Inner ear disease symptoms, treatment. Different approaches to diseases. Therapy or surgery

Diseases inner ear- the most common pathologies of the auditory organs. All diseases internal system hearing loss have similar symptoms, and their most severe complication is the acquisition of absolute hearing loss.

In order to prevent such a sad turn of events, you need to know what symptoms these diseases have, what is their cause, and what methods can cure pathologies of the inner ear most quickly and effectively. Let's consider all these issues in detail in the article.


Diseases of the inner ear have very serious consequences: complete deafness is one of them. If we talk about the location of the inner ear, then it is located at the very end of the auditory system - this is its outermost internal section. Due to its extremely complex and intricate structure, the inner ear is sometimes also called a labyrinth. It is not clear why hearing is lost? Let's look at the pathologies that most often affect the inner ear.

Internal otitis (labyrinthitis)

This disease most often affects the inner ear. is an inflammation resulting from penetration pathogenic microbes into the depths of the auditory organs. The usual cause of this disease is otitis media.

Internal otitis

Sometimes as a result of the penetration of a large number of microbes, and when complete absence treatment, an extensive purulent infection develops due to internal otitis. This infection can even lead to inflammation meninges, so-called meningitis. This disease often causes complete deafness, especially if it occurs in a child.

Labyrinthitis can also occur due to mechanical damage or injury. For example, a woman may accidentally poke a hairpin into her ear, causing an infection. And children often place a foreign body in their ear, which also causes an inflammatory process.

Video of internal otitis:

Doctors distinguish two types of this disease:

  • limited;
  • spilled.

With limited labyrinthitis, the infection does not extend beyond the inner ear, but with diffuse labyrinthitis, it covers all the “nooks and crannies” of the internal auditory organs, and often leads to complete deafness. In addition, labyrinthitis can be serous and purulent.

The serous type of the disease is milder in nature, and it rarely has severe complications. But the purulent variety leads to the proliferation of bacteria in the inner ear and an inflammatory process. This suppuration can completely destroy the auditory receptors and the cochlea, which is responsible for the sensitivity of auditory perception.

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Meniere's disease

In this case, damage to the inner ear leads to problems with coordination of movements and balance. In addition, it leads to frequent dizziness and problems with auditory perception. Immediate cause The disease is that fluid enters the inner ear from the endolymphatic canal of the vestibular apparatus.

Meniere's disease

Meniere's disease occurs more often in people with inflammatory infections in the middle ear, after traumatic brain injury varying degrees gravity. Infections of the upper respiratory tract also sometimes give rise to this disease. The following factors provoke Meniere's disease:

  • long-term use of aspirin;
  • smoking;
  • frequent drinking of alcohol.

Excessive consumption of coffee and salty foods can also provoke the development of the disease.

Traumatic lesions

In this case, pathologies of the inner ear are associated with various deformations mechanical in nature, including:

Congenital underdevelopment

This type of pathology has been present in humans since childhood. It leads to complete or partial impossibility of auditory perception. Sometimes timely medical intervention is able to eliminate the problem that interferes with hearing, and sometimes it is not. If, for example, the cochlea has not developed in the ear or the organ of Corti is missing, hearing cannot be restored.


These formations include tumors (including oncological ones), growths epithelial tissue, polyps.

Cochlear neuritis

Speaking in simple language, this is hearing loss that appears as a result of some disease of the internal auditory organs. The disease-cause in this case touched auditory nerve or receptors, which is why there was a decrease in auditory perception.


This disease leads to pathological growth bone tissue in the inner ear, which leads to complete blockage of the hearing organs and, as a result, to deafness.

If as a result infectious disease(including colds) germs have penetrated into vestibular apparatus, the person begins to experience noticeable problems with coordination of movements.

This type of pathology is characterized by frequent dizziness, and the gait becomes unsteady.


What factors provoke the development of pathologies of the inner ear.

Birth defects. It can be:

  • prematurity;
  • bad heredity;
  • fetal underdevelopment;
  • intoxication due to bad habits of the mother.

Birth injuries can also be classified as congenital pathologies.

Sometimes traumatic brain injuries provoke the development of diseases of the inner ear. A foreign body stuck in the ear canal can also cause inflammation. This happens more often in children.

Infectious diseases- the most common factor that provokes pathologies of the inner ear. In addition to common otitis media and colds, viral and bacterial infections, this category can also include typhoid, mastoiditis (read in more detail), tuberculosis, meningitis and other diseases.

Loud noise. Severe acoustic exposure can also cause labyrinth pathologies. As a result of such exposure, rapid wear of the auditory receptors occurs.

In addition to the above, the occurrence of ear pathologies is influenced by neurological pathologies, vascular diseases, and cervical osteochondrosis, and even life in a state of permanent stress.


Let's find out what signs are inherent in diseases of the inner ear

With internal otitis, patients often complain of dizziness, sometimes they also experience Ear ache, noise. Often labyrinthitis leads to imbalance. In addition, a decrease in the level of auditory perception also often accompanies this disease. Symptoms are most pronounced when a person shakes his head sharply.

Other symptoms

May appear painful sensations in the temples, extending to the back of the head, or in that half of the head where the temple is located.

General weakness and severe malaise are also inherent in these diseases.

Frequent dizziness, as well as impaired coordination of movements. Sometimes dizziness can lead to nausea and vomiting.

A high temperature is a possible, but not necessary, sign of inner ear disease.

There is a noise in the ears, noticeable general decline level of auditory perception.

Routes of infection and diagnosis

Pathological microbes enter the inner ear in three ways:

  • Otogenic - from the middle ear.
  • Meningogenic - from the intracranial space. Infection can also occur due to inflamed meninges.
  • Hematogenous - through the blood.

To accurately make a diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo the following types of examinations:


Let's find out exactly how diseases of the inner ear should be treated.

First of all, it should be noted that, unfortunately, not all diseases in this case can be cured. If, for example, the auditory receptors die off or the organ of Corti becomes scarred, there is no way to restore hearing. In severe cases, hearing aids sometimes help.

Conventional treatments

Drug therapy

By using special drugs the symptoms of inflammation are eliminated, and the symptoms of intoxication are also eliminated.

To treat many pathologies of the inner ear, one has to resort to drugs that stimulate neurological processes, as well as the vascular system. Specific treatment is always prescribed by a doctor based on the results of preliminary diagnosis and a thorough examination.

Surgical intervention

This type of medical care is resorted to when it is necessary to eliminate the symptoms of suppuration: you need to open the inner ear, sanitize it, and clean it. In addition, sometimes surgery is performed to restore deformed organs or to install implants.

Physiotherapeutic methods

These procedures help restore damaged tissues and promote their healing. Best effect procedures are effective when they are combined with the introduction medicines into the ear canals.

In addition to the above, considerable benefits can also be provided by special exercises aimed at restoring balance, as well as various breathing techniques.

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What measures can you take to avoid inner ear problems?

The best measure to prevent problems with the internal auditory organs is to treat all diseases of the middle and outer ear in a timely manner. If there is no disease in more closely located organs, the infection will not penetrate into the inner ear.

At good health none colds will not lead to severe complications.

Proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle are mandatory signs good health. It is best to quit smoking; frequent drinking of alcohol also seriously weakens the body.

To prevent diseases of the inner ear, it is important to observe the so-called auditory hygiene. This means that you need to avoid loud music and various sharp loud sounds.

We looked at diseases of the inner ear. The main danger of all these pathologies is that they can lead to complete deafness. Therefore, it is important not to neglect the treatment of any problems with the hearing organs: all infectious and inflammatory processes must be stopped in time so that microbes do not penetrate into the far corners - into the inner ear. Pay close attention to symptoms of ear problems: pain, discharge ear canals, congestion. A timely visit to a doctor will help avoid problems with the hearing organs and preserve the ability to hear.

Labyrinthitis is a disease of the inner ear, or more precisely, an acute or chronic inflammation labyrinth and its semicircular canals. Since the labyrinth is the location of the organ of balance, the main symptom of the disease is dizziness.

Labyrinth of the ear...

For this reason, the term labyrinthitis is often used colloquially as a synonym for dizziness, which is misleading.

Causes of labyrinthitis: why it occurs

Typically identified different types labyrinthitis, depending on the causes that determine it, and which can be very different, ranging from a viral or bacterial infection of the brain and up to the presence of a tumor.

  • Viral labyrinthitis or neurolabyrinthitis. Occurs due to the entry of the virus, usually through the blood. May be a consequence of previous diseases such as measles, mumps, mononucleosis or be a direct infection of the labyrinth. The viruses that most often cause labyrinthitis include, in addition to the three already mentioned, the virus herpes simplex, influenza virus, parainfluenza, adenoviruses, cytomegalovirus. The disease manifests itself suddenly, with severe attacks of dizziness, nausea, vomiting and hearing loss, usually on only one side. In the acute phase of the disease, in the absence of information from the labyrinth, coordination of eye movements (nystagmus) disappears. Symptoms usually disappear within a few weeks. The disease affects adults of any age and is almost never found in children. In older people, disorders can persist for a long time, even years.
  • Bacterial labyrinthitis. Associated with infections caused by purulent bacteria. The most common infections are caused by streptococci, staphylococci, hemophilus influenzae, coli, tuberculous mycobacteria. The symptoms that manifest this type of labyrinthitis are more or less similar to those of viral labyrinthitis: dizziness, nystagmus (involuntary eye movements), hearing loss. The complications that it can cause, however, unlike a viral infection, are very serious. Partial or complete hearing loss and paralysis facial nerve. Exists two subtypes of bacterial labyrinthitis: serous- occurs in newborns and purulent- occurs in children. The serous form is less dangerous and usually results in reversible damage, even though it may cause deafness in some areas. high frequencies Oh. Purulent labyrinthitis is a more severe form and almost always causes irreversible damage to the structures of the labyrinth with tissue destruction. In most cases it is a consequence of otitis media and/or purulent meningitis. In the first case they speak of otogenic labyrinthitis, in the second case - mitogenic.
  • Syphilistic labyrinthitis. Special shape bacterial labyrinthitis caused by a spirochete. The infection may be acquired or congenital. This type of labyrinthitis is bilateral and usually results in total loss hearing
  • Labyrinthitis from petrous bone fracture. The petrous bone is part of the temporal bone and is shaped like a pyramid with its base at the temple. The cavities of the inner ear, where the labyrinth is located, are carved inside. Its fracture can cause inflammation.
  • Tuberculous labyrinthitis. This type of labyrinthitis is a consequence of tuberculous pathology, that is, infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and therefore is a form of bacterial labyrinthitis.
  • Labyrinthitis from tumors which can affect the inner ear.

Symptoms of labyrinthitis: what disorders

As you can see, there are Various types labyrinthitis, which differ clinical picture. In what follows, however, we will present a set of the most common symptoms of the disease, which may or may not be present, depending on the type.

  • Dizziness. Occurs suddenly and can be so tense and active that the person loses balance and cannot make coordinated movements, which causes the patient to acute stage lie motionless in bed.
  • Vomiting and nausea. Accompanied by dizziness.
  • Confusion, stupor and perception of general malaise.
  • Noise in ears. Noise, whistle, crackling, which is perceived in the ear or head. They are probably a consequence of abnormal endolymph pressure.
  • Nystagmus. Which we have already talked about.
  • Difficulty swallowing and accumulation of saliva in the mouth.
  • Deafness. It can be on only one ear or both, partial or complete, temporary or permanent.

TO physical symptoms Psychological manifestations are almost always added:

  • Anxiety, generalized and long-lasting.
  • Panic attack . Temporary (usually lasting no more than thirty minutes) unjustified fear, which is associated with a severe clinical picture: tremor, cold sweat, active breathing, tachycardia, suffocation, tingling, etc.
  • Depression. A mood disorder that greatly affects the patient's ability to adapt to life with others.
  • Derealization. That is, a distorted perception of the outside world.

How is labyrinthitis diagnosed?

Diagnosis is carried out by an ENT doctor (otolaryngologist), who uses:

  • Anamnestic data or medical history of the patient.
  • Analysis of symptoms and signs typical of labyrinthitis.

A number of examinations, diagnostic and clinical studies help in diagnosis:

  • Computed tomography or nuclear magnetic resonance, which allow you to accurately visualize soft fabrics inner ear in order to monitor the state of the labyrinth.
  • Audiometric analysis, a special exam that tests the intensity and pitch of perceived sounds, thereby assessing hearing loss.
  • Audiovestibular test, which involves inducing dizziness for several minutes to test the labyrinth's response to a stressful situation.

Treatment of labyrinthitis - medications and psychological therapy

It is impossible to give a short answer to the question “how to treat labyrinthitis,” since there is no single protocol for treating the disease. Obviously, the methods used differ depending on the cause, as well as the recovery time.

In any case, regardless of the cause, therapy consists of three individual parts, which have three different goals: the first is to heal the inflammation of the labyrinth, the second is to eliminate or minimize disabling symptoms such as dizziness and nausea, the third concerns the psychology of the patient affected by labyrinthitis.

Accordingly, three categories of drugs are used:

  • Means for eliminating inflammation of the labyrinth. Inflammation, as can be seen, can have different character. Bacterial labyrinthitis requires intensive antibacterial therapy. In some cases, especially in the case purulent inflammation, surgery may be necessary to drain the lesion. If the inflammation is viral in nature, then use antiviral drugs, such as valacyclovir in combination with corticosteroids such as prednisone. If inflammation is a consequence of injury, only cortisone is used. Often used antihistamines, which interfere with the action of histamine, which is the main mediator of chemical inflammation. If labyrinthitis is caused by a neoplasm, treatment typical for this type of disease is used: surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy.
  • Medicines to treat dizziness, nausea and vomiting. In case of these problems, anticholinergic drugs such as prochlorperazine are used, which help relieve such symptoms by counteracting the effects of acetylcholine, nauseating and dizziness.
  • Treatment of psychological stress. Very important for successful treatment, because anxiety greatly interferes with restoring balance. For this purpose, two types of psychotropic drugs are used: antidepressants that act on the reuptake of the neurotransmitter serotonin, or benzodiazepines, of which the best known is Valium®. Benzodiazepines, in any case, should be used with extreme caution and for short periods, since they can interfere with a process known as vestibular compensation.

Natural Treatments for Labyrinthitis

Alternative medicine, for some reason, claims that dizziness is a manifestation of problems with the kidneys and digestion, and not a symptom of labyrinthitis.

Needless to say, the true nature of the “evil” elsewhere and nutritional procedures may only alleviate some of the symptoms, but will not cure labyrinthitis. From a dietary point of view, the disease does not require special attention, if not for some general rules: Avoid alcohol and intoxicants such as caffeine.

Prognosis and complications of labyrinthitis

The disease usually develops in three stages. First stage spicy, in which the most disabling symptoms suddenly appear - dizziness and vomiting, which force the patient to remain in bed for several days because he cannot stand on his feet. This stage can last from two to three days to a week.

Second phase, which lasts 2-3 weeks, is characterized by symptoms in which the patient can perform general tasks, except those requiring increased attention and coordination, such as driving a car.

Third stage chronic, can last for years, during which vestibular compensation occurs for damage resulting from inflammation.

Complications depend on the type of labyrinthitis, and all of them are associated with hearing impairment. With viral labyrinthitis, as a rule, occurs full recovery hearing, and if consequences remain, then only at the level of perception of high frequencies. Bacterial labyrinthitis often results in partial or complete deafness, but, fortunately, almost always in one ear. Syphilistic labyrinthitis leads to more serious complications, such as complete deafness in both ears.

Labyrinthopathy and labyrinthitis

Unfortunately, confusion often arises between labyrinthitis and labyrinthopathy, not only among uninformed people, but even among doctors.

Labyrinthopathy is a common disease of the labyrinth; it is combined with labyrinthitis by dizziness and sometimes hearing loss.

Hearing for a person is one of the five senses that allow us to fully sense and perceive the surrounding reality. However, this harmony can be disrupted by various types of inflammation of the auditory organ, among which inflammation of the inner ear is especially dangerous.

When detecting even the most inexpressive symptoms of inflammation of the inner ear in adults, the first and most right action– this is a visit to the ENT specialist, because if you do not treat such a pathology in time, then you can acquire complications in the bargain, and what’s worse. Further we will talk about this disease, as well as methods of its treatment.

Inflammation of the inner ear or labyrinthitis (inner ) is a pathology that affects the internal part of a person. It develops as a result of penetration into internal cavity ear pathogenic microflora, much less often due to injury.

This type of disease is the most dangerous of all types of inflammatory processes in the ear cavity from the point of view of threat to human health and life.

Reference. The total proportion of labyrinthitis among all cases of otitis does not exceed 5%.

The disease affects labyrinth which is located in the depths. It includes 3 semicircular canals, which are responsible for controlling balance.

Structure internal department human ear

Mostly, internal otitis is a consequence of previous otitis media or a severe infectious disease.

Labyrinthitis can be located either in a separate area or on the entire surface of the internal part of the auditory analyzer.

As for the symptoms of inflammation of the ear inside, they manifest themselves in accordance with physiological characteristics inner ear, that is, hearing loss and dizziness occur.

At the same time, the severity and rate of increase of symptoms are associated with the stage of the ongoing process and its nature.

The acute course of the disease is characterized by the occurrence of a “labyrinth attack”, which is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • sudden decrease in hearing, and sometimes its complete absence is noted;
  • the occurrence of severe dizziness;
  • imbalance.

It is noted that even the slightest movement of the head worsens the patient’s condition. This is what forces the sick person to lie motionless on his side on the side where the healthy ear is located.

Such dizziness is defined by the patient as a feeling of rotation of objects or rotation of himself. Nausea and vomiting may occur. This phenomenon is called systemic.

There is also such a thing as non-systemic dizziness, which appears when the cortical areas of the vestibular apparatus are damaged. It is characterized by poor coordination and slipping when walking.

The duration of a labyrinth attack can last from a couple of minutes to a couple of hours, in in rare cases– days.

A characteristic sign of inflammation of the inner ear is dizziness.

Other less specific symptoms are also observed with this disease.

These include:

  1. Headache.
  2. Ringing and noise in the ears.
  3. Hearing loss.
  4. Increased sweating.
  5. Cardiopalmus.

All of the above symptoms will persist for 2-3 weeks, after which they gradually become less pronounced and disappear. This, of course, is subject to appropriate therapy.

Reference. In acute labyrinthitis, such an attack may occur just one time, while in chronic cases they occur periodic repetitions.

Inner ear inflammation: treatment

If signs of inflammation and pain in the inner ear are detected you must immediately contact a specialist - an otolaryngologist, who will conduct a diagnosis based on the patient’s complaints and special examinations.

The following methods are used for this:

  • hearing test;
  • CT scan;
  • otoscopy;
  • tympathocentesis.

If found inflammatory process in the inner ear, the doctor urgently selects the necessary treatment regimen. Therapy is carried out exclusively in a hospital setting under the constant supervision of a doctor.

Reference. If the cause of the disease is bacterial infection , then antibiotics are necessarily present in the therapeutic complex. If the disease is caused viral pathogen, then it antibacterial drugs no treatment.

Treatment of pathology should begin with a visit to the doctor

Drug treatment

Conservative treatment is carried out if the disease progresses favorably

If the pathology is limited in nature and is not complicated by purulent masses, then treatment is carried out conservative method, that is, a complex drug therapy.

A set of medications aimed at reducing symptoms is as follows:

  1. Antiemetic drugs– in order to eliminate nausea and vomiting. "Tserukal", "Compazin".
  2. Steroid medications- to relieve inflammation. "Methylprednisolone."
  3. Anticholinergic drugs– to reduce the severity of vomiting and nausea, specialized scopolamine patches are used, which are glued to the skin near the ear.
  4. Antihistamines– also to reduce nausea, vomiting and dizziness. "Diazolin", "Fenistil", "Suprastin".
  5. Sedatives– to relieve anxiety and restlessness. "Diazepam", "Lorazepam".
  6. Anti-inflammatory– to relieve inflammation and normalize metabolic functions in the inner ear
  7. Vestibulolytics- are prescribed only in situations where it is necessary to restore blood supply to the inner ear during an exacerbation.

Important! Antibiotics are prescribed cephalosporin and penicillin series. The use of ototoxic antibacterial agents, for example Gentamicin, is prohibited. » .

In addition to all of the above, procedures are carried out to eliminate swelling and reduce pressure in the labyrinth. To do this, resort to the following methods:

  • diet– control over water consumption (up to 1 liter per day), as well as salt (up to ½ g);
  • application glucocorticoids and diuretics;
  • application glucose, calcium chloride and magnesium sulfate(intravenously).

Also, to normalize various disturbances in the structure of the labyrinth itself, vitamins B, K, C, P and carboxylase.

A prerequisite for treating such a disease is rest and strict bed rest.

Surgical intervention

If the disease is purulent, mandatory surgical intervention is prescribed.

In the event that the inflammation is purulent in nature or the entire surface of the inner ear is affected, it is prescribed sanitized general cavity trepanation to eliminate pus in the labyrinth.

In complicated cases of purulent or necrotic disease, it is prescribed to perform labyrinthectomy- This is an operation to remove the labyrinth.

However, such a procedure is very rare.

Reference. Before performing surgical intervention, mandatory planned drug therapy is carried out for 5-7 days.

The ear is an organ located in close proximity to the brain, so any inflammatory process in it poses a potential threat to human health and life. In particular, inflammation of the inner ear is dangerous in this regard.

To avoid all sorts of dangerous consequences, it is necessary to see a doctor immediately - this is the key to the most successful and quick recovery. Be careful, because your health is in your hands.

Inflammation of the inner ear is called internal otitis or labyrinthitis.
It occurs due to penetration into the internal cavity of the hearing aid pathogenic organisms, much less often - this happens due to injuries.
This serious illness, but its total share of all otitis does not exceed 5%.

Causes of exacerbation of internal otitis

The inner ear (labyrinth) is located deep, and its infection is possible only due to the spread of pathogens from other inflamed areas. A very common factor causing labyrinthitis is otitis media.

The middle ear is divided with inner membranes made of connective tissue. In the presence of infectious processes in the middle ear, the membranes swell and microorganisms easily penetrate through them. A tympanogenic form of labyrinthitis develops. The outflow of pus is difficult, the pressure inside the labyrinth increases.

Pathogenic microorganisms can enter the inner ear and from the membranes of the brain. IN in this case the cause is meningitis of various etiologies (influenza, tuberculosis, typhoid, etc.), causing the meningogenic form of the disease. The infection affects both ears. This type of labyrinthitis can cause deafness in a child.

Infection can occur in the inner ear when the membrane is damaged as a result of injury. The injury can be either direct (a needle, a pin, foreign body), and caused by damage to the temporal or occipital region due to impact.

The hematogenous form of labyrinthitis is very rare. It is caused by the pathogen entering from the blood and is not associated with an infection of the middle ear or meninges. This form can occur as a complication of syphilis, mumps, etc.

Labyrinthitis can be localized either in a separate area or spread to the entire inner ear.

Pathogens of labyrinthitis:

  • streptococci;
  • staphylococci;
  • Moraxella Catarrhalis;
  • tuberculosis bacteria;

Symptoms and signs of the disease

A patient with labyrinthitis may:

  • feel dizzy;
  • noise and pain in the ears;
  • balance is disturbed;
  • hearing decreases.

Symptoms become more obvious when sudden movements head, during procedures in the ear.

What do you know about this rather insidious disease of the hearing organs? Read a useful article about it.

Dizziness can be a sign of various diseases. With internal otitis it occurs 7-10 days after past illness bacterial etiology. Dizziness with labyrinthitis is systemic and regular.

The patient has the impression that surrounding objects are rotating. The duration of this state at acute form It can be a few seconds or hours. When does labyrinthitis occur? chronic form, dizziness occurs spontaneously and can last for several days. It may not be systemic and may intensify when sneezing, riding in public transport, etc.

Frequent reflex vibrations may indicate the presence of inflammation of the inner ear. eyeballs(nystagmus). This symptom occurs when the balance between the labyrinths is disorganized. First, nystagmus appears from the side of the inflamed ear, then it is redirected towards the healthy one.

Malfunction of the sound analyzer is visible in hearing loss and tinnitus. Hearing impairment is especially evident in the perception of high-frequency sounds. Labyrinthitis, accompanied by purulent formations, can lead to complete deafness on the affected side.

If the inflammatory process from the labyrinth extends to the trunk of the facial nerve, then there may be paralysis on the affected side.

His signs:

  • asymmetry of the tip of the nose;
  • disappearance of folds on the forehead when eyebrows are raised;
  • immobility of the corner of the mouth;
  • increased salivation;
  • dry eyeball;
  • inability to close an eye;
  • change in taste sensations;
  • better audibility in noisy environments.

Labyrinthitis may also be accompanied by pallor skin, vomiting, nausea, palpitations, sweating, discomfort in the heart area.

Diagnosis of the disease

If a person complains of the above symptoms, an examination is carried out. Need to do general analysis blood. To find out the etiology of dizziness, special tests are performed. If they do not reveal the picture of the disease, then additional diagnostics are necessary:

  • Electronystagmography - recording the reflexion of the eyeballs using electrodes. The type of movement determines the disease;
  • MRI, computed tomography make a visual picture of what is happening in the brain;
  • audiometry is a subjective study of a person's hearing acuity.

In order to determine which pathogen provoked the disease, a bacteriological examination of the material is prescribed.

Treatment of labyrinthitis

Drug therapy

Treatment of inflammation of the inner ear with conservative and surgical method. If labyrinthitis is limited in nature and is not complicated by purulent formations, carry out complex therapy, including several points.

After the doctor has diagnosed labyrinthitis, and the causative agent of the disease remains unknown, antibiotics are prescribed that can affect as many bacteria as possible.

Mostly prescribed antibacterial agents cephalosporin, penicillin series. Ototoxic antibiotics (Gentamicin) are not allowed.

In order to dehydrate the body, they resort to:

  • diet (limiting drinking to 1 liter per day and salt to 1/2 g);
  • taking diuretics and glucocorticoids;
  • intravenous administration of solutions of glucose, calcium chloride or magnesium sulfate.

To normalize trophic disorders in the structure of the labyrinth, vitamins B, K, C, P, and cocarboxylase are taken. Atropine preparations are administered intramuscularly.

To reduce the symptomatic manifestations of the disease, the following medications are taken:

  • antiemetics – eliminate nausea and vomiting during dizziness (phenegran, cerucal);
  • antihistamines - suprastin, diazolin, diphenhydramine, fenistil;
  • steroids - reduce inflammation (methylprednisolone);
  • scopolamine – an anticholinergic blocker in the form of a patch, reduces nausea and vomiting;
  • sedatives – diazepam, lorazepam, etc.

Surgical intervention

When occurs purulent form disease or the entire surface of the inner ear is affected due to a complication of otitis media, a sanitized general cavity trepanation is recommended with the elimination of pus in the labyrinthine cavity.

Before the operation, they undergo a planned 5-7 day medication treatment.

In complicated cases of purulent or necrotizing internal otitis, labyrinthectomy is performed - removal of the labyrinth. But such operations are very rare.

Folk remedies

resort to folk recipes only possible as aids, which enhance the effect of basic drugs.

  • Take 2 tablespoons of medicinal burnet roots, pour 2 cups of boiling water, and keep in a water bath for 30 minutes. Then strain the broth and drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
  • Add freshly squeezed onion juice V vegetable oil. Make a cotton swab and soak it in the mixture. Keep in the ear canal for several hours.

It is forbidden to apply a warm heating pad to the site of inflammation - pus can break into the cranial cavity.

Prevention of inflammation of the inner ear

The best prevention of inflammation of the inner ear is timely diagnosis and treatment of diseases that cause this complication.

And timely surgery can preserve hearing and prevent the transition of a limited form to a diffuse one. The appearance of the first signs of labyrinthitis, as well as purulent otitis media, should be a serious reason for going to the hospital.

Inflammation of the inner ear is not a widespread disease; no one can be immune from it. Since it is a complication of other inflammatory processes, it is very important to localize them promptly and correctly. Only A complex approach treatment and prevention give good results.

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Inner ear diseases are considered one of the most dangerous pathologies in the field of otolaryngology. The symptoms of all ailments in this group are similar, but the reasons for their appearance and the characteristics of their course may differ. It is important to pay enough attention to preventive measures. In the case of congenital ear pathologies, it is impossible to talk about prevention, but many forms of the disease are treatable.

Let's look at the most common diseases of the inner ear.


It is an inflammatory process and is also called internal otitis. Diffuse and limited labyrinthitis is distinguished. IN the latter case Partial damage to the ear occurs and the disease does not spread further.

Diffuse labyrinthitis affects the entire ear cavity and can cause deafness, including the bilateral variant. In addition, inflammation of the purulent and serous type is distinguished, which is characterized by the accumulation of fluid and does not carry with it negative consequences.

Purulent labyrinthitis leads to the active proliferation of bacteria in the ear cavity, the destruction of receptors and suppuration of the curls of the cochlea begins. Often leads to deafness.

Underdevelopment of the internal structure of the ear and neoplasms

This congenital pathology accompanied by impaired auditory perception. Sometimes it works through surgical intervention. However, if there is no cochlea or organ of Corti in the ear, the problem cannot be solved at the moment.

Tumors, cysts, growths of epithelial tissue and malignant neoplasms can be localized in one of the areas of the inner ear.

Cochlear type neuritis

This variety hearing loss occurs as a complication after suffering primary disease inner ear. Important receptors of the hearing organs are affected, including nerve endings. As a result, a functional disorder occurs in the conductive analyzer, when sound signals cease to be processed and transformed into nerve impulse transmitted to the brain.

Otosclerotic changes

In this case, we are talking about the growth of bone tissue in the cavity of the labyrinth, which causes blockage of the ear and its functioning, and subsequently becomes the cause of deafness. What other diseases of the middle and inner ear are there?

Pathological processes in the vestibular apparatus

When infectious pathogens penetrate the vestibular apparatus, coordination problems occur. In addition, pathologies accompanied by positional vertigo are observed. This is due to dysfunction of the semicircular canals and their injury. Meniere's disease is one of the most common diseases in this group. This syndrome due to increased content endolymph in the inner ear.

The most serious consequence listed diseases inner ear is a hearing impairment at the level neural connections. The hair receptors of the ear are destroyed and do not have the ability to recover. When an inflammatory process of the serous type occurs, the receptor islands can be preserved and even provide the patient with hearing.

Diseases of the inner ear of a purulent nature are the most dangerous, since they cause tissue necrosis and decomposition. The cochlea and organ of Corti are affected. Sensory hairs die and irreversible deafness occurs.

Causes and symptoms

Against the background of the inflammatory process, the patient experiences following symptoms diseases of the inner ear:

  • Pain directly in the ear and temporal bone, radiating to the back of the head or the entire half of the head.
  • Weakness and general malaise.
  • Loss of coordination and dizziness. This is a fairly common symptom in diseases of the inner ear.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Noise in ears.
  • Tachycardia.
  • Decreased auditory perception.

Against the background of damage to the inner ear, a pronounced pain syndrome, hearing deteriorates significantly, and disorientation and intoxication of the body also occurs.

Disturbances in the functioning of the inner ear can occur due to various reasons, including:

  1. Anomalies in development innate nature. Bad habits mothers, fetal underdevelopment, genetic factors, exposure to toxins and infectious agents can lead to disruption of intrauterine development.
  2. Trauma during delivery resulting from the use of forceps, obstructed labor, and deformation of the skull as it passes through the mother's birth canal.
  3. Traumatic brain injuries. This could be a blow or a fall from a height, a skull fracture, getting gunshot wound etc.
  4. from the inside. This can happen as a result of getting foreign objects into the ear cavity during surgery or barotrauma.
  5. An inflammatory process of an infectious or viral nature, including mastoiditis, otitis media, meningitis, tuberculosis, typhus, etc.
  6. Impact of the acoustic plan. Under prolonged influence of noise and sharp sounds gradual wear of the receptors occurs.
  7. Intoxication. Under the influence of alcohol, bacterial pathogens, drugs, various medications and other toxins, the body is poisoned. The environmental situation also plays an important role in this process.

In addition, an important place is occupied by various systemic lesions of the body, for example, stress, osteochondrosis cervical region, neurological and vascular pathologies.


There are several main ways that the inner ear can become infected, including:

  • Otogenic, occurring through the middle ear.
  • Meningogenic, resulting from damage to the brain and intracranial space.
  • Hematogenous, occurring through the bloodstream.

Localization of pathology, as well as the stage of development and the cause of its occurrence is carried out through special diagnostic methods. The process of identifying a disease involves the following activities:

  • Otoscopy.
  • Blood and urine examination.
  • Audiometry.
  • Samples with tuning forks.
  • CT and MRI.
  • X-ray examination.

If fluid begins to leak from the ear, samples are taken for testing. laboratory research for availability pathogenic bacteria which provoke inflammation. This test allows you to determine the sensitivity of harmful microflora to certain medications and prescribe appropriate treatment.

We examined in detail the symptoms and causes of inner ear diseases. Prevention and treatment are described below.


Not all pathological processes occurring in the inner ear are treatable. If the receptors die or scarring of the organ of Corti occurs, it is almost impossible to restore hearing qualities. In certain cases, cochlear hearing aids can help.

In other cases, therapy for pathologies of the inner ear provides the following treatment options:

  1. Taking medications. To stop the inflammatory process, as well as eliminate signs of intoxication, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ketorol, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac) are prescribed. In addition, medications are used to stimulate the vascular system (Asparkam, Ascorutin, Cardiohealth) and neurological processes. Sometimes the patient may be prescribed diuretics. The latter are especially relevant when inflammation is associated with fluid accumulation in the ear.
  2. Surgery. Sometimes purulent contents can only be removed by opening the labyrinth and cleansing it. In some cases, implantation and reconstructive procedures are performed.
  3. Physiotherapeutic methods. Some procedures promote tissue restoration and stimulate the functioning of the auditory organs.

If speak about medications, then “Diakarb” occupies a special place among them. In case of inner ear disease it is effective drug of synthetic origin, which is capable of removing excess fluid from the body, that is, it has the properties of diuretics. Purpose similar drugs in the treatment of otitis media is not obvious and in some cases causes bewilderment, however, it is not worth neglecting “Diacarb” for diseases of the inner ear, according to reviews, since in combination with other medicines it allows you to speed up the healing process.


As for prevention, you should devote a lot of time to a healthy lifestyle, as well as balanced diet, avoid stress and strengthen immunity vitamin complexes. Experts recommend using special breathing practices and therapeutic exercises to restore hearing.

Besides, important point prevention - maintaining ear hygiene. Avoid harsh sounds and prolonged exposure to noise, as well as ear injuries. You also need to promptly consult a doctor if you have otitis, since an untreated disease can affect your hearing and lead to relapses in a more severe form.

The article discusses the symptoms and causes of inner ear diseases.

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