What is conjunctivitis in dogs and how to deal with it. Follicular conjunctivitis in dogs: symptoms and treatment

Follicular conjunctivitisspecial shape inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye, which is more common in young dogs large breeds, and is characterized by the formation on its surface of multiple lymphoid follicles (small dense formations, with a diameter of 0.5 to 3 mm). The conjunctiva is the mucous membrane lining the inside of the eyelids (including the third) and the eyeball.

Follicular conjunctivitis usually develops with chronic stimulation of the surface of the conjunctiva either by antigens (a special form of allergic reaction) or with prolonged mechanical irritation (eg, entropion, exposure to dust). The presence of multiple follicles on the surface of the mucous membrane itself acts as a factor supporting inflammation, even if the initial stimulus has been removed from the animal’s environment - inflammation of the conjunctiva persists due to increased accumulation of lymphatic follicles.

Clinical signs and diagnosis

Follicular conjunctivitis at the reception is usually observed in young (up to 18 months) dogs of large breeds (St. Bernard, Central Asian Shepherd). The reason for the animal owner to contact a veterinarian is usually prolonged discharge from the eyes, red staining of the conjunctiva and third eyelid, sometimes the owner notes a narrowing of the palpebral fissure (chemosis). The diagnosis of follicular conjunctivitis is easily established upon examination inner surface mucous membrane of the eyelids and detection of a significant number of lymphoid follicles on its surface. Normally, the animal's conjunctiva contains moderate amount lymphoid follicles, with the disease their number increases significantly. Initially, a significant number of follicles are found on the surface of the third eyelid (nictitating membrane) facing the eye, but the disease can easily spread to the conjunctival fornix and cover the entire surface of the mucous membrane lining the upper and lower eyelids. When viewed in veterinary clinic, along with enlarged follicles, the veterinarian usually detects some degree of inflammation of the conjunctiva as well as the presence of mucous and/or purulent discharge.

IN in rare cases may be required cytological examination of the affected conjunctiva, when the animal is under anesthesia, tissue is scraped from the affected follicles, and a veterinary doctor under a microscope usually identifies the lymphoid origin of these formations in the smear.

Treatment and prognosis

Treatment of follicular conjunctivitis begins with removing possible predisposing factors from the dog’s environment, washing away the accumulated exudate from the eye (irrigation) with ordinary saline solution (3-4 times a day), followed by placing a solution or ointment with corticosteroids into the eye. If these procedures do not lead to success and resolution of the disease, the animal may be questioned about surgical correction diseases, but this type Interventions are optimally done only after the animal reaches 1 year of age. The essence surgical treatment– an attempt to scrape off excess follicles from the affected conjunctiva; for this, a blunt scalpel blade, a curette or a clamp covered with a gauze cloth can be used.

Follicles should not be subjected to complete surgical excision or destruction by various chemicals (eg silver nitrate), because lymphoid tissues play a significant role in the protective system of the eye and these manipulations can cause irreparable harm to the health of the animal.

The prognosis for follicular conjunctivitis is often favorable; a doctor at a veterinary clinic is usually able to either significantly reduce the manifestations of the disease (reduce the degree of inflammation) or lead to complete recovery of the mucous membrane of the eye.

Veterinary clinic of Dr. Shubin, Balakovo

It develops for many reasons and it depends on them how the disease will progress, what form it will take and what treatment the animal will need. This article describes the disease, its types, causes and symptoms, and also provides information on how to treat and prevent it. We also recommend reading up-to-date information about one more ocular pathology - keratitis.


Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane covering the inner surface of the eyelid and eyeball. In dogs and cats it can be acute or chronic, but, in any case, requires immediate treatment, since there is a possibility of complications, as a result of which the pet’s vision may deteriorate, up to its complete loss. There are several forms of this disease.


This form is with consequence mechanical damage conjunctiva or infectious eye diseases. It can be determined by hyperemia, severe swelling shells and a large number discharge from the eyes. Typically, catarrhal conjunctivitis begins with acute inflammation, which then becomes chronic.


Purulent conjunctivitis- the result of pathogenic microorganisms entering the damaged conjunctiva and development of an inflammatory process in it. It often spreads to both eyes at once, develops quickly and is acute. Features purulent conjunctivitis - an unpleasant-smelling grayish-yellow discharge that dries out before the eyes and forms crusts. When severe defeat inflammatory process, the cornea may also be affected, which can lead to darkening. For purulent conjunctivitis, be sure to immediate treatment, otherwise the animal may go blind.


This form of conjunctivitis often occurs in dogs prone to allergic reactions. The development of the disease begins with the contact of allergens on the membrane of the eye, which cause inflammation.


This type of conjunctivitis develops as a result contact with the eyes foreign bodies : dust, smoke, grains of sand, as a result of which the lymphatic follicles of the eyelids are affected. This form of the disease can also be a complication catarrhal form and in this case it proceeds chronically.


At chronic conjunctivitis changes in the membrane are rather weakly expressed: slight redness and cloudiness are noted, there is practically no discharge from the eyes. But, nevertheless, the disease continues long time, during which remissions are replaced by exacerbations.


There are many reasons that lead to the development of conjunctivitis in dogs. This:

  • traumatic damage to the shell as a result of playing or fighting;
  • contact with small foreign particles (dust, sand, blades of grass, insects) and smoke;
  • infectious diseases;
  • burns and frostbite;
  • draft;
  • chemical lesions of the conjunctiva;
  • tendency to ;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • deficiency of retinol in the body;
  • diseases of the lacrimal glands;
  • ingrown eyelashes.

In addition, conjunctivitis is more likely than others representatives of certain dog breeds are prone to, for example, such as Great Danes, Dobermans, Bulldogs, Yorkshire terriers(Yorkies) , Pekingese and . The risk of developing the disease in these pets increases due to the structural features of the eyes and eyelids, so owners of such animals need to be very careful about their health.


Conjunctivitis in dogs can be determined by the following signs. Regardless of the type and form of the disease, the following symptoms are present:

  • conjunctival hyperemia;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes and eyelids;
  • specific mucous or purulent-mucous discharge, liquid or thick, transparent or having a certain color;
  • eyelash loss;
  • local temperature increase.

In addition, symptoms such as blepharospasm, photophobia, enlarged and reddened follicles (with follicular conjunctivitis) may be observed; the palpebral fissure may narrow and stick together from pus, so it may be difficult for the animal to open the eye.

ATTENTION! You can notice that a dog has developed conjunctivitis by its behavior. Since the eyes are inflamed, this causes discomfort and pain to the animal. It becomes nervous, often squinting and scratching its eyes with its paws. May lose appetite and sleep more than usual.


What to do if you suspect your dog has conjunctivitis? Of course, take her to the vet. Only a specialist will be able to find out what kind of eye disease the animal has and how it needs to be treated. Diagnosis of conjunctivitis is aimed primarily at identifying the cause of inflammation.

During the examination, the doctor determines the condition of the eye shell, eyelids and eyelashes, and conducts dermatological tests. May need general analysis blood, which will show how severe the inflammation is and conducting a study PCR method, based on the results of which it will be possible to say whether bacteria or viruses caused the inflammation or whether it is a consequence of an allergic reaction.

How to treat?

Depending on the type of disease, the severity of its course and symptoms, treatment is prescribed. Conjunctivitis bacterial origin treat those who have wide range actions. For example, a veterinarian can prescribe to a “patient” Cefotaxime, Sinulox, Sumamed and other drugs that have a similar effect. To treat conjunctivitis, your veterinarian may also recommend medications such as:

  • eye drops (Anandin, Tsiprovet, Maksidin, etc.);
  • saline solution to cleanse tear ducts;
  • chlortetracycline, tetracycline, etazol ointment for eyelid treatment;
  • medicinal eye films applied to the conjunctiva;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs in tablet form.

To increase the natural strength of the body, immunomodulators and vitamins are added to the main treatment with antibiotics.

Treatment at home

Treatment of conjunctivitis is carried out mainly at home, since the dog owner himself can cope with it. A veterinarian should tell you in detail how and how to treat this disease at home. The owner can only follow his instructions.

Before applying medications, you need to clear the dog’s eyes of discharge. To do this, use a cotton swab dipped in chamomile decoction, strong tea leaves, Furacillin solution or simply in boiled water, wipe the eyelid and area around the eyes where discharge has accumulated. Moreover, both eyes need to be treated, regardless of whether one of them has inflammation or not. For processing, use different cotton wool, which must be thrown away later.

After cleansing use eye drops, ointments or other medications. Carry out the treatment as many times a day as required for complete cure. After the procedure, wash your hands with soap and do not touch your face.

To prevent the dog from reaching its eyes with its paw, it must be put on a collar, in which she will remain until the end of treatment. During therapy, it is better to limit walks with the animal to a minimum so that the pet, while on the street, cannot catch an infection or injure the sore eye with something. The course of treatment takes on average 2 weeks, but can last less or longer - it all depends on the severity of the inflammation.

For treatment allergic conjunctivitis , first of all, you will need antihistamines to reduce the manifestations of an allergic reaction. Once this happens, the symptoms of inflammation should subside.

Fortreatment of purulent conjunctivitis antibiotics are used in various forms: in the form of eye drops, ointments, tablets.

REFERENCE! Dogs do not always swallow pills on their own; very often they refuse them. You can give a pill to an animal like this: wrap it in a treat that it definitely won’t refuse, for example, a thin piece of meat. Or you can dissolve the tablet in water, then draw the liquid into a syringe without a needle and pour it into the dog's mouth by inserting the syringe between the teeth and closing its mouth with your hand.

Treatment of follicular conjunctivitis in dogs, it consists of washing the eyes with saline solution and treating them with corticosteroid ointments or instilling a solution with these substances into the eyes. If such treatment turns out to be ineffective, then surgery to remove the affected follicles is possible. Naturally, it is carried out in a veterinary clinic by a doctor, and not by the dog owner. The age of the animal that can undergo such an operation is over 1 year.

Is treatment possible with folk remedies?

Treatment folk remedies Conjunctivitis is also possible, but only if the inflammation is mild and began recently. To wash your eyes you can use:

  • strong tea;
  • chamomile decoction;
  • light pink solution of potassium permanganate;
  • weak solution boric acid;
  • decoction of calendula, rosemary or eyebright.

The dog needs to rinse the eyes several times a day, since these products still do not have such strong effect, How synthetic drugs, therefore, the effect of them can only be obtained during frequent use.


To prevent your dog from getting conjunctivitis again, you need to take some precautions. For example:

  • feed the animal correctly, choosing the diet so that the body receives all the necessary elements;
  • replace food that causes allergies in your pet;
  • clean the bedding on which the animal sleeps at least once a week, choosing a gentle one household chemicals and rinsing things well so that no detergent remains in them;
  • choose things for your dog made from natural materials;
  • organize for her sleeping area where there is no draft;
  • promptly treat infections, both ocular and internal;
  • limit the interaction of a healthy animal with dogs, cats and people sick with conjunctivitis;
  • examine your pet’s eyes after walks and if redness, watery eyes, swelling and other symptoms are detected, immediately contact a veterinarian;
  • ensure that the dog does not freeze during walks in winter;
  • Get vaccinated against common viral diseases in a timely manner.

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Conjunctivitis (inflammation of the conjunctiva) is one of the most common lesions of the eye area. However, it rarely manifests itself as an independent disease, so metabolic disorders and some infectious diseases should be taken into account.

Examination of the conjunctiva

The conjunctiva is a thin transparent mucous membrane, which is like a tight connective tissue covers back surface century. The space between the eyelid area and eyeball called conjunctival sac. Key Features conjunctiva is to:

  • prevent drying of the cornea,
  • ensure mobility of the eyelids and eyeball,
  • protect the eye from microorganisms and foreign bodies.

The conjunctiva can perform all these functions only if the eyelids and lacrimal apparatus are in impeccable condition.

When examining the eyes, pay attention to the color and condition of the conjunctiva - by pulling back the lower eyelid or pressing on the upper. Normal condition The conjunctiva is characterized by:

  • pale pink color,
  • smooth surface,
  • moderate moisture.

The most important symptom of almost all lesions of the conjunctiva is its redness, which is caused by a large number eye diseases, the cause of which does not primarily concern the conjunctiva.

The main general signs of conjunctivitis in dogs

  • discharge from the eyes (watery, mucous, purulent),
  • narrow palpebral fissure,
  • blinking,
  • closing an eye,
  • redness,
  • swelling of the conjunctiva,
  • formation of bubbles (chronic course).

Treatment of conjunctivitis is initially aimed at hygienic treatment of the eye and the use of various eye medicines(depending on the nature of the inflammation). These may be drops or ointments containing glucocorticoids or antibiotics. Active ingredients they are aimed at reducing swelling, itching and excessive tearing; have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

Types of conjunctivitis in dogs

Depending on the course of the disease, the disease in dogs is divided into three groups. It is important to determine the exact cause of conjunctivitis in a dog, since this directly determines how to treat your pet.

Catarrhal conjunctivitis

Reasons catarrhal conjunctivitis, as a rule, can be:

  • redness,
  • lacrimation,
  • viscous mucous discharge,
  • swelling of the eyelids
  • In the case of “food” allergic conjunctivitis, the dog is transferred to hypoallergenic diet. At natural feeding the dog is fed only buckwheat or rice with boiled beef. If your pet eats dry food, then almost every brand industrial feed There are hypoallergenic lines that contain suitable ingredients.
  • If conjunctivitis occurs due to dust, small hairs, pollen, etc. The dog's eyes must first be washed. To do this, apply 10-20 ml to the upper outer corner of the eye from a syringe without a needle. saline solution(the price of a bottle is about 40 rubles) or chamomile decoction (packaging in filter bags costs 60 rubles).
  • You can put drops into your eyes after hygienic cleaning eye drops Maxitrol. Apply 1-2 drops to the upper corner of the eye every 4-6 hours until full recovery. The cost of the drug is 380 rubles.
  • In case of a severe allergic reaction (swelling, excessive lacrimation), dogs are given antihistamine. The following drugs are well suited for animals: Suprastin (1/2 tablet per 10 kg of weight), Cetirizine (1/4 tablet per 10 kg of weight). average price for Suprastin is 130 rubles, a package of Cetirizine is 80 rubles.

Purulent conjunctivitis

Dogs do not experience spontaneous purulent conjunctivitis without local irritation to the eye or systemic disease(for example, plague).

The main reasons may be:

  • Canine adenovirus, canine distemper,
  • dry keratoconjunctivitis,
  • entry of foreign bodies,
  • trichiasis,
  • ectopia of eyelashes (irregularly growing eyelashes),
  • the palpebral fissure is too large,
  • blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids),
  • keratitis
Symptoms of purulent conjunctivitis:
  • purulent discharge from the eyes
  • accumulation of yellow-green crusts in the area of ​​the organ of vision,
  • sometimes the local temperature is increased,
  • moderately reddened eyelids,
  • possibly photophobia.
  • Treatment of purulent conjunctivitis in dogs is aimed at suppressing pathogenic microflora with the help of antibiotics.
  • To begin with, the dog's eyes are cleaned of crusts and discharge. This is done using a cotton pad soaked in Furacilin solution. The cotton pad is used strictly once; you cannot wipe your eyes with the same pad again, even if it seems that there is no dirt on it!
  • Next, drops for dogs containing an antibiotic are instilled into the upper outer corner of the eye. To do this, use Tsiprovet drops (1-2 drops in the affected eye, every 4-6 hours, for 7-14 days), Tobrex (also, 1-2 drops for 7 days, every 4-6 hours). The price of Tsiprovet is 130 rubles, Tobrex is about 188 rubles (an analogue could be Tobropt for 134 rubles).
  • If the use of drops is not suitable for any reason (some drugs can cause the dog discomfort), then Tetracycline eye ointment is perfect. Apply a strip of ointment 2-3 times a day to the lower eyelid and lightly massage the eye to distribute the medication evenly. The duration of treatment is 7-14 days. The price of the ointment is 50 rubles.
  • Treatment of concomitant pathologies (blepharitis, keratitis, etc.).
  • If purulent conjunctivitis in a dog is a symptom viral infection(plague), it is important to consult a doctor to provide timely general care to your pet.

Purulent conjunctivitis in puppies

Occurs under closed eyelids (after birth), the pathology is also called “physiological ankyloblepharon.” The cause of inflammation can be intrauterine infections.

  • swelling of the closed eye,
  • Characteristic discharge accumulates in the inner corner of the eye.
  • a closed eye is opened manually or surgically,
  • the sore eye is cleaned of secretions with a cotton swab dipped in chamomile decoction,
  • prescribe antibacterial eye ointments.

Follicular conjunctivitis

Chronic inflammation of the conjunctiva in young dogs, with formation on inside centuries of translucent bubbles in the form of blackberries. Often associated with breed-specific eyelid pathology (brachycephalic dogs, dogs with drooping eyelids) and enlargement of the third eyelid gland.

  • swelling of the conjunctiva,
  • the presence of enlarged lymphatic vesicles on the inner surface of the conjunctiva (on the side of the eyeball),
  • discharge from the eyes of a mucous or mucopurulent nature,
  • sore eyelids,
  • dried crusts may accumulate on the eyelids,
  • redness of the mucous membranes of the eyes,
  • photophobia,
  • closing the palpebral fissure,
  • lacrimation,
  • In most cases, follicular conjunctivitis heals spontaneously during the first year of life.
  • In case of complications and prolonged form, eye ointment with antibiotics and glucocorticoids should be used 3 times a day for 3 weeks.
  • Before each application of eye ointment, dogs are cleaned of secretions with a cotton pad moistened with chamomile decoction or furatsilin solution.
  • Then a strip of up to 0.5 cm of Hydrocortisone eye ointment (price about 130 rubles) is applied to the dog’s lower eyelid.
  • After 15 minutes (it is important to maintain an interval between the use of ointments!) an ointment containing an antibiotic is applied in the same way. In veterinary medicine, as a rule, they use Tetracycline eye ointment (price from 35 rubles).
  • If frequent relapses are observed, then the entire conjunctiva (except for the inner surface of the third eyelid) is scraped off with a special instrument and cauterized with 2% silver nitrate 3 times a day. From the 3rd day, eye ointments with antibiotics and glucocorticoids are prescribed 3 times a day for a week.
  • It is recommended that the dog wear a protective collar during treatment.

How to give a dog a pill?

  • In many cases, the tablet can be wrapped in a piece of meat or other treat that the dog will happily eat.
  • If the pet eats a treat, but the tablet remains unswallowed, in this case you can use more radical measures. To do this, before giving the tablet, prepare a small amount of water, for example, in a syringe without a needle.
  • The dog's upper jaw is grabbed with one hand from above so that the index and thumb held the mouth behind the fangs.
  • With the second hand, place the tablet on the root of the tongue (you can use tweezers) and immediately close the mouth, holding it closed.
  • Raising the lip, a small amount of water is injected between the teeth from a syringe, thereby forcing the dog to make swallowing movements.
  • After 15-20 seconds, the dog is released and observed whether the pet managed to swallow the tablet.

Some drugs can be crushed into powder and given with a small amount of water.

Eye diseases in dogs are a problem that practicing veterinarians encounter quite regularly. As a rule, you have to deal with conjunctivitis. Again, most often this disease is a consequence of contamination of the conjunctival cavity with pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora. But sometimes there are cases whose occurrence is much more difficult to explain. This is exactly what “extraordinary” is follicular conjunctivitis in dogs.

Many owners do not understand the importance of conjunctival tissue. But in vain, because the health of your pet’s eyes directly depends on its condition. This is due to several factors at once. Firstly, the conjunctival tissue itself produces a special secretion that sharply reduces friction and facilitates the sliding of the lower surface of the eyelids along the eyeball at the moment of blinking. Secondly, secretion is poured into the conjunctival cavity itself lacrimal glands(i.e. tears). It also reduces friction and also contains some bactericidal compounds that prevent the growth and development of pathogenic and opportunistic microflora, even if it gets into the eyes.

Thus, for inflammatory pathologies of the conjunctiva protective properties deteriorate sharply, which can lead to extreme unpleasant consequences, one of which is keratitis or glaucoma in general. But this is not all “surprises”. Directly in the conjunctiva itself there are many layers of lymphoid tissue, which are responsible for protecting the eyes in the event of penetration of pathogenic microflora. In some cases, this tissue can become inflamed and swell, which leads to the formation of lymphoid follicles. The disease is severe and is fraught with the development of many ophthalmological problems.

Clinical picture

Everything with her is quite simple, the symptoms are quite difficult to confuse with something else. First, small neoplasms of a “wart-like” appearance, reddish-gray in color, appear on the surface of the conjunctival membrane. Developing severe swelling third century, it “slides” down, becoming visible. Copious discharge of catarrhal-purulent exudate is observed from the corners of the eye, which is why the hair under the eyes is constantly stuck together and the skin is irritated. The eyelids are very painful; at the slightest pressure on them, the animal begins to whine or growl. If inflammation develops over a sufficiently long period of time, corneal damage may occur. In particular, when special fluorescent compounds are applied, fairly deep corneal ulcers can be easily seen.

Because of all of the above, it becomes physically painful for the dog to look at light sources, which is why it tries to spend as much time as possible huddled in the farthest corner of the apartment or enclosure. Severe blepharospasm is possible, in which the dog cannot open his eyes at all.

Predisposing factors

There is still a lot that is unclear about this issue. Veterinary specialists still cannot identify all the causes of the development of the disease, and therefore it is believed that this type of inflammation of the conjunctival tissue develops when several unfavorable factors coincide:

  • Initial predisposition. So far, experts have little data and it is too early to talk about specific breeds, but practicing veterinarians have good reason to believe that all varieties of bulldogs, some beagles, and long-suffering dogs are most often affected. german shepherds, who already have enough hereditarily transmitted pathologies.
  • Viral infections. Considering that viruses quickly spread throughout the body, settling in large numbers in the lymphoid tissue, the theory looks quite plausible.
  • Chronic inflammation of the conjunctiva of bacterial etiology. Everything is logical here too. Pus is a fairly aggressive compound from a chemical point of view. If it constantly comes into contact with such a delicate tissue, which is the conjunctiva, for a long time, it will certainly not end well.
  • Allergic reactions. Here we return again to the presumed autoimmune nature of the disease. Very often, chronic allergies lead to the body starting to attack itself. And in in this case acts as a target lymphoid tissue conjunctival cavity.

Therapeutic techniques

Unlike cats, in which follicular conjunctivitis is quite rare, this pathology is diagnosed much more often in dogs. Because of this, the treatment of the inflammatory process was “polished” for quite a long time.

  • Three drops of Albucid are instilled into each eye three times a day. The drug is based on sulfonamide compounds, so that with regular use it helps prevent the development purulent inflammation and protects the cornea from ulcerative lesions.
  • Also used dexamethasone in the form of 0.1% eye drops. Place two drops in each eye. Frequency of application – twice a day. The drug belongs to the class of anti-inflammatory corticosteroids. These drugs not only help stop the inflammatory process, but also slow down autoimmune reactions. Considering that many experts consider follicular conjunctivitis to be autoimmune pathology, this is important.
  • In addition, twice a day the conjunctival cavity is “stuffed” with 1% tetracycline ointment. It's simple and reliable means helps cope with the inflammatory process and destroys most of the pathogenic microflora.
  • Hydrocortisone ointment containing 0.5% is also useful active drug. It is placed into the conjunctival cavity once a day. Hydrocortisone is also an anti-inflammatory corticosteroid, and therefore the medicine has the same effect as dexamethasone drops.
  • Relatively recently, in the treatment of follicular conjunctivitis, they began to use Ribotan. It's biological active drug, used once every five days, intramuscularly. The dose for one “average” dog is one milliliter. The advantage of the medicine is to accelerate regeneration processes.

Additional treatment methods

If the case is advanced, it is recommended surgical intervention , during which the inflamed follicles are literally scraped out using a Volkmann spoon for this purpose. The main goal is radical method– ensuring unimpeded access of drugs to the site of inflammation.

In some foreign and domestic sources there is information that such an operation is supposedly quite possible to carry out only under local anesthesia, but in reality it is strongly not recommended to do this. Without general anesthesia the risk of animal resistance is too great, which can lead to total loss them eyes. In addition, the pain reaction when manipulating the conjunctiva is so strong that even after placing the pet under anesthesia, it is necessary to additionally inject a lidocaine solution into the eye. Only after this can the doctor turn up the third eyelid and scrape off the inflamed follicles. After the operation, the conjunctival cavity is washed with a solution of furacillin and “stuffed” with tetracycline ointment.

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eye covering the eyeball. This common occurrence found in cats and dogs. Conjunctivitis is accompanied by redness of the eyes, exudate, purulent discharge, swelling and closing of the eyes, as well as in some cases There is a lack of tear fluid. General lethargy and weakness of dogs and cats, loss of appetite.

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Reasons conjunctivitis in dogs and cats are allergic reaction for dust, wool, plants, insects, smoke, medications, eye injuries, cleaning products, fungal diseases and infectious or viral diseases.

Forms of conjunctivitis

1. Catarrhal

Tearfulness, blepharospasm, photophobia, mucosal hyperemia. From the eyes of cats and dogs, there is an outflow of mucous exudate, which accumulates in the corner of the eye and sticks the eyelashes together. The conjunctiva of the eye is swollen, the eyelids lose contact with the eye, and the eyeball sinks inward. It occurs in acute or chronic form.


How to treat conjunctivitis in dogs and cats will tell you in a veterinary clinic, they will most likely recommend various astringents and cauterizing agents, as well as drops, for strong form diseases will be added with Dicaine. At home, you can wash your eyes with tea leaves or chamomile. In any case, you should consult your veterinarian.

2. Purulent

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes of dogs and cats is caused by staphylococci and streptococci, as well as infectious diseases such as plague. very similar to catarrhal, only the symptoms are more pronounced and purulent in nature, and can lead to blindness. There is clouding of the eye and swelling of the conjunctiva can reach such a size that the eye protrudes from the palpebral fissure and is pinched by the eyelids. In some places, the mucous membrane is necrotic, the submucosal tissue is exposed (ulcers, erosions); in this case, fusion of the eyelids with the eyeball is observed. The disease occurs over a long period of time. Purulent conjunctivitis in dogs and cats is quite common.


At home, you can wash your eyes with tea leaves to remove purulent discharge. You should immediately contact your veterinarian, who will most likely advise you to rinse the animal's eyes with a 3% boric acid solution. After rinsing, apply an ointment of antibiotics and sulfonamides to the corner of the eye, which must be used frequently and for a long time, such as Protorgol and Collargol. Before use, consult a veterinarian. You can also use pain relieving ointments. At acute forms antibiotics are administered intramuscularly ( sulfa drugs). With timely treatment, the prognosis is favorable.

3. Follicular

Follicular conjunctivitis in dogs and cats is chronic inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye and hyperplasia (increased number structural elements tissue) lymphatic follicles, which resemble a bunch of small dark red grapes on the inner surface of the third eyelid. The main inflammation occurs in this area. When the follicles blink, the animal's cornea is injured, which causes discomfort. There is photophobia, redness on the conjunctiva of the eye, mucous purulent discharge, itching, a swollen third eyelid, and blepharospasm. This disease is seen mainly in purebred cats and dogs. Occurs due to intoxication infectious diseases, metabolic disorders, allergic reactions. After illness, relapses occur.


First aid that you can provide at home before your visit veterinarian- This is to wash your eyes with strong tea or chamomile decoction. This will remove purulent discharge and relieve inflammation of the eye. The veterinary clinic will carry out a number of procedures, using bactericidal agents, ointments, drops, antibiotics, solutions with novocaine, sulfonamides, and corticosteroids. Good results with novocaine blockade of the upper cervical sympathetic node. Preparations according to V.P. Filatov are especially effective.

Diagnosis should primarily be aimed at identifying primary cause, since conjunctivitis is mainly secondary disease. Therefore, it is best to make a general clinical analysis blood, virological and bacteriological studies. Using this, you can determine whether this disease occurs from bacteria, infections, viral origin, or is it an allergic reaction to exposure external factors such as pollen, scratch, dust and more.


All rules for keeping cats and dogs must be followed. Balanced diet, high quality feed, timely treatment diseases causing eye diseases and timely vaccinations (vaccinations).

Before using any medications, you should consult a specialist doctor. There are contraindications.

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