it is also important to eliminate it immediately. The mouth is then treated with antiseptic rinses. In five to ten days this way you can get rid of catarrhal stomatitis. In the case when it transforms and acquires symptoms of ulcerative or aphthous-ulcerative stomatitis, then local treatment is not enough; it must be combined with general treatment. Medical assistance then, in addition to all of the above, it includes special antiseptic procedures.

When a patient has herpetic stomatitis, additional treatment for viruses is carried out. In a situation with candidal stomatitis, they are prescribed antifungal drugs. When stomatitis is caused initially by another disease (for example, problems with the stomach, intestines), the root cause is treated first.

Ulcerative stomatitis is most often treated with hydrogen peroxide, a solution of potassium permanganate, and drugs such as Stomatidine and antimicrobial sprays, for example, Orasept. This local treatment. As for the general thing, it is necessary to eliminate the root cause of the disease, as well as help improve immunity. Usually the doctor in such cases prescribes taking all kinds of vitamins and minerals, antibiotics, antihistamines, sulfa drugs, calcium chloride.

To eliminate pain, use ointments and powders, rinse with a solution of novocaine.

Traditional methods of treating ulcerative stomatitis

Some of traditional methods even recommends treatment of ulcerative stomatitis official medicine. So, calendula has an excellent effect - it has a strong antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, it heals well. Another wonderful antiseptic is chamomile, a remedy widely used by both people and doctors.

Onion-garlic compresses are used: finely chopped onions and garlic are wrapped in gauze and applied to inflamed areas.

For stomatitis, rinsing with various infusions helps a lot. Infuse crushed oak bark and leaves walnut, chamomile inflorescences, flax seeds, sage leaves, burdock roots and much more.

Besides, ethnoscience provides methods of treatment when folk remedies can not only be rinsed, but also taken orally. Decoctions of rose hips, which are rich in vitamins and other benefits for human body substances that strengthen the immune system, eliminate inflammatory processes, prevent and destroy harmful bacteria. However, in the case of candidal and herpetic stomatitis herbal remedies, although they work wonders, will not help, since antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and immune-modifying pills do not care for fungi and viruses.

According to international classification diseases aphthous stomatitis belongs to the section “Diseases of the oral cavity”, its ICD 10 code is 12.0.

The disease is considered quite common: with all the variety of different infections that affect the mucous membranes of the mouth, most aphthous form accounts, according to various sources, from 5 to 10 percent of cases.

The name of the disease was given to aphthae– ulcers on the gums, lips, and tongue of the patient.

Not having medical education people usually know about the existence of such a disease as stomatitis, and this is the diagnosis they make themselves when ulcers appear in the mouth.

Experts recommend, however, not to delay medical care, since even There are several stomatitis different types (aphthous, allergic, vesicular, herpetic, catarrhal and others), but there are other diseases that create problems in the patient’s mouth, and each case requires special treatment.

Take, for example, Vincent's ulcerative-necrotizing stomatitis, the cause of which is the simultaneous effect on the oral mucosa of the spindle-shaped rod and spirochete present in it (the disease often occurs simultaneously with teething).

We talked about the treatment of candidal stomatitis in adults and children.

As for the reasons for the appearance of signs of aphthous stomatitis in a person, one of the main ones (against the background of which the infection is especially active) is weakness immune defense.

If this factor exists, there will definitely be a reason to provoke the disease. They could be:

  • past illnesses (ARVI, herpes);
  • chronic diseases of the digestive system (the likelihood of getting sick increases with a stomach ulcer);
  • injuries (scratches due to a broken tooth, “sharp” fillings, burns from food);
  • lack of food necessary elements that would protect the body from such infections (vitamins, selenium, iron, folic acid);
  • nervous exhaustion;
  • in women – hormonal changes (menopause, pregnancy, breastfeeding).

If the patient’s immunity cannot be restored, then stomatitis (even cured) can take on a chronic, recurrent nature and come back again.


The sick person does not immediately manage to correctly understand what happened to him. The first symptoms resemble acute respiratory infections, feeling lethargic and having a sore throat.

Soon these symptoms are added burning sensation in the mouth, it becomes problematic to eat and even talk.

Aphthae (ulcers) appear on upper sky, lips, on cheeks with inside, on the tonsils, on the tongue and under the tongue. Salivation increases, and the smell from the mouth becomes unpleasant.

In adults and children, despite the similarity of symptoms, the disease progresses differently. If young patients the disease can cause a temperature of up to 38-39 degrees, enlargement of the lymph nodes (they even become painful), but in adults these signs are usually absent.

The healing period for ulcers lasts about 10 days. Usually they disappear without a trace, but there are cases of scars forming in their place.

This occurs more often in adult patients, especially if the disease progresses to chronic stage. In this case, the lesions of the mucous membrane are very serious, their area of ​​distribution is large, and the healing and scarring process can last up to 3 weeks.

The characteristic state of “chronicles” is weakness, deterioration in performance, low-grade fever(37-38 degrees for an extended period of time).

Predisposition to this disease is often inherited.

Any forum on the Internet containing reviews on how to quickly and effectively cope with the disease cites cases like “I myself have always had this problem, but now I had to treat my child for aphthous stomatitis.”

Women are the first at risk, they are diagnosed with this disease more often than men. If we talk about the age preferences of stomatitis, it prefers teenagers, although both children and the elderly can get sick.

Who else is at risk of getting an unpleasant diagnosis? Anyone who does not care about oral hygiene abuses alcohol and smokes.

The etiology of aphthous stomatitis does not exclude allergies to a number of foods as one of the common causes.

Classification: forms, types, stages

The types of aphthous stomatitis are distinguished by localization of aphthae: on the tongue, palate, gum.

There is also a division into chronic and acute forms. Acute stomatitis, as a rule, is associated with a recent illness and the presence of staphylococci and streptococci in the mucous membranes.

Chronic infection bothers a person for years, when relapses give way to remission, but it is not possible to completely get rid of the infection.

There are several forms of the disease:

  • fibrous - resembles the symptoms of herpetic stomatitis, in which ulcers (unlike aphthous) are located on the outside of the lips;
  • necrotic - severe, lasts about a month;
  • granular - ulcers appear on the spot salivary glands and block the ducts, the disease lasts up to three weeks;
  • scarring - consequence improper treatment granular in shape, the size of the ulcers reaches one and a half centimeters, treatment lasts for 3 months;
  • deforming - characterized by changes in the connective tissues of the lips (on the inside) and palate, difficult to treat, does not go away for a long time.

The disease includes a number of stages:

  • prodromal – from the first signs to the manifestation of all symptoms,
  • aphthous - when ulcers form,
  • healing stage.


A quick cure for the disease is possible only as a result of a competent diagnosis. As a rule, this is done by a dentist.

They give him the necessary information visual inspection (what the affected mucous membrane looks like), questioning the patient (how long ago did the symptoms of the disease appear, were they accompanied by an increase in temperature).

In difficult cases, as well as if it is necessary to decide what to do next, if the healing process is delayed, laboratory blood tests, biopsy, and bacteriological culture are performed.

Treatment of aphthous stomatitis in adults and children

In both children and adults, stomatitis is usually treated at home, using both pharmaceutical drugs, so folk remedies.

Homeopathy helps some, while for others the doctor prescribes electrophoresis or laser therapy.

Much when developing treatment tactics depends on individual characteristics the patient, the responsiveness of his body to a particular medicine or procedure.


For hygienic cleaning of the mouth use antiseptics:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • Decamethoxin;
  • Furacilin;
  • Chlorhexidine.

For treating wounds at the initial stage of the disease, it is usually ointment, gel or spray used:

  • Solcoseryl;
  • Holisal;
  • Metrogil Denta;
  • Kamistad;
  • Stomatophyte;
  • Actovegin.

If it is not possible to quickly solve the problem, they use antibacterial drugs Tantum Verde, Hexoral.

To support immunity:

  • Immunal;
  • Thymogen;
  • Taktivin;
  • Imudon.

Acyclovir, which has a reputation effective remedy in the fight against herpetic stomatitis(you can read about this disease in the article), in the case of aphthous it does not give the necessary result.

Folk remedies

For any form of stomatitis, folk remedies are actively used, mainly to improve the patient’s condition:

  • wounds are treated with healing oils of sea buckthorn and rosehip;
  • parsley root is used to prepare a decoction, which is used to rinse the mouth and take orally (a tablespoon three times a day);
  • decoctions of chamomile, calendula, and eryngium flatifolia are used as rinses;
  • an aloe leaf with the spines removed is chewed to destroy pathogenic bacteria;
  • alcohol tinctures of various medicinal herbs Use for rinsing, adding 20-30 drops to half a glass of water.

The details are presented in this material.

If you are interested in why herpes on the fingers occurs and how to treat it, be sure to read the publication.


In the treatment of stomatitis important role plays food. In addition to the fact that the foods are designed to strengthen the patient’s body and help him cope with infection, they must be prepared in a special way so as not to injure the inflamed mucous membranes.

Patients usually complain that food is difficult to chew and swallow. The solution to the problem can be puree soup, gruel, jelly, compote.

Anything that irritates the mucous membranes - salty, spicy, sour foods and drinks - is excluded from the menu.

Compliance with a diet by patients with aphthous stomatitis is especially important for expectant mothers - they should never refuse food because it is difficult to chew and swallow; this can negatively affect the development of the child.

The doctor’s task is to treat the patient with means that are safe for the fetus and ensure stable remission. It is the doctor, not the patient, who will select effective medications.

If, for example, you need to bring down the temperature, then it will not be antibiotic tablets, but special antipyretic suppositories. And mouthwashes, which are usually prepared at home from herbs, should exclude plants that cause allergies.

Children under three years of age rarely suffer from aphthous stomatitis.. Sometimes the disease manifests itself as a complication of diphtheria, whooping cough, measles, and influenza.

In children under one year old, and the famous pediatrician Komarovsky insists on this, parents become the culprits of the disease, transmitting the infection to their child through a kiss.

The disease progresses in waves: new rashes provoke a rise in temperature.

What does the doctor advise? Besides drug treatment, which will be prescribed by the local doctor, the following are necessary: ​​ventilation and humidification of the air, rinsing the mouth (if the child already knows how to do this), vitamin puree from fresh fruits and vegetables.

Prevention is mainly compliance with hygiene standards: using a comfortable (and most importantly, individual) toothbrush, regular visits to the dentist for oral hygiene.

Adult men and women should be careful during intimacy: kissing and oral sex can cause transmission of infection from one partner to another.

Children should be taught to practice good hygiene - washing their hands after playing, walking, traveling in public transport, or interacting with pets.

Not everyone knows that cats also have stomatitis, it is contagious and under certain circumstances, the causative agent of the disease is transmitted from an animal to a person.

From others preventive measures can be called general strengthening, supporting the human immune system: playing sports, refusing bad habits, complete fortified nutrition.

It is also very important to cure any disease completely so that it does not become chronic and weaken the body.

Vincent's ulcerative-necrotizing stomatitis is a pathology that develops as a result of infection of the oral cavity with fusiform rods.

The disease is accompanied by an acute inflammatory process that affects all mucous membranes, as well as the formation of necrotic tissue. Most often, ulcerative stomatitis with necrotic foci is detected in children against the background.

Characteristics of the disease

The pathological process develops against the background of infection of the oral cavity with spindle-shaped rods. These microorganisms are present in the body of almost all people. Pathogenic microflora is activated under the influence of certain factors.

Activation pathogenic microflora leads to the formation of foci of inflammation in the oral mucosa. Depending on the course of the disease, it takes the following forms:

  • acute;
  • subacute;
  • chronic.

Initially, a person develops an acute form of pathology, characterized by intense clinical picture. Vincent's stomatitis develops under the influence of the following factors:

The above factors lead to a decrease in local and general immunity what creates favorable conditions for the development of pathogenic microflora in the oral cavity.

Clinical picture

The main symptom of Vincent's stomatitis is ulcers that form on the surface of the mucous membrane. They can have a single or multiple distribution. Other symptoms of the pathology depend on the severity of the disease.

At the initial stage ( mild degree) stomatitis manifests itself as:

  • pain syndrome, localized in the mouth;
  • , aggravated by chewing food;
  • active work of the salivary glands.

When palpating the gum tissue, painful sensations. Areas with hyperemia and edema form on their surface. In addition to pain, patients also experience a burning sensation in the gums, as well as drying of the mucous membrane.

The average severity of ulcerative stomatitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

At a late stage (severe degree), the disease is accompanied by the appearance of:

  • severe weakness;
  • high temperature reaching 40 degrees;
  • attacks of nausea and vomiting;
  • pain in the abdominal area.

A characteristic sign of stomatitis is a gray-white coating that forms on the mucous membrane on the second or third day of the disease. In some cases, the inflammatory process penetrates deep into the tissue, affecting the bone structure.

Ulcerative stomatitis in children is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • increased tearfulness;
  • sleep disturbance.

Clinical picture when chronic form the disease is characterized by the absence characteristic symptoms. The patient has bleeding gums and bad breath.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis is based on external examination oral cavity and collecting information about the patient’s current condition.

Additionally, histological examination of tissues is prescribed. In the superficial layer of the gums are found various bacteria such as cocci, fusobacteria, spirochetes and others. In deep tissues, dilated blood vessels and foci of inflammation.

Ulcerative-necrotizing stomatitis is one of the dangerous diseases, treatment of which takes place under the supervision of a dentist. Pathology therapy is carried out in a complex.

To suppress pain, the following are prescribed:

  • Anestezin (the most common drug);
  • lidocaine hydrochloride, which is used in extreme cases.

After suppression primary symptoms An operation is prescribed to remove necrotic tissue. The procedure is carried out in several stages:

  1. Swabs soaked in a solution of proteolytic enzymes are applied to the affected area. These substances soften necrotic tissue.
  2. Then the affected area is treated with antiseptic and antimicrobials. If there are appropriate indications, hydrogen peroxide is used to remove necrotic tissue. Treatment of the oral cavity is carried out under local anesthesia. It is important that during the procedure medicinal substances penetrated into the interdental space. For this, a syringe with a blunt needle is used.

The first results of treatment become noticeable approximately on the 2-3rd day of therapy. By this time, the gums stop bleeding and the necrotic tissue disappears. The epithelium begins to recover within 4-5 days.

Treatment of the disease is supplemented by the following procedures:

  1. Reception antihistamines. They relieve swelling and suppress the inflammatory process.
  2. Taking broad-spectrum antibiotics. These include Augmentin, Penicillin, Ampiox and others. Antibiotics are prescribed for extensive damage to the oral cavity and in advanced cases.
  3. Taking vitamin complexes. They are necessary to strengthen the immune defense and speed up the recovery process.
  4. Treatment .
  5. Tooth extraction if appropriate indications exist.
  6. The use of ointments and keratoplasty preparations to accelerate the healing of ulcerated tissues.

Treatment of ulcerative stomatitis in children is carried out according to the same scheme as that used in the treatment of the disease in adults.

During acute course pathology, bed rest is indicated.

Nutritional Features

Successful recovery during and after ulcerative necrotic stomatitis is impossible without following a specialized diet. During treatment from daily diet should be excluded:

  • sour and spicy foods(especially citrus fruits);
  • berries;
  • products that cause an allergic reaction;
  • pickled products;
  • sweet, bitter;
  • dry products.

From the above it follows that the patient’s diet during recovery should not contain foods that irritate the mucous membrane. The diet includes:

This diet allows for relatively short term replenish the lack of microelements and strengthen the immune system.

Possible consequences

If left untreated, necrotizing ulcerative stomatitis causes the following complications:

  • pathologies of the genital tract;
  • inflammation of the middle ear;
  • rhinitis;
  • endocarditis;
  • pleurisy;
  • gastroenteritis.

The long course of the disease contributes to the exposure of the roots and crown of the tooth.

Prevention measures

Prevention of the disease consists of observing the following rules:

  • timely implementation;
  • normalization;
  • strengthening the immune system, this is especially true during seasonal illnesses;
  • timely treatment of dental and other pathologies, elimination of microtraumas of the mucous membrane.

Vincent's ulcerative-necrotizing stomatitis is serious illness, which causes significant damage to the oral cavity.

The pathology develops against the background of weakened immune defense and requires timely treatment. Lack of therapy leads to exposure of the bone structure, tooth loss and the occurrence of a number of other diseases.

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